Fantasy RP Blood Treaty (Firestarter)

Ever since the beginning there we two rival vampire kingdoms, each having their own strengths. The two rival kingdoms have always been at war, never being able to see eye to eye.

After centuries of fighting and death the two kingdoms finally agree on signing a peace treaty both sides agreed to meet up and discuss the agreements.

Carlotta huffed and stared out of the window of her carriage as it slowly approached the castle of her long time rival. She wanted nothing more than to just turn around and go back home, but she promised that a treaty would be made today. Once the carriage stopped at the entrance to the castle, Carlotta stepped out and looked up at the towering structure. Her white hair glowed in the moonlight while her blood red makeup and pedant necklace showed off her pale skin tone. "Let's get this over with so I can head home as soon as possible." She said to herself, trying to remain calm to avoid any fighting.
Nianna was in no rush to meet up with her rivals but she wasn't going to be late. She kept her carriage windows closed and sat back in her seat with her eyes closed she sipped her drink quietly as her carriage thumped against thr ground.

She stayed silent for most of the ride except for the occasional order to her maids.
(Carlotta is so pretty!!)
Carlotta became impatient as she waited for the other party to arrive. Once she saw a carriage approaching she clenched her fists and scoffed. "Could possibly go any slower? I don't have the time or patience for this." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and glared at the carriage. Her most trusted maid stood behind her and tried to calm Carlotta down, but it was just barely working.

(Thank you! Nianna is absolutely gorgeous!)
As Nianna's carriage came to a stop she one of her manservants took her hand and helped her step out. She eyed the white haired vampire with a neutral look on her face, she could tell that she was annoyed but that only made Nianna smirk, "Hello.." She said walking towards Carlotta and her maid, "You must be Carlotta.."
"Just follow me inside and I will lead you to the meeting hall." Without waiting, Carlotta turned and started to head inside of the castle as her maid, Trista, followed closely behind her. Carlotta glanced back at Nianna for just a moment as she walked through the halls. This woman held herself as though she was owed this meeting. Did she think that Carlotta and her loved ones did not suffer from the centuries long war? "Keep up please, we wouldn't want you getting lost now would we?"
"I don't mind getting lost, I like finding my way, I don't like being spoon fed." Nianna said replied quickly as her maid shook her head, "That's not how you're supposed to be talking to Princess Carlotta... Her maid murmured to Nianna, "I can't help it, it's what I do." Nianna said to her maid and continued to keep her pace.
Carlotta clenched her fists and kept her head high as she bit her tongue while Trista closed her eyes tightly, half expecting Carlotta to lose her temper. As mad as she was, Carlotta refused to lower herself to Nianna's level. "It is perfectly fine, a true Princess knows how to watch her tongue." Carlotta glanced back at her guests with a hint of a glare in her eyes. "Nianna just needs some more training."
Carlotta gritted her teeth and turned to face Nianna. Her eyes were glowing red yet her breathing and voice remained calm. "And a true princess knows how to respect her hostess. Now let us both honor our titles and just get this treaty worked out already." With that she turned back around and forced open the massive doors to the grand meeting hall. A large table lined with ornately carved chairs sat in the center while the walls were decorated with the portraits of Carlotta's ancestors. "Please, take a seat where ever you wish, my servants will be bringing us some refreshments shortly."
Nianna couldn't keep her laugh hushed as she watched Carlotta turn to her, "I didn't disrespect anyone, at least I didn't start it." She said with a shrug sitting at the end of the table, she took of one of her clawed gloves and set it down on the table as she observed the room. Her maid handed her a rolled up scroll and stepped back, "Thank you Misty." She said towards the maid and sat back in her chair.
Carlotta took a slow, deep breath and sat down across from Nianna. She kept her hands resting gently on top on the table as Trista brought over two ink pots with quills for each of them to sign the treaty once everything was agreed upon. "So what is the first item that you want to discuss in regards to this treaty?" As Carlotta wanted to instantly get down to business, her servants brought in the before mentioned refreshments. Crystal goblets of fresh blood were placed next to both Nianna and Carlotta along with some simple snacks in case Nianna was hungry from her travels.
Carlotta tilted her head in slight confusion as Misty grabbed the plate. Did Nianna think that she was no allowed to enjoy the refreshments without permission? "Just one moment. I know I never stated anything about this, which is entirely my fault, but any one of your maids or helping hands is allowed to partake in the food on this table. We Bertrands don't refuse our servants a seat at the table like other families."
"No, half is perfectly fine. So long as the new border that will be created between the two halves is respected and made clear to everyone, there shouldn't be any problems with that." Carlotta glanced down at Nianna's nails. If a single scratch were to be made on the custom carved table they sat around, she would probably lose any and all sense of control. "What is the next item then?"
"Reimbursement? What about the damages we have suffered from the war as well? Does that mean nothing?" Carlotta clenched her fists in her lap as she stared at Nianna. How could her side be the only ones being forced to pay for damages when more than half of her people were living on the streets due to the war? "If we are to make things fair then both sides should have to reimburse each other."
"Yes reimbursement. I don't come up with the terms my father does. I'll send word to him about this conversation so we can discuss it later." She stopped tapping her nails on the table, "It means more to us than you know, but as you should know my father knows you can't bring his wife back so he settled on a reimbursement...You're not the only kingdom who lost something valuable during the war princess." She said glaring, "I think we should finish this tomorrow, I'm feeling quite tired."
Carlotta didn't want to believe it, but Nianna was right. Both sides of the war had been tortured by loss. "Very well, let me show you to your room then." She stood and kept her hands clasped gently in front of herself as she started to walk out of the room. She had lost so many friends and family members from the war that it made it hard for her to think about what Nianna might have suffered.
Carlotta soon opened the door to a massive room that held a large bed with a sheer fabric that formed a canopy over it. Black and red curtains that framed the opening to the balcony that gave the most magnificent view of the land. Across from the bed was a large fireplace that was already burning brightly to keep the room warm. "This is where you will be staying for the night. I have other rooms already set up like this on for all of your maids and servants that have accompanied you. They just need to follow Trista and they will be shown to their individual rooms." Carlotta looked back at Nianna while a soft yet neutral expression. "Is there anything else you require before you go to bed?"
"Of course, let me personally see to this for you." Carlotta left the room for only a moment before coming back with two glasses of fresh, warm, blood and handed it to Nianna. Her soft fingers ever so gently grazed against Nianna's as the cup passed between their hands. Carlotta tried to ignore their brief physical contact as she raised her own glass slightly and looked into Nianna's eyes. "A toast, to both our houses for working to create a fair and just treaty."

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