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General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"Kalin, I was called an idiot, a daddy's boy, a player, and whimp, everything in the book. Even to this day, the board members try to bring up one fuck up I made in my early days of working there in hopes of getting me out of the company. I don't let it stop me though, because I know that at the end of the day I'm working my ass off." Derek steps a little closer to Kalin and cups the other's cheek gently, "I know I can't expect you to brush things off like me, but I do want you to know that no matter what anyone says, I will always be right there for you. Not just because you're my partner either, but beavsue you're the best damn employee I have there."
Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek slowly follows Kalin inside, closing the door before sitting on the couch with the other. He gently wraps an arm behind Kalin while placing his other hand on Kalin's knee, "Baby, please. Just talk to me and tell me everything that is going on in your mind. I promise I will deal with Alyssa as soon as possible."
Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek huffs and rolls his eyes, "You were just enjoying life. Kalin, come one. How many different women had I been with from the time you started to right before we got together?" Derek places his hand on Kalin's cheek and gently makes him look up so Derek can see his eyes, "It doesn't matter how many people you slept with. You are still the same amazing, hardworking, intelligent, and crafty person who I would do anything to be with."
Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek smiles and kisses Kalin's nose softly, "But nothing. You think I didn't hop into the first available bed when I was younger and in college? It doesn't matter to me and it definitely shouldn't matter to someone who doesn't know you." Derek huffs a laugh and pets Kalin's hair, "Do you want to know something about Alyssa from before you joined the company?"
Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek shakes his head and laughs, "Hell no, I was on the verge of being overly careful about that."

He sighs and pushes his finger's through his hair, "Alyssa had to be put on a 3 month watch after her first year with the company since she was constantly bringing new guys to the office. She was even caught having sex with one of them in the women's bathroom at work once. I try to make sure to always give everyone a second chance, so I didn't fire her when it happened. Now I'm regretting that decision."
Local Time:
8:00 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek blows the furry away playfully and smiles at Stary before looking at Kalin with a devious grin, "There's a difference with us, because the company is mine and I didn't do it in a way where it caused problems for the other employees." Derek wraps his arms around Kalin and pulls him close, "Alyssa was bring men from the street that harassed the other female employees and had sex in an open bathroom. She wasn't in a stall either. She was sitting on the bathroom counter. Jessica from marketing walked in on them and damn near ran out screaming." Derek laughs and shakes his head at the memory.
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