General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Keith laughs and shakes his head, "Oh you will. Youll be obsessed with and only serve me." He grabs Kalin by his shirt and yanks his closer, "And I think it's about time I remind you just go good I can make you feel."

He rips Kalin's shirt open before ripping off his shorts, staring down at the other's naked body. "I've missed seeing this body of yours."
Keith smirks and bites his lip, "Still a little shy. Don't worry, I know how to fix that." He quickly lifts Kalin over his shoulder and carries him to the room, slapping his ass hard before throwing him onto the bed.

Back in the city, Derek taps his fingers on his desk, checking his phone ever 2 minutes along with sending Kalin text after text, "Come on baby, where are you?"
Keith throws Kalin face down onto the bed and slaps his ass again. "God, I've been waiting for this for so long. You have no idea how much my cock as ached for you, baby."

He removes his shirt and slowly unzips his pants, pulling them down just enough to let his cock spring free. "I would loosen you up, but I can't wait any longer, you understand don't you baby?" He chuckles as he grabs Kalin's hips and rubs his cock between the other's ass cheeks.

Sensing something is wrong, Derek speeds home as fast as he can, damn near breaking down the door. "KALIN?! KALIN WHERE ARE YOU?" His heart races as he tries to find Kalin. As he walks into the room, something catches his eye. A brown leather wallet that lay on the floor. Picking it up and checking the ID, Derek starts to heave and growl with a demonic look in his eyes, "Keith....."
Keith belts out laughing, "That fuck boy will be shot in the head the moment I see him! That is if I don't make him watch me fuck you first." He grabs his cock and teases Kalin's ass, lightly pushing against his entrance. "I hope you're ready baby, because I'm going to make you scream my name, just like you used to."

Like a bat out of hell, Derek speeds through the street on his motor cycle. He had tabs kept on Keith ever since that day outside of the Cafe, and his people knew exactly where he was. Within half the time it took for Keith to get there, Derek quickly pulled up to the house and climbed off his bike, tucking his glock into the back waist band of his pants.
Keith stumbles back a bit, pressing his hand to his stomach as he glares at Kalin, "I was going to take it easy on you, let you adjust to being filled by my cock again, but now, im going to fuck you so hard you fucking cry and beg for me to stop." Keith lunges at Kalin, shoving his face into the bed before forcing himself deep inside the other.

Derek hears what sounds like screaming and throws himself at the door, "KALIN! KALIN!" He screams before kicking in the front door, sending it flying off the hinges.
Kalin cries out and closes his eyes before reaching back, gripping Keith's hair in one hand, while his opposite elbow slammed back into his face. He twists his hips, using Keith's weight again at him as he rolls the other off him.

He sit up, and punches him in the face. He brings his knee up between Keith's legs, kneeing his balls. "You, fucking asshole!!"
Derek glares at Keith, his stare alone threatening to ring the life from Keith's body. He removes his jacket and drapes it over Kalin's shoulders, covering him up and pats his head gently. "No, you let me handle this. I have a promise I made that I intend to keep..." he pulls the glock from his waist band and hands it to Kalin, "Keep a good distance, I don't want you getting hurt."
Derek kisses Kalin back before turning to look at Keith. Instantly his muscles flex and his breathing grows heavy. "You broke into my home, kidnapped Kalin, and had the FUCKING BALLS TO TRY RAPING HIM!" He quickly picks Keith up by his throat and holds him in the air, "I warned you last time. I said if you ever touch Kalin again, it would be the end of you." Growling viciously. Derek throws Keith as hard as he can against the wall, causing there to be a massive hole. He lunges at Keith, slamming his fists into Keith's face over and over again as blood spews from the man's mouth. Derek then grabs his head and headbutts him hard before throwing Keith through the door way. Stalking up to him with balled up fists, he dodges Keith's weak attempts at throwing items at him. He charges towards Keith, slamming him into another wall before lifting the man up in air and throwing him back down onto the ground.
Kalin bites his lip and then sighs heavily, "Don't kill him, babe. Last thing we need is a murder charge, self defense or not." He pulls Derek's jacket tight around him. "Plus, he'll sffer more in jail. I'm sure with your money you could gt him a lifetime sentence." He nuzzles his face into the jacket, grumbling.
Derek pants heavily and stares down at Keith's bloodied body, listening to his cries of pain. "You're fucking lucky Kalin is here, otherwise there would be no way to recognize you other than a fucking DNA sample."

He spits on Keith's face before walking back over to Kalin and pulling him into a protective embrace, "Are you alright?"

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