General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Kalin scowls, crossing his arms with a pout. "You see how I am with my friends! How we act around each other. Jokes, slurs, bordering on racist-" He smirks slightly.

"AND you say you love every part of my, so why don't you give me the chance to do the same for you? I can't love every part of you if you keep a part from me."
Esmeralda smiles and leans on her husband, "Si, si, we are here too see Kalin settling down."

Kalin's father nods and looks at Javi, "Now if someone else would do the same."

Javi rolls his eyes, "Aye, papi!"

Kalin smiles softly and shakes his head, pressing a hand lightly into Derek's chest as he peers at his family, "No bickering! For once!"

Amaria snorts, "You're asking for the impossible, Kal."

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