Kalin giggles, "Mama's sick, so she's not coming, the twins have some sco stuff tomorrow, so Aria called out. She's not one for parties anyways. So it's just Javi and Papa." He kisses Derek's cheek.
Derek groans and rubs a hand down his face, "Javi is never going to let me live it down if they start up their usual tendencies." He sits up and sighs, pulling Kalin close. "I hope you know they are going to do everything they can to get me to act like I did in our fraternity."
Derek huffs and fixes his posture, "I'll die of embarrassment by the end of the night anyways....I can already hear them out there, unloading kegg after kegg of beer."
"Don't worry, I put most of it away. They have to get past me to get to it." He pulls Derek towards the door, "I got a few packs for the party, but nothing much."
Kalin looks at Derek, "If they found the kegs, then they broke into the basement." He leans into Derek, "And last I checked, you shelled out a lot of money on that security system so Javi wouldn't get down there."
As they walk outside, all of Derek's frat boys cheer and run up to him, prompting Derek to protectively huddle over Kalin. "Fuck- Hey guys! Ouch! It's been a while! Damnit chill out!" Derek groans as the boys all start hitting Derek's arms and shoulders.
Derek growls and starts fighting the guys back, landing a few good blows before getting completely tackled, "Oh come on! Not in front of my in laws and my Fiance!"
Derek groans and tries to break free as his frat boy dog pile him, "You're all going to regret this...Did you forget you guys nicknamed me tank for a reason?"
Derek growls, knowing Kalin is getting pissed and finally pushes himself up, making all of the other fall hard onto the floor. "I warned you." He huffs and brushes himself off before walking over to Kalin, "I'm sorry baby."
Derek looked back at his feat boys, shooting them the death glare and stopping their rough play. "They'll stop it now, or they are going to get another reminder of why my old nickname was tank."
Derek takes a deep breath to relax and smiles at Kalin, "Anything for you." He turns to look at his boys again and clears his throat, watching as they all scramble to their feet.
Kalin wraps himself around Derek's arm, smiling softly, "I'm Kalin, and. . . You guys must be the ones Derek didn't really want me to invite." He snickers.
The guys all huff at Derek before nodding and giving Kalin wide smiles. All of them were tall and muscular, almost the same size as Derek.
"This is Jared, Kevin, Corey, Blake, Josh, Mark, Aaron, Tyler, Sam. They were some of my closest friends in college...along with being the only ones who could keep up with me." Derek laughs.
Derek stares at Kalin in complete confusion and disbelief. "What? I could never be with someone like these goons!"
"Yeah he has a point. He likes being the big alpha male who can carry his toy with one arm!" Corey laughs and nudges the others as they snicker.
"Don't get me started with the alpha male crao Corey. You're the one who would walk around following guy Tate's every word. How'd that work out for you? What is it now, 6 failed relationships in a year?"
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