General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

The guys all huff at Derek before nodding and giving Kalin wide smiles. All of them were tall and muscular, almost the same size as Derek.

"This is Jared, Kevin, Corey, Blake, Josh, Mark, Aaron, Tyler, Sam. They were some of my closest friends in college...along with being the only ones who could keep up with me." Derek laughs.
Derek stares at Kalin in complete confusion and disbelief. "What? I could never be with someone like these goons!"

"Yeah he has a point. He likes being the big alpha male who can carry his toy with one arm!" Corey laughs and nudges the others as they snicker.

"Don't get me started with the alpha male crao Corey. You're the one who would walk around following guy Tate's every word. How'd that work out for you? What is it now, 6 failed relationships in a year?"

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