Kalin smirks at Derek, "You forgot the 'stay away from the knife' part." He snickers ad gets up, "Anyways, let me get the stuff from the kitchen." He wanders away, humming to himself.
The guys smile and start telling multiple stories of Derek's past with their parties.
Derek smiles and grabs the packs of beer and leans down to kiss Kalin softly. "Please forgive them, they haven't seen me in a serious relationship before, let alone engaged."
Javi a d Kalin's father listen intently, nodding slightly.
Kalin kisses him back, pressing close, "I know. I won't love you any less, no matter what happens, okay? I'm here for you." He turns and grabs a few fruit trays and then his cheese.
Derek notices the cheese and makes an uneasy sound. "You uh...might want to keep the cheese away from Tyler. He's a cheese fiend and will eat it all in one go if he gets the chance."
Kalin glares, "If anyone touches my cheese I will rip them a new one." He turns, smiling, "Besides, I got myself an extra large tray, he can have the smaller one. There are crackers in the box over there."
Derek chuckles and follows Kalin back out to the livingroom, staring in horror as the guys are telling Javi and Kalin's dad about the time he did a kegg stand on top of two keggs while drinking from both.
Kalin snuggles into Derek's side popping some cheese into his mouth, "So, no more embarassing stories. Let's do something good for once. . ." He thinks for a long moment.
Kalin shrugs, "Well, no, I don't mind, I'm just smarter than all you lame asses. I graduated after my Sophomore year, having gotten all my credits early. Started my career at Derek's business. How else would I get so high up and still be so young?"
Kalin rolls his eyes, leaning into Derek, "I could have gone to college, but I didn't need it. I wanted to help my sister with her kids, and I wanted to get my own place. I mean, I guess I missed out on some things, but nothing much. I still love to party, as Derek's seen."
He leans back, "Most of my friends are club ing right now, tense why they aren't here. Lame asses." He snickers.
Derek pulls Kalin closer and shoots a glare at Mark, "You didn't miss much. Other than ragers, it's almost like being in high-school just without a dress code."
Derek smiles and kisses Kalin back softly before looking at the guys again, "You complained back then, but now your all running successful companies as well."
"That's true, but we don't have all the shit you have. We didn't have daddy there to spoil us and give us everything with a good start." Said Blake, as he sneered at Derek.
Derek sighed and rubbed a hand down his face, "Blake, don't start this here. We can talk about that later."
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