Kalin laughs and ruffles one of the boys‘s hair, “Alex, Jario.” He looks up at Derek and moves back to his side, looping his arm through the other’s in a comforting gesture.
”Oh, mijo, este debe ser ese hombre del que nos hablaste todo. ¡Javi llegó ayer a casa hablando sin parar de él!” The woman smiles, looking at Derek.
”Ah, Kalin, you’re here. Your mother is very excited.” A man, maybe mid forties, walks up behind the woman, looping an arm around her shoulders. “She thinks you found Sr. Para Siempre.”
Kalin laughs, “Everyone, this is Derek. Derek, this is everyone. Mamá, dad, Alex, Jario, Tortita, and Jarabe.” He points to the woman, man, the two boys in turn and then each dog.