General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

”Six.” He hums, “Amaria, javi and Marco are the only ones who shared in the city though, while the others all moved out. Angelina is Marco’s wife.” He turns to Amaria, “¿Deacon decidió venir o quedarse en casa?

Se quedó en casa. El trabajo lo agotó.

Kalin nods, “And Deacon is Amaria’s husband.”
Kalin laughs, “Bathroom.”

”Yeah, this one—“ Javi points to Kalin, “—Constantly took forever in the bathroom.”

”I did not! That was Sarah! She’s the one always whining about her makeup!” Kalin glares at Javi.

Amaria smirks, “Uh, eh, y por eso estás cubierta de eso?

Kalin glares, “I am not!”

Javi laughs, “Yes, you are!”
Derek tried his best to hold in his laughter not wanting to give away the fact that Kalin's brother and sister were right. He didn't want to think about what would happen if Kalin's family saw the marks he left on the other's neck. "I could only imagine how it was whenever you guys had to choose where to eat or what movie to watch."
Kalin huffs, glaring at both of them, “I’ll slug both of you.”

”You wish tiny man!” Javi laughs and darts away, sliding into a chair at the table.

Amaria laughs, and calls out to the twins, herding the two young boys to their respective seats and sits between them.

Casandra brings food out to the table and looks at Derek, “You two can sit wherever.”

Ryan laughs, “Sit on the end, you won’t have to pass food as often.”

Kalin nods, pulling Derek to two empty easts at the end of the table.
Kalin laughs softly, “It is. La comida de mi mamá es—“ He kisses his fingertips and lifts it to his mother’s direction.

Casandra laughs, Aye, boy, Sé agradecida puse eso en tu plato.

Kalin nods, “Sí, lo soy.

Amaria rolls her eyes, and starts putting food onto the boys’s plates, speaking to them quietly in Spanish.

Javin kicks back in his chair, crossing his arms behind his head, “I’m surprised there aren’t many of use tonight.”
(My brain is starting to meals with keeping up with all these people ;-; )

Kalin laughs and grins, “Fajitas tonight. Here-“ He hands Derek a few tortillas and then passes one of the two dishes of fajita meat. “Take your fill. No one goes hungry here.”

He takes his own tortillas, putting them onto his plate and watching Derek.

Casandra sommes and watches Derek, waiting to See his reaction after he makes his food and starts eating.
(You got this! The scene is almost done! Lol)

Derek laughs while trying not to choke at the same time. He loved how Kalin ate, always looking like it was going to be his last meal. After finishing the bite he had in his mouth, Derek smiled and nodded. "I haven't had food that was this delicious before let alone even be able to make something this good. Kalin, however, does love a Mac & Cheese that I make for him whenever he asks for it."
Kalin looks back at him, “You didn’t mess up. It was pleasant to know that you cared to take me.” He miles and kisses Derek’s cheek quickly before going back to his food.

Javi grins, “Awww, Kalinnnn- Kalin y Derek sentados en un árbol, besándose, primero viene el amor, luego el matrimonio y luego llega un bebé en una silla de bebé.

Kalin yelps and throws a spoon at him, “Shut up!”
Derek bursts out laughing and wraps his arms around Kalin, stopping him for possibly throwing anything else. He looks back up at Javi again while still laughing. "He says this but when we got there he pouted like child who got socks from Christmas instead of a toy."

Derek kisses Kalin's cheek before letting him go and going back to eating his food.

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