General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

The woman squeal and rushes forward, her hands reaching up and grasping Derek’s collar and pulling him down, kissing his cheek, “¡Oh, es tan educado!” She grins and Kain father pulls her back with a laugh.

”Casandra, calm down.”

¡¿Cálmate?! ¡¿Quieres to cálmate?!” She huffs and shakes her head.

Mamá, no te preocupes. De lo contrario, asfixiarás al pobre hombre.” Javi walks into the foyer and hugs Kalin. He looks at Derek and smiles, “Nice seeing you again, sir. Pleasure to have you with us, don’t mind our mother, she’s happy Kalin. . .”

Kalin swats Javi, grinning, “Cállate antes de que te arregle la cara.

Mijo, language! ¡Los gemelos están aquí!” Kalin’s mother snaps.
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Derek was surprised by the sudden gesture from Kalin's mother but welcomed it. He had only ever received cold responses in the past so this warm welcome was a great change. "It's a pleasure to be here." Derek turned and looked at Kalin's parents and smiled warmly. "You both have a beautiful home and such a lovely family."
The father smiled and offered his hand toward Derek, “Ryan.” He looks at the woman beside him, “And this is Casandra, my wife.”

Kalin huffs and chases the twins away, “Go tell your mother I’m here. I’ll work on getting this lot to the living room.” He grins and takes Derek’s hand, gently pulling him deeper into the house.

Casndra seems to vanish, muttering something about tortilla’s. Javi and Ryan follow Kalin and Derek, talking to each other in Spanish, though Kalin’s father’s was slower than Javi’s.
After shaking Ryan's hand, Derek closely follows Kalin through the house. He truly adored how quaint and simple the home was, now understanding why Kalin would make fun of his more extravagant home. "Your parents are very polite and welcoming Kalin. I thought you said they wouldn't be happy with the fact that I don't speak Spanish."

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