General RP Damnit, There's Kids Now! (Firestarter)

Kalin watches, silent and tense. He'd gone with something more respectable, slacks and a nice shirt. He hasn't gotten his nails done for a bit, having been too busy with the kids to make an appointment. Maybe he'd go this weekend. . .

He shakes his head, waiting for the cat to come to a stop before climbing out. He helps Demi, fixing her dress and straightening the bow he'd added to her hair.

Javi grabs Kas, tucking the baby close and protectively as he glances at Trenton. "You lead the way."
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Trenton nods and tucks on arm behind his back before leading everyone into the home. His posture is even more erect and soldier like than normal while his steps are calculated.

In the living room, Derek's mother, Clarissa, watches as her maids set up plates of refreshments with a watchful eye. His father, Chris, sits in his chair with the newspaper covering most of him.
Kalin leads Demi after Trenton, "Remember, pumpkin, stay quiet, okay? Be respectful and kind." He smiles at her, entering the room after Trenton.

Javi wrinkles his nose, muttering in Spanish, "These guys look like racist dicks." He grins slightly at Kalin when the other cuts a glare at him.

Kalin peers past Trenton, "Chris, Clarissa, thank you for having us today." He smiles kindly, helping Demi into a seat.
Kalin motions to Trenton, "Trenton, of course. Then Demi, and Kas, the kids." He straightens, gently taking Kas from Javi. "And this is Javi, my brother."

He gently pats Kas's back, running a hand over his hair gently. After another moment, he sits down next to Demi, motiong for Trenton and Javi to sit.

Javi flops down, crossing his legs
Clarissa laughs softly and shakes her head, "No, no dear. All the girls in the Gatemen family attend boarding school so they learn to be respectful young ladies and not"

Chris huffs and folds his newspaper and stands from his chair. "Don't forget that the boy will need to be sent to Remington prep out in Switzerland once he's about Demi's age."
Javi stays lounged back, raising an eyebrow. "I don't want my nice looking at my family as the help. Because we ain't. She doesn't need to think the world is all about her. What gives me the gal is my baby brother is being kind enough to let you two nincompoops into the lives of his children because he wants the kids to know their whole family."

He crosses his legs, "And all you two can think about is turning these sweet babies into mini yous, and who you wanna try to marry 'em off to or whatever."

Kalin classes his throat, quiet.
Clarissa glares at Javi for a moment while looking him over. "Let me guess, you're one of those boys who has slept around with multiple women who didn't have to decency to make sure they were meeting up with someone who wasn't flee ridden and now you've got yourself a steady girl who is making you think that she is just the most perfect girl in the world."

Chris snorts and shakes his head. "I told you this was a bad idea. Our son has become a worthless fool who surrounds himself with people who are happy with scraps. Just look at how he found these children. He should've done the right thing and hired a surrogate that way they would at least be real members of the family."

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