General RP Damnit, There's Kids Now! (Firestarter)

Kalin steps forward, "You don't get to talk about my brother that way." He narrows his eyes, "If you can't respect my family, and the choices I make with my husband about our kids, then you can shove it. This is my family, not yours. You lost the chance to have any kind of say after the way you treated me and Derek." He places his hands-on his hips.

"Now, if you want to be a part of this, a part of these kids' lives, then you suck it up, shut up, and be decent people for one on your life." He narrows his eyes, cutting his gaze to Chris.

"And say one more thing about Derek like that, and my fist will be so far down your throat, you won't know the difference between your face hole and your butthole."
Demi whines and hides her face in Kalin's leg, feeling scared from the harsh words.

Trenton watches whats happening form the door and clenches his fists. Regardless of what Derek told him about not getting involved with his parents, Trenton refused to stand there and watch an argument start. He marches over and steps in front of Kalin, staring at Clarissa and Chris with determination. "Kalin, sir. Please take Javi and the children back to the car. I believe things have gone astray. Mr. Gatemen will be here any minute if he don't leave soon."
Kalin gets distracted by Demi, leaning down and touching the top of her head. (I'ma just say, cause I forgot about the baby- that he gave Kas back to Javi). He looks up at Trenton, "Derek can wait." He huffs, shaking his head.

"I'm seeing this through." He gently nudges Demi towards Javi, giving his brother a look that had Javi leaving with the kids. Kalin looks at Clarissa and Chris, blowing out a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

He crosses his arms, "We will raise our kids as we want, I just wanted to give you two the chance to be better grandparents than you were parents. It's not fair for the kids to not have the choice of who they spend their time with.

"That being said, if you want, I can bring the kids by everyone and then for binding time, but it will but supervised. And if you don't want to follow the rules Derek and I set up, you will not be a part of these children's lives until they are old enough to make their own choice. Is that clear?"
Chris rolls his eyes and tries to step closer to Kalin with a dangerous stance, but Trenton quickly steps in front of him and forms a blockade with his body. "I'm sorry sir, but I believe laying a hand on Kalin will result in a physical altercation not just between you and I but with Derek."

Chris stills for a moment, remembering the last time her fought with Derek in his home, before taking a step back. Clarissa sighs heavily and shakes her head, "You know, I fought hard to try and accept what you turned my son into. I wanted to believe that maybe you would be good for him since he was finally settling down, but now I think I couldn't have been more wrong."

Clarissa steps in front of Kalin and looks him over, "You're nothing but a tacky, low level, half breed that should never have been allowed anywhere near my son. Trenton is right, it's best if you leave."
Trenton arms remain tense for a moment as he grips the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white before he takes a deep breath. Nodding once, Trenton starts the car and beings their ride home.

Back at Derek's office, he sits in his chair with his hands clasped together as they shake. His eyes darken and his shoulders rise and fall with his heavy breaths, having secretly listened to everything his parents said thanks to Trenton's ear peice.
Derek sighs and rubs a hand down his face. "The Gatemens....haven't always dealt with the most honest of dealings. My parents in particular have become so sick with power, they forgot themselves."

Sitting down on the bed next to Kalin, Derek clasps his hands together and leans on his knees. "They will go to other families who are on the verge of losing everything, pay off their debts, and then use them as free labor. Trenton's one of those families."

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