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General RP Do furries need a Vet? (Knight)

Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Izzy was currently on her way to see the vet for her lab's routine checkup. She had blonde hair that was done is a sort of a pixie cut but overall looked like a nice, innocent girl in a dark sundress. The dress huged her curvy, short body quite well while still leaving room to imagine.

She walked into the vet clinic with her lab "Gimli" and would smile at the person to greet her "hello am here for an appointment for Isabel"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she approached the front reception, she saw Vet assistant come from around the back hall, where the examination room was. It was a small time clinic but welcoming, and honest. The walls were a soft green with forest colored polkadot patterns accenting it. A checker patterned tile floor, comfortable seating to calm the mind. But the hit amongst the staff was the pink haired handsome young Assistant , dressed in a white coat, a nice flannel shirt and jeans.

"Hello Ms. Isabelle! " He said with a smile, typing in her name. "Ah, and welcome Gimli!" He said as he leaned to admire the lab. "Here for a routine check up?"
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
This had been the clinic she had been to for the past couple of years but this was the first time she had met this assistant. Her body shivered a bit as she glanced at him. He was gorgeous. "Um... Y..yes I am here for his checkup. " She stumbled a bit on her words, turning to hide the blush in her face. "I like to be called Izzy."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Izzy hm? Okay Izzy, you can call me Lock. " He said as he kept that dazzling smile on his face. "I'm sure Gimli here will be in good hands." He said as he stepped around the counter to take Gimli by the leash. "I promise not to spoil him too much" He added with a playful wink while leading Gimli into the examination room. The Vet in Training placed her beloved pet on the table and established trust and relaxation with her dog, to keep it from getting anxious.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Izzy would swoon a bit as he winked. Was he flirting or was that just how he normally was with patients? "Um I um yes thank you" she said before turning and sitting down in the waiting room. She would twiddle her thumbs as she couldn't stop thinking about the vet. Gimli was cheerful and patient, calm under the attention of lock
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
After his prep work the main Vet would guide the check-up and allow Lock to run a few examinations before taking over properly. Eventually, Lock would peek out of the exam room to check up on Izzy herself. He would come out with a clipboard and paperwork, walking over to her. "Oh-Gimli is doing great. He looks healthy all over and seems to be a sweetheart. " He said as he shifted out the board gently. "Can I have your number...ah-for our new system- we changed the documentation system and lost some paperwork data. We uh need just your phone number.-" He said as he smiled, blushing faintly.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock blinked as she wrote her number on his hand. "Uhhh-we- we will? in case we have to reach you about the exams..." He said as he realized...he has given off probably too familiar a pace. Again. He swallowed as he remembered the Vet chewing him out for taking numbers like that. The handsome young man took the pen back to copy her number later. "So-uh I assume you will make yourself available if we need to see you again?" He said glancing at her as he walked to the desk, sitting down to set the paperwork away.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Heh-well.., The 'Clinic' thinks it might need to schedule a meeting after hours....what would be a good time for that?" Lock said as he looked over at her, flashing a shy smile at her, perhaps throwing her a bone, perhaps with her misread, figuring that he may as well see just how interested she was.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"What was that?" Lock said as she mumbled something to herself, looking up from the drawer again as he shut it. But before she had to consider a cover, the exam room door opened. "Lock, if you don't mind, you can do a quick ear check, a lung test, and a weigh-in?" The Vet tested, the younger man hopping up to his feet. "Right! I'll take good care of him!" He said looking at Izzy with another smile and wink before walking away. Another nearly half-hour of tests passed, but finally, the doors opened properly and Gilmi could be heard padding about the floor, yipping for his mother. Lock led him by the leash, gently tugging it to steady him. Lock knelt, petting and rubbing on the dog warmly. "He's all ready to go. You just need to make the check-up payment."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As they parted ways, Lock would spend his time working, the few hours dancing by until he was let off at 6, but he lived quite close to the Little Leaf Clinic, He would rush home to prepare in the next hour, freshening up and changing a bit, putting on a slightly nicer soft pink button up shirt and grey jeans. He watched the weather, seeing it would still be warm out at 70 degrees. He rolled up his sleeves a bit, cuffing them at his biceps, and left his shirt a few buttons undone to keep cool. He slipped on his shoes as he headed back out to wait by the clinic. He slid out his phone as he walked to test out the number.

[On my way!]
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would get washed and put on some make up and get dressed. She was trying to stay more conservative but also wanted to impress him. She would wear a red skirt with a matching sleeveless top that had a plunging neckline to show off her gorgeous cleavage.

She would smile when she got the text. [See you there]. A few minutes later she would pull up and exit the car to meet him "hey," she greeted shyly.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock looked up at her as her car pulled up and he smiled at her, the warmth on his face blossoming to the surface as he stepped forward. "Hey there. Don't be shy, I don't bite Izzy." He said as he admired her outfit briefly. "You look great, heh, not that you didn't look cute before either." He added afterwards, beckoning her closer. "The pub is just down the way," He said, holding out his arm to her.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she clutched his arm, pulling herself in closeshe fekt the strength of his arm, decently toned underneath his clothing. "Well-i didn't expect it to be tonight, but I figured....you already gave me your number and seemed so excited....I shouldn't let a opportunity to have a night out go by like that." He said as he smiled to her, walking with her on the well lit streets, the cars rolled by on the street, the bustle of the day winding down a bit. True to his word, the pub was quick to find, a spot called The Tiny Nook. A Victorian style pub with a teahouse side for those that sought such a thing. A two story building, with a close, yet comforting feel, lit with candles and
the air vibrant with live music. They were seated upstairs, by a window, casting them a lucky view outside to the nicer lights abd stars outside. "So...I'm curious, is Gimli your first?" He said as they settled in.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"oh that, I thought you were flirting with me. S..sorry for misreading that. So embarrassing." She said before sitting opposite of him. She looked around totally enamored by the pub and the style. "this place is so cute " she squealed before turning to him "He is my first dog yes, I also have a ferret"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Heh well...I was being friendly, it easy to do that when you look so approachable. I don'...try to go asking out customers alot."
He said as he rubbbed the back of his neck, laughing a little. "Oh a ferret? Thats so cool, what's their name?" He said smiling as he pulled the menu up.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Heh, I see pets every day, but I have considered getting a puppy of my own some time. I have a affinity for dogs I guess, I can't stop spoiling them." He said after he ordered a shepherds pie and a beer. He hummed as he noticed she opted for water. "You don't drink?"
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She paused when he said he wanted a dog of his own possibly and that he liked dogs. "Oh I know a dog that is looking for a good owner. I could show you them another time if you want" she looked at the water and blushes once more "oh I am a lightweight and get a bit crazy. It's not a good side to show on a first date. So water for tonight, beer maybe date number 2"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh? You have someone looking to have a dog adopted? Sure, I'd love to see them sometime. Do they mind if I bring them treats?" He said smiling, his eyes lighting up at her revelations. "How much do they want for the puppy? I know breeding them can be expensive."

He chuckled as she admitted her drinking limits. "Not even one glass? A sip? " He asked as the waiter set out his beer. He took it up. "Well, if date two is already on your mind..." he said with a wink.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hm. A handful? What has she done? Torn up furniture? Show signs of over aggression? He said setting the beer aside as hseem intrigued by this apparently rambunctious pup. He reached out ascsge mentioned wishing for a second date already. "Well I think so far, you've been a great company." He said smiling .
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