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Fantasy RP Eternal Threads of Desire (Visiones)

Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Closing her eyes, Nyxira tried to tap into her powers to receive a vision of the future, but was returned with nothing.

Dammit- if only I could go to the moonpool, then I could regain some of my magical strength.

Her eyes reopened as she sighed, putting out her meditating candles and incense, going to stand. She went to one of the barred windows, looking out to see a crescent moon rising in the sky. It had been nearly a decade since she had come to serve the vampire lord-who resided in this extravagant coven- had been fighting with his half brother--a lycan--who controlled the west region of this country. Nyxira wasn't entirely sure what the feud was about, but she guessed it was rooted in family matters. Not to mention that they were both different supernatural species, bound to hate one another and kill for power.

It was silly, she thought, why couldn't Lycans and Vampires get along? Together they would be an unstoppable force against any other supernatural - and especially unstoppable against the humans who had begun to rise up in protest and sent out their own hunters. But what did it matter to her? She knew there was protection here in the coven, rather than be out on her own, being hunted down by her own kind (the humans) for the very thing that made her useful to the vampires.

But she knew her magic power had been waning for a while now-- because she hadn't been able to go to the moon pool - a sacred place for mages alike to draw more power from their source, the moon. And without that- the hopes of having a mage on their side, the vampires would lose this battle against those who threatened their very existence. The werewolves and humans were increasing in numbers month by month it seemed. And the threat of the war coming to the coven was all too real.

Like it or not, she knew war was inevitable between the three species, as the now self aware humans began to pose more of a threat the longer the days passed.

Later, Nyxira had decided to finally leave her room and began heading towards the lord's chambers. She had tried to receive her usual visions, ones that had helped the vampire lord in seeing what his enemies next moves were, but since she was returned with nothing, she would have to explain that to him in hopes he would let her go to the moonpool to recover her magical strength.

But she knew that this request wouldn't be turned down, for since she had known the lord for a very long time he knew her to be very trustworthy.

Originally, she had been taught to manipulate the rulers of this land (so that her own witches coven could retain a hand in power), and when she became of age- she would be sent off to become a magical advisor to a lord of a coven. Be it Lycan or Vampire- or a human lord/king. She was meant to stay politically neutral, no matter what problem may arise. But of course, that did not mean she wouldn't act on her own.

And Nyxira never wanted power, she never wanted to become feared like her siblings had dreamt of, manipulating the lords and kings of this world-- so she had confided in the lord right away, telling him why she was originally sent- explaining that she never had any intentions on manipulating him and that she was thankful that she had been sent away from her coven when she did, even though she had originally been weary of residing here.

So as the years went by, she actually helped the vampire lord in his endeavors during the never ending feud with his lycan brother - they had both been human like her, but had been cursed/infected long ago before she was born to walk separate paths- one of lycanism and one of vampirism. The lord was trying to come to reason with his lycan brother, but it seemed like war was inevitable between the two species, no matter how long he stalled.

And unfortunately it had been discovered that over the years, Lycans no longer were held by the sway of the full moon, and could turn at will - so it was even harder for the vampires to fight back, as they no longer knew how lycans worked anymore. And that's where Nyxira had come in- and her visions of the future. Her magical abilities were able to help the vampire lord figure out his next point of attack, and she was now working on a way to help him and his subjects walk in daylight, so that they could finally have the upper hand in the battle, since lycans (and not to mention humans) were able to move throughout the day and the vampires could not.

And one would think that through all of this happening-- some may have speculated her and the vampire lord had a relationship going on, but this wasn't true- for the lord mentioned for as long as he feuded with his brother, he really didn't have time to focus on relationships.

  • Age: Around 36 (her magic keeps her aging slowly)
  • Height: 5'3 / 160 cm
  • Weight: 130 lbs / 58kg
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Deceased
  • Background: all she knows is that she was raised to obtain power but that is not what she desires.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Rainy weather and a cozy, warm fire. She would prefer to stay indoors than outdoors- but one of her favorite outdoor spots was the moonpool.
    • Dislikes: Hot, sweaty weather-- her allergies from all the pollen in the air make her nose run and her eyes water, she dislikes the feel of sun on her skin, and rather much stay away from anything that requires to be in sunlight.

Since the last thread with this character was abandoned by my last rp partner, here are some expectations for you to be aware of:
  • I don't really plot a lot with my threads- I can plot to some extent but I usually just go with the flow of the posts of my rp partners. Whatever you post and how you want to direct the story, I will follow through. If you really want to plot and think this story ahead, I won't mind doing so with you but I want to be 100% transparent on how I usually rp
  • I usually like to balance out my smut/story- so please be mindful of that
  • Obviously no one liners, if we both are coming to a dead end with the story, that usually means we can pm each other (either here or discord) and figure out what next we can have planned for the thread, if you wish to keep the thread going
  • I usually am active on the site when I can, and I like to have an active rp. I'll be ready to reply mostly whenever you reply. If you could let me know of your posting habits that would be great!


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Atlas had no idea how he would be able to win this battle. He had been fighting for gods know how long…and he was beginning to lose hope. His brother would win…and Atlas would be killed. He didn’t want to kill his brother…just come to an agreement. That’s all. But sadly…he knew his brother was too stubborn to come to. Atlas honestly had no idea why his brother suddenly despised him so much. They never fought like this when human. But he just assumed it was an outside influence. Oh well. There was no point…all he could do was fight.

With a heavy sigh, Atlas stood up and walked to his door. Just as Nyxira was about to knock, he opens the door and looks down at her. “Any reports?” He murmurs, stepping aside for her. Without much more waiting, Atlas walked over to a chair and sat down, drumming his fingers along the arm rest. He had been tense for a long while now, but lately, it’s been showing way more than usual. It was to be expected though. The poor man had been working day and night. And yet, he still kept that hard, no nonsense look on his face.

Atlas Runes

  • Age: He has no idea.
  • Height: 6ft exactly.
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Race: Vampire
  • Looks:
    You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post
  • Family: He only has his brother left. Yet it’s been years since he’s last seen him.
  • Background: He grew up in a rich household with his mother, father, sister and brother. He lost his sister to the plague, followed by his parents soon after. He and his brother were the only survivors. You can guess what came next.
  • Likes: any type of knowledge/books, fine arts, the smell of wood burning, gardening, spring and autumn weather.
  • Dislikes: feeling dirty, the feeling of something clinging to him/being held down.
  • Fears: the unknown/uncertainty, dogs, spiders, Atychiphobia. (Fear or failure.)
  • Interests: learning new things.

Nathaniel Runes

  • Age: ‘28’ (127 to be exact.)
  • Height: 5’11
  • Weight: 155lbs
  • Race: Werewolf
  • Looks:
    You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post
  • Likes: Anything active, (He can never stay still.) the smell of fire, warmth, music, anything sparkly.
  • Dislikes: being still, silence, rigidness.
  • Fears: being held down/back, spiders, Athazagoraphobia (fear of forgetting)
  • Interests: numbers/“information.” (Dates, times, equations, names, etc.)


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Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I’m assuming you meant 180 lbs and not 80 lbs XD)

At the question he gave, she gave a sigh in return. “No, unfortunately my visions are not as clear as I would as prefer them to be,” she said while she furrowed that pretty brow of hers. Nyxira made her way into the room, shutting the door behind her. She soon walked over to where he was and offered her hands, massaging the tired shoulders he carried. “Listen..I request I go to the moonpool..a full moon is soon and I can replenish my power easily,” she explained, but he would already know the process, for he had traveled with her many a night to do this very thing. Although her visions were uncertain as of late, she could sense that somewhere deeply rooted in Atlas’s fate, that he would survive the encounter with his brother.
(Pfft fixed ;-; don’t mind me. I’m going crazy-)

Atlas nods. “Yeah…anything that can help. I don’t want anything happening that I don’t know about.” His shoulders felt like pure bone from how tense he was. Not to mention they were raised basically up to his ears. His eyebrows had a permanent furrow to them, making his head ache as he stared ahead of him. “Do you know anything? Anything we could decode? You never know when he can hit until it’s almost too late…and…what if he tries to ambush in the morning? We’ll all be outnumbered. Fuck.” Atlas rubs his forehead, hissing in frustration. All he wanted was peace. And yet…it was still yet to be granted. How could his brother do this to him? They used to have such a strong bond. But as soon as they were both turned, their whole lives went to shit. Was it his own fault? Did he cause this? What did he do to deserve this…

“Just…be careful. Don’t get ambushed. If need be…I’ll come with you again to protect you. It wasn’t all bad there anyways.” Atlas murmured under his breath as he rolled his shoulders, grunting from the pain in his muscles.
Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(You’re fine XD)

Listening to his words about the mention of an attack in daylight, she gave a soft sigh. “Those daylight rings will be ready for you and your coven soon..” she promised, she just had to gather the right ingredients and magic..going to the moonpool would definitely help with a lot of issues she currently faced.

At his next sentence she gave a shake of her head and a low hum. “Mm..no, nothing to report… again I have to go to the moonpool if I want to continued to to receive my visions as I have been,” she explained, knowing the tiredness in his voice.

“If you did come with me, I’d be appreciative of that,” she murmured out to him mentioning about traveling with her once more. She soon filtered in some of her healing magic she possessed to take his discomfort away, hoping it would offer some pain relief.
Atlas groaned softly as he slowly relaxed, his eyes closing. With a slight nod, he silently confirmed he would follow Nyxira to the moon pool. After a small moment of silence, Atlas sighed and opened his eyes. “Well…when was it that you were planning on going? I’m sadly terrible with times and dates you know.” He huffs a soft laugh, attempting to brighten the mood. If only for a moment. Then, he scooped up a small journal on the side table next to him and opened the book to an empty page, picking up a pen. He seemed to be preparing himself to write anything useful he’d need down.
Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She saw him relax and gave a silent sigh of relief, glad she could ease some of his pain. At the question of her leaving, she thought back to when the next full moon was. “Thankfully our moonpool is close, only a three hour journey..” she pursed her rosy pink lips, closing her eyes. “The full moon should be tomorrow night.." she trailed off, soon moving to the window and glancing up at the shrouded moon in the sky.

"We should leave at dusk, if we want to get there before its peak," she mentioned next, knowing at its peak, the power she could draw from it was the highest.
Atlas nods silently, quickly scribbling down a few notes, the sound of a crackling fireplace and a pen scratching on paper filling the room. After a moment, he sets his pen down and looks over to Nyxira. “Alright…thank you, my dear.” He sighs as he sets his book down, before standing and moving beside Nyxira. “The stars are beautiful, aren’t they?” He smiles. “You know…i was told the stars are just billions of suns scattered in the sky…far away from us. My mother always said they were beacons of hope…gifts from the gods that got lost in the universe. Sometimes…they find their ways to us…”

After a moment, Atlas clears his throat. “Anyways. You should get some rest.”
Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I hope you know I am fighting sleep rn and it may win)

She blinks as he came over and began his ramblings once more, but she didn’t mind- for she enjoyed how fixated he became with certain topics and things. She was fully about to give all of her attention towards what he was telling her and then..

You should get some rest..

Those words lingered in her mind and she couldn’t help but yawn at the mention of sleeping. “Mm..I suppose a few hours wouldn’t hurt,” she mentioned now, knowing she stayed up when he did, practically living the life of a vampire’s night to day cycle.

Rubbing her eyes, she wondered if she would make it back to her own chambers. But then again his plush bed was with there..and..would Atlas allow her to..? Not like she was thinking about it anyways, as she was dragging herself back towards the door.
(Aye! Go to sleep. boop)

Atlas follows her quietly, then frowns as he notices her sleepy, lopsided steps. “Maybe you should stay here for the night. You can sleep in my bed while i do some planning. And I don’t want any argument. Come…” He gently takes Nyxira’s hand and guides the woman to his bedroom, opening the door for her and helping her to the bed. “If you need, you can use one of my shirts. Being…well dead and all, I don’t necessarily stink. So there’s not much reason to change outfits every day.” He chuckles softly, fixing the bed for her.
Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(lol I went to bed, woke up, and then couldn’t fall back asleep until 3 am T-T)

Nyxira began to say something as Atlas took her hand, but the moment she was taken to where his bed was, helped towards it.. she gazed upon the man in front of her. “Are you certain?” She asked, a yawn following her. She would have to be helped out of the corset she was currently wearing if she were to wear one of his shirts, and she went to sit down on the edge of the bed, rubbing the plush bedding with her hand. There hadn’t been many times where she had slept in his bed- and Atlas didn’t quite need it for a while- until Xira came along and had spelled it in a way to help him sleep the first time in a century. She laid back, half of her hanging off still but the bedding felt so comfortable, and her eyes felt so heavy..
Atlas nods as he digs around in his closet, finding one of his more lose fitting shirts he usually never wore and set it down on the bed. “It’s the very least I can do. Would you like any assistance? I can understand how stubborn corsets are.” He smiles softly before walking to every window in the room and closing the curtains. Then, he dims the oil lamps by the walls, making sure the room was only slightly light. Just enough dark to sleep peacefully. With that, the vampire walked over to Nyxira and offers his hand. “Come now. Let me help you. Then I’ll leave you to your own devices.”
Local Time:
11:11 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Nyxira murmured out something in reply at his first question on helping her, and seemingly was already drifting in and out of sleep. When he came back over, she gave a soft groan and slowly gave Atlas her hand, letting him set her up, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "Mm.. I'm more tired than I realized," she mumbled out, and Atlas definitely knew that all too well..after all- she was mortal still, no magic could change that. She often pushed herself further than she should have. She allowed him to undress her, her back turned to him while he unlaced the corset. He would see those scars on her back that she had received years ago from a werewolf ambush, ones that never fully faded.
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