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In Depth(s) Research (Dreams)

Local Time:
7:32 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Sirens. The Mysterious, mermaid-esque creatures of the waters... And barely anything known about them beyond that. What did they eat? What did they do during the day? And why did they lure ships to their destruction so often?
Well. All this was on the table for you to find out. All you had to do was find a Siren to talk to about it... Which was exactly why you were out on this ship, scouring the waters for exactly that, a Siren to investigate.

And as luck would have it, one was watching you as you travelled, even if you didn't know it yet, your first warning when the melody of his voice cast across the water and drew you towards his form. Of course, you'd have happily chased without the song, something he'd actually notice as he stopped singing for a moment, his curiosity already getting the better of him as he now chose to await your approach, wondering why you'd be mad enough to follow him willingly... After all, didn't humans know what his kind did to theirs?

You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Falling down the list of supernatural creatures to research landed upon Sirens, beauties of the sea that used their voice to lure and trap others. Little prep work was given into this adventure since these creature fell into the water category that most humans had little to no true knowledge of, best least it to those that call it home. Finding one may deem difficult since over time Sirens have become more hidden and reserved, hunting less but maybe she would be lucky. Spending many nights in bars and libraries where stories were told and finally a map that led to the last sighting of a Siren.

Set out on her journey with camping supplies, some food, clothing, weapons, compass, and map in hand she made her way to a cove that no ship could enter due to the shallows that then led into endless depths where the Sirens must dwell. Reaching a sort of water she took a break, sitting down on a rock to down some water when she heard a song calling to her. Pausing mid drink she frantically looked about for the source in direction before rising to her feet, hurrying toward the song in hopes to spot the creature before it could disappear.

There before her among the shallows that led into the cove she spotted a beautiful man, her breath snatched from her lungs as she halted in awe of the sight before her 'Wow..." was all she could speak as she fell to her knees. Many days it took to reach this point of her adventure and the Siren was before her eyes seeming as interested in her as she was of him. It took a few moments for her to properly collect herself, fumbling for her bag to take out her journal and pencil ready to sketch or write whatever more she could observe. Unknown to her that the creature can communicate with her while she currently was keeping her distance not to scare him away.

You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
Local Time:
7:32 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He kept an eye on her, shifting to stretch his arms and pretending he didn't really care as he turned his head away so he could just see her from the corner of his eye. For the time being, he was content with just that, noting she was clearly writing something down... had she come for the sole purpose of observing him? That... was a dangerous game to play, especially considering he was single and a cute little redhead like her fit the bill for a mate he would happily take down under the waters.
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His attention on her did not sway her work as she sketched his position in the water, his tail and fins to accompany his frame. Indeed it was his home, his advantage while hers was on the land she dwelled. With his head turned away she shifted herself closer, keeping her bag against a medium sized rock while she kept her pen and paper in hand. She took a seat at the water's edge, a few feet from him in her attempts to remain respectful along with not wanting him to swim away. A smile was plastered onto her face, unable to fade from her joy and excitement of finding this specimen of a siren. Why did he halt his song? Why was he just floating in the water, keeping to himself? Were there others below or else where? She wanted to know more but she did not know if he could understand her, for now she kept quiet and stared in his direction.
Local Time:
7:32 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The next time she looked down to check on what she'd drawn, she'd hear a splash as he vanished under the water, the lagoon going still for a while as he waited to see what she'd do next. If she started to leave, he'd pop up behind her and watch for her reaction. If she remained, he'd sing from under the water and see how she'd react, if she'd jump in to find him.
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
It was mere moments between looks that he vanished making her jump to her feet, hurrying to the edge. Barely any rippled remained from where he dived making her wonder if she spooked him in some way. Then she heard his call coaxing her i to the water which made her hesitant, moving to slip off her shoes and dip her feet in. The water wasnt cools but not warm either, a perfect medium almost. She turns her head toward her backpack wondering if she should set up camp in hopes for his return.
Local Time:
7:32 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she looked away towards her pack, she'd feel his hands gripping her ankles and dragging her down, the singing ending as she vanished beneath the waters, down to his lair at the bottom. Once there, he placed her into the cavern, where fresh air apparently found its way down into a pocket he left her in, watching her from the water again.
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A rush as she was yanked in the water, she struggles against his grip as he swam her down. Covering her mouth and nose as to not breath in water while her eyes remained shut. It wasn’t until she was put into an air bubble within his cavern thay she at last could breath. Coughing and heaving for a few moments, looking toward him with such confusion. Then she noticed that she was indeed underwater and breathing somehow “what did you do?” Questioning him “what do you want?” Wondering of she upset him.
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She glances around her air bubble not certain of how she felt, certainly not safe since outside was water. A slight shake of her head was given not believing she would be succumbed to such fate. “Are you gonna do that to me? Am I your prey?” She questions moving to press against the wall. No weapons, no easy escape, even of she some how did he held the advantage in water
Local Time:
2:32 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Pausing her flooded thoughts of escape she would look toward her captor with interest once more, a big smile growing as she moves toward him while remaining in her air bubble "Oh ya know just curious of a beautiful song I heard" not admitting just yet that she was researching his species. "What is your name?" hoping he would offer such a personal detail along with a description of what it meant to his people.
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