Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

A happy feline, flicking her tail side to side as her eyes take in the handsome view before her. She licks her lips eyeing him up and down until he approached to give her a heart melting kiss. Tora giggles in reaction, curling her tail over his arm once he scooped her up “yes indeed!” Rejoicing to returning to water. Tigers were known to be good swimmers, strong in the waters of the amazon. “You think we will hear from Syra soon?” She wonders outloud. Surely her old owner has made his anger known of her disappearance.
Letting the water run down their bodies, Aaron sighs softly with a smile. "I'm sure we'll hear from her soon. She's usually really quick with getting information." Seeing the blood rinse away from Tora's wound, he inspects the area closely. "What's good is your wound doesn't look as bad. Should be able to use some strong medical tape to keep it closed along with a bandage on top." He presses a gently kiss to the top of her shoulder before reaching up for shampoo. "Ready to get sudzzy?" He chuckles playfully.
a glance down she could see the blood rinsing off her making her uneasy “okay, good” wanting more of a plan. She smiles hearing her outcome will be good “you will be cautious, yes?” She purrs. Tora was having to grow accustomed to her pain tolerance, getting more brave each time. “Get what?” Eyeing his hand as it reached for a bottle.
Aaron smiles and shakes his head. "I mean are you ready to get washed. Forget the slang, we'll work on that later." Squirting some shampoo into his hand, Aaron starts to hum while washing Tora's hair. "And to answer your question before, of course I'm going to cautious, baby. I could never hurt you." Leaning down, he presses a soft kiss to her cheek before going back to scrubbing her hair.
Soap was not an unknown thing to her but shampoo had a flower like scent to it, faint but there. She closes her eyes, her ears flattening to the side, purring deeply as he scrubbed in the shampoo. “Mmm that feels
amazing” mumbling like in a trance.

“Sir, she left the city, trail leads into the country side” a young woman spoke through the phone. In front of her were the furries Lobo and Daisy following the trail along the roadside. A growl resided from The Master “keep going! I dont want her bred to another and creat a dirty half breed! I want her found now!” Hanging up the phone. His fashion was of doing so was tossing the phone full force at the wall, breaking it.
Aaron continues to hum softly as he washes Tora. Applying conditioner into her hair, he moves to scrub her body to ensure all of the fur is gone. "I love your fur. It's so soft." He murmurs softly. Just as he grabs the shower head and lowers it to carefully rinse off her body, Syra walks in the front door. "Aaron? Hey! Where are you?" Hearing her voice makes Aaron groan. "Oh come on!"
Such a sensation she never has felt, her ex owner would occasionally bathe her just to touch her, be close. It made her uncomfortable and feel trapped but Aaron caused her to melt. Enjoying these moments with his hands on her body or in her hair for a little longer until she heard a familiar voice. Instantly her eyes were open , ears up and fur fluffed even while wet. “Who is it?” She whispers, staring at the door.
Aaron sighs and leans his head back in annoyance, having planned on spending more time with Tora before dealing with life again. "It's Syra. Just as I said, she was fast at getting the information about that scumbag." Rinsing off Tora completely, he opens the shower door and grabs a fluffy towel to wrap her in. "Hopefully this will be over soon so we can go back to our time together." Grabbing his own towel, Aaron dries himself off before slipping back into his shorts. "Come out whenever you're ready okay? I don't want you to rush."
With company downstairs Tora could help being wiggly while he rinsed her down, on edge now. She remains in the water shower area with the water off, watching him dry off and dress. A pout clear on her face, Syra was fast indeed and Tora was curious of what she found out. A rich and powerful man who upheld his character of being ruthless and cruel but also a good catholic of the church. He had servants of plenty, houses from coast to coast, men all over the world running errands, exchanging cash for any deal with the time. The past few years he has had his hands in the black market in search of a male white tiger. Many fakes surfaced, lies told leading to beheadings and families torn. Nothing stops him from getting what he wants.

Tora dried herself off, still a bit damp as she slipped into underwear and a hoodie. She braided her hair as she followed Aaron to meet Syra.
Looking up from her phone and seeing Tora and Aaron approaching, she can't help but giggle and squeal a little at how Tora looks in her hoodie and underwear. "Ugh! You are still just the cutest thing!" Aaron groans and crosses his arms. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Now come on, what did you find?"

Syra huffs and crosses her arms. "I was about to get to that! Impatient..." clearing her throat, Syra crosses her arms as well and sighs. "His name is Lucio Riccoleti. I've actually been trying to find this son of a bitch for years. He's one of the most powerful pricks who dabbles in just about anything. He likes to uphold this facade of being a 'good catholic man' but it's all for show." Pulling out her phone to read through more of her notes, she sighs heavily. "Unfortunately, things are going to be a little more difficult than I thought. Tora obviously wasn't the only furry he had. Two of them have actually been spotted in a few of the previous places you two where at. I suspect they are tracking you via your scent."
The squeal made Tora wince, pinning her ears down with a cocked head “Still loud” she whines. Least Aaron got the point either to hurry Syra out or get the information. She was fine with either. Slowly lifting her ears back up to listen Tora nods her head in agreement that all was true Syra found. Then the mention of being tracked made her huff, crossing her arms over her chest. “Lobo and Daisy I bet” rolling her eyes “best hunting/tracking furries to be bought from the black market” shaking her head. “We are fucked” grumbling in annoyance that he sent those two after her, hopefully they have a handler to keep them tin line. Always teasing her of being something pretty and unable to truly have any skill.
Syra huffs a laugh and crosses her arms. "A past with the two, I see? Well, either way, you won't have to worry too much, Gron and Rud are outside." Aaron's face remains stoic as he processes the information. He remembers the times Syra would lose her mind at Lucio slipping through her fingers. His muscles flex and his eyes darken. "" His words are followed by the crack of his knuckles, veins popping out on his forearms at the very idea of being able to make Lucio feel what he did to Tora.
That was reassuring, body guards to protect them from the hunters sent after her, totally will work. Tora knows those two, they will make those two Russians toys. She flicks her gaze over to Aaron, his energy unsettling. Side stepping away from him with a shake of her head “you cant go toe to toe with him, I was literally the only person ever close to him. Yet he still had guards incase I did anything.” She informs him. “Best we keep moving, he isnt worth a fight” worried Aaron may not make it back to her alive.
Aaron remains silent, his mind already made up and planning how to infiltrate Lucio's home. Syra sighs and shakes her head. "Whether you want to admit it or not, Aaron, she's right. Gron and Rud can only hold those two off for a small amount of time if they followed my orders and brought along the gas." Stepping closer, Syra places a hand on his shoulder while trying to sound more sympathetic. "Come on, let's get Tora to a safe place before it's too late." Aaron let's out a heavy sigh, a muscle twitching in his jaw. "I'll go pack..." Turning away, he heads back to the bedroom to pack the duffle bags while Syra let's out a breath while looking down. "Please forgive him, Tora. He's always been extremely protective of the ones he cares about. Punishment is nit something he is afraid of giving to those who deserve it."
Happy for the back up Tora could sense Aaron wasn’t pleased by the two women requesting to keep moving. She knew the man chasing them, the hounds on their tail, last thing she wanted was for them to catch up. Aaron was strong, he can fight…humans, not animals. Tora looks up to Syra, lowering down her ears “I get that…I am just worried even when I am safe Aaron will go after him.” her gaze dropping to her feet. Shifting her toes she gets lost in thought just has a wave of nausea suddenly washed over her. Eyes widening Tora bolted to the kitchen sink puking instantly, her hoodie hiking up to reveal her slowly healing wounds along her legs. She had to get on her tippy toes to lean over the edge, groaning to the sensation which completely grossed her out. Wiping her mouth she straightens up, curling her lips to the taste left in her mouth. “That came out of nowhere” she mutters with annoyance.
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After glancing at Tora's wounds with a hint of anger and sadness, Syra laughs softly and walks into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "The joys of being pregnant." Cracking open the bottle, she holds it out to Tora with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, Aaron won't leave your side no matter how badly he wants to go after Lucio." Looking into Tora's eyes intently, Syra let's out a soft breath. "Especially now that I've seen the extent of what he's done to you, Lucio won't be able to make a single move without me knowing.

In the bedroom, Aaron growls to himself. Lucio could be so close and he wouldn't know. "Count your days, Lucio.....they numbered." The sound of Tora puking in the kitchen snaps him out of his brooding. Grabbing the duffle bags, he walks back out to the living room and tosses them onto the floor before rushing to Tora. He cups her cheeks softly, lifting her face to meet his gaze. "Are you okay, baby?"
Snatching a towel sue damps it before wiping her mouth, the taste still making her shiver in disgust. A glance over she notices Syra join her, handing over a bottle of water. Cautiously taking it, her ears drooping in embarrassment seems everyone knew now. She swishes the water in her mouth for spitting it in the sink to rinse before drinking down a few sips. Before she could respond to Syra, Aaron came rushing in full of concern. She offers a silly smile “I’m fine” reassuring him, rubbing her face in his hands.
Aaron let's out a small breath before wrapping his arms around her, holding Tora close to his chest. "Lets hurry up and get you out of here before those two show up and try something." He press a kiss to the top of her head before pulling back and looking at Syra. "Do you have somewhere we can go that requires us to travel by boat? I'm sure it'll help cut off her scent trail." Raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, Syra smirks. "Who do you think I am? Some kind of workaholic who doesn't get away from time to time." Aaron remains silent for just a moment, his face deadly serious. "Yes."
Syra huffs and shoots Aaron a look that says 'fuck you' before looking at Tora. "It's a way to travel across the ocean with little detection....apart from a private jet." Grabbing her phone, Syra's eyes narrow while her grip in the phone tightens dangerously. "We need to hurry. Lobo and Daisy are almost here. Gron and Rud will hold them off for along as they can." Aaron grits his teeth and lets out another angry growl before nodding. "Alright, let's go." Grabbing the duffle bags in one hand, he scoops Tora up with his free arm and holds her close. "Don't worry, I've got you."
The term ocean made her jump with joy “seriously! The ocean!” She squeaks, finally was good excitement. It didnt last long witnessing Syra change in demeanor, Lobo and Daisy were closing in fast. Tora barely had tome to react, scooped up in Aarons arms since she cant move around too much as they found out earlier. “Guess we can patch my wounds up later?” she chuckles nervously as the clothes she was wearing were more revealing than she wished.
Aaron nods and holds Tora closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Of course we will. As soon as we get a safe distance away from those two maniacs, I'll fix you up and make sure you comfortable." Turning to Syra, Aaron gives her a quick nod before following her out the front door. Gron and Rud stand on either side of Tora and Aaron as they walk to the car, Syra leading the way and unlocking the doors with a click of a button. "Gron, Rud, spare no ammunition on those two. Any furry who willingly serves someone like Lucio is no better than him."
Closing her eyes to his kiss she still felt a sense of loss, how will they hide from a man so determined to find her. She lowers her ears with a sigh of acceptance “okay” before tensing “wait!” She calls out.

“Too late for that” a hound spoke blocking the way to the drive side doors, on top of the truck squatted a wolf. His eyes on only Tora “Pretty kitty, time to come home” he growls lowly. “We rather not fight, hand her over and we all return to our daily lives” Daisy chuckles, showing her canines in warning. Both were muscular, shape teeth and keen senses, they could smell the guns and bullets warned them of a fight, fast to dodge bullet without major hits.
Syra glares up at the two, her body dangerously tense and her eyes as sharp as daggers. "You mangy mutts.... where is your precious owner? I have abone to pick with that sick son of a bitch."

Aaron eyes shifted around with lightning speed, taking in every detail of their new situation. The muscles on both Daisy and Lobo, the distance between him and them, the sounds of Gron and Rud cocking their guns, every single thing made a difference in his calculations. Taking a step closer to the car, Aaron tightened his grip on Tora. "My, my, Lucio certainly has good taste in furries. You two must have been bred with specific qualities in mind." His voice smooth, charismatic even as he speaks. "Surely you two wouldn't mind if I simply spoke to you for just a moment. I'd like to ask just a few questions."
Ignoring Syra Daisy focused on Aaron while Lobo kept an eye on the others, ready to pounce at any second. “Not use to talk” Daisy answers with a growl, looking at Tora expecting her to obey. Tora glances toward Aaron, his grip on her scaring her then around to the others. Her ears pin back when she met Daisy’s gaze “Aaron” she murmurs nervously.

“Aaron is his name!” Daisy chuckles “the man who stole a precious item that can cause legal consequences if not returned in one piece” smirking to the thought of really fighting Tora. Lobo and Daisy were never allowed to fight her cause obedience was not their strong suit. “You can charm all you want, forget we are not humans filled with greed and selfishness. We are on a job” reminding Aaron his word may do little.
Aaron smiles and shakes his head. "Oh, you misunderstand me. I simply want to know more about your breed and abilities. With you two being able to track Tora down so easily, I'm sure you both have worked hard to please your owner." Syra eyes Aaron closely, knowing his tactics were always messy. She sighs before turning her attention back to Lobo, watching his every move. Gron and Rud step closer, their guns aimed at the two with such precision it's scary. "As I'm sure you can smell, Tora is actually injured at the moment. Due to her breed, I'm sure Lucio would lose his mind if he saw her in this state. Not to mention...he might blame it on you two. I'd be willing to patch her up, so long as you both give me the chance."
A twitch of their noses, both canines exchange glances “No” answering in union. “She can be patched up at home after her abortion” Daisy tells them knowing the truth. “Master won’t be happy knowing she bred with some human” Lobo chuckles with a shake of his head. “Those wounds will be old to the new ones she will acquire as punishment” both adding with laughter. Lobo eyes the trigger happy men, his tail wagging with excitement to play.

Tora saw what was attempting but these two were not going anywhere without her in their grasp. “Aaron…” looking up to him with hope he had an actual plan.
Aaron smirks, a dangerous and almost blood thirsty glare entering his eyes at the mention of his growing child's death. "Don't two will learn." Without an ounce of warning, Gron and Rud fire off their guns just as Aaron cover's Tora's mouth and nose with his other hand. Gas bombs explode behin Daisy and Lobo, a steong, almost deadly sleeping gas filling the air. Syra toss two daggers at Daisy and Lobo before jumping into her car. "MOVE IT!" As Gron and Rud rush the two furries, Aaron bolts into the car while keeping Tora tucked close to his chest.
His words were warning enough, the two launched at the gun men, being hit with the gas but avoiding daggers and removing the guns. They both took off to a safe distance before collapsing from the gas that sting their nose, eyes, and lungs to sleep.

Tora gasps when covered by Aaron, fighting him a little out of confusion and fear. She whines, tearing out of his arms once they entered tue car and closed the air tight doors. She took fast, deep breathes, pressing to the opposing door of the back seat “what the hell!” She hisses.
Syra ignores what's going on in the backseat and steps on the gas pedal. Speeding down the road, she starts sending messages as fast as she can to get everything prepared for Aaron and Tora.

Aaron frowns, a broken expression filling his eyes as he sees Tora avoiding him. "I'm sorry, I had to act fast to protect you. I didn't want the gas to get to you. I'm really sorry." He maintains his distance, not wanting to scare Tora anymore than he already has.

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