Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

The eyes she felt earlier probably was another team that found them and the escorts were handling it for now. She hums, small acceptance to his answer though made her worry about their time limit. Swallowing down a whine when Aaron was pushed back so Onyx could run her scans. So Tora pouted, staying still but her ears still twitched to the pitched beeps and such.

Turning her head once done she gasps in awe to see the images of her on the wall, growling when she spotted the red dot. “Okay…how deep that?” She questions Onyx glancing over her own shoulder.
Onyx sighed and flicked her chopped ears as she approached the screens. Unbeknownst to Tora, Onyx had once suffered the same past that Tora had. Only difference was that she was used as a sex toy by her owner before being mangled to end her beauty. "Based on these readings, I'd say the tracker is relatively deep in your shoulder. I'll still be able to remove it within a matter of ten minutes, but it will still hurt."

Aaron stepped closer to Tora, placing a hand on her shoulder and smiling down at her. "I'll be with you the entire time. You can do this."
Intently watching Onyx as she read the scans Tora did not like what she heard “ten minutes…” she mumbles, her ears falling back. She felt Aarons hand on her shoulder his voice assuring he was right with her. “Fuck…” rubbing her eyes before taking a deep breath “okay…Quicker we get this done the less likely he can find me” she nods her head. She knew but how Onyx look and acted she once been through a tragic life so Tora would force herself to endure the pain without allowing her animal instincts to lash out.
Onyx smiled and nodded before walking into another small room to prepare everything. The soft click of metal tools being laid on a table sounded in the background as Aaron crouched down in front of her. His hands rubbed slowly up and down her thighs as he smiled up at her. "After this, we're going to be catching a ride out of town while information is gathered on that son of a bitch." For Aaron, removing the tracker wasn't enough. He wanted to make sure whoever it was that hurt Tora would never even think about her again.
Leaning over a tad as Onyx left to another room, the clicks and clacks of metal as she prepared made Tora twitch. Her eyes look down to Aaron as he offered her comfort, rubbing his hands along her thighs, his voice calming her thoughts and worries. Softly beginning to purr she smiles “sounds like a plan” feeling lucky as hell he was the one whom found her. Pressing her forehead against his, her eyes falling closed as her purring grew louder.
Aaron chuckled softly before wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. He had finally found someone who made his heart sore, and he wasn't about to give that up. Her happiness and freedom were his top priority now. "How did I ever get lucky enough to meet you.?" He murmured, nuzzling his nose against hers.

Onyx watched for a moment, smiling and shaking her head at the cute scene unfolding. Aaron was the most deserving of happiness in her eyes, having started out in their world at such a young age. She finally cleared her throat gently before motioning for them to follow. "If you two are ready, let's get that tracker out and send you on your way."
Laughter sounded from Tora hugging herself to him as he lifted her up calling himself lucky “no, you are a kind soul that found me, saved me” she corrects. Her smile grew bigger when he gave an eskimo kiss, giggling to the point she forgot where they were. When Onyx clearly had been watching made herself known Tora’s fur spiked up with embarrassment. “Oh yes” biting on her lip as they were leas into the sterile room.
Aaron swallowed as he looked around the room, remembering the many times he had been in there for his own injuries. "You said this will only take ten minutes, right Onyx?" He wanted to get Tora out of there as fast as he could. There was no reason as to why they should stay longer. A small nod was all that was given as Onyx helped Tora into the chair, having her sit in it backwards so her shoulder was fully exposed. "Yes, ten minutes, and that with me adding time just in case."

Pouring some rubbing alcohol onto Tora's shoulder, Onyx used a comb to part her fur before picking up a scalpel. "Deep breath, and keeo your focus on Aaron."
Finding her way onto the chair Tora hugs the back, pinning her ears as her tail lashes a few times before wrapping around her waist. The chill air in the fur parted just over the area made her shiver “Okay…” taking a deep breath. Tora looks up to Aaron knowing this was the best way to keep her safe but hell it sucked. Downside Onyx was going to be up close and personal with Tora allowing her to notice the slight changes occurring with the tigers scent, hormones shifting around when a heat was successful. That is if she can multitask with cutting out the tracker.
Aaron crouched down in front of Tira just as Onyx started to cut through Tora's flesh. Her movements were swift and graceful as she made her way through muscles and tendons, only cutting whatever was truly necessary. Aaron cupped Tora's face carefully, knowing full well the pain of being cut open. "It's okay, you've got this. You're doing so well already."

Onyx remained silent as she worked, glancing at Tora's body to make sure she wasn't about to turn around and strike. She could smell the change inside of the white tigress, knowing something about her that Tora herself probably didn't know yet. "Almost finished, my darling. Just a little longer."
Tora bows her head, gritting her teeth when the sting of the of the initial cut stuck. She pressed her head against Aarons when he cupped her face, her hands clenched into fists so her claws dug into her palms. “Ah shit!” She yelps the deeper Onyx the more intense the pain. The tracker sensed the muscle being opened, branching out it buried itself tighter into the meat of the tiger. “Ow ow! Its fucking moving!” Jerking her shoulder in reaction.
Onyx let out a annoyed growl as the tracker moved, her patience wearing thin. "Pesky technology making shit harder..." Aaron gritted his teeth as he grabbed Tora's hands, trying them open before setting them on his shoulders. "Hold on me to, Tora. You can do this. I promise you'll be okay." He didn't care about the sharp pain of her claws digging into his shoulders. He cared more about Tora's pain.

"Hold on, this is going to hurt....badly." extending her own claws, Onyx forced her thumb and forefinger inside of Tora's opened wound to claw the tracker out herself. It was a tactic she hated using, but was faster then using tools.
It took some elbow grease but her hands opens to death grip on his shoulders, her head lowering further in attempt to get away but the chair kept her in position. She barely heard Onyx warn her before excruciating sharp pain coursed over her shoulder. “Fucking fucker!” Tora yowls feeling every inch of claw dig into her flesh, hooking onto the tracker. The bug put up a fight with its tendrils grasping onto anything they could until Onyx fully pulled it out and deactivated it.
Onyx growled as she stared at the little metal tracker, now nothing more than a peice of trash. "There we go. All done. You did good, my darling. Let me just patch you up." Her hands were gentle as she started stitching up Tora's shoulder. Aaron pressed his forehead against Tora's as his thumbs brushed along her cheek bones. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's over now. You're okay." Her screams of pain had shattered him, making him desperate to soothe her. "I'm so proud of you, Tora. You did so good." He peppered her face with kisses as the residual sting in his shoulders lasted. "You've got an iron grip there, baby. I'm sure you'd kick my ass in only a few seconds if you wanted to." He chuckled softly, hoping his humor would distract her.
Tora’s body was trembling with adrenaline, her mind in a daze their voice muffled for a few moments. She blinks slowly back into reality feeling the light tug of stitches while Aaron adored her with pets and kisses. She offers a small smile “lets hope that is the worst pain I ever have to experience” she sighs. Releasing her hands from his shoulders to dangle noticing the blood on her palms and on her claws. “You dont want to see me in a fight” she tells him with a shake of her head. Her owner adored watching her fight other furries and her winning, all controlled so she didn’t get badly hurt. Most of her wounds are from fighting or beatings to keep her in line and looking beautiful but strong.

It was over that is all she cared about “I get pain killers I hope” she chuckles, sitting up a little.
Onyx smiled and laughed softly as she place a Bangladesh over Tora's shoulder. Standing up and tossing a bottle of pain killers over to Aaron, she wiped her hands clean and purred. "Onky one pill every 4 hours as needed. I don't think Aaron would like you getting addicted." She looked at the tracker once more, her eyes narrowing as she gritted her teeth. "Son of a bitch choose the best tracker on the market for her."

Aaron sighed and opened the bottle of pills, taking one out and handing it to Tora before grabbing a water bottle from one of the nuffle bags. "Hopefully that will slow his search for her. I need to get her as far away from here as possible."
As needed was a slippery slope but she will take it “sounds good” taking the pill and water offered from Aaron “thank you” swallowing the pill with ease. She slowly gets up from the chair to take a look at the tracker “I am not surprised, ran away alot as a kid” she chuckles. Tora smiles at Onyx “Really thank you” walking off to pull on leggings, a sports bra, then Aarons hoodie back on. It hurt like hell to move her shoulder around but she kept it mind to take it easy. “Anything else before we go?” Looking toward Onyx, an opportunity to warn the two for Tora was not going to find out for quite some time.
Onyx sighed and looked at Aaron for a moment, a hint of disappointment in her eyes before smiling at Tora. "Well, I did notice something about you when I was working. As it's no surprise, you've successfully gone through a heat cycle and mated with Aaron." She couldn't help glancing at him once more shoots daggers with her stare before reaching out to gently touch Tora's belly. "Whats growing in here is going to be a big responsibility, so I want you and Aaron to make sure you talk things over thoroughly and make the right decision."

Aaron's eyes popped open at Onyx's words. Not only did he feel like an ass for not using protection before, now he felt worse since what they believed to be just a chance had turned out to be real. "Wait, what?!"
Tora followed Onyx’s gaze toward Aaron before adding an answer which she had a feeling she would not find great currently. A short breath was taken when Onyx explained she sensed Tora was already expecting. A nervous chuckle sounded as Tora looking toward Onyx Aaron was seemed to be freaking out. “This is a joke, seriously it was my first time, there is no way, we are on the run” she shook her head. Tora didnt believe this, she couldn't “right, Aaron? Just a chance…” turning to him.
Aaron swallowed thickly, feeling his heart sinks. He couldn't believe the situation he had put Tora in. He hardly even knew her, had only spent no more than two days with her, and yet she was carrying his offspring. "Fuck...." Onyx gave Tora a sympathetic smile and gently cupped Tora's cheek. "Unfortunately a chance is all it takes, my dear. With Aaron being a young man, he is...rather fertile, just like yourself." Aaron almost couldn't breath, pacing around while trying to figure something out. "This is fucking crazy. I'm such a fucking idiot!" He turned to Tora with a frown, fearing she would come to hate him. "Tora, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean for this to happen."
Seeing both of their reaction made it set in for Tora, her ears falling back as thoughts ran through her head. She blinks meeting Onyx’s eyes when the other touched her face, tears welling up in her eyes. Hearing Aaron pacing, clearly upset with himself tore Tora apart “hey, hey” rushing over to him. She hugs him tightly, burying her face in his chest, his scent calming her instantly. “You did nothing wrong, we did nothing wrong, it’s nature” she reassures him. Looking up, her chin rest on his chest she smiles “and never call yourself an idiot, you are the smartest guy I know” flicking the tip of her tail on his nose.
Aaron's arms nervously wrapped around Tora before slowly tightening. He still blamed himself, wishing this had been more of an agreed decision instead. He sighed as he leaned his head down to nuzzle the crook of her neck, still being careful to not hit her wounds. "I'm sorry this happened so quickly. I'll go along with whatever you choose. No matter what." She smelled so good to him, like fresh summer flowers and warm spices. He pulled back enough to cup her cheeks before pressing a soft kiss to her nose and then lips. "Lets get you out of here. We have even more to protect at the moment."
Least they know now than later when she started showing or the symptoms sparked up. She takes a deep breath when their lips met in a soft kiss, wishing to show him how she felt but this was bot the place. Now him and Oynx mentioning options did confuse her, what did they mean by that? “Yes, we need to go” deciding she can ask when they are traveling. She pulls from his arms to take his hand “lead the way knight in shining armor” smiling with a laugh. “Thank you again, Onyx” grateful for quick and honesty she showed.
Onyx smiled with a nod before pushing a button on the wall to open a secret door. "This will lead you out to the edge of town, just follow the tunnel the entire way. Syra should already have a car waiting for you two." Aaron nodded in thanks before pulling Tora along. "Thanks again, Onyx. I owe you." As the door closed, Aaron sighed and started walking through the dimly lit tunnel. His grip was gentle yet firm on Tora's hand, wishing he really was a knight in shining armor. Maybe then he would've been able to end her suffering easily. His mind races with thoughts of whether or not Tora would keep her pregnancy or not, if they would have multiple kits or just one.

He needed a distraction before the idea of possibly becoming a father ate him alive. "By the way, you didn't really tell me about yourself. I know you were kept captive for a long time, but im sure you still have some favorite foods and things you want to see."
Jumping to the secret door popping open Tora waved to Onyx as Aaron led the way out. She stayed right behind him, squeezing his hand when noticing his heart was racing, held a sweat to brow and breathing uneasy. “Oh…yeah we dont know each other than pir trauma uh” joking a little. “I love pig and rabbit, more of a fan of fruit over veggies and I want to see the ocean, maybe learn to swim” answering his adorable question. Sure she could babble forever but when the end of the tunnel was sensed she went quiet.
Aaron lightly squeezed her hand as they approached the end of the tunnel, looking up the ladder. There was no way Tora was gonna be able to climb it. "Well, looks like I'm gonna have to carry my little tigress." He laughed softly as he slung the duffle bags behind his back before lifting Tora up into one arm. "Hold on tight, okay?" He smiled and nuzzled her nose before slowly climbing up the ladder. He could hear voices just outside the tunnel opening. At least they were familiar voices. After giving a secret knock on the metal hole cover, it was removed and Aaron and Tora were met with both Gron and Rud again. "It's about time. Let's go, car is waiting."
Approaching the ladder, Tora pouted, knowing her shoulder was far too injured to support her weight in that fashion. She blinked at Aaron, not even pausing, as he prepared to carry her and the bags up. She hesitated, looping her good arm over his shoulder and across his chest for a good hold while her other was lightly supported. Her legs clung to his waist on their way up, hopping from his back once the doors opened to two familiar faces. She turned to help Aaron climb out, glaring at the two for rushing them but she understood this was dire being out like this, popping up her hood she hurried into the car that awaited them, sliding into the backseat.
Aaron threw the duffle bags into the trunk and sighed as he climbed into the backseat with Tora, wrapping an arm over her shoulder. Once Gron and Rud hopped into the front seats and took off down the road, Aaron sighed and let his head fall back against the seat. He pulled Tora closer, knowing they were in for a long ride. "You should take a nap on me. It's going to be a long ride before we stop to stretch our legs again." He smiled down at Tora, patting his lap for her to use as a pillow if she wanted.
Turning in her seat to keep a close eye on Aaron until he finally joined her in the backseat. She snuggles into his side noticing how exhausted he seemed. Happily accepting his lap as her pillow, curling up with a small smile. “Aaron, what we you guys saying about options?” She asks hoping the two up front did not eavesdrop.
Aaron's eyes shot open once more, feeling awkward about having to explain what kind of options were available to Tora in regards to her pregnancy. He shot Gron and Rud a glare to warn them about keeping their mouths shut before looking down at Tora. " women don't always want to go through with being pregnant or having babies, so they...will choose to rather give the baby up for adoption abort them so they don't go through the pregnancy at all. I just want you to know that I would never force you into any decision. It's your body, sweetheart, and you get to choose what you want to do."

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