Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

(XD Lyra: So where do you punish them....for uh science.)

"If you're happy...then..." his fingers traced over her markings gently, following the black shadowly symbols. "I am happy too." He said simply, though he wasn't sure if she would be as happy as she would above ground.
"Are you worried that if I follow you, I'll have regrets?" She asked, noting the slight change in his expression. She then touched her rounded belly with a hand, her eyes focusing elsewhere as she had a bad feeling that if she stayed up here, worse things would happen- not to mention, if Suriel found out..She didn't even want to think about what could happen. All she knew is that she wanted to be safe, to feel safe. With Lucifer, she did. She trusted him and the decision he would make-but she wanted a say in it as well.

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