Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

(Had to reread everything to get into the mindset. But it's insane how I remember Derek and Marie's first night together in our og series XD)

The sigils on her arms swirled and moved- like a serpent coiling around her arms- the more Lucifer began to pick up his pace, and Lyra's moans were in tandem with his thrusting. A blush rolled over her face as she remembered she was already with Lucifer's child, knowing that if it wasn't for that..she'd definitely wouldn't have long to become pregnant after their current interactions. But her mind was buzzed with the desire and lust she was feeling for him, obviously satisfied and enjoying herself- feeling his lips on her neck. "B-Bite down.." she begged through her breathy moans, her depths squeezing around him as another orgasm released from her body.

Somewhere in Hell.. while this was happening on the surface, the demon who had tended to Lyra, was currently tending to another, Lilith, the ‘mother’ of all demons. Lilith watched the creature hobble forward and she asked, “What tidings do you bring me?” Lilith was a beautiful woman, her demon quite terrifying, but also gave enough sex appeal to have anyone wanting her to fuck them. Her skin was deep red, her hair was jet black, her eyes a brilliant yellow.

The decrepit soul coughed out a response. “The cherubim that carries our Master’s offspring.. is meant to have a male.” She spoke and Lilith laughed, “Well well..let’s be appreciative it isn’t a female, for then my nature will certainly be threatened..this could mean the first ever born succubus..” she trailed off.

The servant had said male both times, but knew it was a female, knowing it had to hide the identity for Lucifer’s sake. A female demon, first to be born, with angel blood running through it’s veins..certainly problems could arise from this knowledge.
(I hope you appreciate the premise for Lilith, the idea that her and Marie's demon form are so similar... Lilith chooses her demon's appearance, and Marie is just born with it XD)

Lyra cried out in pleasure as he bit down on her mostly unblemished flesh - her skin, her angel blood almost was bubbling from Lucifer's venom.. but she wasn't feeling any pain, enjoying herself clearly. Her orgasms racing through her body, making a soiled mess underneath the blankets and downy of the bed she was on.
Lucifer touched her face as she spoke her honyed words, how she belonged to him. His eyes fell on hers again, drawing his fangs from her skin. "And I am yours." He whispered back, pushing himself clos to her, she felt him beginning to release his seed inti her, giving out low groans of pleasure.
She caught her breath as well, touching his cheek softly with her hand. “You’re hotter than the sun love,” she spoke gently. Thankfully being supernatural in nature like Lucifer, the heat didn’t bother her..for instance, ‘holy’ heat and ‘hellfire’ heat were very similar in temperatures. Of course.. hellfire heat was a bit stronger, yet she wasn’t going to combust upon being next to Lucifer..that’s what the black swirls on her arms were for- as a form of protection.
She gave a soft sigh at his answer. There truly was no way for her to be down there with Lucifer then, but - Lucifer was missing a vital point. If the swirls of the black markings prevented Lyra combusting in the presence of his very hellfire drawn heat..who's to say she wouldn't survive down in hell with him?
"My mean my soul..?" she asked, looking at the marks herself. She then went to touch where her womb lay, and the child that laid within her. "The more the child grows..the more threats to come, perhaps..I'd be safer if.." she wanted to say down there, in Hell with Lucifer..but, would it be right of her to do so? Surely..if she was to return back to Heaven, an ill fate was to befell her and she knew she wanted to avoid that as much as she could.
"I understand..I'd have to have a shell of my own then, wouldn't I?" she asked, but Lucifer could tell that Lyra was afraid, mostly of being alone, but more so afraid of what would happen if she wouldn't go- their child, so powerless and the minute they would be born, what hell would break loose on earth because of it?
Lyra focused in on Lucifer, her eyes looking at his. She knew his words to be true. But one thing lurked in the back of her mind. What would become of her then? “If I go with means I..don’t have to return to where Suriel is at?” She asked. Then she thought about her duties as an angel, how she had went to purge demons of this world- sending them back down to hell- Lucifer’s escaped ‘dogs’. But then again Lucifer had been hunting too. Lyra had not yet met Lilith, who could prove just as harmful as Suriel if Lucifer wasn’t careful.
She seemed to be relieved from what he said, and she laid into his embrace- closing her eyes and inhaling his scent, which comforted her. “You know..I actually am kind of curious on how things look down there,” she admitted, and a small idea popped into her head. For some reason she’d love it if Lucifer showed her how he tortured souls but..for ‘other’ reasons.
"Drab mostly." Lucifer said simply. "Atleast the outsides of the castle, it's a barren wasteland, aside of the rivers of flames and lava. The smoke is like a eternal storm cloud, it rains hot ash that clings to the soul, and scars the damned and wild. The Fallen in my army are shrouded, all glory twisted from their grasp and they hide themselves to try to remember their grace while they prepare themselves for retribution or war. Very shocking few are joyous in my Domain."

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