Magical Siblings

The request was taken with a smile "of course, anything she needs" reassuring him as she steps back to read Taylors monitors for a moment "Hopefully by tomorrow long as there are no more major bleeds" answering his follow up question. Taylor staying quiet as she watches the doctor then looking over to Bel wondering what their new home looked like and such, what job he would get while she currently could not even work with her delicate condition of twins.
Looking to the nurse and doc, Bel would smile fondly, as he thanked them. before the doc even had a chance to leave the room. He would find the forms filled out, and being returned to him. which might come as a shock, however
tylor would know better then any one. her brother had used his time stop ability once more. this time to do some lousy paper work, and have it done almost instantly. it was dangerous for him to do such things with out even thinking
however. when it came to tylor, Bel was always reckless and carefree. However little did Ty know, that once they were in their home, the playful, and now filled sister would find a new side of her brother.
one she might not like as much or could enjoy even more, as only time would reveal such a side.
"It was only for a moment, besides for such a weak damsel you sure hit hard you know that. " rubbing his arm as he playfully said this to her. However the fact remained, if Ty looked, her brother had no backlash from this use.
meaning that he indeed was developing the means to use his magic slowly. if nothing else, perhaps he had been training himself to do so before any of this. However the fact remained. the duo now had the paper work done, and a
night to spend in the medical facility still. Yet it would be up to Ty if she wanted Bel to stay the night with her or not. as if the sister left this to her brother, he would remain at her side all night with out any concern for what others might see,
say or even think.
She glances him over, a quick study of his health which seemed fine in the current time but she was still concerned when he used such powerful magic. Diverting her attention to the clock she had no clue it had grown so late as she snuggled down into her bed "Would you might finding some more blankets?" feeling a slight chill in the room.
Gently running his one hand through Ty's hair, Bel would smile, as he spoke softly.
"Be right back, make sure you don't go vanishing on me. "
saying this playfully, However little did Bel know. that Ty would need to be careful around him, due to finding the right action, pose or word
could excite her brother enough to trigger that back lashed charm spell which was now part of his eyes. Yet for right now she would seem to be fine, and safe with his care.
more then that if things got out of hand, they were in the hospital. all the while, the nurse, and doc would be making their leave as this was soon happening.

as the doc left first. Bel would leave the room, stopping the nurse, and asking her to take him to where they had blankets. as he wanted to pick out the best one both as warm, and as fluffy as possible for
tylor to enjoy. it was almost comical to see. yet the fact remained, this girl was his entire world, and the brother didn't hide that. which would give the nurse something to playfully poke fun at her patient about later if she wanted.
A hum sounded by his little tease, not planning on going anywhere, honestly she was nervous to leave the hospital. Knowing Bel had reassured her that he had medical teams near by encase anything were to happen, what if he was not there when something happened or she went into labor? So caught up in her thoughts she barely noticed the time slip by.

The nurse was happy to lead him over to the closet full of blankets for him to choose from, glad to see the young pregnant girl being properly cared for.
Once the young man found two overly fluffy, and warm blankets. he would look to the nurse.
" Is it alright if I take these two?" asking this, as he had picked out the ones which would feel amazing for his sister, or so he hoped.
heavy enough to truly keep her warm, while soft, and fluffy enough to be enjoyed. However the fact remained. as he looked to the nurse, his one eye would suddenly
flash with a pink charm. however it would be only one instead of both. which would have a lesser effect on the female victim. one which would make her more agreeable to his request, albeit one which was
not meant to happen.
Once the young man returned to the room. He would move up to tylor, placing the chosen blanket upon his sister. as he smiled.
"Well looks like one will be in need of some proper warm rest, and peaceful dreams hmm?"
teasing her a bit like this. as Bel would move to keep a chair next to Tylor's bed. as he did not plan to leave her, unless his sister wanted her brother
to go, and come back later for some time away from him.
Hearing the door she would blink back into reality, smiling to the appearance of her brother and fluffy blankets that brought her softness and warmth. Sighing into her comfort as her eyes fell closed with a hum "Night night" mumbling as she drifted off in seconds revealing she at last felt comfortable enough to let her guard down and fully rest. By morning she was of course a puking mess, other that she was free to be discharged.
As morning came, Ty came to, a puking mess, however Bel would be right at her side. even getting the small trash can in place, and using one of his hands to keep her hair out of Ty's face.

as he was right their at her side, his one hand holding her hair, the other gently rubbing her back.
"Looks like we need to get you something for the morning still huh? get it all out, once your body is ready, I will take you out to your favorite place for
lunch, before we go look at our new home, how does that sound hmm?"
This being the worst part so far she would sit up from the trash can and puke bags, wiping her mouth with a shake of her head "I can't event think about food" admitting as the nurse filed in. "Oh but you are eating for three, you must eat" encouraging her as she came to remove the IV and hand over the prescriptions the doctor had rushed for their departure. "Best you drink fluids as well, some bed rest of a few days and light daily exercise after" advising as she bandages where the IV was. Taylor eyes the two medications she had, one for the morning sickness and another as a pain reliever.
Once the horrible morning show was over, and Tylor's body was ready for proper cleaning. Bel would move to get up, and offer his sister his hand.
"shall we get you all cleaned up, before we go sis? or would you prefer the nurse help you?" saying this, as he smiled, with a gentle smile.
wanting to help her out, and care for his sister. however the fact remained, he placed the offer their, as this would be the last chance for her
to get some care from another woman, if their was something she wanted, or needed help with, which would not be able to do. however the fact remained this new day
would be a new start to their forbidden life style.
A look was given to the nurse as she nods "She can help" getting up to waddle over to the bathroom with the nurse in toe. A shower starting and of course the nurse ensured that Taylor felt safe with her brother, that she had no concerns of danger. After reassuring the nurse she was safe with her brother the nurse helped her wash up, brush her teeth and recheck her stitches before aiding her into getting dressed. Coming out of the bathroom Taylor wore sweats and a hoodie, already feeling disgusted with her body that she did not wish to show it off "I am ready to go" offering Bel a small smile
As she was like this, Bel would move to place the ring back on her finger. once again reverting Tylor's body to the ideal body she was so proud of. however as he did this, the wicked little man
would purposely dip one of his fingers in a glass of water, before touching the ring, and showing Ty what he discovered. as the disguise vanished like this, but would return once the ring dried all out. showing
he was a bit busy while she was being taken care of. However this magical item, besides hiding her baby belly made it easier for Ty to walk, at least while her form was changed by magic.

"I won't lie, you look so damn cute with that belly, but if your more comfortable like this. we can use the ring while were out. "
saying this, to his sister, after showing her his little discovery, unaware if she knew of this weakness in the ring or not. the nurse would see this, as well.
Holding out her hand as he slipped her ring back on then revealing a weakness in his spell making her laugh. She fiddled with her hoodie liking to see herself original frame but would have to see her baby bump when showering. She wanted to hold his hand even offer a morning kiss but was awkward with the nurse there. “Ca-can we go?”
Looking to the nurse, Bel would bow in gratitude for the care they provided his sister. before taking her one hand, and her hip in his. walking with her, as the duo would leave the hospital together.
not bothering to grab anything more then what they needed.

"Well, once were outside those doors, we can set out for a quick bite, and then I can show you our new home. "
saying this, it would finally sink in, that before she was knocked up. her brother had been prepped to move out any ways. but now he had some one to take with him, which meant
what was planned had been altered, but in a way her brother could greatly enjoy, as embarrassing as it might be for Ty, perhaps she would come to enjoy it, even more so then he.
Blushing bright red as her brother escorted her out, reminding her pf food yet again. She would look up to him knowing he must eat and guessed she could at least attempt scrambles eggs. Next on her mind was curiosity of his home, he had been planning to move out for some tile but by himself. Now he had her and two more on the way, would his home be big enough? “Ill try to eat but straight home cause I am tired” admitting
"Well if that is the case, once we get you home, I can make my cute little sister something special then. "

saying this with a playful and gentle tone. even in her current state, Tylor would see how his one eye flashed pink periodically tours her. as if reminding the sister
of the risk her brother now posed to any female, because of her. even if he himself was unaware of it. Yet it was not being fully activated at least. Yet little did she know
the pregnant maiden would find once they were alone in the home. her brother would struggle to resist his own urges, despite her condition.

It would not be long before an impressive little house would be, before them. as he smiled, and moved to open the front gate.

" Well then, shall we give my cute little milf a tour of our new home?" teasing her with his words, the big brother would escort, and support Tylor into
the home.

( feel free to make the inside look as you desire, as it is a home, which can be customized by magic of the owner wink wink. )
Reassuring to hear he was willing to instead have breakfast in their new home than out in public, though wearing her ring to hide her pregnancy she could still feel the weight of her baby bump. Once arriving to their new home she was caught of guard by the neatness and beauty within, a two bedroom it seemed with one bathroom, a luxurious kitchen and living room area. Least there was a spare room to build a nursery which made her all sort of nervous to begin for she had no idea what babies would need. "I rather sit down" admitting to him as she took a seat on the couch only to lie down on her back with a sigh.
Once she was down, Bel would move to prep his sister some soothing chamomile tea. then he would move to sit next to his sister, offering her this drink.
"well think for a moment, what kind of nibble would my cute little sis like hmm?"
still teasing her like he always did. However little did ether of them know, that with this night, Bel's new curse so to speak would become an issue for his own urges, as
well as for the pregnant state of Tylor, yet this would be discovered in the coming hours for them, or more so for herself.
Moving to gently run his hand through his sister's hair, and down her arm. he would smile,
Very well, a nice hot breakfast, light and fluffy for the lovely lady coming right up. "
saying this to her in a playfully gentle tone. the wicked stud of a brother would lean in to gently kiss Ty on the cheek.
as he whispered to her, how nice it will be to use her like a personal cuddle bear. as he said this, the truth was the opposite.
it would be Tylor who always held onto Bel like a massive stuffed animal, but he was teasing her as best as he could, considering how bad his
sense of humor naturally was.
As she would now be in the room with her tea, and able to relax. Ty would soon smell the scent of cooking. despite asking for simple eggs. she would find
bel was going all out as he always did for her. wanting to make the most mouth watering, and enjoyable breakfast for his sister. even if she didn't eat that much
of it. if their was enough it could be nibbled on through out the day. at least how he looked at it. but this would also give a chance for Ty to relax their, listen in on
her brother, or even more so to watch him work in the kitchen.
falling into passive, and pleasant slumber. her nap would go uninterrupted. however in this world of dreams.

Tylor would find herself now with her unwanted playmate. drake, as he would be pressing her against the locker.
in said dream it would seem as if she was about to be taken by force, but instead of her brother being their to protect her, and get drake off.
all her so called female friends would be, belittling her, calling Tylor a slut and worse. as her dream would soon go from her finer body, to drake
moving to ruin her pregnant state. as his own wicked look, would begin to twist into the view or visual form of her father. and the sexual assault in a locker room
would begin to shift into a verbal assault upon her.

However in these twisted and dark moments of mental suffering, a light would always be their. the image of her brother, at a door way offering a hand to her.
it would be unknown how long this dream would go on. however in her dream eventually the sound of her brother's voice calling to her would echo softly. which was
her brother in the real world, gently going to wake her, as to ensure Ty ate something before going back to sleep.
Whining and wiggling in her slumber she would jolt awake to find her brother before her and not some haunted people from the past, she sat up a little to catch her breath. "Oh um...thanks" feeling a tad out of it as she takes her plate of scrambles eggs to nibble upon before able to use her tea in form to take her medication. "What are you having?" asking after swallowing down her tea
Now awaken from her unwanted dream. Tylor would find her big brother at her side. as she went to nibble on her eggs. hearing Ty's question, bel would answer honestly.
as he planned to eat once she was asleep, before joining her later. wanting to make sure she was healthy, and well adjusted to their new home today.

however if Tylor looked into her brother's eyes. as he spoke, the sister could accidently find herself being hit by the charm spell which now resided in his eyes. as it
was as dangerous as it was enjoyable if it happened. Yet in her current condition, it would be even more dangerous to become said love toy, due to her body needing some
time to adjust to the new environment, as well as recover from the injuries caused by the stress.

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