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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Calming down as he reassured that over these three month he had gotten his license and guild card even prepped a private area for them, finally being brought into the loop that did comfort her but she still had so many wonderings. What if there are birth defects, what if she did not survive a delivery of twins, what if the twins don't survive, what if something happens to Bel, what if....she wipes her eyes, taking a deep breath, it was shakey but reached into her lungs. "I...I never even thought that far ahead" admitting quietly, her brother being the one with big ventures and plans while she just took advantage of her natural mana gifts and coasted. Now she had to figure something out or else she would be driven mad with raising twins and having no hobby or down time.

At the same time she did not want to be here or go home 'When can we leave?" asking him as her red stained eyes look up to her brother, the father of her children.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"When ever you feel ready? it will be a new start, a new home. and yes I made sure we would be with in contact range for medical experts if anything needed to be taken care of. "
saying this, he would lean in to gently kiss her head, before holding Tylor a bit in his arms. assuring her to the best of their abilities, he would always take care of them.

However revealing to her, that once she was ready he had the means to take them swiftly to the new home. pulling out a small scroll, which was a one time use teleportation scroll. one which would cost a
fortune normally to make. as they could be used for a small group of people, as long as the owner is being touched by those to be teleported with them. yet he would give the scroll to Tylor, so she could
decide when she was ready.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Everything was thought out it felt leaving her to feel some comfort even in such a unpredictable state, she would cuddle into his as he held her drawing out a scroll that made her gasp. A teleport scroll was a fortune to create, looking up to him with eyes of amazement that he was her brother, lover, and father to their kids. She would not even touch it though afraid she may mess it up in some way "We...I..." she bites her lip thinking a moment "I...I wanna leave before mom and dad can find out their true father" admitting softly
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"then, if your feeling up for it, we can go tonight, and be done with this part of our life. "
as he said this, taking the time to make sure Tylor knew that meant she would not get to get any farewells in with her best friend.
or any one else for that matter. they would vanish with out a trace, and thus leaving to a new private life, away from the world, just the two of them.
as this would not be something to take lightly, however he was more then prepared, wanting to make sure Tylor was prepared with this course of action, as once this
was done their would be no going back. yet he would be with her every step of the way.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The option of leaving tonight was a surprise of him ready to leave so soon but at though of que of changing their entire life Taylor felt a sharp cramp in her stomach making her yelp and wince. Snatching the button she presses it for the nurse luckily the parents were off getting dinner in the cafeteria. "Yes?" the nurse spoke as she checked her machines "My tummy, something is wrong" Taylor would whine though scoot closer to Bel afraid of the nurse touching her but knew it had to be done. The nurse would pull back the sheets making met with a pool of blood that Taylor had not noticed "I will get the doctor right away!" the nurse calls into the pager staying int he room to begin controlling the bleeding. "Everything is okay just breath for me, sweetheart, you are gonna be fine" reassuring her as Taylor was freaking out that something was wrong with the twins.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in the embrace of her brother for support, it would be a bit odd. however his arms around her, so that Tylor could grasp his arms, dig nails in or what ever might be needed. as the doctor, and nurse would have full access to her, as needed.
However it was unknown how long this would take or what was going on. as Bel would not leave her side, keeping her as comfortable, as possible. while watching helplessly as his sister endured what ever had begun to happen to her.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Hiding her face into her brother, holding onto him as she did everything in her power to keep still for the doctor as she was between Taylor legs trying to patch up the bleed for she lost either of the twins. Taylor was letting out soft sobs from the pain along with people handling her after what she has been through, soon enough her IV being filled with a sedative to help calm her down into a sleeping state as they were finishing up with some stitching. "She will be okay, a minor bleed, best she stays off her feet as much as possible for a few weeks" the doctor instructed as she cleaned up her hands and the nurse brought in fresh sheets to change out with the soiled ones. "but she needs to clean up when she wakes" adding on.

Parents came rushing in after a nurse finally found them "is she okay? What happened?" demanding information but the doctor ignored them on her way out so they looked to Bel seeing he was on the bed with Taylor who was sound asleep in his arms.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with Tylor asleep in his arms, Bel would look to his parents. as he had a scolding look tours them. before speaking in a soft tone, as to let his sis remain asleep.

"her stress is getting to much. pops, ma, I would request the two of you remain away for at least a day or two. if anything serious begins, I will contact you immediately. "
saying this in a gentle yet serious tone. the bond between these two had always been something to be envious of. However more so now then ever, as she was peacefully asleep in his arms.
feeling how the lover and father of her children would not let any one disturb her much needed slumber. more then that, it was now apparent to the doc, that the parents, were not much help
but more of a deterrent to their daughter's recovery.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The raised volume of their parents entering int he room did disturb her to just snuggle deeper into the frame of her brother, his warmth and scent comforting in her in slumber land while he took charge of their parents. Mother rose a brow about to snap at her son but father touched her arm "She'll be fine here" reassuring "bel I am sure will keep her safe. We need to handle the coven with twins coming our way" reminding his wife to keep important goals at the top list. Reluctant but the parents left Taylor in the care of her brother.

It was after sunset that Taylor finally woke up, still in soiled sheets that would be changed once she got up to bath off the blood. Took a few moments for her to get a little frantic "What happened? Are they okay?" questioning Bel
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once she awoke, bel would move to hold his sister, as if she was some kind of princess, with his one arm under her knees, the other her back. as he looked to Tylor, talking to her, as the nurses would be taking care of the sheets, and even \
giving the two some looks. more so due to how protective he was, and how cute they looked together in such an odd way.

"nothing to worry about with them. the little ones are fine, more then that, you need to rest, and keep off your legs. I am having pops, and ma stay away for as long as we can. so that way you can have all the peace you need for proper recovery."
saying this to her, once they would be alone, and everything all done. Bel would ask if she was up for a nice warm bath. as her big brother would wash her up very carefully, as to keep his cute little sister, as clean and fresh, as she could enjoy her peace while it lasted.
speaking to her in such an oddly cute manor, wanting to make Tylor feel as good as he could. her big over protective brother was still the ever goofy idiot she knew, even with everything thing changing, some things would never change, which would be for the best.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A breath of relief was taking by the young mother afraid she was having a miscarriage and all this stress was a waste of time and energy but all was well thanks to Bel, he was taking charge of keeping their parents out. She would hold onto him as he carried her to the bathroom, the nurses coming in right away to change the sheets and take the soiled ones to the trash. Once her gown was off, Taylor would wince when she first felt the warm water touch her skin. Allowing Bel to take the shower head and rinse down all the blood, her eyes watching it flow down the drain hating the sight of it but simply reminded her how delicate this pregnancy was, maybe leaving wasn't a good idea, even with medical aid on call what if they did not make it in time? She frowns as she crossed her arms over to chest in a fashion of hugging herself as she fell into her thoughts.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she was like this, Tylor would suddenly find her form reverted to the true state of her body being pregnant for all to see. as this ring was now soaked from the water in the shower. revealing yet another flaw in her protection, however it was to be expected considering who made it. Yet the strong gentle fingers running along her frame. the young siblings, inner thighs, and along her sides. as he leaned in speaking softly into Tylor's ear, as Bel washed his lil sister, and lover up clean.

"I need those arms lifted, I promise to be gentle, so no beating your brother for touching you. "
saying this in a gentle yet playful tone. his touches could easily arouse Tylor, if not for her condition, and mind frame, which was a saving grace at this moment, due to her hound dog of a protective brother.
However little did ether of them know, that at this time the doctor would be contacting their parents.

else where . .

After being given the info from the head doctor for Tylor's case. the lead management doctor would look to her college, as he reported how the brother was apparently the only one who was out for the well being
of this young lady. as the parents came off, as if wanting only to live off one of the kids. unaware if this was the son or daughter. however such a case would be a sensitive one. thus the mature and well built, yet intimidating
maiden who ruled the hospital would be the one to get put in charge of the case. deciding if they needed to contact the parents, or prep paper work to place the brother in charge of the patients well being, and needs.

( care to set us up a scene of head mistress of our medical team, deciding if parents should be the ones in charge of Tylor's case, or should they set up paper work for Bel to take charge, and thus for lack of terms, accidently aiding the siblings in
removing themselves from their parents with out realizing how this is playing into Bel's wicked future plans? )
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A glare was shot her brothers direction by his comment but he was being truthful, she needed him to clean her up since she was quite sore and felt even more pregnant than before the hospital visit. She would sigh, lowering her arms to instead relax at her sides "Just be careful please" warning him in a quiet tone of voice, still a tad shaken up about almost losing the twins. That they were having twins blew her mind, the irony of it all. Nerves were spiked about delivering twins, carrying to full term was the most important part of all of this. "So...do you want girls, boys, either gender?" asking to fill the void of silence under the running water.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now allowing her big brother to take care of the needs in the washing. His firm hands gently cupping her enlarging breast, as he leaned in, His body warmth soon felt radiating upon her. As Tylor's question would soon be answered.
"All I care for really is some strong, healthy, beautiful children. our children, boys, girls, both as long as they healthy, I will be more then happy. "
saying this, the tone in his voice, gentle, excited, and passionate, despite how wrong this was. Tylor had herself a lover who was more then willing to bend back words, and go against the very world itself to see her, and a family happy, healthy,
and all his.

The sensation of his rough hands moving gently along her body, from one tender spot to another. Bel was very gentle, very thorough, and more then that. this would be the first time in some time that he was not trying
to make some lewd actions, comments or even jokes tours her. which would be out of the norm, but a pleasant scenario playing out here with just the two of them .
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Set with her case the Director of this ward had a quick meeting with the parents, the father barely listening as he was more concerned of his daughter having a normal life while the mother simply wanted the DNA test as to put blame on the true father of Taylor's twins. Once the director heard enough she decided it was best Bel remained in control of Taylor hospital stays throughout the pregnancy for her safety and the children. She would escort the parents back to the waiting room before speaking with nurses and Taylor doctor for more information to be certain of her choice.

A pout had formed hearing Bel admitting he simply wished for healthy children which felt like pressure put on her, already three months in and she was exhausted from keeping it all secret, keeping their relationship a secret, him being the father and also growing not one but two infants inside her. She would glance down rubbing her hand over her swollen womb trying to not take notice of her brother cleaning her up. The bloody water ran clean now which was reassuring, hopefully the doctor would clear her and they could get out of dodge.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once Tylor was all clean and now just in the water against her brother's body and embrace. The slightly older sibling would lean in.
"Well if your feeling up to it. how would My cute lil sister like to cuddle out in the garden for a bit, after drying off. we can enjoy the view, before laying you in bed?"
saying this, despite knowing that one would need a nurse to unlock the door to the garden chamber. however he was sure that it would be ok, if they asked. as long as Tylor was not alone.
yet even if it wasn't the fact remained, he would carry her to a nice spot to get out of the room even if only for a short while before returning.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A beautiful though as that was reassuring on her mind that was certain but the thought of leaving this private room made her reluctant, she was covered in bruising and had stitches in some spots along with almost experiencing a miscarriage of her twins. It was night though, hopefully most patients would be asleep or resting in their rooms, plus she knew Bel would never leave her side again. "I guess that would be nice" she spoke in a soft tone, glancing over her body quite glad she could not currently look in a mirror, how could those assholes be so cruel to her? "Hey, do you know why they did that to me?" asking him in a broken voice.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I can only assume some kind of jealousy, or stupidity. Regardless, I will make them all pay, but first is your well being. " as he spoke in a serious yet caring voice. it was as reassuring as it would
be troubling to hear. how Bel valued her, and wanted to punish every one which touched her with his own hands once he knew Tylor was all recovered, and safe. More then that, she would feel him moving to gently lift her, Easily carrying His sister out of the wash room, so he could gently lay her onto the bed, and then Help tylor to get dressed in something loose and comfortable, if she wished to go outside with him. or just lay in the bed together, as this choice would be hers.
regardless he would not leave her side any more then absolutely necessary.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Such an answer felt as if a surprise but he was not wrong, how they taunted and laughed her did seem as though envy fueled their actions but it was in the past now, it occurred and she was recovering. Her arms would wrap around her brother when he lifted her out of the wash room, aided in drying off and slipped into more comfortable clothing with a fresh made bed awaiting their return. In a seconds of settling in the bed debating of their next actions the director walked into the walk with a sorrowful expression to hear how the siblings were be treated along with the situation that brought Taylor into their wing today. "Hello, I am the director of the ER department. I was notified of a possible abuse of medical power with you" looking to taylor with a small smile as she stood at the foot of the bed. "From what I understand your mother at first wanted you to abort the child and now wishes to find out the father to make him take up responsibility. DO you want any of this?" asking in a gentle and soft tone as the girl has been through much trauma.

"N-no...I wanna keep my twins and the father does not exist" she murmurs. forcing her eyes to remain on the woman for so badly she wanted to look toward Bel but it may give him away. "Yes, I shall assure that if we did perform a DNA test on the twins to truly find the father in case of any birth defects, genetic diseases or complications, only you would be informed of the results. I just wanted you to know that from me and that your parents have no right to know your results but as for your medical decisions I have found your brother Bel more interested in your well being" turning toward Bel. "I have some forms, I know you are not eight-teen but I rather choices be made over saving a life not controlling one outcome against another" explaining to him. "I can bring some forms to sign so you are Taylor's legal consultant with medical decisions."
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, Bel would look to Tylor, before looking back to the doctor. a serious, and protective look in his eyes, as he spoke up loud and clear.
"I will gladly take care of these forms right now, however I request two things. One bring them in here so Tylor can see them as well. and two we want a representative which can make
the forms legal, to avoid any issues from our parents if that is possible. " as he spoke, with impressive, and determined authority. this would show even his sister a side of Bel when it came to her
that would put a momentary chill down Tylor's spine instinctively. even if it was good or bad, this would show that she had a brother, no a lover, and partner who would go to bat against any one or thing for
her regardless of the situation or foe.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Taylor glanced to the side when Bel took up his dad voice sounding like a certain adult as he ordered a representative and to have the forms right away which was a shock to the director but nodded with a more confident smile "I will get right on that, be right back" taking out her phone as she left the room. The parents stepped in looking confused as to why she was here "Hey, how you feelin" mother asks softly as she reached for Taylor hand but she moved away "I'm alright" murmuring quietly as she curls up in her bed. "Why was she here?" father questioned Bel
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
looking right at the two, more then that, noticing how Tylor shrunk away from the parents. Bel would look to them, as he took a deep breath before speaking.

" Were taking care of much needed paper work for sis. and you two will not need to be made prevy to such. if you want to know, that is one thing. but need is no longer going to be
a factor. " saying this, he would make sure, to keep his body between his sister, and their parents. more so due to how she seemed to shrink away from their mother, and father.
however more then that, Her big brother was appearing more, and more like a wall, then ever before.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Both parents were taken back by this news along with not being willing to accept it so easily as his father would laugh "If you believe we do not expect a need to know basis on our pregnant daughters details then you clearly are a fool, my son" shaking his head. He paused seeing how Bel set himself between them and Taylor who was curled up in the hospital bed, unaware she had witnessed a horrible bleed that scared her. "fine" he huffs glares down to Bel "you take over your sisters medical needs, basic needs, everything, a slut like her should not even be allowed in our home. Pregnant as a teenager, out of wedlock and the father is a irresponsible prick. She is no daughter of mine" turning, the man left leaving mother in tears. "Why, why Bel? What have we done to make such a choice available?" she questions.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the old man fumed and left the trio in the room. Bel would move up to his mother. placing his hands firmly yet gently on her shoulders. as he looked into her eyes.

"What you did, and did not do. this is for the sake of sis, and the children. What just transpired showed, that emotionally it is to dangerous. Please understand as much as I love you and dad, She is my lil sister, and no matter
what I am going to protect her, and those growing in her from here on. Regardless of the father, she is my most important person. such as you always said when we were younger. She is to be protected by her big brother. "
as he spoke up, even bring up memories of how their parents taught him to be a good protective brother. and more so, to never turn his back on his sister even if the rest of the world turned on them. however not giving out any real details that
he was the one who ruined her life with the unplanned pregnancy.

The fact remained, the way Bel would word it was enough to try and put a smile on his mother's face, even in such a bad situation, however at the same time, it would show Tylor that no matter who or what was on the line. she would never be alone, for her big brother, no her lover would always be their for her, and their children before any one else or any thing else.

As this was going on, the head doc with the paper would soon be crossing path with the now angered father, as the two could easily move on or trade words with one another, as the end result would not change.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Wide teary eyes met her son as he explained just how she raised him to be, a strong, independent young man that was to protect his sister...even from their own parents. Clearly her views were different due to years and experience in the world along with her own beliefs, thinking she was doing what was best for this unexpected situation that her daughter was forced into when foolishly in love with a boy. Mother swallows down anymore words to instead offer a sad smile, proud of sad that she had no stance in this. Looking over to Taylor who refused to even look toward Mother after hearing the words father spoke about her, hell she was holding back tears from being so angry and somewhat disappointed in herself. When mother turned to leave, the door shutting behind her a heavy sob escaped Taylor, wiping tears from her eyes, no words spoken for she was speechless.

Down the hall Father perked up from his fuming anger to notice the doctor heading toward the room he just stormed out of "hey!" calling out to the woman who spooked in turning around, holding the papers close to herself with a risen brow. "Sir, will you need to be removed by security?" able to read his anger from the distance between them. Such a question humbled the man slightly "Please advise them properly, they are both so young and innocent, I am very disappointed in my daughter and did what I thought best" shrugging it off as he continued toward the parking garage. Expecting the complete opposite of a reaction the doctor was frozen in shock as the man left his children here, abandoning them.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the parents left the two siblings in the medical room alone. just the duo for right now. Seeing how his sister began to break down herself, from so much all at once.

Bel would move to sit on the edge of the bed. moving to gently pull her against his frame. wanting to comfort, and support Tylor, apologizing for making her suffer so much, and promising that no matter what he
would do right for her, and with her. no matter what happened. more then that, he would speak softly whispering how he would make sure once they got out of here, he would treat her to a wonderful time.

as they would need to look into a home just for the two of them, promising that it would all be fine, and would work out. doing his best to comfort her, the fact remained, the two were now head first into an unknown
world for the likes of them, but a world, which was brought on by lustful actions, more so from her brother then herself.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
At first relaxing into his frame when calmed enough to hear him attempt in comforts that only resulted in her lashing out "This was all your fault!" snapping the truth out loud as she pulls away from him. "y-you...you are supposed to protect me! Yet you...you are the reason we are...we are in this mess" beginning to hiccup from how overwhelmed she was. "I...I am...am trying to keep it together...but I am terrified" admitting to him that the reason she was so stressed out and scared was all his fault, he was all she could depend on, she defiantly could not do this alone with one child let alone two whic worried her further of her health.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she began to panic a bit more. Bel would pull his sister into his arms, and against his frame. gently kissing her head, as he spoke.
"I know, and I am going to do what is right, we are going to be fine. I have had many things set up, but now we will see it through, together. "
saying this, as he spoke softly, before gently moving to keep his hands on her upper arms. looking his sister, Ty in the eyes. he would smile, as he spoke up.
"feel free to call me any names you want, even hit, or beat on me if it helps you feel any better. but know, I was, am and will always be here for you, and for ours. no matter what. you
are not alone, and will never be alone in any of this. " as he spoke up saying this to her. the fact remained, Bel could be easily as damaging, as he was caring for her, due to his own mistakes, and now more so,
the fact her failed spell which he still knew nothing about was apart of his every eyes. meaning Bel could unknowingly cast that powerful charm at any moment, with out realizing it. however unlike Bel, Tylor would know
all to well this specific risk, and how to protect herself from it, as it was her own mistake, a mistake best kept secret for now.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Wanting to shove him away, continue her screaming and shouting at him she remained still in his arms as he spoke to her, feeling a tad guilty as she knew this was not all his fault. She performed the spell and fucked up, he did not know of it and rather keep it that way for it was utterly embarrassing. "okay..." was all she spoke meeting his eyes for a moment before looking away, moving closer to hide into his frame, take in his warmth and scent that eased her nerves.

A knock sounded at the door before the doctor entered, clearing her throat at the sight of the two siblings which did make her wonder "I have the forms" holding out the clipboard with a packet for Bel.
Local Time:
12:47 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Thank you, can I make a request. Can you or one of the other staff, make sure that their is a female doctor or nurse on staff to help my sister when ever I would not be available?"
asking this, it would seem like a common sense thing which would be done. However the way he was careful with his wording would lead to the thought of a male trying to sneak in
and get to his sister. who or why would be a question for another day and time, however the fact remained, he took the papers, and thanked the doc.

however once he had the forms, looking to ask the next question, how long until Ty would be healthy enough to leave the hospital, for the two of them to head home.
as he would get their new private home all set up for ty's coming home, and moving in so to speak.
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