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Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Based off of Uma Musume Derby

A spin of luck her life has been all these 18 years, having the tail and ears of a horse and even other abilities that usually would put her in a rather compromising career situation. Instead her parents worked hard in their line of life, taking business loans to work up in society for respect and honor which allowed her to be treated as an equal until today. Father had been hiding a great debt he owed to a man whom was no friend of their species, once mother found out she left without reason, no remorse of what could happen to her beautiful filly of a daughter. Taking matters into his own hands his dear daughter was bridled for the first time, the reins in his hand as he dragged her to the meeting place of this debt collector. A young maiden mare should be trade enough, get him out of debt and back to living a life he wished for, of course needing to start over but eh gave his daughter a life of leisure and kept her far away from this derby life. Here he was about to toss her right into it "I love you, ya hear, you do as the man tells you and you will be alright" reassuring her as they waist just outside the stables at the racing grounds.

@Lord Sesshoumaru
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Inside, their would be two more anthro like mares, standing at ether side of what looked like a smaller young man with white hair, and red markings along his face and armors. his body clad in black and red armor and clothing. as he sat their, in this make shift office in the stable. having set this spot up, as to keep out of the eyes of the public, but close enough to the business he was living in. the wicked man would hear the voice of his current client who was due to pay off his debt this day.

as he snapped his finger the wicked man would smirk, as one of the horse maidens, which was well built with curves, and assets moved to bring the customer, and his companion into the stable, now make shift office.

the wicked man would sit their, with a vile smirk across his lips. as he licked them, only two things excited this wicked man, one the glory of money, and two the maidens he could own, and due as he wished with.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Blinking up to her father then toward a fellow mare who wore leather straps in a rather revealing manner would approach to bring the new filly into the makeshift office for the deal had already been made over the phone, this was the drop off. Feeling her reins be handed over, her father stepping back as she was yanked into the office where a man awaited her, his expression sending chills down her spine. Flicking her tail with uncertainty as her ears lower back, the click clopping of the mare leading her echoed the hall until they came a few feet from the man "as you father said, do as you are told and you will fine, pretty thing" smiling to her. Looking up to her owner the mare would speak "Do you want her set up in her stall or want to see her run, sir?" she spoke "also she needs a name" adding on as she raising the reins of the new filly. "My name is Yin" the young filly would snap glaring toward the man that forced her father do ruin her life.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Looking to the mare, the smaller and oddly threatening man would finally stand up from his seat. which would cause fear to suddenly fill his two mares, as he moved tours his new acquired toy.

rubbing his chin, his cold red eyes looking over her taller, well built form. before looking to the mare which held his new toy's reins.
"So Sally, what shall we do, make her run right away, or perhaps sample our new toy, and see if her body is good enough to keep if her racing fails?"
saying this, as these two mares he kept at his right and left side, were the two pets which had earned the right to be his right, and left hands in business as well as his favorite fuck toys.
they had won him great money in their prime, and thus became the head of his inter species harem once they could no longer win those races. however he would smirk, asking his pet this, as he would look
to Yin, ignoring her tone, and words. before speaking finally tours her.

"your old name was Yin, that woman no longer exists, if you wish to earn that name, then you can, until then your just a simple toy, so we can call you number 13, until you earn enough value for
a proper name. "
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sally would bow her head as her owner stood from his throne, observing his new toy now named 13 as they all would refer her. Clearly annoyed and slightly spooked yin stood frozen in her stand as they spoke of her. “Lets race her first, get her energy out so she is less likely to fight, sir” sally suggestions with such a cool tone. Yin pins back her ears before taking a step back from them all, racing, sample?
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Looking to his head mare, The wicked man would smirk.
"very well, I will leave our new toy, 13 in your care until after you feel she is ready. then bring our toy back to our pen for proper training, and indoctrination into the new way of life. "
saying this with a wicked glint in his eyes, the vile owner would take hold of the smaller more petite mare which was at his other side. pulling her by the tail, as he began to walk tours the large opening which was filled with fur, and blankets.

"well I will blow off some steam then, with our lovely little mako, you prep, and take care of 13, if you do a good job, I will reward you very well my pretty little Sally. "
saying this with a wicked glint of playfulness in his eyes. the vile man moved to begin to have some fun, not caring if their new toy saw this or not.
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Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A smirk grew hearing she had the honor of seeing to 13 herself, prepping her for a trail race later today after a practice run and alot of water for now "I will not let you down, daddy" giggling with a flip of her tail before jerking on 13's reins to lead her out. Yim watches this man lead the other, smaller mare off into another room seeming to plan of doing something of a version she has never witnessed nor experienced in her lifetime. For the rest of her days she will certainly despise her father for his choices and using her to pay off his debt, how was she so valuable to this man anyways?

Hours passed leading up to a trail race with other maiden fillies on their first try out of racing. Yim was dressed in such revealing wear she felt too exposed to move, red thick leather straps around her breasts and covering her nipples that connected to a collar around her neck, to add she had a silk red thong with her number stamped onto the front. "get in there!" being shoved into the start gate as the other fillies filed in. Yim was spooked as she looked left then right, ahead then down to the ground, she had to run, run as fast as she could. The rang, the doors swung open, a rush took over sending Yim out onto the grass covered track along with the others. She was in the middle of the pack, leveled breathing, matching her pace with a fellow racer until spotting the half way mark she began to move her way through the pack until just behind the front runner. Just a few yards ahead was the finish line, one hard step she launches into another gear, surging pass taking first place.

Sally was quick to lasso the little filly before she even had a chance to just take off "Looks like we have a winner" not entirely certain if their owner would be pleased, he seemed quite excited to teach 13. "lets hose you off and get you into the pen, the real work is just beginning" Sally would speak as she lead Yim off the track. Her legs were trembling with adrenalin, it was amazing! But the second that cold water hit her that high vanished and she collapsed into the wall, heaving for breath. "Come on, they're waiting" yanking the filly up to her feet leading her to the pen.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The race had been quiet the show, more then that, The news of this young lass's victory would be both good news, and bad news for her new owner. as he was expecting to get some one on one time punishing her for second place or worse. However the reward could end up much worse then the punishment. However it would not be long before 13 would discover the true horror of her new life.

as everything was set up, the room filled with individuals, along with her owner, who had the smaller mare from earlier at his side. her chin resting on his lap, as his hands moved through her hair. he would look to some of the fellow males in the room, waiting for his right hand to bring their new maiden in, and report to him on how she did with the race. let alone if he would get his time to punish her, or if he would end up having to reward her, which was very rare with any new piece of merchandise for this wicked man. However little did he know, this would be such a rare reward, for him to enjoy later.

more then that, it would be unknown at this moment in time if 13 and sally would be in his specially set up office, or if she would be taken some where else, then the report brought to him. as first place winners often got to be viewed, and seven get to choose a stallion to spend some time with as a reward unless they were free, which very few free mares would do the races of their own choice.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Entering the room Sally remained confident as the silent took hold when attention was given to them, yanking on 13's reins to bring her closer to her owner with an uncertain grin on her face "She won by a few lengths, sir. Seems you have again have a good idea for skill and talent" she spoke up with a dip of her head. Yim would glance around, moving closer to this Sally mare as the males around were stares, awaiting orders or further conversation. Sally would look down to 13 in an annoyed fashion of her fear, seeing the filly hiding herself "you are a winner, be proud!" grabbing her arms to rest at her sides. Yim pinning back her ears in reaction, glaring toward the mare then to her new owner surprise she had not thought of an escape yet, was hard when constantly being handling with this bridle and reins.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Enjoying this news, as it meant the others which were here to hopefully enjoy a punishment would end up having to pay out. The wicked owner would move to ask sally, and mako what they think would be an ideal reward for this lovely little mare, 13. as he would not give her a proper name as of yet, seeing as this could have been a simple fluke for the first win, but a win is a win.

his one hand playing with mako, as he looked to Sally for her suggestion, as well as listening for Mako's suggestion. however unlike Sally, mako was far more broken mentally, and lustfully enhanced. thus she was more like a cuddle pet at her best, and a fuck doll at her worse. where Sally was much more capable, as well as enjoyable when she got her turns. Yet for Sally it was more of a reward, then a simple act like it was for mako. Now it would be up to these two ladies to decide the fate of their new sister in the races. leaving Yim to only wait and hear her fate to be decided by these two maidens of different personalities, yet the same owner.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sally would smirk hearing she had to honor of choosing such a fate for their new filly in arms, her gaze sweeping over the room in wonder if any stallions were rearing for some fun but seemed her owner really wanted to break this filly before she had a chance to change her mind. Yim took these critical moments to look around, noting every doorway as a possible exit which only revealed to Sally that she was already trying to leave. "I believe she deserves to be reward by her very own owner, learn her place under his firm grasp, obey his every whim whether is tis for you to win or to lose for him" Sally spoke looking over to dear Mako for her choice of the matter. These words snapping Yim back to attention on her owner, pinning back her ears unaware of the fate Sally may ha succumbed her too for she was an innocent rose.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, the wicked man would look to Mako, and Sally, as he spoke up.

"I see in that case, Girl's, You two are in charge of prepping our young lady for her first time. we need to make sure this is as rewarding as possible for such a winner. "
saying this he would snap his fingers, before the young looking man would have a devilish smirk. as he would soon pluck the flower of his new toy, however more then that, giving the prep, and
handling work for the new little maiden now known as 13.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Currently 13 wore a bitless bridle and her racing outfit that would be ripped off her body by the mention of prepping her for her owner that would greatly enjoy his new toy. The red outfit fell to the floor leaving the filly nude for all to see before she quickly attempted to cover up before Sally cuffed her hands to her back and removed her bridle to set aside "open wide" ordering the filly as she shoves a bit into the fillies mouth which was simple by pulling on her tail. "Anything you wish specific for her prepping?" Sally would ask her owner while Yim was messing with the bit in her mouth, her breasts plump and out for all to see while she held her legs tightly close and her tail low.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I will leave you to prep her for the show you think her body would enjoy the best. you seen her in actions after all. as for what I will enjoy that part is up to you mako. " saying this, the young man smirked, as he would get up, and go to leave the room, and fix himself a hot cup of tea. as he left, winking at the girls.

"Sally, mako, I will be back in 5, if she is ready I might even give you girls a reward later to night as well. "
saying this with a wicked, and playful smile. excited to see what the two girls would prepare for him, as this was to be an enjoyable night for the owner, and his new toy, more so to break her
in, and show 13 her new position.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Holding Yim firmly by the reins as their owner spoke of stepping out for a moment to fetch from tea allowing his head mares to prep his new filly to his liking, sure Sally saw her run, saw how she thinks but was still getting to know her. Handing the reins to Mako the other mare was already messing with 13's breasts, kneading and pulling on her nipples while Sally got out a small vibrator to really loosen 13 up for she had no way to stop them as her hands were cuffed behind her back. Sally and Mako forced 13 to sit down on one of the couches in the room, Mako making her lean back and hold open leg as Sally held the other. At first just turning on the toy to tease and play along 13's folds and clit to get her nice and wet before dipping the toy into her entrance a few times to watch her shiver and whimper in pleasure, this was all they did until their owner arrived to take over with 13.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the wicked owner finally returned, he would soon be given quiet the enjoyable sight.
"So I see you girls have taken good care of our new little princess. Perhaps the two of you will want your own reward later hmm?"

but first let us enjoy this new member to our family then. " speaking as he supped some of his tea, before offering the cup to Sally, having made the tea
the way she would enjoy as well. with a wink tours his right hand mare. he would move tours 13, joining Mako in the fun, and abuse. reaching around to grasp
Yim's impressive breast himself. moving to enjoy her body a bit, before digging into the main course.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sally steps back to take her cup of tea remaining around encase 13 attempted anything of escape or harming their owner. Yim's eyes widen seeing the man come close and take hold of her breast making her wiggle in attempts to get away "I am really not okay with this" she whimpers out but Mako was quick to shut her up with a kiss. The fillies eyes almost popped out her head with shock as the mare forces her tongue down her throat as thought claiming the new filly as her own.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Reaching around 13, crushing her impressively large soft breast in his palms. as he grasped, pulled and played with them. the wicked man leaned into start rubbing his wicked side into her back side. all the more leaning in to bite at one of 13's ears, as she was being orally assaulted by Mako's kiss.

"Oh do not worry, me and my girls will make sure your well trained for what is to come my cute little 13. if your a good girl, you might earn a real name before long. "
as he spoke up saying this, his hands and the mare's hands were enjoying the innocent victim before them, as Sally could now enjoy the Tea, and the show before them. as if her master
was making the show for her amusement.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Her head tilted down a little, looking over to him as he bit onto her ear causing her to let out a muffled whine, wiggling between the mare and man as they had their way with her all while pressing her clit and entrance against the vibrator that Sally left perfectly placed to keep her nice and wet for their owner. Sally would smirk seeing the new filly squirm, fight with her pleasuring needs and experiencing this new life of hers. Finally yim frees her mouth from Mako who ran her tongue over 13's lips "she is quite yummy" humming with a sick smile before getting up allow their owner to fully have her to himself.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Pulling himself back after having played with 13's breast a bit, and teasing her ear, and neck. the wicked man undid his belt, allowing his pants to fall. before releasing that healthy spear of his. moving to rub it against Yim.

"Well now, shall we begin to enjoy our show 13? Sally, Mako, would you ladies like to make any requests for the show I'm about to start?"
saying this playfully, as he seemed to be willing to spoil the two broken girls which were his right and left hand mares. more then that, Sally was the smarter of the duo, while mako was the more lustful, however the two mares were about to get to watch their master take his time breaking in this new maiden. more then that, he would take requests so his actions would make for an enjoyable show for the two mares.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Leaning into the couch as she watches him undo his belt, his pants falling down to reveal his hot rod of a cock ready to devour her. Her eyes widen as she wiggles and scoots away from him as he would rub himself against her.

"Make her ass and boobs bounce!" Mako squeals out as she stood at Sally's side who sipped her tea for a few seconds "depends you want her pregnant or just broken in?" questioning her owner's motives on this filly. Yim yelps hearing that question "pregnant? What are planning to do to me!?" her words on muffled with the bit in her mouth but was clear she was utterly innocent.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" well as we know, Mako is sterile, so She cant enjoy being a mother of her own. But would she be able to handle a baby from 13? or perhaps your finally ready to submit that role sally? are you wanting to finally be given a bun for your own oven?" teasing the two girls in his own twisted way, however the fact remained, even if he ended up impregnating Yim, mako would be the foster mother to allow for Yim to do her job. however unlike Mako, sally would know best how this could effect her master's potential gains from this new mare. as he had only had these two ladies who he wanted to actually enjoy properly breeding. but one could not be knocked up making her an ideal fuck doll of a partner, and the other given the choice as her reward. thus earning sally her unique position. as most off springs were from prize winning studs, none from the master himself as of yet.

as he smirked, and moved to teased the innocent maiden all the more turning her already aroused body all the more against herself. yet her fate would be left to sally, as mako's own decision would be of her own gain, but Sally despite being his right hand also knew the best way to keep the income at an ideal level, despite how it was not really needed. more then that, the two ladies were also the mistress's, or alphas of this wicked man's personal harem in the back ground as well.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sally glanced over to Mako who squeal to such a suggestion "A foal of my own?" she nods her head excitedly "I would take over racing for her!" unaware she was horrible at it due to getting distracted easily and having zero stamina. This made Sally roll her eyes "you don't run Mako" reminding her with a shake of her head "we have a few mares who can make up the money if master knocks her up to give Mako a foal of her own to raise allowing 13 to continue her racing after, as for me I still have alot on my plate but I do whatever you wish, sir" Sally spoke her truth. Mako being a yes to knocking up 13 while Sally was more neutral in the choice since 13 was new and quite pretty also younger than the rest of them. While all this conversing was occurring Yim was freaking out "who said she could have my foal? Who said I am having one?" muffling out questions as they popped into her head making Mako pout.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"hmm I see, if that is the case, then Mako if you want this, then you will have to join us as well. Why not get our little 13 all ready for the proper act then?"
saying this, as if he wanted her to assault Yim's mouth, and breast, while he moved to violate her womanly entrance with out remorse. However making Mako act a bit more
into the beginning of this show. It would grant Sally a rare chance to make a position request for the show her master was about to give the skillful mare.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Mako claps her hands excitedly, hurrying back over to the couch to press her body against 13's so she was sandwiched between her owner and Mako while Sally made a request of 13 being a good girl in doggy style with mako underneath her to assault her breasts and mouth while their owner had full control of her lower half. "What is happening here!?" Yim would yelp as she was moved into position with mako lying underneath her, their nipples pressing together all while her tail was tucked tightly since Mako was forcing her legs spread. "Oh hush, enjoy this as master makes me a foal" giggling as she wraps a hand around 13's throat to choke her into leaning her head down into a deep kiss.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in this position, as Mako was under Yim. their lips locked, their breasts pressing into one another. thus any movement would seem to cause the two mare's nipples to assault one another. all the while, 13 would feel her unwanted master, grasping her hips. as he moved to slowly push his thickening, throbbing, monstrous rod slowly into Yim. ruining her innocence while her body was being assaulted. More then that, Sally would get the very rare chance to play the role of director for her own personal porn show, as her master would enjoy breaking in this new toy, and knocking her up as a reward for mako as well.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Mako could feel 13's juices dripping onto her as they made out, forcing her tongue into the young fillies mouth while feeling her master move upon 13 to fulfill her reward for being a good mistress to him for so long. Yim felt his hands on her hips making her tense up in attempts to get away until the sensation of his hot tip against her entrance beginning to push inside her tight virgin womanhood making her whines as she breaks the kiss only for Mako to bit onto her bottom lip. "I said hush, enjoy this" Mako's being quite strict with 13 as Sally walks over with her tea was actually made with special herbs to aid in fertility and trigger heat for whenever she decided to be bred. "Hold on mako" tilting 13's head up to watch her eyes roll back as their master entered her tight walls, stretching her out for the first time while Sally poured some of the tea down her throat. In minutes her walls could feel heated and grow slick with her juices as a deep blush crossed her cheeks and eyes dilated into a haze "oh...there she is" mako would smirk bringing 13 back into a deep kiss.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the effect of the special tea added to the scene. Sally's show began, as Mako enjoyed assaulting the lips, and torso of their new playmate. as their master began to push deeper and faster into her core. his sack soon began to slap against her flesh. causing each impact to make Yim's ass practically ripple, forcing her body to slide a bit, as if starting to bounce against mako. thus allowing her own breast to rub against mako's. the show was truly starting now, and the sensation 13 was feeling only increased thanks to Sally sharing her unique tea with the victim.
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 18, 2022
beginning to feel the bounce of 13's body against Mako the mare broke the kiss for the filly to have a breather, listening to her forced moans due to master's deep thrusts into her, making lewd sounds between his sack and her flesh that made her jiggle. Mako reached around and smacked 13's ass "make her bounce, master" calling out with a squealy moan following for she was immensely enjoying this show. Yim was barely able to control herself let alone her breathing as she let out moans and mewls while being fucked for the first time "Ah...uh...why...why are you doing this?" se pants out only for her ass to get smacked again by Mako. "hush lil filly!" demanding silence of words only desiring the sounds of her moans while their breasts pushed and pressed into each other with each thrust of master. "fill her up for me, master" Mako would moan out to him
Local Time:
3:11 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Loving this sensation of the virgin mare, the wicked owner got rougher with each thrust. making her body sway, her breast practically assault Mako's own breast. the rippling ass cheeks only all the more enjoyable with each smack from the mare under yim. All the more, the master's one hand sliding up and around to grasp one of 13's breast. playing with the nipple, as his other hand slid to take hold of one of mako's body. wanting to play with her, as he fucked yim. giving both girls attention, as mako helped to break Yim's defenses as well. all the more, Sally could easily speak up to any addition or alteration she wanted done. as this was more of a show for her to enjoy, as her own reward from her master, as the babe to be made would be the reward for the wild slut of a mare mako.
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