Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Staring toward Victor at his answers, her potential past if he had not stepped in to take on the debt that rewarded him a prize winner and beautiful young mare to add to his personal stock which she was reminded of by her carrying his child that she was not to fond of. She looks toward the door standing up as though she may leave this conversation all together but she remained standing by the bed for a few moments. Options and choices but in the end staying here meant she could earn herself a position like Sally, Mako was just a little doll Victor gentled in a sense for Mako was useless in Beauty's eyes but better to keep her mouth shut on that. "Who says I will even let you near my baby? I sure as hell am not letting Mako touch it." she states clearly with a stern tone "but it is best for me to remain here, I have a better chance than out there" pointing out as he was a human man with much money so he had no clue what she would have to face like Mako once did.

A knock sounded a the door "Breakfast is ready" Sally calls as she passes by to the main floor for her own breakfast finding herself quite hungry.
As he looked to Beauty, Victor smiled, as he would suddenly move before she could realize his movements. suddenly showing something which was beyond normal human levels. as he gently lifted Beauty up, and sat her on the bed.
with a playful action and smile. he looked into her eyes.

" SO then gentle it shall be. As long as you are in my property, during the day you are free to move about as you see fit, but at night we will be locked in together. think of it, as a means to keep my new partner safe."

saying this to her, even if Beauty wanted to deny it, he would be one to oddly act to care for her. However ignoring her comment about the foul for now, and about mako.
Victor would move to collect the meal, sally prepped thanking her for the hard work, and stating he would join her for the work load in a bit. if anything major happened to contact him, then proceeded to move about
wanting to offer Beauty the meal. if she did not allow him to feed her, as long as she ate some of it, he would not grow agitated.

( you can decide on our time skip? and any major events for poor beauty to endure. :D )

This new way of life would end up going on, a routine, and freedom, during the day, but oddly enough each night, Beauty would slowly find herself growing more comfortable around Victor, as it would eventually lead to the filly
finding herself snuggling into his frame, after he was already asleep. as if she could say it was just to keep warm. however the effects of these days to pass would only be known or seen between victor and beauty. as to every one else it would seem like she was still that distant and sassy yet wild little filly.
All she could do was gasp as he lifted and sat her on the bed grabbing her attention upon him as he spoke of taking the gentle approach though she was growing to learn about him, easily he can switch tactics. She stayed in the room as he fetched breakfast that she refused to touch or allow him to feed her in any fashion, he had little time to actually focus on ensuring she ate when Sally had to call him away for an important meeting. Beauty was left on her own to the property all around leading her to explore her new home, noticing out the other mares envied her, stallions looked her up and down but she ignored them. Arriving at the racetrack and watches racers practice their runs along with trying different racing outfits that easily exposed their assets. Eventually the day whipped by and she was brought back to that room, her private room with Victor that she was still reluctant about but least she fell asleep on the bed tonight, waking in the middle of the night feeling quite sick then realizing she was snuggled to Victor. A shiver ran up her spine as she quickly rolls away and sat up to take a few breathes as a fashion to settle her stomach.
Slowly the process was showing wonderful fruit for the master, with how This fine little filly was getting more comfortable around him. despite how her mind seemed to refuse the truth which was for all to see. However the fact remained, it was not a process which would be completed over night.

as it was now the middle of the night, with The filly up and in the bathroom getting sick. She would soon feel a gentle hand on her back, rubbing it soothingly, as the other moved to ensure any hair remained out of the way. as the gentle voice spoke softly.

" Well looks like some one is having a rough night. let me, lend you a hand my lil beauty. "
Thinking she could calm herself down was a fools errand as she hurries to the bathroom, puking into the toilet that left her vulnerable for Victor to come and help. She froze feeling his hand on her back and the other taking hold of her hair, choking for a moment before spitting out the last of the sickness before tearing herself away from him. Quick to brush her teeth she shakes her head "It's your fault!" snapping at him in reminder it was because of him, she was even pregnant. She lowers back her ears as she leans over the counter to get her bearings as she felt dizzy.
"And I could not be any prouder of that fact. but I am also here to take care of you, and take responsibility."
saying this in a gentle tone, as he spoke tours instead of with Beauty. the young filly was quiet something, even if she was slowly
becoming closer, and more comfortable around this man, it did not change her fiery, and sassy personality, which seemed to excite, and please
her master. seeing how she would not break easily, however he himself did not want to break her, but instead one could say tame would be better.
the night was not over, thus once Beauty was ready, they could go back to bed for the remainder of the night, unless Beauty could think of a request, which would
allow her out of the room, as it would need to be beneficial for them both, or at least her master to get out of the room at night time like this.
Taking a seat on the bed she rolls her eyes to hear he was proud of knocking her up, causing these mood swings, the morning sickness, and who knows what else she must deal with through her term. Her gaze switches over to the door unaware they had a guest waiting outside, more like had brought a blanket and pillow and was laying against the door. Mako disliked being away from master especially at night along with being upset he was unhappy with her due to what she caused Beauty who had become his little project in the room she was lived in for quite some time.

"I could use some water after that venture" she spoke up, her gaze returning to Victor wondering if she could fetch it herself or she would get some alone time while he gets the water for her.
"I see, that can be arranged, However just plain, or would you like some nectar added for flavor? Some quava? mango?"
offering her this, Beauty would find victor was gonna give her the moments of peace alone in the room, however if she asked to leave the room herself.
he could easily have Sally act as her guardian and guard around the manor, until this odd process was done, as even the filly did not seem to take notice herself,
as to how she was slowly becoming more comfortable, and relaxed around her master, despite the mood swings, and sickness. yet little did she know, that if she did not become more
favorable to him with in the next few days, the wicked owner might have to take his methods up a few notches. methods which Sally had helped developed long ago to fully break mako, before
she was his loyal little bed mate, like she was now.

However, against the door, Mako would soon hear the request for water, if she would move into an ideal position, or even move down to meet her master in the kitchen. perhaps the wild vixen could
get her own fix, as well as remind her lover, and owner of how she needed him at nights. as he was surely getting more and more pent up, with out her care. which he had always explained to her how important
her care was for him. despite this entire unwanted scenario, being her own fault due to the damage she did mentally to the filly while sally, and her master were out on the town for sally's reward.
A blink of surprise crossed her expression by him adding a taste to the water bringing her to wonder of him offering such a thing, best keep him out long as possible "Mango, please" adding quickly as her gaze darts to the door. Even being left alone in here, will the door lock behind him or will it remain unlocked giving her a chance to find somewhere mor secluded to rest tonight. Sure, she was not longer glaring dagger upon him and becoming comfortable in his presence did not mean she trusted herself to him nor devoted herself. Who knows if or even she may attempt an escape and find out the true reality of her kind. She sits back on the bed more, sitting criss cross clearly waiting for him to leave, doubting his gentle measures are giving him desired results anyways though she was attempting enough that he would not force her.

Outside poor Mako awoke to voices, her ears ticking toward the door to hear a request for water, her master possibly planning to fetch it himself allowing her a chance to finally speak with him for he was always so busy during the day. Either doing paperwork, meetings, travel, overseeing races and trains along with breeding stock and births. She got to her feet, moving her sleeping stuff to a hidden spot before sneaking away to the kitchen where she hopped upon the counter to await her master.
" I will trust you tonight, so please don't make me regret it. after all This is more so for your own protection. "
as he spoke in a gentle tone, the wicked man was soft, and gentle with beauty, however if she tried to escape, the filly could
discover the true horror of her own kin. as the breeding stock were no where near as alluring as her body was. however even if she did leave the room,
perhaps the one known as sally could play the role as a protective over seer, or potential mentor to get into a role of power in this business. however for right now
the filly could easily stay in the room or end up making one of the worse mistakes she could potential make in her current condition.

once he left the room, leaving the knob unlocked and giving Beauty some trust to remain in the room and safe.
as victory began to move tours the kitchen, unaware of his seductive playmate awaiting to ambush him in the kitchen, be it verbally or perhaps something more.
however mako would find her master would give off an over whelming aura of need, and desire. the very thing she was the only one which knew how to properly sate, and care for.
however he was working to undo the mistake, and damage done to beauty, even if only an accident.
Did this human hold the ability to read minds? Beauty stared with a blank expression as he left her alone in that room, the knob of the door remaining unlocked for her to be trusted. She glances toward the window then back to the door as her ears lowered down, a reminder of what he did to the man that touched her, how Sally reacted as well, they cared for her truly but Mako was a mess. Beauty pouts clearly confused and uncertain of how to feel or what choices to make so she remained on the bed for now looking down into her lap unaware of what may occur down int he kitchen that may prolong her delivery of water. Problem was if he pleased himself with the alluring toy awaiting for him, he would would reek of sex and Mako upon his return to Beauty giving her more reason to not desire of being near him since she despised the mare currently.

Perking up at the sound of his footsteps a smirk grew on her lips as a hum rose in her throat "Evening, master" purring as she lays herself on the counter keeping an eye on him. "I have missed you greatly these past nights, have you missed me?" wondering if he would let her just jump him now. Best to feel him out, see if he was still angry with her since beauty was not allowing him much ground.
As she presented herself, he would smile, moving to run his hand along her frame, as the wicked man leaned in to kiss mako deeply for a moment. however once the kiss broke he would speak up.
"Indeed i have, however my dear, consider this part of your punishment. for I have alot of work to do with Beauty due to how playful you got. so until this is taken care of, I will be building up alot of frustration for our
eventual time together to come. " as he spoke making it sound like a mix of both punishment, as well as a promise of a night she would not forget once all was said and done. Mako would find her master's scent, and body language practically screaming for her
to sate him. yet he did not move to take her. merely a gentle stroke and a deep kiss. however he would then proceed to take care of prepping the pitcher of iced Mango water, with two glasses, and a small bowl of ice to make it a small self serve container.

verbally teasing mako, as he spoke of how she was making him suffer as well, but would enjoy the time to come once this work was done, and Beauty once again allowed herself to trust. as he made sure to
mention how this was also for her, and their baby. marking how the filly's child would be mako's baby to raise properly. as it was his direct child, meaning in a twisted way it was mako, and her master's child which was being carried by beauty.

as this was going on, he would be speaking in a light and gentle tone, despite how serious it would be. only his one hand and his would have a faint scent of mako on them. however it would only state they were near, but nothing more.
however the fact remained, even for mako, seeing her master like this was not something she would be used to seeing. as he would soon be returning to the filly, hoping she was a good girl and decided to remain in the room for now.
Such a kiss gave her hope, made her excited but then he broke the kiss, her breath panting as she moves to snatch him closer he spoke this was punishment for the issues she has created for master with his new mare that was expecting his child. Her ears pin down watching him move away to ready the water Beauty had requested while taunting and teasing Mako with his promise of them being together once trust was regained with beauty. Along with a reminder of the child she carried was theirs, that she would raise but she remembered the words beauty shouted when Mako had pushed her to far. A frown formed instead of her usual smile of excitement and joy, worried Beauty may not allow her near the foal. She swallows down her concerns as she kept quiet while he left to return up to the very room she was once held within.

Beauty still had remained on the bed but had laid down and fallen asleep, she was comfortable enough and was beginning to grow more and more tired as her pregnancy went on. Soon she would not be the only mare with master's foal as Sally had her first check up tomorrow to find out if she was expecting or not.
Finally on his way back to the room where beauty now rested. Victory would stop by Sally's room, as he knocked lightly. if she was awake he had a request for her, for the following day.
as he planned to request that sally took the day with beauty after her check up. wanting to show the new filly the facilities, all the different jobs, and even one which was similar to sally's own role
to demand respect, and authority. however more importantly, he wanted her to show Beauty the side of Mako, only he, and sally knew. the side which raised the children, and how the sexually crazed mare
got the name of pure mother by all the studs, and mare's raised in this facility. despite how embarrassing it might be for mako to be seen by others while doing what she did best with the children.

in his mind, if nothing else, he wanted to give a sense of relief in beauty's mind, as she would give the foul to mako if she knew it or not. even if it was only during the day,
so that she could do her work with sally. however the wicked man was already coming up with plans on how to work beauty into a role closer to sally's even wanted to try and set
the to up, like a big sister, and little sister role, with sally being the over seer of beauty once she was ready.

however if sally did not answer the door, he would wait till the next morning to talk to her about this.
Sally had been awoken long before master came about, mako had left quite abruptly after tossing most of the night for she did not do well with master being up stairs with beauty. She rose from bed to answer the door expecting Mako to be there instead she was shocked to find master, a brow rose to his reasoning of such a late hour. Hearing him out she could not help but smile of how hard he was trying with beauty to show her the safety of their business and home including her new sisters. Sally did not know Beauty was highly against Mako being anywhere near her foal while Sally had great intent of Mako being the sole nanny to her foal while she was busy or attempting to catch up on sleep. Returning to bed Sally was wide awake to start planning a beautiful day for Beauty, show her everything they have to offer ending the tour with the nursery/daycare wing where Mako spends her days.
After the short talk, Victor would finally return to the room, where Beauty was sound asleep. moving to place the two glasses, and the picture of ice, Mango water on the night stand. making sure to have one glass filled half way so she could drink
it if need was their right away. not wanting to awaken the filly. the wicked looking man would move to crawl into the bed carefully. moving to lay next to her, but trying to avoid awakening Beauty. unaware that her instincts could easily cause the slumbering
maiden to ether awaken, or even just snuggle into his frame for warmth, and comfort, unconsciously.

ether way the next day would be quiet the day for Beauty once her check up was done.
Her ears did flick in reaction to his entry into the room but she did not stir one bit, she felt his weight on the bed after the setting down of the glasses on the near by nightstand to offer easy drinking for her. Of course she was chilly with him being gone so once he we settled she moves into his frame, unaware he was wearing her down. By morning she has another episode of sickness, this time able to drink of the mango water after to wash her mouth out to rid the gross taste.

Sally was all prepared to escort beauty to their appointment with the vet while Mako had already disappeared to the nursery. Knocking the door Sally clears her throat hoping she was not interrupting anything between the two though Beauty had never shown a passion for Master just yet.
as the morning began, the knock at the door would come, as Beauty was just finishing up in the room, with her morning sickness, and taking in some carefully mixed mango water, as to avoid any pulp or seed.
once this came, Victor would smile, as he moved to open the door, and mentioned in a playful tone.

"I believe this is a visit for you, besides I am sure you two ladies will have an interesting day today. "
saying this with a gentle, and playful tone. the wicked man would have his own plans, as the process was visible, between the two, but slow to say the least.
however this day would begin to open a path for Sally to show Beauty a way of life in this business, one closer to her own, as a respectable and powerful maiden of business, vs a simple
breeder, and race mare.
Looking over to the door as Victor open it to reveal Sally, there was a clear annoyance from Beauty as she rather just curl up in bed and not do anything today but by the binder in hand Sally would not allow any such thing. Beauty huffs as she joins Sally for breakfast before they meet with the vet who was on edge around Beauty after last time though she was clearly pregnant by the light swell of her womb and her breasts while this was Sally's first check up to see if she was pregnant. The vet was thorough knowing this was Victor foal which he was glad to announce Sally was pregnant and need to begin easing back on her day to day work which she laughed off. Next was Beauty who shied away from the vet "I am fine, no need to check" telling him as she glances to Sally who was not pleased by that comment. "He must do a monthly check, it is protocol especially for us" informing her as she gently takes her hand to come closer for the vet to do an ultrasound which Beauty was very fidgety about. "The foal is developing well, size of an apple now" the vet spoke taking pictures that Sally would send to Victors office.

Next Beauty got an elite tour of the stable especially the nursery/daycare while the foals will be while she is working which confused her "Working?" questioning Sally having not been told she was given a position other than carrying this foal for Victor and mako. Speaking of, Beauty spotted Mako inside playing with the foals, at least five ranging of different ages. She had a gentle tone and touch especially in getting them to either drink their breakfast or begin solid foods. Beauty pins back her ears turning away to continue toward the race track with Sally quickly following.
as the tour went on, Very soon Beauty would see a glimpse of her current master working. as was working with several stallions, and even a few mares. prepping a few of them for breeding, as well as the practice track for those which would be racing.
as he worked with them. the sight of this would be something for beauty to see, if she wanted to admit it or not. her mind and wonder would show signs which sally would understand and know all to well. even if the young filly herself was still rebellious enough
to deny it. however it would show her superior was all to familiar with. showing the early signs of the fruit from his work with beauty alone. more then that, how he was more gentle, and caring when they were alone, as he ended up having to be forceful and breaking mako prior. If anything perhaps sally could give some advice to help Beauty ether in making herself more comfortable, or perhaps earning more freedom in this place with their master.
Arriving upon the racetrack that she found more drawn to than anything she has felt in this life thus far, looking out at the track as racers were cantering their laps. Then spotting Victor out there with some stallions making her eyes roll, about to just bounce off and head into another direction but Sally made her stay. "Ya know, your situation would be have been alot worse without him stepping in, sure your father since gave you up as payment for the loan but you are alive and well" the older mare spoke. "Master wants you to be happy and comfortable, a small price to pay is the foal you carry and to be nice" adding with a smile. Sure most would be naive by her words but Beauty scoffed "A small price? Take my virginity to impregnant me for some bitch of a mare that sexual assaulted me!" shouting at Sally. "your world is so small if you believe that to be a price of nothing" storming off. Sally was a tad shocked by Beauty losing her temper out in public for it did draw attention of other humans and racers alike.
as she stormed off from sally, Beauty would be unaware that in her own outburst. the young filly would find herself entering a room which was not meant for any like her.

it would be in this room, where several high end individuals stood, as they even had their own wicked and strong looking stallions. which were waiting for their own turn to breed their star
racers. however unknown to Beauty if she ended up in this room, the young filly would end up getting used by mistake, as it would be thought she was sent for them to use. as it was a competition
which ever would knock up the healthiest female would always win the best deal for their master. all the while it was unknown if Sally was following close enough to prevent this,
or if Beauty would slip from her view, and end up in this hellish situation which once begun only her master could get her out of it.
Having thought she was storming off in the same direction of the stable she had no clue it was the breeding harem hall she was heading into when Sally quickly dashed after her to grab her arm "Whoa filly, you go in there then Master will never gain your trust" pulling her back. Beauty jerks her arm away to face Sally "Gain my trust?" she scoffs crossing her arms as she looking up to the sign realizing it was just owners and stallions in there. She steps closer to Sally knowing it was best to keep close to her "Listen, he has you, you are having his foal, why does he still need me? He did not even want me other than for a toy?" questioning Sally for some true answers. A sad smile crossed the older mare's face "I can not answer such questions, only Master can, all I know is he is trying his best to bring you into our group, feel safe and comfortable in your new home. Give him a chance" touching her shoulder gently. Beauty lowers back her ears, looking toward where she last saw Victor "How is he gonna react to the pictures?" she asks quietly "and I bet you have not told him you are expecting, have you?"

Sally looks away with a shrug "I bet he will be excited and...the right time hasn't come up" shrugging off such a question.
Unlike Mako, sally knew the one dark dream her master had, to have the ideal group of lovers. beautiful women which are not just ideal fuck buddies, but all established, and strong women who could stand on their own. which Sally was the first to fit into this desired, dream woman stature he had. while Beauty would become the second. however Mako was something different and special. As it was, this could be seen as a twisted, and perverted desire, however one which Sally could understand as she had been apart of for so long. and now she saw how much work he was putting into beauty, showing that this third maiden would become an ideal member of their family, with enough work. as he had gone through countless beautiful filly's, even some which would make beauty look more like a basic mare in comparison, yet he chose her for his own reasons. if sally wanted to show this point of view, she could show several of the most alluring and breath taking breeder mares to beauty, ones which their master had no interest in, for his own desires. unlike herself, mako, and now beauty.

all the more, Sally had thankfully prevented beauty from making a horrible mistake, which would end up doing more damage then any could have predicted.
Honestly Sally was uncertain how Master would take the news of her being pregnant, he would be excited but would he grow more protective of her or just remain the same? Mako will be quite busy while his two mares were pregnant but should remember not to allow Sally and Beauty to feel left out. "Let me show you something" leading beauty away to the waiting room of mares being readied for their time in the breeding hall. Many were models it seemed, purely here due to their pedigree and looks than their racing stats. Sally reminded Beauty that Master solely choose her over all these pretty lil mares, she could not give the true reason but knowing she was the chosen one to be protected under him should give her a sense of special.

By lunch time Beauty was refusing to eat while Sally was forcing heathy food down her throat to be sure she stays well fit for herself and her foal, of course she would not force Beauty to eat but clearly the mare seemed quite sick when around food. As if on que Mako came skipping into the dining room, sitting down to wolf down her food "how had your day been?" asking Sally mostly since she knew Beauty was still pissed at her. "Alright, Beauty got some pictures of her lil apple, sent them to Master's office" informing Mako who perked up, already planning to sneak into master's study to take a peek. "And...any news for you?" Mako questions Sally a tad more seriously but Sally simply glared her direction as she continued to eat. Beauty sat back into seat wishing to just disappear but she was to remain at Sally's side.
As this was all going on, Victor would be returning to his office on que, as he needed to do some paper work, and prep for the next batch of interviews for those who wanted
some of his breeding mares to go with their stallions. Despite how the hands on part was done by sally, Victor would often go over the information himself, and some time, decide against the best options.
normally due to ether history with the owner, or something small which is easily missed. While this was going on, the pictures would be on his pc, as the flashing image of an arrival of message would be on his screen unnoticed
for the moment in time. unaware that before he even had his own chance to look at it, mako would end up trying to sneak in, unaware of his unscheduled office visit.
With the two mares offering either silent treatment or blunt answers Mako finished up her lunch to head off to Master's office, slipping inside without even taking a look around for anyone coming or already inside. Shutting the door behind her, she froze when turning around to find master filing paperwork making her squeak "Oh, I did not know you were in here" touching her hand on the handle to go ahead and leave knowing he was still quite upset with her. Seemed Beauty was currently on edge of trust Master let alone forgiving Mako of what she did.
"Oh, no no mako your here now, so come on in. We do have a few words to share do we not?"
as he said this, their was an odd venom in his tone. one which Mako would know better then any one. as his pent up frustration
were growing, so was his lack of patients, and more so his normally gentle demeanor. Yet mako would know well that her master would not touch her in a way
to make them both feel good, at least not yet, however he still planned to have her come over to his side. and make her stand their as he finished up his work, as a kind of psuedo punishment.
however little did he know, she would get the chance to open the images, and they could both see them together.
Hearing his tone made her tense, he was pent up, he was frustrated, he was punishing her and saving himself for Beauty in a fashion which drove them both crazy as the younger mare was very stubborn. Mako would slowly make her way over to his side, lowering back her ears hating to see him like this as she wished to help in some way if he would allow her but at this point it was best not to anger him again. But maybe lighten up his day, she brushes her hand over his mouse, clicking on the unread message from the vet office titled ultrasound pictures of Beauty and her foal revealing images of Victor's child on the screen. Mako would smile seeing that the foal was developing healthy so far just wished the mother would allow herself and Master to be apart of this pregnancy more intimately. "Wow, beautiful" whispering.
Not taking notice right away, as he was going through several papers. turning a few which sally had oked down, marking them as good stallions, but bad owners.
however hearing her whisper such a word drew his attention to the screen she was looking at. as mako had brought up something which did indeed cheer the master up a good bit.
as he moved to suddenly wrap his arm around her waist, and hip pulling the mare close. as his fingers caressed her belly.

"Sadly it is not ours yet, but this looks promising indeed. a beautiful little bun for us to call our own in a few months, maybe sooner. "
as he said this with a gentle and excited tone, it would be a good thing for mako to hear, and see.

mean while . . .

one of the servants would come over to Sally, with two specially crafted tea's.
the servant offered them to sally, and beauty, as they would be strawberry, and wild cherry scented.
the tea's meant to help promote healthy immune system, and stronger internal growth, and healing. however unknown to the servant,
sally would know well the side effect of these special tea's she had many of times in the past. unlike other's she could control herself, however the side effect which
came on slowly over time would cause one to feel an incredible, need and heat, thus she would know well if this was something beauty should avoid or have, even if it was meant
to also spark something while she and master would be alone later.

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