Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Humming in agreement she leans into his frame before settling back into her seat of the car, wiggling about to get comfortable as she was feeling some soreness settling in but she was still his mare that was ready for him. Offering him that smile of hers as he joins her in the car hoping Mako did not mess up Beauty to bad while they were away. "Listen, after tonight, you really should focus on Beauty. She is carrying your foal as well and she is still very new" reminding him as they head home.

Up in the master bedroom Mako and Beauty were still in the bath, mako offering Beauty a soothing massage in attempts to settle her down and gain some trust back "I know I go a bit over board but it just because I get all excited" admitting to her. "besides, I want us to be close, like sisters" reaching round to touch gently on Beauty's stomach which back fired. Beauty jerks away, moving to the other side of the tub "we are not sisters" the young filly clearly states with an annoyed tone.
As the vehicle moved steadily tours their home, Sally would be able to easily notice how aroused her master still was, despite her recommendation of him needing to take care of beauty this night. it was clear he would still need to be sated if not by sally then one of the girls. However at the same time, the real question would be how would mako be when they got back.

as they approached the house, the light in the wash, or bathing room could be seen from outside the home. as Sally would be the one to notice it first. However nether of them knew what kind of mess Mako made with Beauty being under her care, or how the younger mare or filly would act upon seeing her current master return. would this be a good or bad thing, as Both Vic, and Sally would be completely in the nude still, except for Sally's now stained, and memory filled new fluffy blanket which would be around her elegant, and well toned frame.
Gazing out the window for majority of the ride she glances toward Master noting his arousal was still clear as day thanks to the stamina he grew with using Mako. Her eyes tuned into the house noticing how the lights in the large bathing room were on meaning the girls must be in there. "Well, lets see what mess those two caused while we were gone?" humming as she gets out of the car with her blanket wrapped around her while Master happily walked nude.

Mako lowers her ears with a pout seeing Beauty rip away from her in such a fashion, staring at the pretty mare before realizing how late it had become leading her to freeze in wonder if they were coming back tonight. Master mentioned they were coming back but not when. She blinks looking to Beauty who suddenly disappeared from where she was, the white mare had sprung a towel and was running to the door. When opened she was met with Sally and Victor heading home after what seemed to be quite the night resulting in a heated blush crossing Beauty's face as Mako was running after her dripping wet and completely nude. "Beauty, where are yo..." she paused seeing Master had returned but then glances over Sally and her ears lowered down unable to believe the scene before her "Oh, you are back" she spoke quietly.
"Sally, be a doll, and help beauty get dried up and safely in bed. Me and Mako need a little one on one time in the bath room. "
as he said this with a wicked and dark tone coming from his mouth. Sally would know better then any one the condition her master was left in. and seeing Mako like
this. a twisted side was about to show itself once more, one which Mako knew very well, if it was a side she enjoyed or hated, she was gonna get used. However he did not want
Beauty to see this side. all the while, he would say this, leaving the little Filly in sally's care for the moment, unless Sally decided to step in, and have her master take care
of beauty in her stead to deal with mako.

His eyes were locked upon Mako, and her own bodily state, as a wicked grin slowly crept across his face.
originally planning to give Sally a much longer and more romantic night, he was about to turn this into a much rougher, and more scream inducing night of lustful punishment.
Already gathering what had happened Sally was not all that surprised by master shifting his attention to Mako seeing how she was presently shining with water on her body that was ripe for the taking. Sally steps in and moves to drape the towel beauty loosely held in her hand over her shoulders "I am sure you were not attempting to leave" commenting as she guided Beauty to the bed to help dry her off and get some more context. Mako pins back her ears seeing the look Master was giving her but seeing the state Sally was in she did not feel up to pleasing him, clearly he bred Sally meaning they were closer than ever. She huffs with a roll of her eyes as she return to the bathroom, stepping back into the warm water "Guess you finally got what you have always wished for" commenting quietly.
as she said this, Mako did not expect it, however her master would move to pull his mare out of the water, and against his frame. shutting her up with a deep kiss. a more passionate, and dominating one. as it would take the very strength from Mako's very limbs. once the kiss broke, he would look into her eyes, as he spoke to her.

"We both know the truth, I will always have what I want, and both of you are mine, and mine alone. I do not share my personal lovers. However if you do not share what you were up to. We might have to make this rougher, like the old days."

as he spoke telling Mako this, as well as how he handled her body. even if she wasn't in the mood, or feeling betrayed, her master knew how to make his cute little victim's body betray her mind. as he leaned in nibbling at her, as he spoke after the kiss. with the two now in the bathroom. even asking her if she remembered what he told her countless times, even if he got with other women, what would happen to her. if Mako remembered it well or not, she would be reminded this night, be it more intimately, or forcefully.

mean while, now Beauty was with Sally, and could share her experiences with the sister of her mistress so to speak.
Indeed surprised by him lifting her from the water to silence her into a kiss that left her melting against his frame, her limbs shivering with excitement though she did feel betrayed that he finally was with Sally probably cause he bred Beauty. She meet his gaze as he spoke, lowering back her ears while panting for breath before daring her gaze away by him wishing to hear what she was up to with beauty resulting in a shrug. "Just having fun, experimenting her limits and trying to get close to her" not seeing much harm in what she did though probably made Beauty trust them all even less after all the work Master and Sally put into proving what they will do for her earlier in the day.

Beauty hugs the towel tight to her body glancing to Sally who had a soft look to her expression, tilting her head to try and get the mare to talk "Why were you running away from Mako?" knowing how overbearing the older mare can be. It was several minutes of silence until the young pregnant mare spoke "I never wanted this, I was given away by my father due to him owing Victor" shaking her head as she looks down. Quiet once again leading to Sally speaking "Hey, you are strong, a great racer and carrying Master's foal which is a great honor, he will protect you and devote all he has to you" touching gently on her chin. "But tell me what Mako did" making Beauty look at her which made the younger mare shrink back a little before explaining what Mako forced her to endure.
"You are right, it is the right thing to do, in getting close to our new sister in arms, and the mother of your foul, however I did also tell you mako, it would need to be done in a gentler manor. However, we can start a new tomorrow with her."

Once he spoke up like this, Victor would suddenly do something he had not done to Mako for a very long time. as he suddenly picked her up, and moved to get into the water with her, in his arms, Almost bridal style. once they were inside the bath together. she would feel his monstrous erection between her thighs. as his hands moved her position to be much more comfortable on him.

"Now then, As I told you countless times in the past, And I will always tell you this. Mako you are my bed mate, my woman, no one elses. Sally is my partner as well, but unlike sally, you are the one who must remain at my side, and must always be kept safe. my cute little wild flower. " as he spoke up saying this, not lying to her for even a moment. as Sally was his equal, and as the master said, his better in business. However as he said this, stating how Sally was to carry his child as well. a child which Mako will need to help him with, as her child will have a sibling this way as well. two champion blood lines to call mako mama. as he teased her motherly desires, while teasing her body some more.
the fact remained, it could become confusing, however the fact remained, Mako and sally would both be mothers, but mako would be the one best known as the foul mother. all the while he was slowly turning her body against her.
If she tried to pull away or stop this, Mako would feel her master begin to get rougher, and more dominating with her.
Knowing Master usually took over the more inexperienced mare she just wanted to prove that she would be apart of it more but how he phrased it she knew that she messed up Beauty in a fashion. She huffs just wanting to have fun and attempt in getting closer to Beauty only to ruin in and have master attempt in getting the new mare eased into things. Her body was currently at his whim though as he lifts her up to join him in the water, settling into a position of his choosing so his monstrous cock was reminding her of the end result to this conversation. His words she knew he meant with his whole heart but seeing and sensing what he and Sally did still hurt her, that she could never carry his foal and that she was always glued to his side due to how devoted and loyal she was to him. Even though she was hurt and pissed off at him, her body was following into old habits of rolling her hips into his frame teasing his body in return of him teasing upon her. "I just...never thought Sally would go there with you, I always believed to be your true mare intimately" admitting to him, her lips slightly parted to allow her to pant as she was already quite turned on by his subtle advances. "But...what if Sally and beauty reject as to being a mother to their foals?" questioning him.

Sally was not pleased to hear that Mako basically ruined Beauty's trust in them after the lengths Master went to today for her, they left her in the hands of Mako out of trust and the wild mare broke her. Letting out a disappointed sigh Sally got up from the bed to prepare a single bed in the window seat for Beauty, adding plenty of pillows and blankets before lifting the young mare, removing her towel and replacing it with a blanket "rest, okay, we will handle Mako" reassuring her with a peck on the forehead.
"You make it sound like their is a choice, Sally is our queen of business. Sure she will still need to be their for her foul, But beauty will be the one we need to train for races. besides, You are the only mare of mine who I know can truly handle my children. normal fouls I would not be so adamant about. but those two are my children directly, thus they are yours. " as he spoke moving to kiss her deeply once more.

Once the kiss broke, Victor would speak to Mako once more, stating how he still had to punish her tonight, for the mistakes she made. they would fix it, but punishment would need to be dealt out. however Mako knew better then any one. when it came to punishment for her. it was how rough he would make her scream. as this man would be the only one that could cause even Mako to moan, and cry out for mercy when he went wild upon her. which had been a very long time sense the last time. which before Sally would even be able to get a glimpse of the two of them. these familiar sounds would fill the house. sally knowing well how rough, and violent he could get with mako, in a lewd way of punishment which could be seen as her master breaking his favorite play mate a bit more. the sounds would also be enough to scare the new filly, in fear of being punished herself.
Such reminders of how busy Beauty and Sally would be did reveal she must allow her to watch and raise their foals while they are out and about, more so how Master ensured she knew what he only trusted her with his children, his foals. Her heart skipped a beat hearing that, though she was worried Beauty may take much longer to gain her trust even more to handle her foal if she creates a connection with it. But she tenses a little hearing she must be punished for what she caused Beauty and also being a brat about him breeding Sally. She had a long night ahead that was for sure as the punishment began and her body was overjoyed to have attention while her mind was still a bit ticked off. "Yes, Master" she spoke softly, gasping the softest moan.

Beauty watches Sally settle back into the master bed while she curled up in her own little window seat bed, grateful for the space as her eyes slowly began to close. In minutes the new member was sound asleep while Sally listened to the moans and grunts of the punishment taking place in the bathroom. Of course once the squealing and screams sounded resulted in spooking beauty awake.
Now unfamiliar with these more primal, and wild sounds. Beauty's mind would only imagine that this was something she would endure here sooner then later. However with sally in the room with her. the mature and more experienced Mare could share with Beauty, how Mako was being punished for her behavior and actions tours beauty this day. However the fact remained, while the wicked sounds echoed, it was unknown what kind of effects it might have on Sally who was only allowed to be partially sated this night, which was meant to be her night. However the way mako was being handled would be something that Sally herself would never need to experience unless she wanted to.

It would be quiet some time, as Mako was being used every way possible, even with her legs being folded up into a nelson like position. her head being forced down with hands licked behind them. allowing deeper, and more painfully deep strikes to hit all Mako's most sensitive depths each time. It would not be long before Mako would begin to feel her world getting over whelmed. her senses aflame, and her body struggling not to pass out, as each time she was about to black out. a screaming orgasm would rush through her system with out remorse. it was unknown how many hours she would be able to endure, as mako's master would fuck her senseless, and leave Mako bed ridden for at least another day after this assault.
Picking up a book Sally decided she would await for them to finish as she wished to see the results of this punishment along with how Master will handle Beauty on her first night with them after being forced to endure such play with Mako. Glancing over to see beauty literally trembling under her blankets by the shrieks of pleasure not pain echo through the home "She is being punished for what she did to you, no need to worry, master can be gentle" reassuring as he turns a page. Beauty tenses hearing Sally speak up followed by a another howling moan from Mako who was being fucked senseless for her deeds to Beauty.

Mako was barely able to keep her breath let alone herself awake for the hours master punished her in fashions she had no experienced for quite some time. Her body was shaking from the overwhelming pleasure and need, at his whim she was until he was sated that she learned her lesson and he was pleased for the night. Barely able to move she submerged into the water a few times to keep herself awake while having a constant orgasm at this point.
several hours passed, as the now rag dolled Mako with a pleased look, and a lolled out tongue would be in the arms of her master, being carried into the room. as all that could he heard from her faint voice. were apologizes, and forgiveness. her mind was in a rare, and oddly blissful state. while her body echoed in pain, and pleasure alike. she was all dried up, as it was quiet the sight to behold. as Mako was gently laid on the bed as well.

Victor would look to sally, before apologizing, and promising to give her a proper and romantic night next time. but this time their was work to be done sadly. as he said this, moving to take sally's hand, and kiss the back of it. the wicked stud with a towel draped around his lower region would move tours beauty next. Planning to take her into another room, just the two of them. as he planned to spend the night alone with beauty, however the plan was for a gentle, and warm embrace, a cuddle, and a night of peaceful rest. to give her a sense of safety, one which had been present prior when she was protected by him. even though it would be even harder to earn any fragment of trust tours his mares. the master did not so much need trust, but respect for his power over her. as he was going to take a slower, and gentler approach this night with beauty. leaving the now semi broken Mako in Sally's care to do as she saw fit with the wild vixen of a mare.
Closing her book at the sight of Master presenting a mewling and mumbling Mako filled with remorse and exhaustion, setting her on the bed with Sally as she sat up more with a grin and a shake of her head. She looks to Master, smiling to his affection and promise knowing he would hold up to it but seeing him look over to Beauty did make her a tad worried for the new mare for she did push for beauty to join the small circle. Beauty was awake and had turned her head a little to notice Victor and Mako returning, him conversing with Sally before she felt eyes on her that she ignored, curling up to hide under her blankets in her makeshift bed.
As he spoke up, Sally would hear Victor state he was going to use that room with Beauty. it was the very room he once used with Mako to slowly break her in, and calm her, back when the damaged mare was wild and wicked aggressive.

all wrapped up in her blanket and scared, it would not be long before she was suddenly rolled over, and lifted while still wrapped like a burrito. only to be carried by her master from this room tours the private room. which was like the highest end luxory, honeymoon suite.

"Beauty, just you and mean in a private room. I want you to feel comfortable, so we might have to do this a few nights in a row. " saying this to her, the idea of her being claimed by him would flash in the young filly's mind. however she would discover he had no ill intent, or lustfully abusive desire tours her. as he planned to handle her with gentle and protective care. this was how victor got a few of his scars back when he first worked with mako so long ago. now it was the second mare to ever be used in this room, and it was beauty's turn. the most comfortable, and well adorn room, but also the room with the most locks, and safety settings.
Knowing that whatever plan Master had for Beauty may have taken a few steps back was reassuring he planned to break her in similar to Mako who was far worse than Beauty was presenting thus far. Sally focused on wrapped Mako up in the covers, making sure she was comfortable for the night as this bed would be her home for the 24 hours allowing Master to focus on Beauty all the more.

Hoping her hiding would make Victor change his mind and just go to bed with the two other mares, let her be was mistaken as she felt herself get rolled over and lifted into his arms as he carried her to this much more private suite while he spoke that this was time for him and her. She pins back her ears the images of him and Mako on top of her the other day, glaring toward him a moment with resentment. Once in the room she was trapped in her blankets but she was slowly wiggling her way free as she did not intend to be anywhere near him after what she heard from the bathroom.
chuckling as he saw her reaction, Victor would speak up tours Beauty. as he moved to sit on the bed. patting the soft material next to him.

"Oh come now, I have no intention of hurting you, or punishing you. this is your chance to experience something which is rarely felt. I will allow you to ether
become comfortable, or you can even scream, and cry to your heart's content. you are mine now, and I will not have one which is mine to suffer. I punished mako for doing what she did to you. "

as he spoke honestly with Beauty. offering her a chance to vent, with out any risk of punishment. he would make no moves to force her closer to him, however he would talk to her, or tours her.
gesturing gently tours her. wanting to break in Beauty slowly and gently, as this was the tactic used on mako back when she was a wild, biting, and violent little filly herself.
Holding her blankets tightly to her body she glares toward him as he spoke his intentions of this night. He did not wish to force her punish her just offer a chance to become comfortable in his presence. She pins back her ears as she rolls her eyes “I don’t want to be yours! I don’t want any of part of this! And you think I am gonna let that crazy lady anywhere near my foal, you must be insane!” snapping at him.
"Oh, you see, their isn't any option for you really, the idea is we make this simple, and comfortable. However the rougher you want to make it, the harder it can be. "
as he said this, reminding the Filly how she was property now, and he was giving her a chance to gain treatment to be a proper maiden, instead of a simple stock to be
used and abused. with a gentle tone, he would remain their, even moving to lay himself down upon the bed. making himself appear vulnerable to Beauty. however if she tried
to leave the room, she would discover the duo were locked in here together.
He didnt even get mad or lash out by her words of not wanting any of this he was offering her, even laying back to show his comfort and vulnerability. She wanders around the room noting the windows were locked and thick, the bathroom had no door so she cant hide from him and the only other door was heavily locked. Lowering back her ears she eyes him on the bed, not wanting to be near him in that fashion. So she sat down on the floor where she once stood, laying down in her burrito of blankets.
Time would pass as Beauty was left on her own. if she did not end up in the bed on her own accord, the filly would find once she had passed out, this would be when her master would lift and carry her into the bed. to make sure her body was in the comfortable, mattress. this would be enough to hopefully calm her natural, and more wild spirit. still far from broken, but very close to it at the same time. Beauty would be in for a long night or few days, as this room would be their shared room when night came, and when it was day she would be out of the room, and with sally or mako to learn her responsibilities, and choirs. a twisted prize of peace, and torment of new lively hood.
Watching his every breath from where she could see him, her ears ticked at every sound until exhaustion from such a day snatched into a deep sleep that she did not stir from when he lifted her onto the bed. She was innocent and sharp witted, it will take time indeed but who knows if gaining her respect or trust was enough to keep her from turning on Sally or Mako. by morning she was curled up on the edge of the bed, still sound asleep clearly needing a sleep in just like Mako. As Sally had already started her day with a solo shower and ensuring the chef was prepping special and specific breakfast for everyone. Beauty was feeding for two, Master always had an appetite in the morning, mako needed some healing touches to her meal while Sally always stuck to her usual. Now she just needed to touch base with master, see how Beauty was coming along. Did not sound like she broke anything or any screaming or banging, so smoothly she had to gather.
As Sally began to reach the door, and the small slit she could look into the room. the sight of the filly sound asleep in the bed. as their master sat on the bed with a gentle smile.
he would silently motion for Sally to ether come in, or leave, as he would not leave Beauty's side until she woke. Sally herself knew well this slow process, as it was used with a young and more aggressively wild
mako back in the day. However unlike mako, This one was able to be bred, thus he had to be even more gentle then he was prior. In the long run, The wicked man would break beauty to be loyal to him alone.
and in the worse case, as long as she could trust, or at the least respect sally. Mako had burnt her own bridge with beauty. thus even if she got the baby, she might never be able to enjoy proper touchy feely fun
again with this one, at least when alone. for now, though the process would begin. as Victor planned to feed, and ensure Beauty ate her meal sally was having prepped. as his plan would bare fruit, but how long it would take, as
the first stage was to earn her utmost loyalty, be it in gentle care or if need be, breaking her, in a manor to make her addicted to his treatment, or perhaps a mix of both.

while the slower process was to get beauty to a point she could trust, and rely at least on Sally. as it would be a cute sight for both victor and sally to see the pouty side of mako due to her own actions tours beauty, causing their to be an impossible bridge to repair between the two mares.
Knowing mako would be sleeping for hours Sally went to check on Master and beauty, peeking inside before unlocking the door from the outside to step in finding Master with such a smile she rarely got to see. He must have taken a liking to the in-between personality Beauty presented them so far, she was hot headed, stubborn, pretty, and smart but very sensitive as well. Sally smiles toward him just as Beauty began to wake up, rubbing her eyes as she stretched out and yawns to roll onto her back realizing she was on the bed. Scrambling into a sitting position she glares toward Victor knowing he must have put her up here at some point.

"Well, good morning" Sally would giggle finding it quite funny how she reacted and glares toward master "breakfast is just about ready" informing with, her tail swishing happily behind her. While the term of breakfast almost made Beauty feel sick "Not really hungry" she murmurs looking toward Sally.
Moving to motion for Sally to carry on, Victor would look to Beauty with a gentle look in his eyes.

"So did you sleep well? as I said before this bed is ours, do not threat, I did nothing more then tuck you in. "
saying this with a gentle and oddly alluring albeit calming tone. it might have much of an effect on beauty as of yet. however this was but a stepping stone. as he would
begin to inform her, that until she felt safe, and comfortable here. this would be their shared room for sleeping and resting. as he would personally ensure her safety this way. even moving to gently touch any
part of her with his fingers, he could. as the touch would be gentle, and oddly soothing, even if it would not be noticed right away.

this would happen once Sally left the room, however out of the room she could still listen in, as beauty would be the second maiden to see the gentle side of their master. Sally being the first, and for the longest time
only one to know this rare side of him. as his more wild side was best known by Mako, yet it seemed something about beauty drew out both sides at once. meaning this filly would be a truly fun one for them to break in, and perhaps
for sally a means to finally get a bit more playful with out needing to risk anything with her master, as they were now finally at the next stage so to speak, after the last night together.
Not surprised by the remark of desire to skip breakfast but it was important for a mother to be so Sally would continue her way down to the kitchen to fetch breakfast in bed for dear Mako while master handled his new morning routine with the sassy Beauty. Who looked toward Victor, pinning back her ears to show she was untrusting and on edge around him though she still remained on the bed for now, glancing down to it as he labeled it as their bed. When he reached out to touch her the mare was quick to her feet moving away from him "do not touch me!" snapping at him as she moves to the bathroom to wash her face hoping to wash away the morning sickness that simply reminded her what these people have done to her.
A short while passed, as Victor kept an eye on Beauty, as he smirked to himself. before speaking up in a gentle yet very clear tone.

"So then, do we want to do this the gentle way, or are you thinking you need to use some aggression and try to force yourself to freedom my cute little beauty?"
asking this, as it was a tactic he used on a very young mako long ago. seeing if he could stoke any kind of pride or ego to create a kind of condition where
she would ether submit or try to earn her desired results. Albeit it a one sided kind of wager which would be made, but it would create a path to break her in via both
actions and interactions. however it was unknown if this sassy young filly would take his verbal bait or not.
Standing back from the sink to look at herself in the mirror unable to imagine what pregnancy would look on her causing a slight pout until he finally spoke up about being gentle or forcing her way out to freedom. She turns toward him, perking her ears his direction "Freedom as in just going downstairs or actually being free from your insane cult?" raising a brow to spit his verbal bait right back in his face. Swishing her tail she lets out a sigh "even if I did escape I still owned by you on my paperwork, so I would have no where to go, someone would just drag me back here for a pretty reward" shrugging as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "I am curious, was it Sally's idea to include me in your personal mare triangle or was it yours?" questioning him, this was his chance to show his interest in her.
"Oh that is easy, it was mine. A lovely young maiden is a fine prize, however if you were to be used or sold. then a lovely young lady like yourself would becoming a simple breeding factory. However as you are now
with my personal child. legally, you are no longer able to be seen as a simple possession, but an actual individual. much like mako, and sally. by law, they are now equals to humans, albeit it only in paper work. "
as he began to speak, revealing the horrible truth, even more so about her father, and how she was promised to be raised as a clean breeding factory in order to pay off such a high debt. one which was originally going to
a different owner, however Victory paid for the debt in order to take this deal, at the request of sally. as the potential was their. But he never expected Beauty to be such a prize specimen, able to win her first ever race.

the horrible and dark truth was shared, not even trying to paint himself as some kind of saint. but instead revealing himself as a kind of monster in his own right.
However as he would look to her, Victory would reveal during the day she was free to leave this room, it would be her safety, and security room only at night. as he pointed tours the door
that it was unlocked during the day. this would be the unexpected part to hear, as one would expect her to be trapped in this room at all times. but it was only a thing at night, unless to be punished.

however he would go back to her comment, stating that the offer was for her to be set free, as a self owned maiden, once he had his baby from her. however as she did not desire such a offer, he would not make another.
with his calm gentle tone. even with such horrors being shared with out a second thought.

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