Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Gasping to the motion of him loop his arm around her waist to bring her close to him glancing down to his fingers tracing over her stomach reminding her how she could not have her own foal, reason he bred Beauty but seemed the plan was back firing. Mako at first held no doubts or concerns of the foal being handed over to her but seeing how Beauty acted made her concerned "Master, how are things going with Beauty?" asking softly, in a sad tone as well.

Sally would look up as a servant brought the pair some tea allowing her to perk up until realizing the type of tea, she did not need to be getting close to Master even with the news she was holding to herself. She glanced up to Beauty who sniffed the tea, taking a few sips in hope to settle her upset tummy while Sally kept quiet in aim to use this in aid for Master tonight. Easily Mako and Sally could see how frustrated he was, pent up with sexual energy, sure Beauty may not be able to handle him fully but could at least take the edge off until he is done punishing Mako. "Taste good?" humming with a smile as Beauty was drinking more of the tea.

"yeah" sounding content as she sips along until the tea was all gone hinting to Sally it was best to allow Beauty to rest for the remainder of the day, she will need it. Escorting Beauty back up to her special room, not even closing the door as she began her journey to Masters office
As the two were at the desk, looking over each picture, and even taking in all the doctor notes. Victor would soon notice Sally coming to the door, as he smiled.
motion for her to come over as well, wanting to share this moment with them both. as Mako had indeed set the master in a good mood, albeit short lived, but good none the less.

as Beauty would be allowed some alone time, and peace in her room. not even locked in, as it was still day, thus no need to lock her up. However little did she know what would begin to come over her body
in the next few hours, or how sally would be able to monitor this. as it could ether make The filly think she was having these desires of her own, or perhaps thinking of how her current state was messing with her hormones.
regardless the night would hopefully be one of improvement for both beauty and her apparently unwanted master.
Finding joy in looking over pictures of the foal was a great bonding experience for Mako and Master but when Sally appeared the mood sobered a tad as she could tell they must be seeing the ultrasound pictures of Beauty's foal. She would lower back her ears as she was invited to look as well "I have alot of paperwork to catch up on since beauty will be resting for the remainder of the day" informing master of Beauty's whereabouts. Approaching the desk to pick up her stack of papers along with her pen and stamp she glances toward the computer screen, he had two foals on the way but he had no yet asked about hers.

Back in the room Beauty was curled up around one of the body pillows, feeling quite relaxed and content even after such a stressful morning and early afternoon. She would felt a light heat similar to what she felt after downing that Tea sally forced her to drink the night she was bred. Hating such a memory she hides her face into the pillow, tightly curling up more as she lets out a soft whine.
As Sally would grab her paper's, and begin to make her leave from the office. Victor would get up and place a hand on her shoulder.
as he smile gently, asking Sally if she got checked on as well, and what her results were.
as he asked this, their would seem to be an enjoyable look in his eyes, as he was hoping to have a special one with sally as well. but this would not be one
treated like others. much like the one in beauty, Sally's foul would be something truly special at least with their master. however this gave a chance for Mako to slip out of the room, as
her master was no occupied for the moment with sally.
Halting her movement to leave she felt his hand on her shoulder, this moment allowing Mako to slip from the room to hurry up to the special room Beauty rested in hoping to visit her, touch her to be close to the foal in some fashion. While Sally would flick her ears back before turning toward Master, holding her stack of papers close to her chest as he wanted to hear her results of her check up making her nervous to answer. Chewing her lip a little she glances down to the floor aiming to gather her courage "Well...I...I am expecting" informing him as she glances up to his face.
this news caused his eyes to go wide, very wide, as the master suddenly took hold of Sally by the waist. lifting her up and spinning the two around in a circle, as he almost squealed in excitement from this answer.
it would be unexpected, yet enjoyable to see, and hear. however once she was set back onto her feet. Sally would find her papers had escaped her grasp when this happened.

"this is amazing, we will have to celebrate properly later. should we have all four of us? just the three? or perhaps we should do a more private celebration later?"
asking this, as the choice of what and when would be up to sally, as victor would take care of it all once how and when was decided. however the fact remained. Sally would be the first to realize mako slipped out, and
she had stated where beauty was. as their master was distracted at the moment, it would be up to her to piece it together if she so desired, or leave it be. as mako could ruin the set up sally had for her master with
the filly in the room if things went bad.
Seeing his wide eyes made her worries fade away, he was happy, hell he was excited as he lifted her up to spin her around out of pure bliss of this wonderful news. Sally would laugh holding onto his shoulders until he set her down since her papers went flying upon the floor. She smiles hearing him speak of a celebration making her excited in turn but she was still nervous about all of this as it may change a few things between her and master. But she realized mako was no longer with them, she had dipped out without a goodbye making Sally freeze as she realized mako must be attempting to see beauty. She swallows down her answer to his questions "Not tonight, I um...well, beauty was not feeling well and had an entire cup of that specially infused tea, I was aiming for it to be a surprise..." she trails off looking where Mako once was. "but I think someone else may ruin her further..." adds more quietly "if you don't go check on her right now"

Mako slips into the room seeing Beauty all curled up on the bed, the room reeking with the scent of her hormones being out of whack concerning the older mare to cautiously approach "beauty" whispering to see if she was awake. Beauty had her ears pinned down against her head not responding as Mako was growing closer by the step.
As the duo quickly noticed this, Victor would ask sally if she could handle mako for the night. as they would need to do what they could to keep things from getting to difficult from here on.
as he moved to take sally's hand, and pull her with him. it would be easy for the mare to out speed her master, however this moment would be one of those rare moments where she was able to see just
how much he needed, and depended on her. in many ways, it was rare moments like these which would give the professional maiden a momentary burst if butterflies so to speak, as it reinforced the odd relationship
they shared. despite how she was seen as his property not an individual.

as this would be happening it was unknown at this moment if the duo get to the room in time, or not. as mako had done some damage emotionally, and mentally to Beauty, prior, even if it was done
by mistake. however the innocent, and caring side of the elder mare would soon be revealed to beauty, if the filly took it as a good thing or bad was unknown. let alone the fact their master, and her business sister, and teacher
would soon be arriving to the room.
Unexpected to be dragged along for the ride feeling it was not her place to be in the middle, it was her idea to allow the younger mare to drink down her tea knowing the side effect it would present but it was an innocent gesture to nudge Beauty closer to Master. Appearing as the door she could not help holding her breath a she did not hear any squeals or words of argument but the tension within the room behind that door could be sliced with a knife.

Mako was doing everything to be quiet as a mouse upon her approach to the resting mare, reaching her hand out to hover over Beauty body before freezing as the mare turned over. This new position revealing her small little bump that was the bun in the oven which brought a smile to mako as she gently rests her hand down. Beauty let out a groggy groan, rubbing her eyes as they focused on Mako, it was a few long seconds before she realized who was in the room. Jerking up she scoots away "The hell are you doing in here!!" shouting out as Victor and Sally enter the room, thankfully just in time.
Before her eyes, Mako was suddenly grabbed from behind as, Victor pulled the mare out of the room. as he gave a scolding look to mako.
"You know better. I expect much more respect from you tours one of our expecting mothers. Sally can I entrust you to help mako understand why this is not allowed. "
as he spoke to gently push Mako tours sally. the way he handled Mako would once more give off the obvious sensation of how badly he needed relief, and more so the fact the sensation of his hands
on her almost spoke as if he was desperate to take his mare. but he was busy undoing the damage she had done prior, and now it was very possible that she had done more with out any ill intent. However the bright side
was the fact mako would know well that she would not be punished for this one, just pulled out, to have a talk with sally, as to explain some special rules, which she might not be aware of, due to her usual freedom in such situations.

once he passed his partner to sally, the master would move to look tours Beauty, as he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. thinking this might have done more damage then which was already done, however unknown to him, it would also
show the tsundere filly how her master, and sally were the two which would come to her aid right away. even if she did not want to admit it openly, thus this could be a blessing in disguise for victor's relationship with his new expecting young milf.
A surprise squeak escaped Mako as she was whisked out of the room to be pushed into the arms of Sally after being givin quite the scolding from Master, what pained her most was how badly he needed her and how she desired him more and more by the minute. Yet, he went back to Beauty's side while she was forced to remain out here with boss mare who glared down at her "You are an idiot" Sally would grumble letting Mako go as she steps back with her arms crossed. "Master is doing all he can to prove to Beauty we can be safe here and feel we are worth her trust. You need to stay away from her" pointing a finger toward Mako who narrowed her eyes. "She is carrying my foal! I can see her when I want!" snapping back.

Beauty simply watched as Mako was yanked from the room only for Victor to return seeming quite sorry of Mako somehow interrupting her rest but something felt off, she felt hot and bothered, on edge and in need of release. She slowly sat up, holding a pillow in her lap "I thought you were working" wondering why he randomly came by.
"I was indeed working, but Had to check on ya, as well as to see if you needed something to eat, however the unexpected guest was not planned. "
as he moved to sit on the bed next to beauty. his hand gently moving upon her shoulder, as he spoke in a gentle, and oddly protective yet alluring tone.
"Be honest, are you feeling alright? she didn't do anything to harm you, did she?"
asking this, and being concern, however the touch alone would be a step tours pushing her heated body into a state of pouncing, as it was unknown to the filly that this was due
to the tea. however the way it was coming upon her would feel as if her body was just having a hormone reaction to her current state, as stories, and rumors spoke of how some pregnant
mares and females could become far hornier, and dominating then they would usually be tours any male.

as this was going on, If mako paid closer attention as she stormed off, the little mare might notice a small pink note slipped onto her by her master when he pulled her out of the room.
on it would read an oddly unexpected message.

"my beautiful little Mako, I know this is as hard for you as it is me, perhaps even harder. However I need you to be a good girl, and play nice. we want to earn her trust so the process of
your mare, becoming yours will be smooth. and do not threat once we have her as part of our family, expect many long nights, which I am looking forward to myself. I do hope my actions do not
harm your emotions to much. with love your master, and life long partner Victor. "

this kind of stunt would not be lost on Sally, as she knew well, that Mako, and their master had a truly unique relationship, even more so then her own, however at the same time, she knew better then any one.
Victor possessive, and protective persona, would easily come out, with any of them. but due to the history of how he handle, broke, and rebuilt Mako from the damaged mare she was as a youngster, and filled the guardian role
until she was of proper breeding age, unlike the prior masters. Sally who was also cared for knew more of the world then Mako, thus being that big sister role was unique to her.
Lowering down her ears by his touch on her shoulder, his calm voice hinted with concern something occurred in the moments Mako was with her, still she felt the warmth of the other mare's hand on her stomach which freaked her out. It would be hard, difficult even for Victor to show and convince Mako was her sister, a caring mare of their family while it was easier to grow close to Sally and allow trust with Victor. Beauty touches on her forehead as she felt her vision get fuzzy, her heart racing with adrenaline, her body heated and slightly quivering with need "I feel off honestly" admitting quietly to him. "Must just be the hormones" shaking her head. Her body swayed a little before she leaned up against him, resting her head against his arm as her eyes fell closed for a moment "you smell nice" murmuring with a small smile.

Sally rolls her eyes with a scoff "At this rate she won't let you in the room let alone care for the foal, technically it is her foal to, she is carrying it, developing, and will give birth to it. She will be just as attached as you, respect her as a living being, not an object" sternly snapping at Mako to get it in her head. Master was doing is hardest to earn beauty's trust, while Sally was showing her the new home and all they do. But if mako keeps messing up, if she keeps Beauty from trusting Master enough to allow him to teach her then he will run to Mako and never have Beauty's trust. That was when Sally notices the note in a pocket of Mako's for she wore a dress when around foals "Better read this" slipping it out to hand to Mako who stood stunned as the older mare returned to work.
It would be a bit off for the filly, however she would soon feel her masters arms around her. as he rested his chin against her head in a gentle voice.
"if your feeling a bit off, we can take a nice calming dip together in the large bath? or would you prefer to just lay here, and relax? "
asking her this, with a gentle tone, and care in his voice. little did Victor know, that sally's plan was about to come to full fruition, even more so with his gentle touching
and caring act tours the young beauty. as it would be seen as her body reacting to her master, and her hormonal needs all coming together. however this would be a rare chance
for the both of them, to not just get more comfortable with each other, but to become one in a more intimate way, which was not forced, but feeling more natural for beauty despite the true reason behind it.
Opening her eyes to his arms wrapping around her allowed her to calm her state of mind just a little as he suggested ways to settle her, a bath meant getting up so she would simply move to lie back into the bed "Cuddle with me" smiling toward him. She wanted his scent, his warmth, anything she can have but she felt so hot that she slips her hands' down her body to remove any clothing that remained "thats better" humming softly.
Now in the complete nude with her master in the bed. Victor would move to gently wrap his arms around Beauty once more. as he moved to gently kiss her forehead. saying to make herself comfortable. as this night
he would be her personal cushion, and pillow until she felt sated, and comfortably safe again. however his words and actions would invite the filly to explore her master with her fingers, and hands if she so desired.
as he did not make any moves of his own, despite how easy it would be at this point. due to his effort to earn her trust, and desire at the same time. however with the unique reaction her body was going through the real question would
be, how long till the filly made a move to feel something more then just a gentle embrace?
It was a few minutes before she was lightly panting from the heat her body was giving off, she was restless as she would wiggle and toss within his hold, resulting in her pressing her body close as possible to him as she hid her face into his chest in an attempt to calm herself. All this did was drive her body further in need especially being so close with Victor, how gentle he was being with her even after her constant rejections of him. A soft whimper would rise from her not understanding why she felt like this, it was frustrating and she could not grasp would help her. "Aren't you hot?" questioning as she tugs at his clothes for them to come off.
"I am fine, however if this makes you feel more comfortable, I will not say no. "
as he said this, it would be only a few short moments, as the mare would find her master moving to help her in removing his own clothing. thus it
would not be long before both their nude forms were now cuddling together in the bed. however now with this, she would be able to feel his aroused spear.
the wicked little weapon which was once inside of her. back then it was forced, and unwanted, however now with her current condition, and sensation. the odd sensation
of how it would feel against her would almost tease the healthy, pregnant filly to have it against her at first. which could easily be done, with a gentle coaxing, and wiggling. to get her master
to pull her in closer, thus forcing his thick wicked little friend between her thighs, and resting against her moist heated lower lips. it was going slowly, and oddly pleasant, as beauty would find things
going at her own pace this night. with how things seemed to be playing out, it would feel as if this was more natural, when in fact it was all set up by big sis Sally.
Her gaze following over his body as he undressed pre her request as she wanted to feel his skin, the release of his scent as he joined her back into a cuddling hold which allowed his soldier to stand attention against her ass while pressing herself into his frame. Loosing her thighs she wiggles to press against him further until he was perfectly nestled between her legs against her pulsing lips. Flicking back her ears she would glance his direction a moment before taking one of his hands to fiddle with trying to distract herself hoping just this would settle her racing heart but after a few minutes the heat just grew worse. "Dammit" grumbling to herself out of annoyance as she presses her face into his hand with a soft whine not knowing what more to do without pushing either them to go all the way.
feeling her master's fingers beginning to work their magic upon her. The healthy young filly would soon find his finger tips touching her in spots normally the young mare would not want touched. as his hard, throbbing love spear slid along her
moist pulsating lower puffy lip. the sensation of being teased would only seem to invite both desire, and a sensation of minor relief to make things worse and better at the same time. as if taking this to the next level would relieve her, however
victor was being as gentle, and slow with her as he could be. thus forcing the mare to ether endure to give into the growing need in her heated frame this night, Unaware that if she gave in, and went all the way of her own accord, then Beauty would become her
master's completely, even if she realized it or not.
Soft gasps sounded between her pants while his fingers ran along her body in such a soothing yet teasing fashion while he would subtly move his member between her thighs to coat himself in her love juices that leaked from her entrance. Letting out a whine of frustration she loosen her thighs a little more as she was feeling some relief but still had this pent of feeling inside her that was getting hotter by the minute. "Victor" saying his name in such a desperate tone "I need you, please, I need you" begging him as she moves her own hips to press down on his love spear that felt throbbing in need as well.
moving to wrap his arms around the filly little beauty. Victor would speak into her ear, with his gentle, yet warm breath assaulting her.
"Are you wanting, or needing this? after all this time, it will be consensual, and I want to hear that cute voice asking properly. "
as he said this, moving to rub himself between her thighs, allowing his hot throbbing spear to press against, and slide along her puffy, moist, yet needy lower lips.
in a gentle, and playful way, Victor was hitting all the right buttons, using his experience upon beauty, however his hands moved gently along her bosom, and frame. thus if she wanted
beauty could move with in his arms, or even reposition herself in his embrace. however this would become a long, and much more enjoyable night for the due, with how pent up the master was,
and more so the growing need, and heat in the pregnant young beauty. it would take only one word, or motion, and she would be rewarded with the sensation to satisfy herself for a long night to come.
Her ears would flick to his voice, his hot breath against her skin made her body tremble with anticipation but his request of clear answer of want or need was difficult for her as she needed release but did not want what it meant, everything was so complicated outside this room. But she had to think of this moment and she wanted him, she wants him to connect with her for that was all she wanted all this time was a connection but she did not want to get attached. Licking her dry lips she glances down to his love spread sliding itself along her moist folds, coating him in her juices making his entry so easy at this point "I...I want this" she speaks up knowing if it was just need she could control herself. Her inexperience would be reminded but with how young she was easily he could teach her and feel how much tighter she was compared to his own mako.
"So then, you need this and want the sensation? I can truly deliver do not worry my cute little filly. "
saying this, as he moved to begin to slowly and playfully push into her, the sensation of his hot throbbing tip pushing past the barrier
which was now her moist, hungering lower lips. as the slit would spread, and her lower region, feeling how it needed to stretch in order to accomodate
the invasive body slowly entering her. unlike before their was no pain in this coupling, however he would move slowly at first. as if torturing her with pleasure,
but not enough of it at the same time. it wouldn't be until he was balls deep inside of her, that the wicked man moved to kiss beauty, and enjoy every moment they had.

his plan was a simple one, to break her in, and make the long night one which would leave her body in need for days to come, albeit, the need for aid, not satisfaction.
however more then that, it would cause her mind to hopefully connect being with him to something more akin to how Mako was. albeit, no where near as perverted, as Beauty was
due to train with sally for a proper position in his wicked little company.
His low tone promising his aid in this wanting in her sent chills down her spine just as he shifts his body to angle himself perfectly at her entrance, his tip slowly stretching her walls to begin to fit his throbbing rod inside her. A sharp gasp sound followed by a moan, her hands grasping into the sheets of the bed to base herself as he tortures her with each inch of him slowly entering her for the second time ever, this time with no pain just some release of the pent of energy. Keyword some, they still had all night to go. Her eyes rolled back once his balls kissed her entrance revealing he was completely inside her, his tip poking out a bulge in the lower region of her stomach which surprised her. More so she was caught off guard by his kiss finding it quite intimate which left her breathless against his lips.
As the kiss finally broke, his eyes looking into hers. Victory would press his forehead to her own, before speaking.
"Are you prepared were going to begin soon. if it is to much, make sure to say something."
as he spoke these words, slowly pulling out, until only the tip resided with in her, before pushing back into Beauty.
with each action, the speed and force would increase, slowly at first. however the sensation would begin, as he was starting at a gentler pace
for this was only the pregnant filly's second session, and this would be the session to finally, and successfully claim her properly, as the first time was forceful.
Little did ether of them know, if this night went as expected, their would be a new desire, and sensation for beauty to be near her master, even when not in need, which would
go against her more natural tsundere like attitude tours him.
Panting after such a kiss she blinks her eyes open to the gentle touch of his forehead against her as he spoke to her that they were starting and to be open and honest with him. She barely had time to answer as he withdrew his hot rod to his tip then re-entered her causing such a sensation she could not bare to make a sound other than sharp mewls. After the first few strokes she felt his power and speed begin to increase as her need for more friction and depth grew with him. "Fa-faster, more, please" begging him as she wanted to release, get some of the pent up energy out.
Now getting lost more and more into the deed. Victor would be getting all the more aggressive in his thrusts. the continual penetration, and piercing of Beauty's depths.
it would not be long before he would take a moment, coaxing one of her hands to the young filly's belly. so she could feel the small bulge which was the outline of her master's girthy size with in her.
feeling the way he moved with in her. it would not be very visible, but could be felt. as the wicked man smirked, before leaning in to assault her playfully with his mouth as he took Beauty with out remorse.
this would truly be a long night for the pregnant mare, but one which would grow all the more enjoyable, and mind breaking as the night grew longer.
Her hands grasp upon the sheets kept herself from rocking to much as she would push back into his thrusts to make him reach deeper inside her until he took one hand to feel along her belly finding him bugle of s cock thrusting in and out of her. Blushing to the motion she barely noticed him lean in to assault her further with his mouth resulting in some wiggling on her part. She could not how mako endured this the way she did, nor sally who always held it together. Yet after tonight she was fully belong to him and his little harem but she calls him by his first name and does not trust his toy. Speaking of, she hoped this would not hurt the foal at all as he was so much bigger than she remembered, thick and long as he pierced into her depths.
As he suddenly moved to finally roll Beauty onto her back, where victor was ontop of her. his eyes looking into her, as this gave her body a momentary break.
"Do not fear, This will do no harm to ether of you. I would never allow anything to harm that which I care for, and will always do all I can to protect. "
saying this in a gentle, protective, and loving voice. it would be almost heart warming and alien to the stubborn beauty under him. as this man moved to start moving once more.
in this position, she was now under her master, and at his mercy, however at the same time, the way he took her, allowed the man to look into her eyes, or even assault her lips periodically.
as he was doing all the tricks, and actions to try to both break her sexually, and emotionally wanting to ensure Beauty was his from now on. not to worried if she would give into accepting mako or not.
due to the nature of what would come once she was a mother, the sex toy of a mare would get to care for their foul, as well as sally's. however this also would assure the filly how much she was wanted
and would be safe with this master. with some protective issues, with mako, but this would be taken care of in the future. for this night, it was just them, as it appeared, however nether of them would be able to
realize the door was left wide open so any could get a view of their passionate night if they so desired. yet it was of no concern at the moment. as it was doubtful one wanted to see the view of their coupling from the
side of their feet, and rear, showing off where their bodies became one.

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