General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Damn, the same old 'you earn it, you get it' bit. What did he have to do now to get his own phone back? "Mnn... what do I have to do?" Fuck, it felt good when it was just the single digit. Honestly, Lee didn't know the rules to the site, he was only guessing; assuming they preferred the tamer side to sexual things. If Ishida knew how to edit, or had people that could do that, he could really post anything he wanted. He wouldn't put it past him at this point. "A-Ah, no, it's..." It was his, which meant it was Ishida's. The yakuza owned anything that was his. He didn't have many people added to his contacts, just his friends and brother, among a few miscellaneous contacts from school. His father was blocked, thankfully.

The outreached hand lowered, Lee giving up. "Bastard," he muttered under his breath.
Ishida nuzzle Lee with his cheek. "What was that?" He said though his tone suggested he heard him well...and was granting him a chance to think if he lie. He set the phone on its side, angling at them both, his hand coming in and grabbing onto his cheeks, his fingers wrapping around his mouth and nose , his finger digging inti him faster, switching ti the index and middle to slide deeper. "You said something about me?"
"Bastard," he repeated louder, not afraid to say it. It wasn't the first time he had ever called Ishida that, and it wouldn't be the last. He glared toward the phone, unsure of how to feel about his own device being used to record porn of him. He could just reach for it, grab it... A small whine left him, the other covering his nose and mouth. Fuck, was he going to try and suffocate him? Extreme porn, alright. He moaned behind the hand, fingers added as they slid in deeper, pumping, teasing as they almost reached his prostate.
Ishida smirked and pushed with his knees, forcing him lower over the desk, his fingers curled rammin into Lee's mouth. "Is that True Tea Boy? you think that of me?" He said as his fingers neared his prostate, tickling closer, as he rocked against the defying slave, his head butting around him.
Lee's chest was flush with the desk, unable to escape underneath his owner. The fingers over his lips curled, ramming right into his mouth, catching him off guard as he coughed. Normally he could take anything down his throat no problem! The bastard just surprised him. He tried to shake his head with the fingers in his mouth. He rested his head against his arm, groaning and moaning around the fingers, his backside tightening as those nerves were brushed against. A muffled whine escaped, Lee wanting more.
Ishida smirked widely as he felt his head trying to shake. "Whats that? You do?" He said as he pushed his fingers deeper, his other hand prodding the nerve cluster, pressing it lightly to torment him, avoiding granting him full pressure. His eyes twinkled. "If that's true, I'll have to punish you for being bad-" He teased as he bit his ear.
He held back from wanting to bite the fingers in his mouth. They reached deeper and Lee tried not to choke around him. He tried to relax his throat to grant them further access. It wasn't fair, the teasing, the threat of a punishment when he couldn't respond. Perhaps he was only hyping things up for the video he was creating. Still, he was growing frustrated, wanting that sweet contact inside. He whined around the fingers, a thought crossing his mind. He could make a better video, a real one. Not that he wanted to help Ishida. He would be getting what he wanted in the end, that was all.

He reached a free hand up to grip onto the one in his mouth, pulling on it as he tried to turn his head at the same time.
His attempt to remove the fingers from his mouth didn't result in his desired effect. Instead, his head was turned, forcing him to look at the other. His eyes widened, finally receiving that contact, moans muffled behind the fingers. Well, there went that plan. Pushing the plan aside, he just went ahead and reached for his phone, noticing the screen wasn't even on video nor was it recording. He rolled his eyes at that.
The fingers finally left his mouth and he whined softly, "Why~? Just... gimme," he wanted to reach for it, the other twisting his thumb, forcing his hand down. "Come on," he whined again. "Why do you even have it?" Why was it suddenly out, being used? Was it some sort of reminder that he had his things and they were unobtainable? What a damn tease.
"Mmm~ Because I love seeing it mostly...and giving things is just never appreciated." He said as he twisted a bit further, the thumb bending, not enough to damage his hands, but to hurt him a bit. /; "I have it because I wanted to read you- but now~ you've made me want you to hurt for it first-"
"I could appreciate if it's actually given," he said before the twist to his thumb, making him yelp. He tried to pull away, not just his hand but his entire body. "Did you have fun? There's nothing interesting on it," he said with a shake of his head. There really wasn't, mainly text conversations with his friends. His camera roll was pretty empty, too. He didn't bother with selfies or group photos with his friends.
As he wrenched away, Ishida's hand pulled him back, the yakuza grabbed his wrist. "Your life in that phone had no interest from me. I had it looked over for security." He said as he scowled at him. Ishida rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone up in the other hand, beginning to slip it back into his jacket. "If this small freedom is too much for you-" he started, eyeing Lee as he toyed with the brat.
"Wha- What did you think I'd do?" Try to escape? "Ah... I didn't know that was going to happen," he sighed. "What'd you do with them?" He would hate to find they were dead because of him.

"Besides... I know you have better stuff. I'm not gonna mess with people." Only Ishida. It was more fun when he got angry. "I can't ask you for anything though, you'll just drug me with something else." And... he just planted the idea in his head. Great. "Just like they did." He had to add.
"I gave them a chance to spin the wheel of fate." He said shrugging. "They won't be come back fit a while I think, jamming a gun in their temple and letting them guess if they'll lve or die will make them think twice." He said folding his arms. "And I wouldn't just spike you with something random all the time. I need you functional, not a drooling stump. "
Oof... Russian roulette? He didn't appreciate what they tried to do to him, but he hoped they were fine. Surely, he would come to regret that sentiment. "What, that's all you have~? Surely you have more fun stuff." Was he looking to find out now?

He shifted, wanting the other off of him, Lee trying to free his wrist from that grasp. "Come on, let go~ Please~?" He momentarily wondered where Takahashi was.
"We have plenty of fun stuff." He said as Lee struggled, the master waited however, while Lee was jerking back, Ishida would let go to let him stagger further. "But not all if it is suited to you working while on it." He said as he reached into his pocket sliding out something that looked like a wrapped candy, a deep red hard candy, wrapped in clear plastic. "I mean if it doesn't agree with you, you may go into an episode."
Hm, he said that, and yet... He struggled against his hold until he was finally released, the suddenness surprising Lee and he almost fell forward. He steadied himself and quickly pulled his pants back up, trying to ignore his erection. He pulled his shirt down, trying to look presentable again. "I wouldn't use while working. ...Not until you let me." He would wait for permission. It was safer that way. His eyes landed on the wrapped 'candy', Lee curious, but hesitant. "Well, we wouldn't want that." Whatever would end up happening, he was better off sticking with Ishida to learn what it did. "...What's that?" He had to ask, the curiosity getting to him.
"It's a nice strain of a hallucinogenic, we've cut it down's previous state into something more comfortable and long lasting." He said. Well. Long lasting. Comfortable was variable. He watched Leee fumble to dress himself. Why even bother. He stepped forward, grappling ontiy Lee's chin with his other hand, unwrapping the candy with two fingers. "It goes underneath the tongue, abd melts." He said as he slowly pushed it in.
Huh. He regretted asking when the other approached him, grabbing him by the chin and trying to get him to take it. He pursed his lips, refusing the drug. He had never done a hallucinogenic before, only recalling stories of bad trips. He tried to back away, his master far stronger than him, the bastard determined to drug him. He managed to slip the drug inside, Lee unable to spit it out as he found he couldn't open his mouth. Backing away, he trapped himself between the couch and his master, Lee whimpering.
"Don't swallow it either. And if you spit...well. you don't spit most if the time." He said smirking as he shoved Lee down onto the couch. The candy was dissolving slowly, leeching it's essence inti Lee's body. It would start off soft, a warming pleasant high creeping into his senses, tinging the world in a hazy aura.
Well, damn, what would happen if he swallowed it? ...Fucking hell. He glared up at the other at the spit comment. Already, he could start to feel the effects of the drug, slowly but surely seeping into his bloodstream, surrounding his body with a familiar high he loved. His eyes slowly slid closed, his body relaxing underneath his master's hold, informing him it was already working on him.

A short moment later he opened his eyes, his brows furrowing as his vision had a fuzzy film over it. His master seemed... softer? It was strange and hard to tell, his worries and confusion quickly vanishing.
Lee hadn't noticed his master move, lifting off of him, asking him what he felt. His gaze was stuck on a spot on the ceiling, something moving, before quickly snapping back into place. "Huh... what?" He asked, his voice soft, his eyes landing back on Ishida. He looked strange, his mind not yet comprehending what he was seeing. "Um... good? Yeah?" He did feel good, relaxed, and definitely warm, but so far it wasn't uncomfortable. "Yeah," he reconfirmed with a slow nod.

"What was that about... what, a bad episode?" He didn't want the good feeling to go away. As his master shifted and moved, he saw weird movements around him. "Okay, you look fucking weird, I'm sorry." So this was a trip? So far it was strange.
Lee didn't like hearing that. He started to get nervous, the younger male trying not to show it. Before any horrible thoughts could crop up, the other touched him, Lee trying to focus on Ishida. "Y-Yeah? Like what...?" Ishida... He would do just fine. Really, he was all he had. "I swear if I see anything I don't want to..." He trailed off, his hand coming up to hold onto the other. Ishida was terrible for putting him through this.

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