General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee wasn't sure he would be able to do that, having never experienced this drug before. Yet, if what he said was true, he just had to listen. He gave an uncertain nod, wanting to pull the other closer, to join him on the couch. Only if he wasn't busy.

Glancing off to the side, he was anxious, unsure if he would end up seeing something he didn't. Luckily, nothing was there, just the lights acting funny.

"S-Stay with me?" He asked softly, eyes landing back on his master. It would be lovely to enjoy a high or whatever this was in those arms.
Lee appreciated his master comforting him by just being there. He felt better curling up into himself, disguised by clinging to the other. He remembered sobbing to him over some old repressed stuff. He wasn't sure if he wanted to get into anything related to his life before meeting him. It didn't matter. Unless his master would ask, he felt better staying quiet. In his arms, he couldn't imagine anything outside harming him; which was quite ironic as the other loved to beat him.

"It's hot... Is that normal?" Just another effect of the drug, he assumed.
"It's raising your body heat a little, that happens." He agreed as Lee clung to him finding comfort in tangling up. "What are you scared of?" He said after a moment, finding himself curious enough to humanize his Tea Boy for the moment and recognizing he was afraid of something.
He settled for the explanation, pausing at the question. Like he actually cared. Well, he did tell himself to explain if the other asked, and there he was... Though Lee was doubtful he cared.

He was quiet momentarily, going back and forth in his head if he would say anything. The less he thought about it, the better trip he would have. Yet, if he spoke about it, maybe the fears would disappear.

Great time to have a little therapy session, the thought amusing him, enough to actually open his mouth. "My, ah... father. I-I know it sounds stupid..." He felt silly, definitely.
Those words alone helped Lee feel a little validation over what happened to him. Just like that, perhaps that was all he needed all along? His friends always told him the usual stuff: his father sucked, what happened to him shouldn't have. Yet they never shared those words.

In his altered state, the petting felt incredible. He had to wonder what else would feel that way - if everything else was heightened.

"I... I don't know what his problem is," he started, Lee himself trying to make sense of the whole thing to explain it. "I lost my mother when I was young," he said, deciding to go back to the beginning. "And, god, I still don't get it. The bastard thinks I killed her. She was sick!" He used to get far more upset over it anytime he told the story... which was pretty rarely. Right now, he was just annoyed. "Fucker wants me dead." He had no idea how he survived this long living with his father. Rarely being in the house helped, of course. "He hurts me."

The other would notice Lee's use of present tense, meaning the threat of his father was still very much alive. Sure, he hadn't seen his father in about a year, but he was certain the next time his father saw him he would do something. He hurt him every chance he got, why would anything change?
Ishida listened to the raw emotions that flowed from his slave, he had no real overlap in such a case. Family didn't exist for him until he joined the crime syndicate, still, he knew the tale...he was the monster that was apart of them typically. "You let him continue?" He said tilting his head slightly. Granted. Ishida wasn't the best emotional bar. He would probably pluck out a mans eyes for far less active conflicts. but imagining getting beaten up again and again....well he at the very least understood why Lee did it. He wasn't a brawler or killer.
"Let him?" He had to repeat it, to make sure he was hearing him correctly. "What choice did I have? I fought back." Hence the latest fight between them, Lee only reverted to what he knew best. Verbally fighting back, he was best at. It was why he often spoke back with Ishida. "I moved. I went to school." The thing Ishida took him from. The latter, he actually didn't mind. Sure, it sucked he couldn't resume his schooling. Yet, serving Ishida... He felt he was better at that than anything else. He loved his art, something he was sure he could get back to at any time. Being someone's submissive, however, felt even better. "I'm separating myself from him, I've cut him out of my life, but he keeps coming back." He sighed, shaking his head. "I just want it to end," he muttered under his breath. He had been suicidal in the past, but those feelings were far gone with Ishida. He had a purpose and something more important to focus on. He just didn't want to lose it.

Strangely enough, despite all the confusion he was feeling on the topic of his father, his mind felt somewhat clearer. He was anxious telling this total stranger - his master - about something so private. It still felt good to confide in him. There was a chance Ishida would start to understand Lee a little better as well, why he acted the way he did.
Lee had fallen quiet listening to the other. Partially because the drug in him made him feel weird and he focused a little too much on it. His eyes had fallen closed, the fingers on his neck bringing him back, his focus returning. "Wha..." he whispered, realizing that perhaps mentioning something that upset him or someone causing him pain wasn't the wisest in front of the yakuza. He had mixed emotions about his words. Suggesting such a thing when the other didn't really care for him... He wouldn't need him anymore as soon as he got his money. Yet, it was something Lee had fantasized about for the longest; his father suddenly disappearing, maybe in a crazy accident. Then again, for the time being, the yakuza did need to protect their property.

It would never happen.

Rolling his eyes, he nuzzled into the other's chest, "yeah, right," he mumbled, mainly to himself.
Ishida's hand half caressed Lee's neck and his shirts collar. "Would you want me to find him? Make him feel powerless and scared? Make him realize just how fragile his time on this world truly is?" The Yakuza said softly, though his voice, his soul, dripped with a dark intent and smoldering excitement. It would be likely another step into hell for Lee, or something Ishida simply would do to hold it up. But in honesty, some sensation of familiarity crept through him. A dark specter of hatred he felt for family abuse. He'd seen it criss cross ofcourse, a toxic dynamic of strife and ugliness that led some into his dens.. degenerate gamblers with no hope of escape that would sell anything and anyone out for a pull of the slots. Others offered up family members. Those in particular, Ishida would consider having harvested.
Lee's wishes would finally be granted, all because he had been pulled into the yakuza's damn world. His morals screamed at him to not accept anything from the yakuza and definitely not something like this. But he would be free.

"S-Shut up, like that would happen," he tried to make himself believe. "He travels a lot, between here and London." Making him impossible to find half the time, Lee never knowing where he might be at any given time. The only clues he received were his brother's occasional texts informing him. He and his brother weren't all that close, Lee leaving before ever finding out why his brother treated him the way he did. Unbeknownst to Lee, his brother was harmless, his father the true demon.
Lee didn't know what to say. His master sounded so serious, so ready. To accept such a terrible thing would make him just as evil as the yakuza. Yet, he was tired of living in fear. He was quiet for a long moment, his altered mine reeling. "W-Why would you do that for me?" That thought was pulling at him, he needed to know. "Once you get your money, I'm gone." So why the hell did it matter? The other didn't have to waste anymore of his time on him.
He loved the occasional verbal reminder that he was owned by the other. His words were quite amusing, their relationship was so fucked. "I just..." he just didn't see the point, though decided not to voice those words. Anything he said could be taken the wrong way and he didn't want to ruin the (sort of) sweet moment between them. He let out a quiet sigh, his main desire not wanting to leave the other's side. "Just... protect me." Protect him... an indirect way of letting the other go ahead and hunting his father down? The words could be taken in any way, Lee just settling for his master staying close to him. If he was out, Ishida would be close by.

"Don't let me out of your sight~" he tried to lighten the mood some, somehow. Lee didn't really know.
Lee found himself grinning over his owner's words. A few ways, huh~? He was made to look at the other, his smile softening. Any contact from the other was heightened, making him feel good. He instinctively leaned into the touch, feeling so much better than before. Now all he had to worry about was Ishida going after his father, that somehow feeling more controllable. Anything the other did was completely out of his control, he wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop him. He at least was close to Ishida, whereas he had no idea where his father was.

He happily accepted the kiss, leaning further in. He eventually shifted where he sat, climbing onto the other's lap to straddle him; his favorite spot. He felt more confident, knowing his trip wouldn't be ruined by his father. They didn't have to do anything sexual, he just liked sitting there, getting to see his master's beautiful face. It felt better kissing him, too, Lee pressing their lips together again. "Thank you, Master." He felt any stress lifting away already. "Now... What else can this drug do?" What would heighten the experience~?
As Lee pulled himself inti hus masters lap and his hands would move to hold Lee from the bottom while he was straddled. The owner examining the slaves compliance and comforts. "Hm. You haven't hit a hallucination yet, but I've heard that colorfuk lights can result in some beautiful things. Deeper thoughts, patterns." He said thinking of what his chemist had said...well the simplified versions on it.
Lee was seated comfortably, feeling quite secure with those hands holding him from behind. "Hm... Do they usually hit pretty quickly?" Hallucinations... "I mean, the lights are really weird... and you look strange." Steadying himself in his lap, he leaned back some, tilting his head slightly to the side, staring intently at the other. "Yeah. You're... distorted?" He slowly waved his hand in front of the other's face, watching the afterimage of his hand, along with the other's face shifting.

He blinked, finding that so... so strange, so amazing. "Whoa, damn." He focused a little too intently, blinking again. "Ha, I delved into some pretty deep thoughts already," he laughed. Glancing up, he allowed himself to instead focus on the lights. Anything that happened, he would be fine, he would be safe with Ishida. His master would protect him. He allowed those thoughts to repeat in his mind, Lee ready for anything to hit him.

Blinking, something seemed to slip out of the lights above them. "Wow, hey, I uh.." He started, thinking something was happening now. The light seemed to move, hovering above him. It slowly transformed in front of him, the light taking the form of a dragon - one he had seen before, pretty recently actually. He heard a voice, deeper than Ishida's or even Takahashi's. It repeated a word, in Japanese?

"...Oni?" He recalled hearing such a thing, most likely in anime. Still, it was such a strange combination, a familiar looking dragon repeating that one word. Demon? That's what it meant, right? ...Fitting.
The light dragon thing fluttered above them, Lee looking at his master as his attention was brought back to him. “Sort of… oni means demon, right?” He had referred to his owner as one before, the term quite fitting. He was still a demon to Lee, though one he didn’t mind serving…for the rest of his life. He was already in hell. He may as well enjoy it, his demon master making all of his wishes come true.

Ishida seemed rather interested in that, Lee taking note. “Mmm… a dragon?” He revealed.
"Ogre as well, in your english." He said with a raised brow. Seeing dragons. Interesting. The Yakuza drummed his fingers over the slaves cheek. The dragon circled around, limitless in the eyes of Lee. "Worship him-" the dragon rumbled as Lee gazed upon the handsome demon, his eyes crawling over him.
Ogre. He gave a small nod, his focus switching between his master’s fingers tapping his skin, and the dragon floating above him. He shivered, the dragon commanding him, his eyes falling back onto his master’s, those dark eyes raking over him.

He second guessed answering, Ishida having no idea what the dragon was saying or doing. Still, its commanding presence was overwhelming. “Always…” he whispered back.
Helps master hummed, staring into him intensely, the dark eyes drilling until the slaves, the shadows forming by the dragons presence making the masters face obscure. It was almost changing before Lee's eyes, getting harder, sterner, a flowering pale face with growing tusks, Wilding hair, horns setting from his head as his intensity mimicked the guise of his masters true form. A monstrous Oni that owned him, his hand pet his whimpering slaves back, the other cradling his behind tighter. "Is it something naughty?" he hissed out, the dragon whispering the final word over and over.
Lee would have playfully returned the intense look, his smile suddenly fading as the drug messed with him, the hallucination distorting his master's facial features. "Uh..." He whispered, eyes widening at the sight before him. He tried to stay calm, feeling the grip on him from the slightest movement to pull away. "Y-You know what, it went away. I-I should be fine, yeah... You can go back to work," he stuttered out, looking away. Well, he definitely looked like an oni now.

It was all fun until the damn hallucination affected Ishida's face. He pulled a little harder, wanting to move onto the other side of the couch or the room, whichever gave him a bit of distance between them. He didn't want to see his master like this, so creepy...

"I'm just hot," he quickly added to explain his want to suddenly separate.
As Lee seemed to panic, the Oni lord didn't allow him to get too far, letting him scoot back a bit, but not as far as he'd probably like. "If you're hot, remove your shirt." He said as he noted the fear on him. What was he seeing now? His father? The Oni shifted towards him. "What is it?"

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