General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

A small whine left Lee's lips, followed by a whimper as he got closer. "N-No, I'll just go... over there." A shaky hand raised, pointed somewhere further away in the room, off to the side. He shook his head, closing his eyes, "Please." It was hard for Lee to want the other to protect him when he looked simply... terrifying. Only because he was so close? So distorted, so creepy. "Please," he whispered again, keeping his gaze turned elsewhere, eyes still closed.
Ishida's intense form radiated with its menacing aura, the conflict of Lee's feelings and that hallucinations making the oppressive monster sigh, it's breath steaming on the air but Ishida leaned back, letting go of him. The Oni propped it's head on his fist, it suit shifting into a dark kimono, a lavish black silk with dazzling gold sparrows adorning it. The demon gestured as it laid along the couch. "Sit in the corner then-" he agreed.
Lee's mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. He just knew he needed to get away from whatever it was. A soft, quiet gasp left him as the other did let go of him, Lee carefully climbing off of his lap and stepping away. He felt unsteady on his feet, the younger male taking a quick moment to steady himself. He backed away, glancing toward the far off corner, almost willing to actually sit on the floor. Yet, something breathing heavily behind him caught his attention. He slowly turned, eyes widening as the very thing he was afraid to appear, did. Right in the corner of Ishida's office was his father, appearing from the floor in a swirl of smoke. "M-Maybe the club would be better..." He turned again, flinching at the sight of the oni on the couch. It wasn't safe to keep his back toward his father, Lee nervously glancing back, the other demon in thee corner staying right there - for now. He swallowed hard.

Really, the club? Such an open space with all those people setting up, all the hidden corners other demons could spawn at any moment. Not a good idea.

He just needed to get away. He suddenly didn't feel safe anywhere. He wasn't liking this drug after all.
"If you leave, you don't know what you'll find." The Oni said as he looked over at the corner that Lee seemed to fighting to avoid. "Is something troubling you?" He rumbled as he tapped a finger along the couch. The sofa however was changing too. Becoming a wide seated throne, the Oni laying upon a massive cushion, the office replacing itself but by bit with more symbols and signs of the majesty of his dark master. "If it is there, I will stop it."
Lee paled at the remark, he felt so helpless. He didn't know where to go or what to do, everything changing around him. Was this what he should have been feeling the very first time meeting his demon? He didn't know how to answer the other, staying silent, his breathing picking up. He gasped, the demon behind him trying to attack. It was about fucking time, the asshole was always so slow.

Looking over to the desk, so far it hadn't changed. He went over to it, careful to avoid his father, taking his place in the seat Ishida normally sat in. He brought his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around, flinching as his father tried to hit him again. He buried his face in his knees, shaking. "Please make it stop," he softly pleaded to the other.
The Oni didn't move from the throne, Watchung Lee walk around to sit and seeming to be curling un on himself, flinching at nothing. The great demon hummed, the floor rumbling or perhaps ot was merely Lee trembling. The monster rose up, the kimono shifting open seeing thick muscle and paid flesh, but the demon would draw something from it. A fan it seemed, opening it up as he strides closer to Lee. Ishida in actuality had pulled out a old friend of his, his razor he used for...intimate encounters with people he intended to slice up. He didn't know what was best...but if it was a threat.

The Oni put a a hand on Lee's head, the fan slashing through the air as the dragon would roar, the Oni lord slash the specter where he stood.
Lee could hear the other approach him, closer and closer, the other threat looming nearby. It touched him and Lee hesitated to look up. He saw the weapon in his hand, the hallucination appearing to be a fan, striking at his father. He blinked, flinching again at the roar, the hallucination of his father slashed in half, shattering to the floor. He stared, watching it for a second, before hesitantly looking at the oni beside him.

It was strange, Lee realized the worst hallucination was the one that was very much real, touching him; a true threat. How would he get that one to disappear?

"T-Thank you..." He stuttered, glancing away again. His father was still gone, yet looking back toward Ishida, he was still horrifying.

"Y-You, um..." How could he explain it? After denying anything was wrong for so long. "You're not... Ishida." He pointed it. "Y-You are, but..." For one, he was using his name, Lee hoping it would be ignored for now. It was quite confusing, the other no doubt lost by his words. "O-Oni..."
He nodded, keeping his gaze anywhere but on the other. He missed his handsome master's face. He knew the other was a demon, but damn. This was too much! "Yeah, it's... not great. The room changed, too. It's safe over here." He motioned toward the desk and chair he was in, hence his entire reason for sitting there. "The couch is a throne." He added, looking over at it for a short moment, almost in a way to ensure it still looked that way. Yeah, nothing had changed.
He could feel tears stinging the corner of his eyes, Lee blinking them away as the other spoke. "I... Oh. Yeah, maybe." Why hadn't he thought of that? He had been too wrapped up in everything changing and how freaky it was. It was all pretty overwhelming.

Then he mentioned grounding. Right! That was a thing, absolutely. Something... physical. No, god, he didn't want this oni hurting him. Only Ishida could, and this wasn't him.

It was. But it wasn't.

Fuck, that was confusing. "Grounding, yeah. W-What can we...use...?" He was uncertain, a little worried saying that. His eyes fell on the couch-throne thing, trying to will the change, turning it back into the couch he came to love sleeping on or hanging out on while his master worked. Something about it shifted, perhaps as he thought about the things he loved? He had no idea, but it wasn't enough.
Would going by feel be all he would need? Monster fucker- he had to laugh at that. Then, he suddenly seemed shy about answering the latter question. How could he have a favorite part? He loved all of him...

Liked? Favored?

He sighed softly, shaking his head. He really didn't need this drug to make him so confused, to force him to think about such a thing. He tried not to think, just serve.

He refused to answer that question, holding back his want to say 'everything' as it screamed in his mind. Reaching back, he grabbed for his owner's hand, pulling it out in front of him, looking it over. Ah... How come it suddenly looked normal? He reached for the other hand to give it a look, finding the same thing. "They're normal," he said in his surprise. He was afraid to fully turn, afraid to see the oni still lingering behind him. Closing his eyes, he brought the hands up to his neck. If he was asleep, he wouldn't have to deal with this anymore. He wanted things to go back to normal. "D-Don't hold back," he pleaded softly, mentally preparing himself for the torture.
As Lee raised up the hands ti his neck, the necklace that he probably would want to wear to bed every night...albeit they would likely be the reason he was sleeping, Ishida's hands didn't hold any such sensation as mercy. They latched in intensely, nearly instantly making to restrict Lee's breathing to that of a drinking straws work of air. Even from the back, Ishida knew how to choke the living Dat lights out if him.
Lee was both surprised and thankful that he didn't take things slow at all. He didn't want this to linger any longer, he wanted to be out, gone, just for a while. Hopefully, until the drug wore off in his system. Lee instinctively clung to the hands wrapped so nicely around his neck, choking him out. He shifted, his body trying to escape the thing trying to knock him out, Lee putting all of his trust in this madman, his master. He couldn't wait to wake up and find everything back to normal.

He felt the familiar, pleasurable burn in his lungs that he came to love. His body began to react, a small voice in the back of his mind telling off his dick for coming to life. The strange, transformed room started going dark, his vision blurring. Soon, he was out, his hands falling, going limp, the clear sign to his master that he should stop.

He would be out for a while, a few hours or so.
As Lee would slump over, Ishida almost was disappointed, not in the moment nor fear, but because now He had to wait for Lee. He'd have the unconscious man laid on the couch as he had before. Great now they both had an erection...well Ishida was going to solve that before Lee woke up.
Lee, unaware of whatever the hell his master was doing while knocked out, awakened a little bit later. He found himself on the couch, the realization quickly hitting that it was, indeed, a couch. Blinking, he looked around, everything seemed to be normal so far. Spotting a very handsome man sitting in his usual seat, Lee couldn't hide his grin. Master was back~!

He sat up finally, feeling a lot better now. "Master~" He mused, grinning. "Never give me that drug again."
As Lee would sit up, He'd realize there was a distinct taste on his tongue, something sticky on his lips. "It seems like your nap helped." He said simply, putting his hand on his chin. "It's s drug, I've got my right to test it on someone" He said smirking. "But I suppose it needs work."
As he fully awakened, he licked his lips, realizing there was a familiar, odd taste in his mouth. It was sticky, too. "What... Hey! Bastard," he huffed. "Did you fuck my mouth while I was out?" Ugh, terrible! He would have happily sucked him off. ...Not while he looked like that. Sure, he did say the other could experiment on him. The other would do it anyway, but Lee did give his consent. Mainly while he was drugged, paralyzed, and wanting to know why, but still.

He gave a short nod. At least he knew he needed to work on it, the other probably never knowing unless he did test it. He wouldn't mind trying some other fun ones, any that made him high. Typical of him.
"Oh, yeah?" He loved getting into little tiffs with the other. It allowed him to feed the side that wanted to yell and fight with someone - his father. It was even better with Ishida. "Master can use me however the hell he wants to. I'd just like to be awake to feel it," he said with a grin. "I want to feel you abuse and use me." Fucking duh.
Ishida smirked and walked across the room, reaching on and grabbed Lee through his shirt, pinching onto his nipples perfectly, twisting them around with a evil grin. "Yes yes, I know you want to be used like the pain shut you are, and you want to see it happen- but I don't wait I take!"
Lee was feeling so good, so alive. His master stalked over to him, Lee's grin never fading, almost egging him on. The other was able to grasp his nipples through the shirt, twisting them so nicely. His chest stuck out, his back arching in turn, his head tilting back some. "Ahn~ So impatient. So greedy." Reaching out he grasped the other's collar, pulling him down for a kiss. "What a selfish Master I have," he whispered against his lips.
"Oh, I think I've shown that and more. Come on, let me make it up to you." It felt good, so good. He helped the other remove the shirt, Lee pulling the other closer, so he was practically on top of him, wanting that contact again. He began pulling his pants off before he moved to his master's belt, looking to undo it and free that monster. "Tell me... exactly how to make it up to you, Master."

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