General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee sighed happily, enjoying the bit of pampering his master decided to grace him with. He had the same idea running through his mind with both of their interest in breath play. He had eyed the water, somewhat nervously waiting for Ishida to decide to hold him down. He was partially right when he was dunked under, though he thankfully wasn't held down. Closing his eyes, he quickly ran his hands through his hair to rinse his hair off of the soap before he came back up. He ran his hands through his hair again, smoothing it out and ensuring it was rinsed. "Much better~ Thank you," he said softly as he wrapped his arms around his neck, holding the other close, grinning up to his owner.
Spending time with Ishida was always a gift, being in his arms like this, knowing it would eventually be taken from him. He didn't know how to prevent that from happening, but he didn't want to linger on that topic. While there getting him ready to be sold, he wanted to clear his mind and relax. There was plenty they could do right there in the baths, but he wasn't sure if cameras were watching them. In the baths, a place where people were nude, most likely not. He didn't want to take any chances. "Should we see if the meal is ready~?" He asked.
"Floating in the water is relaxing~" It was quite warm! He was feeling good and for him, that was all that mattered. Well, that, and Ishida's comfort. That came first. "Are you not pleased?" He pulled back, looking at him curiously. Feeling those wandering hands, he gasped as his entrance was prodded. "I believe you are." He grinned teasingly.
That was true enough, Lee felt more relaxed and comfortable to let himself go. Those fingers thrust harder and quicker into him, a hand clamping harder over his mouth as he tried to keep quiet. The steamy room didn't help, making him feel hotter than he actually was. Getting fingered in the bath was a strange sensation, Lee enjoyed it all the same. The hand left his mouth to cling to Ishida, the pressure inside growing, forcing small whimpers from his lips as he panted close to his ear.
"Yes, whenever you want- can't believe in a spa's bath." He groaned as the larger intrusion slid inside. If Ishida chose, they would end up fucking in the middle of the street. He didn't believe the other actually would, and yet... He held onto him tightly, moaning in his ear as he was fucked. The bath made the whole experience quite interesting, the water splashing about as he was thrust into.
"Nnn, no reason," he couldn't think of one, not when he was overwhelmed with pleasure. He gasped, moaning as his neck was attacked. "Gonna mark me more--" he didn't care. He didn't want him to stop. He tossed his head back at a particular harsh thrust into his prostate, luckily silencing himself, keeping himself from crying out loudly. "Master~" he panted.
Once he understood how Ishida wanted to adjust him, he helped, shifting however he wanted. He didn't mind the marks, hell he even wanted them, only if the other was fine with it. He didn't want to mess up whatever the other had planned for him, keeping him... pure? for these big spenders. At another hard thrust into him, as they kept coming, he couldn't hold back his voice, gripping at nothing over the pool floor's surface. "Master, Master~!" he repeatedly moaned behind a clamped hand. The new angle made it feel even better, quickly bringing him over the edge after a few more thrusts, Lee cumming hard. His body tensed, squeezing around Ishida inside of him. Damn, he wasn't supposed to do that. He couldn't help it, Ishida made him feel so good!
Ishida grunted out as he felt Lee's body tightening, the telltale shudders abd twitches letting him know that the slave had came without permission. Ishida smirked at him, reaching out and grabbing his throat from behind, squeezing on him slowly, letting the pressure escalate bit by bit. "What was that?" He accused
Lee pressed his hand over his mouth tighter, growing nervous as he realized what he had just done. He was right to be worried, his hand leaving his mouth as he felt one wrap around his neck, squeezing. "No-" he gasped, "I'm sorry, please-" his hand moved to that wrist, holding it. "You feel so good." He explained before he couldn't speak anymore. His grip tightened on his wrist, Lee leaning back to rest against his chest.
He shook his head, as always the other could read him so easily. The heat from the bath was getting to him, making him feel lightheaded as the other pressed on his airway. "Nn..." he groaned, gripping the edge of the pool with a hand as Ishida resumed fucking him. It felt incredible to his overstimulated body, not wanting the feeling to go away. He tilted his head back, once more attempting to silence himself. They could be there for a while, Ishida's drive was simply incredible. He had to learn how to last with him, but he found it nearly impossible with how long he went!

"Jeez... that fucking... stamina of yours!" he said between moans that, for that moment, didn't try to hide.
Ishida chuckled as Lee simply threw out his rebuttal while he took it, his masters pole working him faster, battering him inside as the water broke and waved around his hips, resistance beincomeing less and less. But all his moaning and hollering, Ishida shifted his hand, pushing his fingers inti his mouth, sliding them down his throat. He kept Lee angled, the slave seeing someone down the hall, beyond the swaying curtain of the baths. Approaching? Hearing him?
Lee was trying his best to quiet himself, though, after a certain shift, his hand left his mouth to keep himself from slipping. He couldn't hold back a louder moan, before he could bite his lip, Ishida's fingers were already inside his mouth. His moans were muffled around the digits, almost coughing as they probed further back into his throat. Turning his head to the side a little, his eyes widened upon seeing a figure seemingly approach them. He couldn't warn Ishida, the fingers keeping him from talking. "Mmph!" he groaned, his heart racing, though Ishida fucked him so good... It was conflicting, wanting to stop so they wouldn't be caught, but why would he ever want his owner to stop?!
As Lee turned his head, getting rutted so roughly his eyes falling on his masters, Ishida enjoying him, even the muffled voice around his fingers. The thump of his heart rate rocketing up. The visitor moving closer abd closer as his master was reveling in his slave, hitting into him as the curtains parted. "M- oh my!" The attendant yelped, another young man in uniform that flushed abd started to turn.

"Stay! What do you want!" Ishida barked as he pulled his fingers from Lee's mouth to point at the staffer.

"Uh-um- yo-your meal will be ready shortly-" the staffer yelped as he froze, unable to look away.

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