General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee ducked, on instinct, his arms coming up to protect him as the chair was thrown. He didn't know whether it was aimed at him or elsewhere, he just knew it was tossed and just in case it came to him, he was ready. He flinched again as the glass from the door shattered, causing shards to go flying. He nervously lowered his arms and peered over them. What the hell was happening? This didn't feel right! He watched as Ishida left the room. Knowing it truly wasn't in the room there was no reason for him to stick around. The necklace must have meant a great deal to Ishida if he was reacting this way to losing it, the only mission in his mind was to find it.

He quickly finished dressing the rest of the way, slipping his shoes on before quickly following after him. He felt like running off to find Takahashi, but he didn't want to stray too far from Ishida and, well, he had no idea where the man even was! As he followed, he tried to peer into each room to see if he could spot the familiar man. He was there for... acupuncture! Gasping, he was certain he found him and he opened the door, relief setting in upon finding the man. "Taka, help- It's Ishida, his necklace is gone and he's pissed!"
As he opened the green door, Taka was laying down, young man standing over him, incense sitting around the table, blooming a calm spiced scent in the air. But Lee ruined that calm. The attendant jumping back. "Sir-" the attendant began to try to ward off then enslaved English man. "Wait- let him in!" Taka said as he sat up. The attendant sighing and moving over. Starting to pull out the small acupuncture needles. "What's happened?"
Lee frowned, panicking as the male working on Takahashi tried to get him to leave. "Please, I--" Thankfully, Takahashi allowed him entrance and he stepped inside. "We left our stuff in the room to take a bath and when we came back his necklace was gone," he said as he explained what happened, helping him picture what could have possibly happened in their absence. "He's really mad, destroyed part of the room a-and he walked out," he looked back, in the direction he last saw Ishida disappear down the hall.
The very words he was afraid to hear, Takahashi spoke them, the man suddenly acting with urgency. He nodded and quickly left the room, running down the hall where he last saw Ishida. At least he warned Takahashi! He could get Awano and wouldn't be alone in calming his enraged owner.

"Ishida!" He called out as he looked for him. He wasn't too concerned with formalities, not exactly wanting to scream 'Master!' in the middle of a spa. He would deal with whatever punishment later. Right now he had to keep people from dying-- god, what the fuck?! Fucking yakuza, fucking Sam and Elliot!

He was happy he hadn't heard any screams, not that he wanted anyone hurt, but it was making it awfully difficult to find the crazed bastard. Up until he did, hearing a male's surprised and pained cries, to be exact. He turned down a hall, finding exactly what he feared, Ishida attacking the masseuse who worked on him. He mentally prepared himself for pain as he approached and grabbed Ishida's arm, attempting to pull him off. "Ishida! Stop!" He had no idea what to think- the last people in their room with their stuff was the masseuse. Then again, he had no idea who set up the buffet for them- the true last few in their room. It had been so much food, it couldn't be just one person setting things up for them.
The commotion Lee stepped inti was already stripping in blood, the masseuse was against the wall, flecks of red streaking out out along the wall, and a geyser of blood joining it. " where is it you fuck!" Ishida snapped out , Lee's pulling only getting him dragged as Ishida lurched in fir more. He took his target by the hair, slamming his head inti him. "Whete is it!?" His tone rising, throwing Lee back as he pulled at him and smashed hus head inti thecwall before the man could even respond. He'd kill him before he even answered the question.
Lee couldn't believe what he had walked in on. Had he been too late? He couldn't tell, he just needed to get him to stop and fast. "He doesn't have it!" He called out, hoping to somehow get through to him. He had no idea who did, he just needed him to stop before he actually killed the guy. Even when he was thrown back, he grabbed for him once more, tugging harshly. "Stop!" He was panicked, he didn't know how to stop him, and Takahashi wasn't coming quick enough- if he could even find them. ...Fuck.

"I-I saw someone take it!" He blurted out, the words spilling out before he could think. "Y-Yeah, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier!" He backed up, figuring he would cease nearly murdering the poor guy. "I think they went this way, I just saw them," he said, looking to take him back to where he last saw Takahashi. His hands were shaking, he had just put himself on the spot, that anger could very easily turn back onto him for 'lying'. If he had Ishida thinking his necklace was close, perhaps he wouldn't attack him. Lee could only hope it played out that way as he walked.
Backing up, his hands raised in a defensive pose, pointing the way down the hall. He stayed ahead of him, quickening his pace, relieved he didn't try to kill him right then and there. Perhaps he would stick around Takahashi tonight for a bit, just in case Ishida was somehow angry at him. He couldn't make sense of his logic, he just knew this necklace that must have been quite important to him was missing and he would kill to get it back... literally.

He took a deep breath in, shakily letting it out as he rounded the corner, looking for Takahashi. He wasn't sure if he would still be in there, though he hadn't been away for that long. "Taka?"
Ishida was baring down on Lee, the slaves was either used to chasing people down...or simply was that motivated to rend open the flesh of whoever had wronged him so deeply. But while he was so founded, Taka had stepped out of his room by now, hard dressed as his boss moved into the next nearly room like a savage murder missile, shouldering it open, ambd yelling in Japanese. Crashes could be heard, a woman shrieked as sge ran out of the room...but she seemed to be a client, another was quickly heard. Taka blew by Lee to run into the room, yelling out.
Shit. Takahashi wasn't there. He turned, finding Ishida checking each room- thankfully not murdering his slave as he was wrong about which room the thief was in. Truly, who the fuck took his necklace?! Did they think it was so valuable that they had to steal it? Hopefully not yet sold... A woman came out of a room, screaming, and before he could approach, Takahashi seemingly materialized out of nowhere and came after Ishida. He quickly entered the room and leaned against the wall, sighing. He was thrilled Takahashi had appeared, Lee hopeful he would somehow be able to help, whether it was calming Ishida down or something- anything!

"Thank you," he panted softly. "It'll take forever to find who stole it."
AsvLee peered onti the room he saw the masseuse that had handled Ishida, holding her neck, gasping while on her knees as Takahashi had started trying to restrain the raging yakuza. The two yelling back in forth in Japanese but the only word that Lee understood in it all was 'Kasumi' as from Ishidas rantings. Takahashi was trying to keep him restrained but the leader was struggling to break lose. The attendant pulled out her pockets desperately, trying to reveal all that she had.
Lee didn't know how he could help the poor woman being choked, though Takahashi luckily pulled his boss off of her. He shakily ran his hand through his damp hair, eyes scanning the room as if the necklace could possibly be in there. He seemed to freeze, eyes widening as that name registered in his head. Kasumi? Was the necklace somehow related to him? Possibly given to Ishida by him... Was Ishida still so attached? So obsessed, willing to commit murder... Did Ishida have any room in his heart for him? He made it clear he had no interest in keeping him, Lee understood. Still... He did say he was having too much fun with him. Lee was comfortable in his delusion to think there was a chance, holding out hope.

His mind was reeling from the sudden new information. He considered actually running off to the kitchen to find who the hell stole the necklace, just to get him to end his rampage and calm down. He didn't want to separate from the group, to end up finding Ishida killing someone else in the spa.
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As Lee thought on it, there was a rush in the halls now, some staff coming in , security pushing inti the room, but they freeze up as the see Ishida, his back as he finally threw Taka off of him to stand up. But now with about 5 other men in the room, the seething Oni seed to be waitimg...or sizing them all up to tear them down. "Mr.Ishida- Mr.Ishida!" A voice squeaked from behind the line up of protection, the receptionist? Perhaps she was more management than staff..."What's happened!" She said as the yakuza paced. "My property is missing! Stolen! And I know- someone took it!" He said as he tried to manage his crazed rage.
Lee glanced over to the door, chancing tearing his eyes away from Ishida until a group rushed in. He slid away from the door, still keeping his back against the wall. Was that... Mei, the receptionist? His owner voiced his worries, sounding a little more like himself, but Lee wasn't too sure. "Mei..." He spoke up, hoping to get her attention or relay what he knew to someone- anyone at this point! He peeled away from the wall, turning to face the group. "It's his necklace. He realized it was gone when we returned from the baths after having food delivered to our room." This way they could hopefully pinpoint who could have taken it.
"We can look for your property at once- please sir- stop this!" Mei called put as the security team tried to work to atleast keep him from slipping between them. The master, this unchained animal that was lashing out only seconds ago, a near blind bloodthirsty beast was listening...apparently. "You will find it. Or I will." He answered, the implications....hung around the room like a noose. He'd do it his way in a heart beat if it suited him...but he knew the odds were better.
Lee felt some relief wash over him. Ishida was willing to listen and be patient, up to a point. Lee was willing to do the looking himself with whoever else would go searching, but he didn't want to part from Ishida and Takahashi. He looked between them, then turned his attention to Mei. "Do you want me to help find it?" He asked. He had seen it on Ishida, he knew what it looked like. He did find it pretty, a phoenix on the front, a cherry blossom flower on the back, and the frame was dragons. Very fitting for Ishida.
He nodded, already being hurried out to help find the necklace before Ishida blew up again. "Where's the kitchen?" He would ask, figuring he would start there. He hoped it was in there, otherwise, he would have to search the whole damn place to find the thing. Once he knew what the kitchen staff uniform looked like it would certainly help in his search. One of the security guards led him the way, Lee close behind. He didn't know where to start looking, perhaps for the first suspicious looking person?

"Hey! Who the hell stole a necklace?" He called out once inside. Well, it was a start.
None of them looked suspicious, so far anyway. Sure, it was fair for the head man to get annoyed with him, getting accused of stealing. "Someone from here, or I don't even know where was in my room delivering food and stole something that belonged to someone dear to me." Close enough.

Who else would it be? Were there others that were part of the kitchen? Hell, even the ones that delivered the food? Fuck. "Who delivers the food?" He asked, sighing softly. He didn't want to go around accusing random people, but it was better than everyone dying. ...Accusing was better.
Fuck, okay, so it was the kitchen staff. He didn't have to track anyone else down. But this left him having to figure out which one did it- oh. Oh no. Shit, no, was he already out trying to sell it? "Where's the back?" He asked before he headed for the back door, hoping the bastard was still there, hoping he felt victorious in just obtaining the necklace and hadn't actually run off yet.
Coming put onto the back, he saw a worker parking lot, and alley way that hooked from the back likely around to the rent, and a car entrance. But there was the smell of cigarette smoke on thevair...a bid sitting on the ground, still smoking and sizzling. A shuffling from the alley could be heard, likely the running server.
Lee wrinkled his nose at the nasty smell, finding Kenny had in fact been out there smoking. But where was he? Hearing the distinct sound of running footsteps, Lee chased after without a second thought. The damned bell from his collar let the other know he was following. He eventually held the bell in his hand, hoping that alone would silence it. It did for the most part, muffling the little sound. He was quick, coming up close behind the bastard who had no idea who he had stolen from. "Get back here, asshole!" He called out, hoping to jump the guy if he was close enough...!
Lee's sprinting coming up behind Kenny made the runner look over his shoulder. He was a scruffy looking guy, ratty brown hair, narrow features. He was skinny, quick. Seeing Lee chasing him, he tried to cut around the corner , but slammed into what he thought was a wall, but Lee saw Awano standing on the other side of the alley, still on his nice cushy, spa robe. The towering brawler was wearing a face mask, and a towel wrapped around his shaved head. Kenny scrambled up to his feet, looking between Lee and the thug that looked...somehow calm yet his sheer presence radiated with menace.
Lee could almost see himself in Kenny; young and stupid, taking risks. His focus was entirely on the thief, not seeing what he crashed into until he stopped and looked. Awano...?! Oh, thank god. So that's where he went. How did he know? Whatever the case, Lee relaxed some, knowing it wouldn't be too much longer until he had the necklace in hand. Ishida would be so happy. Regaining his breath, he slowly stalked closer. "I believe you have something that belongs to my friend," he said, holding his hand out. "Give it here. Oh, and I wouldn't try running." He casually warned, a sweet smile gracing his lips.
Fuck, he didn’t mean this, either! Cursing, he nearly fell back as the other almost jumped him. He backed away, tossing his hands up defensively, before deciding to throw a punch of his own. He wasn’t big on fights, that was Sam’s thing. He had watched Sam fight, and his elder friend did try to teach him how to defend himself. His dear friend cared about him deeply and wanted him to be able to protect himself. Keeping what Sam taught him in mind, he tried to fight back, even just going for his pockets to see if he could at least feel for the metal.

He could have stopped and called for Awano to help, instead he threw a few punches, a few from Kenny managing to hit him which resulted in more curses spewing from Lee’s lips. Still, he was determined to please Ishida and make him happy that he managed to track down and fight for something that mattered to him so dearly. He just hoped he would appreciate it… and him.
Thr rabid Kenny threw out his arm, managing to fend off the punches , though he caught a few hits yo the face, his side. But he was squirrelie, lir hung in and shoving Kee up with his shoulders, slamming his back into the wall when he felt at his pockets. He felt the chain in his jacket pocket maybe, for a split second.. but in the other, Kenny pulled out a swot hbladr, click of deadly metal cutting out at the slave.

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