General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Seeing the figure step closer had Lee almost panicking. He could bite his fingers, get his attention! Before he could, the figure entered, revealed to be a worker and unfortunately not Takahashi or Awano. They were shocked and Lee closed his eyes, feeling sorry for them.

As Ishida pulled his fingers from his mouth and called out to them, he opened his eyes. "I tried to warn you," he whispered to Ishida before looking toward the staff. The other stayed there and he groaned internally, not expecting a sudden show. He supposed he would have to get used to this. "H-Hurry," he whispered, rushing his owner. He knew he had no place to do so and worried he would prolong his torture. "Enjoying the audience we suddenly have?"
He grinned evilly to Lee, his hand smacking Lee's cheek for his urging. "If you are going to be watched- why get shy now?' He said carelessly, his drilling hips bouncing faster grabbing onto Lee's cock to stroke him inti thevwater as hammer into his soft body, his cock digging into the slaves prostate as he start cumming side of him.
Lee flinched, his head turning to the side at the smack. Yep, he completely expected that. Before he could retort, he gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth as he cried out at Ishida fucking him harder, that hand stroking him. "No~" he whined, knowing he would end up cumming before Ishida was even done. Yet, he could feel something warm fill him and he wasn't so sure it was the hot water surrounding them from the pool. He allowed himself to relax, hips shuddering as he came hard once again with a cry. "Fuck!" He cried, head tilting back as he dirtied the pool once again. Ah... he felt bad for the workers that had to clean up.
The worker stood there, giving an awkward clear of his throat as Ishida pulled away from Lee. "Ha- now for dinner." He said as he shifted to get out of the bath, as if nothing had happened, he dried off as the attendant stood there handing out towels without looking up into his eyes.
Lee sighed softly, his master pulling out of him once he was finished. He almost wished he could just drown from embarrassment. Once Ishida left the pool, Lee quietly followed after him. "I'm sorry," he whispered to the man, taking a towel and drying himself off with it. He got his robe and put it back on to cover himself. Once Ishida was done, he urged him out of the room so they could return to their suite. "Have you no shame~?" He joked lightly, keeping his distance so he wouldn't get smacked.
"Oh?Worked you that hard?" He said smirking at him as they walked to the master suite again, the scent of high-quality cooking hitting the air, more than simple fried chicken or rice, it was a full-course meal, a variable buffet to feat upon for the Yakuza and his property. from Lobster, sushi rolls, and shrimp, to a pot of white rice, fried rice, and several sets of live stock, from beef to pork, to even lamb, braised and barbecued.
As they stepped into the room the scent of the food and the buffet style layout surprised him. "Wow, wait-" He had to do a double take, ensuring they were in the right room. In the corner were in fact his and Ishida's clothing. "This is all for us?!" He still couldn't believe it, though the longer he looked, the hungrier he became. "So many options..." No wonder it took so long! He grabbed a piece of sushi and popped it in his mouth, chewing happily as the savory flavors hit him. "Ahh, so good!" he exclaimed as he swallowed. He then grabbed a plate and began filling it with some rice and meat, adding some shrimp to his plate, too. He found a clear spot to sit and began to eat.
"Hey~" he pouted. "It's not possible to stop a man from cumming!" He pointed out. Of course, there were external options. Once that Ishida had been quite happy to use before. Ah, would this mean... more time with Takahashi? Since he was his trainer and all. Jeez, what would they do to him?

"What would this training involve~?" He may as well find out now!
Lee knew of the typical options until acupuncture was mentioned. He shuddered, shaking his head. "Hell no, anything but that-" he would take the drugging, anything! He picked up his chopsticks and continued on his plate, cautiously watching the other. He enjoyed Ishida's brain and what he could come up with- for the most part. He could just imagine them holding him down trying to stick with him something.
Lee felt some sense of relief as he dropped the whole needle thing. He finished up his meal, wincing at the drug mention. Not... too bad. At least it wasn't needles! However, it was a little scary, what with being paralyzed and all. But he, for some reason, trusted Ishida. "The same one those creeps had~?" He asked, just for a moment wondering if perhaps Ishida had more options. There were things he had made, after all. "I know you'll have plenty of fun with that. Could toss me to some spenders to have their way with me." He said it mainly to see Ishida's reaction.
Ah... Sure, it made sense. He imagined the scene starting with him getting slipped the drug, then cut to him getting taken by force. He felt comfortable with the notion of them sticking to their group. Not that he had any say, and he didn't particularly mind a bunch of strangers going at him, having had his share of fun plenty of times before. He didn't mind Ishida settling for just him and... hm. Takahashi? "Saves you from having to beat anyone taking it too far," he teased with a small laugh. With all this prep, he wondered how soon the filming would start. From the paralytic mention, he felt it would happen pretty soon.
"It would be terrible to clean up the mess when you just have sit there like a plank of wood, seeing the aftermath of my unrestricted anger." He said simply. The idea of killing didn't matter to him, but simply letting Lee lay in horror, while he beat a man into a pulp, or worse likely would only make Lee have some sort of nightmarish experience.
Oh, jeez. That wouldn't be great, either! He recalled the moment when Ishida had to beat one of the guys creeping on him when he was first drugged. He shuddered at the thought of how worse it could get. "Mm, well, I appreciate your consideration for my sanity," he said as he laughed softly. Ishida wasn't so bad, he could be quite extreme in things, but he wasn't totally heartless if he was planning ahead on not ruining Lee... too much more.

He sampled a little more from their buffet. He patiently waited until his master was finished with his meal before they could go. He wondered if the other two were done so they could get back to the club... unless Ishida had any more surprises up his sleeve.
Lee leaned back in his seat, feeling beyond satisfied. Sex and a great meal? He was in heaven~. He didn't want to move, to get up and get dressed just yet. He was feeling a bit sluggish, lazily looking over to his owner. He blinked, realizing he used his name. "Eh... Huh? No? I've been with you the whole time." He turned in his seat to look at him better. "What's wrong?" He then got up to get closer, figuring he needed to get dressed anyway. May as well while he was by his things. He removed his robe and started going through his things to get dressed.
(XD Lee: Oh my god, he used my not slave name)

Ishida growled as he shuffled through his things, then snatched Lees's clothes from the cubby and threw them through the pile, tossing them along the floor. "Someone's taken my necklace." He said stepping around, pacing like a caged animal. "little fuck thieves-" He growled out as he seethed, snatching up his things.

Lee had managed to get his boxers on before the rest were grabbed and tossed aside. He raised his hands, simply letting him grab whatever to search through. Turning, he just sat in the little corner, hands in his lap, watching him pace. "Oh, shit..." He whispered, his eyes going from the pile of clothes on the floor to his owner's neck. "W-Wait, maybe..." He got up and started looking near the cubby. "Maybe it fell...?" But it wasn't there. He picked his clothes up and shook them out, wondering if perhaps someone was trying to plant it on him. Still not finding it, he simply got dressed. Shit, he worried the other was going to do something rash.
Hecglared at Lee as he tried to talk to him...the stare that probably would have invoked excitement now was like a loaded shotgun...with a hair trigger. "Oh? It fell! It fell!" He said as he walked over to the table, grabbing on of the chair and swinging at the cubbies, smashing the wooden shelving into a pile od wood. The chairs legs folded in on themselves, buckling under the fury. "GO LOOK IN THRRE AGAIN AND SEE IF IT FUCKING FELL!"
His worries were correct but they were aimed toward him. He jumped out of the way, flinching as the chair smashed into the cubby, destroying the shelves and the chair. "Hey!" He exclaimed in surprise, backing further away. "Okay! Jeez..." He whispered, returning to the destroyed section of the cubby to look through it for Ishida's necklace. Being with the other taught him patience as he held his tongue from snapping at his sudden eruption. He wasn't interested in angering him any more than he was, to say such things as: 'It wasn't my fault the damn thing went missing! Why take it out on me?' Yet, if he kept going...

Kneeling on the floor, he thoroughly searched, even in the other cubbies, hoping that would quell his anger even a little seeing his slave searching. Alas... he feared someone may have actually taken it. Still on the floor, he looked back and shook his head. "I'm sorry..."

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