General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Oh, no... the made-up scenario actually excited Lee and he cursed himself for the reaction. It wasn't a physical one, but something in him wanted to play that game. Fuck, Taka may be the death of him, if Ishida didn't get to him first. He shuddered, that voice, his breath ghosting over his skin. "I know exactly what Mister Home Invader wants. I don't know if I'll let him have it, though~." He grinned slyly.
Before Lee knew it, they were already starting. The teasings and prospect of a fun little game had done well to distract him, Lee's mind filling with the scenario before they even started it. He glanced over, catching sight of the needle going in and out through his skin, forcing him to look away. Ahh, what a terrible sight...! He went quiet, letting his mind wander until the other would be done. His cut would take a few stitches as Kenny did quite a number on his arm.
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"Fir someone with a lust for pain, you are certainly dramatic around something as small as needles." Taka said as he pulled the last stich, tightening the thread abd tying it off before snipping it. "There we are." He said grabbing a bandage to wrap it and cover it.
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"Mm... I know, it's weird." But all people were different. Masochism didn't mean he loved all pain. "Different types of pains... aren't great." Someone, such as Takahashi, may not understand as he enjoyed acupuncture. He was covered in small needles, enjoying it or getting some benefit out of it. It wasn't something Lee really understood. The numbing agent worked wonders, though he did feel some little pinches, and the tugging felt weird. He soon looked and found Takahashi was finishing up, cutting the thread after tightening it. "Oh, well that wasn't so bad," he pointed out. He felt better after it was bandaged, keeping his work protected. He sighed and leaned back, thankful that little ordeal was over.
Sitting up in his seat he watched Takahashi, his eyes widening some and his heart rate rising upon seeing him grab for a knife from the block. "Shit, when the home invader knows the home better than yourself-" It was funny but slightly terrifying. He slid out of his seat and the little bell jingled. Holding it in his hand to stop the jingling, much like earlier when he chased after Kenny, he stepped away, peering down the hall before walking down it. He only had a brief look around Ishida's side of the penthouse. Could he possibly leave for Takahashi's? Maybe... let Ishida get some rest in privacy. Even while messing around with Takahashi, he still had his owner on his mind.

The thought crossed his mind when he managed to make his way out of Ishida's side, making sure to quietly close the door behind him. Looking at the two other doors, he remembered which one either man stood in front of earlier to unlock. Not wanting to bother Awano, he tried for Takahashi's door and found it opened. He slipped inside, taking in the interior, the many little hiding spots he could find. Inside the man's bedroom, he stepped into the closet. He sat himself down on the floor in a far corner. It was dark and quiet, just the way he wanted it to stay. That meant the invader wasn't nearby.
As the slave..or in this case the home owner crawled into the closet, he had only to wait...slow, meticulous footsteps wandering the hall could be heard. But naturally Taka probably just had to follow the easiest logic. A space that was empty of Ishida..unless he wanted to join the fun. But Lee didn't go that way. And a room that he knew existed on general. And Lee didn't have such a layout in mind. The door clicked open slowly...Taka creeping inside silently.
Lee tried to keep his breathing quiet, even. He pulled his legs up to his chest, hugging them close as he waited. The bell jingled ever so slightly as he adjusted himself in the corner. He froze for just a moment, just in case Takahashi had entered sooner than he expected. He wasn't sure if the other would even figure out he was in his space, yet as the door opened, he inhaled, a tiny gasp escaping him. His body stayed tense, waiting. Whenever Takahashi found him, would Lee be able to attack? Such a larger form, holding a knife... Cuts he didn't much mind, Lee actually curious if Takahashi would attempt to harm him during their little play session after stitching him up. Probably not as badly, if anything. He was quiet, in thought, not realizing he had earlier shifted something in the closet and it was about to fall and alert the 'intruder' of his whereabouts.
As Lee pondered in the closet, something above him, a shifted hanger set, holding up a suit bag clicked lightly, shifting from the new realignment in the closet. It suddenly slipped from the overhead bar, flopping again the sliding door. It skidded softly...if only absolute silence wasn't the goal. Taka paused a step, moving towards the closet , closing in on the door.
Lee gasped softly as the item fell, his hands coming up to his mouth to clamp over. He wasn't sure if it was such a good idea, but he stayed put, 'hoping' the 'intruder' wouldn't think anything of it and skip over checking the closet. Instead, he heard those footsteps come closer. It was now or never, in this scenario, Lee eying the door for just a moment. He then got up, sliding the door open before he just went for it, looking to run past Takahashi before he got too close. He didn't try for the bathroom, memories of Ishida busting the door down and dragging him out flooded his mind. If there was another room in Takahashi's space, he went for that to give him some distance. If the other had captured him, well, he would no doubt struggle to free himself.
As Lee burst out if the closet, he felt an arm suddenly wrapp around his waist. From the side. Taka had moved ti the side of the door in case Lee had armed himself...or came out squabbling. He pulled on the Englishman, starting to level the knife up to neck. "Where are you off too?"
Lee hadn't grabbed anything to defend himself with. The darkness of the closet and not having his phone on him to lighten the small space left him unable to find anything to use. He was easily grabbed, the struggling started up, and the knife found its way to his neck. His head tilted back a little, giving the weapon space to rest. "Oh, you know..." He held onto the arm holding him back, making some attempt to pull it away. Alas, he wasn't strong enough to break free. "Just trying to escape from Mister Invader." He made light of the situation, knowing he wasn't actually in any real danger. As cocky as Lee could be (and as stupid as he could be sometimes), he would probably end up saying that in a real scenario.

If the knife wasn't held up to his neck, he would have tried to bite the arm holding him, hard. Just about anyone would let go, he would think. "How should I defend myself in this situation, Mister Invader?"
"I say you have a few options." Taka said as he pressed in on Lee. Taka wasn't as powerhouse like Awano, or Ishida, but he was still better conditioned than Lee by comparison. "You could go for the knife, but grabbing the blade will hurt like he'll abd doesn't mean you'll get it if i rake it out of you palms. Last resort move in most cases. Your better bet is the hand or wrist. Controlling it would keep you less likely to get stabbed or cut." Taka turned the knife, the flat caressing Lee's throat. "But I'm here for your possessions. Not to kill you. So how about you behave and I'll be in and out?"
He tried to glance down at the knife, quietly taking in what the other told him. As a last resort, grabbing even for the blade would be a good option. He would be injured, but hopefully still alive in the end. True enough, as he saw for himself, grabbing for the arm didn't do anything. Either it wasn't something that would work, or he was simply weaker. "Hand or wrist," he repeated with a nod, stilling at the blade turned. He let out a shuddering breath. It was the back, dull and unable to really hurt him, but still rather threatening. "What if... I used my body~?" Of course, he had to joke around. Something in him just couldn't be serious, or at least had to mess around at the wrong time.

He needed to defend his home from the intruder. If he couldn't fight, he had to stop him somehow. Naturally, one would try to call the police. He would use his phone, but it was on the floor in Ishida's bathroom with his discarded clothes. If he knew where the landline was, he would run for that. He doubted the intruder would let him out of his sight, the man would try to stop him from saving himself and his things. Well, he could try for the wrist, Lee actually going for it and grabbing it to move his hand.
His attempt to stop him was futile, Lee settling for the verbal information, though he still wanted to play along. "Perhaps... Really, the only thing I have." Which, in reality, would be absolutely terrible. One was looking to get out of a home invasion unscathed. To allow the intruder to defile him wasn't at the top of anyone's list. "Ah..." He groaned, that hand rubbing him through the pants, his cock responding rather quickly. The intruder wouldn't have much to strip as he was in only sweatpants. "Ahh, whoever shall save me~" he faintly called out, not actually looking to grab any outsider's attention.
Taka chuckled. "Oh come now- am I not frightening enough?" He teased lightly as he turned the flat of the knife, the Kennedy edge up as he moved the knife lower lightly cutting Lee's shoulder. "Shall I behave a little harsher?" He purred as he leaned into Lee giving him a nipp on the neck, breaking character to simply play around with him a little.
"Should I be more afraid?" He laughed softly as he asked. But as Takahashi actually cut him with the knife, a surprised gasp left him. "Mm, you can rough me up." His head tilted to the side some, giving Takahashi room to leave little bites here and there if he wanted. "I'm your victim, you can do whatever with me," he mused. He could act more freaked out, beg to be released.
"Heh... that's scary." He mused in thought, distracted by those nips to his neck. He didn't see the punch coming, Lee almost doubling over though the arm holding him up prevented him from moving much. His body quickly reacted to the shock of pain, the feeling dulling into pleasure. Without leaving marks? "Hah... i-is that even possible-" he groaned, panting lightly as he clung to that arm. "Mn, fuck... I should probably be begging for you to stop, huh~?" The pain addict wouldn't want that, yet in the scenario, he'd be setting himself up to get killed if he let it go too long.
Lee couldn't help but snort, it was absolutely true but damn funny as he wasn't actually in that situation. "If the robber's a freak he'd get off on hurting me." Or want to jump him for sex. Now if the robber was freaked out, then he may stop and run. He cried out softly at the next blow, the fist connecting with bare flesh as he struck him. If he hadn't been hard yet, he certainly was now, his erection tenting in his sweatpants. Fully knowing he couldn't escape his grasp, he still made an attempt, pulling the arm or wrist away, whichever would free him.

"Mnn, mister invader~ Let me go." His tone wasn't serious at all, though he was trying to get into the role. "My... husband? Yeah, husband. He'll be home soon-. You better get out of here before then~"
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Taka grinned..his cushioned fist punching him the gut, hard to bring Lee down...and see that tent jump higher. He shoved him over, throwing him on the bed. "Your husband is going to see what I've made of you..look- you're hard-" he said as he pinned Lee down, snatching the sweat pants down.
The punch to his stomach took the air out of him, forcing him to double over, his knees weakening. Free from that grasp, he nearly fell over, his 'assailant' tossing him onto the bed. He held his stomach for a second, savoring the pain that filled him, quickly dulling to the pleasure he loved. He felt almost high, dizzy- it felt good, really good to him. As the initial shock subsided, he turned to look up at Takahashi, the other already on him, pinning him down. Playing along, he tried to escape the hold or to at least stop the other from removing his pants. "No, you can't~" Takahashi was too quick, the pants already gone, and with nothing on underneath his cock easily flopped out, resting on his stomach. The sudden cold air made him shiver. "Oh, please, don't~!"
The other got closer and he shrank some, unable to really back away as he was pinned to the bed. He needed to act scared, and in this vulnerable position, he was intimidated. He gasped, his legs forced apart, giving his 'assailant' easier access. "Ah... He won't want me after this~. Don't hurt me... too badly." He just had to add that, which afterward he found totally unnecessary as everyone around them knew he was into pain. He had to roll his eyes over his own silliness.
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