General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Recalling the many times Ishida mentioned hurting those who dared to lay a hand on Lee, he was actually starting to feel bad for Kenny as he managed to land some hits on him. He was ruining Ishida's chance at selling him by causing some bruising and swelling. Lee's eyes widened, irritation filling him upon feeling the chain to what had to be Ishida's necklace. His surprise caused him to get slammed against the wall, Lee coughing as he nearly knocked the wind out of him. Seeing the blade, he nearly panicked. Oh, shit! "You're really going to regret this," he warned, almost hoping Kenny would end up running off in the end so Ishida couldn't get to him.

With Kenny's hand busy, Lee again went for his pocket, knowing which one to get into now. He made his attempt to grab for the chain, knowing the risk of getting cut in the process.

"Awano!" He would call out, wincing as he no doubt got cut, needing this to end before the other could seriously hurt him- or worse. As long as he got Ishida's necklace back, he didn't care.
In the midst if the struggle, Lee's hands tearing unti his pocket, snatching the silvered chain out, he felt something slash at his upper arm. Heat and blood starting to flow. When Lee called out, Kenny was sufden yanked backwards, Awano throwing him like he was a ragdoll into the opposit wall in the alley. The knife clattered inti the ground in the crash.
Lee felt victorious when he actually grasped the chain in his hand. Despite being cut, blood dripping down his arm, as soon as he removed his hand from that pocket and saw the chain and pendant in his hand, he just didn't care. Swapping the necklace to his free hand, he checked his arm, finding blood on his hand. Fuck. Awano quickly acted upon being called on, Lee greatly appreciating his help. He heard the blade clatter to the ground and he decided to grab it, not wanting the creep to have access to it again. May as well give it to Ishida. Or Takahashi.

"Thank you!" He called out, aimed at the both of them when he really thought about it before he headed back inside. He didn't notice his lip bleeding, swollen, and in the light blood could be seen running down his arm and covering his other hand, the one that held the switchblade. He hurried back to the room where he last left his owner and Takahashi, wondering what state he would find the crazed yakuza. He didn't pay attention to any strange or horrified looks he received as he rushed down the halls, not wanting Ishida left wondering for so long whether he would get his necklace back. He had all the power right in his hands to just... disappear with the thing. He knew he would be hunted down, his fate far worse than what he was going through now. There wasn't a point. His obsession was too great, wanting to make the yakuza happy. God damn it.

"I'm back...!" He called out gently, holding the chain out, allowing the pendant to hang, letting Ishida see it.
As Lee came back into the room, Ishida was sitting down now, still tight with contained rage. Taka wasn't in the room, at least at the moment, but then again, nobody was going to stand around with Ishida. It was like trusting a grizzly bear in the wilderness right now. He looked up at Lee pushing up abd crowding, grabbing the chain from his hand and looking it over...relaxing slowly wjej he didn't see any damage. He put it around his neck slowly. Then looked at Lee properly, grabbing his cheek. "Who the fuck- what the hell happened!"
He momentarily wondered where Takahashi was when he didn't find him in the room. Ishida seemed to be much calmer, perhaps only on the outside. He saw how he lit up when he saw the necklace in his hand. He smiled, his face looking a little strange with how swollen his lip was getting. When Ishida put the necklace back on, he looked better, Lee found he appeared different without it as it was brought to his attention. He was happy, albeit in a bit of pain, nothing he was a stranger to. Then came the concern from his owner, his previous anger seemingly aiming toward who hurt him- at least Lee hoped, anyway. If that was true, perhaps Ishida did care for him in the end. Or, perhaps only from finding his property had been damaged after spending all that money on 'polishing' him.

He winced slightly, his awkward smile not fading. "Ah, well..." He held the switchblade up, the blood quickly drying on his hand. "He put up quite the fight." He didn't want Kenny to have the chance to hurt any of them with it, or anyone else in his possible fit of rage of losing the necklace. Awano was strong, he could take care of things himself.
Frowning, Lee rolled his eyes, letting the other yell at him. "I'm not stupid. Awano was there!" If anything, Awano should have jumped in sooner than watching him fight the creep! "I got you your necklace back." He sighed, letting Ishida take the blade. He wiped his hand on his pants, though the blood was dried and didn't go anywhere. Ugh, he needed a new bath... "Out back," he told him, unsure if Awano was still there with Kenny. There was no sense in not telling the other where Kenny was. "He was one of the guys that delivered our food." Of course, if Ishida bolted for that area, Lee would be close behind, far too curious for his own good.
Ishida stalked away from Lee, whirling the knife between his fingers with deadly practice. He knew his way around the weapon, perhaps far too well. The kitchen backdoors were shoved open, Awano manhandling Kenny in the parking lot. "Let me go you fucking-giant-" Kenny's voice died mid insult as Ishida walked out the door. "This is the thief?" He asked Awano, the thug nodded slowly. Ishida looked at Lee. "He cut you. Which hand did he use?"
Lee felt nervous for Kenny, knowing how badly it would turn out for him in the end, knowing the skills his owner possessed when wielding a knife. Once outside he could see Awano still with Kenny, finding him yelling at Awano quite amusing. The silent beast hadn't faltered, even in his towel and face mask. He fell quiet upon seeing Ishida, wondering just how much he knew of the yakuza leader with the quickness of his silence. Ah, shit... "The right," he pointed out.
“Ah…” he nodded, not wanting to go against such a tone. He had wanted to stay, but he again was trying to spare him. After a short moment, he left, going back inside through the back entrance. He didn’t know where to go, though he figured the kitchen wasn’t a place to drip blood everywhere. The bleeding had slowed some, the cut not too bad. Some staff wanted to help him and he decided to let them tend to him while Ishida tortured the poor bastard. His fault for stealing from the yakuza!
As the door shut, the last thing Lee would hear hand hang in his ear was the scream, amfragile fear and panic, pain, all rushing out at ince.once.. the knife scraping inti bone shortly. He was left to be tended to in private, a first aid space. In the minutes that passed...10, 20, the door opened after tLee was patched up. Ishida walking m...hi robe was clean...infact it was soo clean. He had beaten people and trashed the place early but never a sec was on his ribes...they had to be new. In his hands, washed....was a small box. Nearby were mAwano and Takahashi now. "Are you feeling alright." Ishida said as the doctoring aud shifted to let them...have privacy.
Lee flinched upon hearing such a horrible sound. He tried to ignore it, knowing Ishida was also getting his revenge for his stolen property. Thankfully he was rushed away from the door, the screams becoming less and less until he was too far to hear them anymore. He was quickly patched up, a bandage tossed on here and there, looking slightly better from before.

He looked up when Ishida returned, along with Awano and Takahashi. Spotting the box in Ishida's hand, he was curious. The small group tending to him had finished up and quickly left the room, leaving him alone with the yakuza group. "Yeah, it wasn't so bad." His arm was sore and so was his side, already a bruise forming where he was kicked. "Nothing I haven't dealt with before." Between his father's beatings and more recently Ishida's- ha, what the hell. He wasn't supposed to enjoy Ishida's beatings, but he did.

"...Do I want to know what's in there?" He asked, eying the box.
"His penance. " He said as he set the box across from Lee. "Yakuza special." Ishida clarified. In the background Takahashi held up his hand, then dragged his index finger along hid middle finger across to pinkie for good measure. "He laid hands in what's mine. Scarred it. Abd stole from me. Three counts."
"His... oh." He quickly realized what he meant, Takahashi helping by giving him a visual clue, too. He did warn the bastard. Something in his brain liked it when Ishida got possessive, even if Lee knew it was only temporary. Over three fingers, beyond the three counts. Oof. "Well... Thank you," he said as he stood, feeling odd for thanking the other for giving him someone else's fingers. It could have very well meant something huge in the yakuza world. He leaned in to press a little kiss on the corner of his lips in his own way of thanking him. "I think we're done with the whole spa thing..." He was, anyway. He didn't know if he could take another riot that day.
"Other spots?" He asked, wondering where else Ishida lived in the city. Takahashi seemed to answer his unspoken question, Lee quietly listening to their exchange. He was fine with whichever, though he was no doubt curious at this other spot. They all seemed to be finished with the spa and Lee followed closely back to their car. He sat beside his owner once more in the back, eager to head out and see what this new place looked like.
Awano settled into the car as it took off, folding his arm...the car now had a distinct, flowery scent that wasn't there before. It wasn't Ishida. His treatment in the spa had no such incense or soft scents. Nor Taka as his room had a distinct woodie scent. The relaxation trip seemed to had settled in on them, bringing them up to a...actually upscale, nice apartment building. It even had a doorman that wasn't carrying a gun or blade, and looked like he belonged there
The pleasant scent hanging around the car comforted Lee, relaxing him as he settled into his seat. Looking out the window, he watched as the city passed them by. It didn't take very long, making Lee wonder if the other spot they were going to and the spa were somewhat close, or at least in a similar, affluent area. They soon stopped in front of a really nice looking apartment building. Spotting the doorman, he didn't look out of place at all. Dang, what other places did Ishida own or rent? Once parked, he stuck close to Ishida again, following as they headed inside. He gently rubbed his sore arm, wondering if once again something bad would end up happening much like it did at the spa. Nice didn't mean nothing terrible happened there, Lee was quickly learning.
The Doorman nodded to them in the way in, smiling as they opened the door for the group. Nobody stopped them...the security. The lobby reception. Ishida clearly was here often enough. The elevator was spacious, nice steel and treated wood along the walls. It beeped as they selected a floor, whisking them upwards. The top floor...a penthouse apartment?!
Lee kept silent as they simply breezed right inside. Everything looked really nice, probably quite expensive. Did they know the group? Most likely. He figured it was kind of hard to hide the whole mafia fact. Inside the elevator, he saw a certain button lit up on the panel. As the numbers on the display kept raising, Lee got more excited. Holy shit, he would get to stay inside a penthouse? He wouldn’t believe it until they got there, though when they did finally reach the floor, it looked quite private for the most part.

“Nice perks,” he teased lightly. “God damn, how’d you manage this?” He knew… just from their status alone.
"I'm remarkably charming, talked my way right into the front door." Ishida said smirking slightly as they came inti the penthouse, a private hall to enter from, broken ip with two other doors. Sectioned off rooms for company...or atleast to keep The other men from having to witness Ishida getting into hijinks. The two pulled out individual keys and start unlocking there rooms.but Ishida put his arm around Lee to take him to the main space, his Master side no doubt. The door opened up inti a nice sleek flat space, modern, expensive, it made his dorm look like a broomcloset.
“Sounds about right,” he said with a grin. Ishida was quite charming, Lee recalling the time he flirted with those women and had them swooning that one evening when he got drugged. He watched as the other two pulled keys out to enter their respective spaces. He blinked, already knowing where he was going when Ishida swung his arm around his shoulder, leading his property into his own space. He leaned against his owner as they entered and he took in the view of the interior. “Ooh… so nice!” He mused, wondering if no doubt Ishida got the better room. He felt… honored? to be able to be inside the better living space than his room in the club. Was he moving on up? He held out hope once more. He separated from Ishida a moment later to explore the space.
Ishida's hand shifted as Lee stepped away, briefly grasping his ass, but he allowed him to room. The bell chimed gently with every step, the commons space acting as his master's solo living room had a small descending step towards a large wrap-around couch. Across from it was a curved TV set, large enough to act as a mini movie screen. A Sound system was embedded in the walls, buttons, and knobs lined up neatly on a silver panel. As he walked further, the lights activated, drawn by motion it seemed, soft halo lights waking up and Lee could see an open floor kitchen, easy to stride into and cook, even with a group. Whether it was for himself, or if Ishida had a group of slaves cooking, such thoughts were up to Lee to guess and God to know. The countertops were black polished granite and the taps a shining silver. The oven was stacked in the wall with an independent stove top on the side. A dishwasher... beyond the kitchen was a glass panel door, tinted slightly, perhaps to block sunlight in the morning. Beyond it was a rooftop pool and an entire setup for a patio, a grill station, and what seemed to be a golfing stand.
Lee rolled his eyes at the playful grab, Ishida always doing it whenever he got a chance to. He wandered, amazed by how beautiful and expensive everything was. He could only ever dream of living in a place like this, yet there he was, being the yakuza leader’s plaything, staying in his penthouse.

The kitchen was fantastic, a space he could easily see himself in, making nice meals for all of them. It had been a quite a while since his father always made him cook in their little home’s kitchen. He had so much space here! Not only that, he wasn’t in that situation anymore. He was in quite a different one, one that so far didn’t require him to go back to old practices.

Moving beyond the kitchen, he spotted sliding doors that, once he opened, greeted him to a pool and grill. He was amused seeing the golf stand, never once thinking Ishida to be the golfing type. Besides all of that, a lot of it appeared unused. How long had it been since Ishida had been here?

He went over to the railing, looking over the edge to the ground below. He peered up, taking in the pretty sights of the city from so high up. He was thankful to be given the opportunity to stay in such a place, despite the reasoning.
Lee turned his head to look at the other, not expecting Takahashi to appear so suddenly like that. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He shook his head and looked out again as he joined him. "No, haven't felt like that in a long time," he answered honestly. Ah, how he wished he could have found a roof like this to jump from many times before. His buddies often got him through the worst of it. He had never made an attempt, simply... wished something terrible would happen to him. Or his father. Preferably the latter, but either would do at any given time. He peered over again, wincing at the mere thought of the sudden impact.
Huh... the desire to do so still wasn't there, after so long. A small smile appeared on his lips, happy to find he wasn't miserable enough to try anything. Things had been much better in his life, and even though his current situation wasn't great, he was... happy. Somehow. He didn't want to leave Ishida, nor Takahashi, and knowing he eventually had to did upset him, but... For now, he was, somehow, content.

"Ah, can only be outside if I plan to jump?" He teasingly joked, laughing lightly. "I was just exploring. Honest." He reassured, turning to face him as he leaned against the railing. "Never been up in a penthouse. It's really nice. When's the last time you guys were here?"
"....we had a sex party I think about 2 years ago." Taka said as he pulled out a cigarette. He flicked his lighter on, pausing. '...That was a joke." He lit his cigarette. "It's an acquisition for important guests normally, we bring them here to impress....or...keep tabs."

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