General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

He shook his head, truly he felt bad for those really in these bad situations, thinking these things- thinking they're undesirable because they were assaulted. The punch, cushioned by the pillow, surprised him, the impact lessened significantly. "Ah, how cruel~! So violent~" His leg was hiked up and in a last ditch effort tried to kick his 'assailant' away before he could shove inside of him.
Lee blinked, the other suddenly off of him, the younger male hearing a thump as Takahashi hit the floor. "Oh... Uh." He sat up, peering over. He hadn't expected that, but as he wanted to continue playing, he took the opportunity to get off the bed. He didn't exactly want to run around nude, but they did have privacy being on the top floor. In a real scenario, he wouldn't have time to get dressed. He decided to escape to the other room, back to Ishida's side to find a new hiding spot.
As soon as he walked inside, Ishida passed by, giving him quite the look. Lee froze, laughing nervously. "Aha... Uh. Taka's... teaching me self defense." He explained, which was the truth! It absolutely looked strange to Ishida since when did self defense need one to be nude? "He wanted to turn it into a game. Home invader. Hey, where's the best hiding place here?" He figured he could ask the one who knew the space best.
"Part of the game," he explained with another little nervous laugh, looking up at his owner as he got closer. "Mean old home invader got to me, hehe... But I got away~!"

"Oh, damn. That definitely would work in this scenario." Huh, where was the panic room? He could ask about that later as he wasn't actually in need of one. "Second best hiding spot? ...Actually, do you want to join~?" He grinned up at Ishida, letting him play along if he was in the mood.
Lee lit up, excited his owner was joining in on the fun. "Ah. Taka~!" So he appeared! Turning, he looked between them. "Ah, shit. Two home invaders. Um, bye!" Ishida was quite close to him, leaving him open to be grabbed. Still, he tried to run between them, out of the kitchen and toward the bedroom. The bell gave him away, but at this point, it was fun having them chase after him and fight back.
"Hm. Guess I'm the second invader then." Ishida shrugged as they then rushed for the bedroom that Lee ran unti. The jingling bell leading them. Ishida's bedroom was naturally larger than the rest, with a massive bed at the ready. A hidden panel was on place on the wall, hiding away the cabinets and closet space, making it feel quite empty. But then Lee was shoved from behind, Taka jumping on him as Ishida closed the door to trap him inside "come here you little fucker- who told you to run!'
Lee hadn't expected Ishida to want to be on the other side - his side. He assumed and ran for the bedroom. He quickly looked around, not finding really any hiding spots. Man, the room was huge! The bedroom itself was bigger than his dorm! "Damn," he whispered, gasping at the shove. Before he could move, Takahashi was already on him. With Ishida joining, the door was closed, trapping him inside with the two. "Ah, no~! Let go~!" It felt... good, unable to pull himself from that hold. Such a helpless feeling. "What are you going to do with me~?"
"Well you were so worried about your would he feel as we both take you for a ride!" He said pulling him around forcing him on her side as Ishida grabbed onto his legs, forcing them up on his shoulders Ishida was ever heartless. His cock out and sliding straight inti Lee's ass, pericing into him. Taka grabbed his face forcing him around. "We're going to keep using you- and then we'll see how much fight you have-"
Husband- wait, how did Ishida know about that? He figured the little moment those two had together let Taka fill Ishida in more as Lee ran. That, or they were louder than he realized earlier. "Noo, he won't want me anymore~" He yelped softly as he was nearly folded in half, Ishida far too quick, already slipping inside of him. "Fuck!" He cried out at the sudden intrusion, wincing as Takahashi made him look at him. He tried to free a leg, to kick Ishida away. This wasn't the first time he fought back against his owner and he knew it wouldn't be the last. Much like nearly all of the other times, he had too much fun fighting him off. "Ooh, you have no idea." He grinned, still struggling against the two.
As Lee kicked, Ishida was fast, grabbing his ankle, fir Lee's trouble, Taka struck him, drilling his knuckles into his ribs. He manhandled his head around, something hard being pushed in his mouth...not Taka, but a gag that held his mouth open. Ishida rutted forward, thrusting with his rough aggression, bending Lee's legs.
"Damn-- ahh!" He cried out, his owner always so quick, the punch to his ribs shocking him. His cock no doubt twitched in response to the harsh attack from Takahashi. He blinked, wincing as something was shoved into his mouth... and kept his mouth open. He groaned, confused as he tried to look between his two 'assailants.' No more could he cry about his 'husband' not desiring him anymore after his attack. He could only moan, sweet sounds to his owner and trainer as they used his body for their own pleasure. He tried to struggle once more, kicking a leg or aimlessly throwing a punch. Pain filled him, the strikes to his body and his owner thrusting into him, quickly finding his prostate. He moaned around the open gag, clearly wanting more.
Taka was happy to oblige Lee's greedy body, angling his head back sa he knelt on the pillows, hus cock rubbing on Lee's open lips, then drove inti the open gag, slowly digging inti his mouth to thrust his hips. Enough space to breath and be comfortable...but his master cared little for that. Ishida wrapping a hand around Lee's throat.
Lee looked up at Takahashi, the sight of his cock exciting him. He was eager to play with both of them, the two indulging in his whims. The gag gave Takahashi enough space to slide inside, the other still teasing him by brushing against his lips. With the other inside, he lapped at the tip before more filled his mouth, Lee licking around him before he started thrusting. His trainer showed him mercy, Lee surprised he could still breathe. It was short lived, his owner cutting off his air supply and made the hole tight for Taka for when he got that far. Lee moaned around the cock in his mouth, his lungs already beginning to burn, begging for some air. He fidgetted some when it got to be too much, Lee trying to turn his head away. Muffled moans and small cries left him, recalling he was supposed to be fighting back and tried a bit harder to escape.
Lee appreciated his trainer's attempts to give him air, though at this point he would gladly let them fuck him until he passed out. He felt used up, begging for air as his owner slammed into him so harshly, so nicely. He'd lose air before Takahashi would try thrusting into his mouth again, Lee going dizzy from the breathless spit roasting, almost not even noticing his trainer using his hands for support. Even in his state, he recalled needing to try to last, not cumming until his owner did. It was still quite early, but Lee tried to keep it in mind to hold out. He had quickly given up on resisting, letting the two use him. The masochist was getting off on such treatment.
Lee gasped, thankful Takahashi had backed up enough to allow him the air as Ishida let up. He got in some air, keeping him conscious still. He let out soft moans, muffled around the cock in his mouth as his trainer teased his nipples. "Mmnnn~" he groaned, not wanting any of them to stop. Ishida choking him kept him lightheaded, nearly fading in and out. He felt really good- high even. Any struggling had ceased completely, only when he was about to really pass out and his body acted on its own to save itself. Otherwise, he was the near perfect sex toy. He moaned around Takahashi's cock as his master fucked him so good. He could feel himself nearing his release, but he was really trying to hold back. Lee had no idea if it was at all possible.
As Lee clung onto his nut, trying not to shoot early without his masters release first, Ishida was thrusting inti him faster, as if trying to knock it out of him. No. Ishida was rougher than usual, his fingers biting inti his pecks, digging his chest as he beat his prostate inti submission. He was thribbing inside Lee, getting off on the moment, raping his slave with his trainer to muffle and choke him.
As much as Lee tried to hold back, his owner was too harsh on him, his body loving every rough slam into his body. He had no idea if Ishida was being harsher than usual, perhaps from slightly slipping in and out of consciousness, he only knew he wasn't able to last. His body tensed, shooting his release onto his stomach with a strangled cry.
Lee, rather used to punishment when he came first, was fully expecting a slap or hit. Yet, when nothing happened, he grew nervous. There wasn't anything he could say, just take their torment until they reached their orgasms. He swallowed Takahashi down the best he could despite the gag, figuring his trainer would be finished. Ishida came next, filling him from the inside. Lee knew he wouldn't be satisfied after just one round. He turned his head, needing air, panting heavily if he could get some. The torment wouldn't end, Lee expecting Ishida to keep going, small whines leaving his lips as he clung to the bedsheets under him.
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Takahashi wasn't trying to shove back inside or use his mouth, allowing Lee to take a moment to breathe. As usual, his owner still had plenty to go, Lee still quite astonished by his drive. Damn! He didn't mind it, loving as he was pounded into. Even after he came and Ishida kept going, the discomfort from the sensitivity he felt brought him even more pleasure. He whined softly around the gag, not realizing he could remove it by himself as his hands weren't restrained. He didn't want him to stop as he moved him about, jerking him this way and that. "Oh..." He softly mused, the word muffled. To be stuffed by his owner and trainer? "Please~" He urged, hoping he was able to get his point across.
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Lee happily pushed aside the little game to test out if he could take both of them at once. He let them adjust, moving him about, Ishida stretching him oh so wide to fit his trainer. He winced lightly, wanting to speak but the gag was in the way. As the two were distracted trying to stuff him, he reached a hand up to pull the gag away. "Ah! Fuck, oh my god," he groaned, feeling as if he was going to break. Pushing through was the hard part, though his owner slicked him up nicely inside from his cum, allowing Takahashi to slide in easier the rest of the way. "Ahhnn~" He became incredibly tight to the both, Lee wondering if they each had enough room to move. He wasn't so sure if it was a good idea, a small part of him worried it was too much, but another part begged them to try.

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