General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Spotting the book right atop the desk, Lee grabbed it. He was surprised the other hadn't stopped him, his mind buzzing with curiosity and excitement. Only when he turned to face Ishida, straightening himself out in his lap, did he open the surprisingly heavy little book. He found he couldn't read anything as he flipped through the pages, hoping there would possibly be one word he could read. Alas, the entire thing was in Japanese. He had gotten to the pages he and his friends were written in, skipping them over as he couldn't read their names. All he could really take in was that a lot of people owed Ishida money.

He settled in his place in Ishida's lap, enjoying the feeling of those hands on his hips. He felt at home, right where he belonged.

"Mmm... Aw, it's all in Japanese." He feigned disappointment, though he may have been - just a little. He lowered the hands holding the book, looking up at his owner as he caught Ishida looking to get his attention. "Lucky you, your secrets are safe," he teased, handing the book back to him. He lazily wrapped his arms around the other's neck, leaning in until their foreheads were nearly touching.

"All those poor people... Won't Master just play with me instead?" Was that some sort of attempt at saving all those people? Certainly not, Ishida wouldn't be a debt collector if Lee rid him of all those that wronged him. He alone couldn't save many. Just himself and his friends.
"I can play with you. " He said as the slave tried to tempt over him, his hands shifting and against grasping into the males backside. "But my empire doesn't run on playing just with your debts and your body" He whispered as he leaned down and nipped the slave on lip. "Don't tell me your feeling so strongly from just hearing me talk about other slaves"
"No, no. I wouldn't expect that." Realistically, anyway. He pressed closer as he was grasped, letting him nip at his lip. He was caught, not that he would admit to such. "What~?" He mused, shaking his head. "Strongly? For the madman who got me to sell myself to him? Beating me whenever you get a chance~. Not at all." The masochistic in him loved it, something he couldn't exactly hide from the other when his dick told on him every time.
"Lying to your master is a sin." Ishida said smirking as he grabbed the slave harder, rubbing and pulling on his pants. "You wouldn't want to lose all that suffering that you want so badly for want to savor every drop of pain I can pour upon you." He said as he shifted his head forward, butting against the slave next.
"Oh, is it now?" How could he get away with lying to him? He must have had many pets before him to know. "I would never." A hand came down to hold over the one pulling at his pants. They had just played yet the other wanted to mess around with him again. Since selling himself he would never get a say in whether they played. It was whenever Ishida wanted to.

He shook his head, resting his forehead against the others when their heads butted together. The simple contact felt so good to him, even as he was slipping out of subspace."I suppose not. I can't lie about that. I don't want to assume you've ever met someone like me." Had the other felt the same way about him? Not wanting to lose such a pet, his body outwardly showing how much he enjoyed how the other hurt him, how much he wanted him. "...Am I wrong~?"
"You are of a kind, I've never found a slave that was quite like you." He said as the slave grasped onto his hand. "I think that if I found you in the wild, I would have stolen you from your little life for fun." He purred into Lee's ear as he squeezed him. "You fight because you want it all the harsher"
Lee seemed to swell with happiness and joy hearing those words. He wouldn't show it and he would do his damn best not to let the other know. He was thankful the other couldn't see his face. How his cheeks reddened and the grin he couldn't hide. How the other affected him so; making him shudder as he whispered in his ear and Lee pressed closer, letting go of the wandering hand. He was almost clinging to the other, lips close to his master's ear. "How do I know you're not lying," he tested him, lighthearted. He had a feeling he wasn't, yet the brat in him had to fight him somehow. Just as the other said. "You know nothing about me besides a night and day messing with me." He wasn't denying it, still, he couldn't help himself.
"I know that you feel good when I use you...after all, I don't even know your first name. I honestly could go on calling you Tea Boy forever. Your body is worth raping and playing with, again and again-and if I'm going to retreat you as inwant..I see how you get all hot." He said as he lurched up, lifting him and slamming his back on the desk.
Ishida knew him too well, and yet not at all. He knew how his body physically reacted and how he got to him mentally. His body and subconscious wanted Ishida - Lee a slave to himself. Either the other truly hadn't learned his name or he simply forgot it. He must have known it if he had added Lee to his ledger.

"Do you want to know?" Or rather, have a reminder? He could leave the other curious, his own little way of torturing his master. Until the other would look through his ledger or even at the paper he signed.

Lee would never learn why his body reacted the way it did around Ishida. The horrific promises of using him as he wanted, hurting him, and forcing himself onto him, Lee was already shuddering at the thought. Before he knew it, he was suddenly on his back on top of the desk. "Oh!" He gasped in surprise, the force of the slam stinging his back. "I've already earned my right to get fucked on your desk~?" His hands found their way around his master's neck, pulling him down, his lips just barely touching Ishida's. "How lucky~."
Ishida smirked. "I said I don't know. I never said I cared. You're Tea Boy. That's all I need to know." He said as he glared down over him, the excitement in tye slaves eyes making the master tease him back, dodging the warm advances. "Heh- you're on the desk, but does that mean I'm going to fuck you?" He said as he turned Lee over. The door opened up suddenly, Takahashi stepping in with something in his hands. He was wearing thick gloves holding aloft a peice of steel with a flattened stamp face upon one end. It was flickering bright red, seeming hot no doubt. "Just because your eager, and willing, doesn't mean you earned the spot yet." Ishida said as if he had planned this out...perhaps merely rolling with it. "Ready for the pain, Tea Boy?"
Hmm, well. That was that. If the other really wanted to know, he had a few options to find out. The other didn't even let him get close enough, the other dodging as he tried to pull him close. Fine, fine. It was only okay if the master advanced, not the pet. He kept that in mind, for next time. He turned without much fuss, Lee really thinking they were about to do it again. Yet Ishida seemed to have other ideas. "Mm? Quite the position to be in if we're not going to... oh." He trailed off, pausing as the door opened and Takahashi entered, the man holding something. He wasn't quite sure what it was, not at first. When the other moved it in his hands he swallowed hard. He couldn't get a good look, though he recalled Ishida mentioning branding and his gang symbol. He just wanted to get one good look...!

It was finally there yet he wasn't ready. Resisting would be futile, but he was human. "W-Wait, now?" He knew how his body would react, having shown that plenty of times since meeting Ishida. Could he still rely on it? Such heat... His eyes quickly scanned over the desk, wanting something to grab as he would feel the searing pain. It would come whether he wanted it or not, so he could make it better - somehow. He didn't find anything and simply braced himself for the heat.
As Lee panicked, his hands were pinned to the desk...his fear only inspired his master's sadistic erection to make itself get restless. The mobster soaking in the faintest sense of dominance. But Lee's pants were yanked down as he knew resisting would only lead to getting harsher treatment...and he didn't want to risk a bad tag with the iron no doubt. It was all fun and masochism until He accidentally burned himself and made Ishida put him back in his cell to think about his behavior Ishida took the heated tong, but Takahashi put something in front of Lee's face—a leather-wrapped stick. Something no doubt to keep the Slave from biting through his tongue, or screaming too loudly.. The goon wedges it into Lee's mouth, and Ishida manhandled lees arms, pinning them behind hus back with one hand while the other slowly drew in on her right ass cheek, to sear the slave with the gang sign,, a Simple blossom symbol.
Lee's panic and the feeling of hopelessness rose, his heart racing and blood pumping as he was pinned down to the desk. The blood would all rush downward, getting himself excited, and a little dizzy. Struggling too much could end in him really hurting himself, or even Ishida. He only tried to pull free, lifting his pinned hands and body, though when he knew he couldn't, he would stop. Only when the heated tong came closer did the panic naturally rise and he tried harder to free himself while keeping in mind the risk of hurting either of them.

"M-Master...!" He gasped, blinking when something for him to bite on came into view. Looking up, he could appreciate Takahashi's help, silently thanking him even as it was wedged into his mouth, Lee happily accepted it by opening his mouth as wide as he could. He whimpered behind the leather as his pinned hands were now behind his back, allowing Ishida to pin him with one hand while delivering the brand with the other. His eyes squeezed shut, a muffled scream emitting deep from his throat as he felt the burning sear of his new brand. He could feel tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. It was a struggle not to fight too hard even when his body acted on instinct and attempted to escape from the thing causing him pain and harm. He wouldn't be sitting for a while, not while the brand healed.

His hands squeezed tightly into fists behind him, nails digging into his palms, until they began to loosen as the horrid pain began to subside. Endorphins rushed through his system, increased due to his love for pain, his body naturally turning it to pleasure. He felt a tad lightheaded, almost high, as Lee relaxed under his owner's hold, his cock hard underneath him. He wasn't even looking to get excited or to play, Ishida and what that man did to him affected him.
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As Lee relaxed, the burning and pain echoing through the slave, each one morphing into his sick twisted pleasures, Ishida let go of his wrists and turned the ting over, tempted to burn the slave a second time..but he wanted to savor such marking. Takahashi took the tong away, bowing to his boss before he left with the torturing tool. Ishida jerked Lee backwards, using the dazed slaves wrists to hike him off the desk. "Tea Boy, are you in there?" His master teased
Lee savored the feeling, the absolute pleasure that soared through him. He felt that familiar daze overcome him, the comfort that he allowed himself to slip away into. No longer needing the leather note guard, he allowed for it to fall from his mouth, the pet panting from the overwhelming sensations.

In his daze he was unaware his master wanted to mark him again. His arms were suddenly free, Lee stretching them out in front of him. Every movement felt great, even as he was pulled back, the mark momentarily pressing against his master’s front, he winced as a shudder went through him.

He shook his head, finding his concern amusing and a little cute. He was feeling affection for someone he shouldn’t, his thoughts certainly twisted. Ah, if only he didn’t get off on pain. Would Ishida still be having fun with him if he hadn’t?

“I’m fine… yeah. I’m good,” he said, sounding a little out of it. Only because every sensation hit him at once. He went to turn around to face the other. “You better know wound care,” he teased. There was a certain look in his eyes, relaxed and a bit spacey.
"Of course we do." He said as Lee bumped against his lap, the master spanking the slave's scalded cheek...though he angled it to avoid any ripping to the burn. He wanted the scar to be perfect. "You think you're the first person I've burned for fun?" He said as Takahashi set up a small kit. Byr he'd leave the pair to it..he had other affairs to manage. Ishida pulled the box over, popping it open to reveal a burn kit to treat and patch the fresh wound. "You're now purely a part of my organization, Tea Boy."
He would cry out at the spank, the pain burning and lingering after the contact. The question did leave his mind wandering. There were others before him, of course. Takahashi reappeared and Lee was thankful for the distraction that was him bringing them the burn kit. “Huh…” he would mumble however in response.

He didn’t know what it was at first until it opened. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared, feeling almost special that his master would care for him after all. Ishida cared for him.

… Shit. He was deep in there, his mind sobering up for just that short moment as the realization set in. He would be Ishida’s - forever. He knew that, yet with the permanent mark on his body, there was truly no escape.

“Ah… what is your group called?”
"The Ryuikage Syndicate." Ishida said as he applied the burn paste , then unsleeves the medical patch, slowly rolling it on. "You are owned by me, and until your contract is up Tea Boy, you'll be an extension of me to the organization. " He said as he reached down, grabbing the slave by the balls, squeezing on them.
He nodded slowly, taking in what the other said. He felt a sense of comfort in Ishida actually telling him things and not just brushing him off or telling him he needed to earn it. This perhaps was not one of those things as he had been branded with the group's mark. Earning a right by pleasing him didn't sound so bad, either...

He would blame slipping into subspace as the reason for thinking that. The medication the other applied felt nice and he felt protection in the area as it was covered. "Ah! Mm..." He jumped, groaning softly at the grab. Ensuring his hold wasn't on him anymore to twist any sensitive part of him, he turned around, wanting to face the other. Adjusting his pants to hide his growing erection (not that it mattered), he carefully hopped onto the desk, wincing and shuddering as pain filled him. "Nn... Damn. Can't do that anymore." He crossed his legs, hoping to put some pressure off the wounded side. "Way to go taking that from me," he jested.
"I told you. Desk is earned Tea Boy. You earn with hardworking and sacrifice....mostly sacrificing for me-" Ishida said while Lee tried his best to angle himself and ease the pressure. Ishida flicked the slaves growing erection, cleanly able to sys out that the servant was struggling. The constant pain shocking , the reminder of his independence slipping away when further. Ishida would keep marking him, in new and ever so intriguing ways. Would he dress him too...perhaps. "Your still only below- I think. Very few have had the privilege."
"Whaat, I can't just sit here~? I'm not looking for sex~," he joked, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway," he grinned, waving him off teasingly. He uncrossed his legs and laid a hand between them to cover himself and protect himself from further teasing and assault on his dick when it was flicked. "Mm, hey now," he would joke, a sultry look in his eyes. "I've already sacrificed plenty. My life, my freedom. What more do you want~?" He would continue teasing him, curious anyway of his response. He did want to know what more he had to give up for him.

"Oh?" He was curious now. "Who were these lucky people?" He had no right to ask, yet his subspace had him playful and teasing it seemed. He could already figure out what to do to rise through the ranks.
"Your undying loyalty and your daily worship." Ishida said, though the look in his eyes made it difficult to truly tell if Ishida was simply playing it up...or truly wanted Lee to utterly fold and become some sort of sex fed cultists in the name of his captor. "Perhaps to test your will." He said shrugging as he covered himself, but the yakuza would grab his hands, forcing them away. As he shifted up closer, his lips curled into a smile briefly. A cold thing. "Oh? You want me to count the names? Perhaps it was a friend of yours?" He teased back.
"We'll see about that." He grinned with a slight tilt of his head, his eyes searching Ishida's. He would likely be wrong in assuming the other was kidding, though the thought crossed his mind. "You need to test it anymore?" He asked, pointing to his chest with his free hand, before actually moving his shirt up to show the characters carved into his chest, a pretty reminder to Ishida that he claimed the younger male. The marks were covered in dried blood, the black shirt hiding any stained blood that seeped through.

He gasped, however, as his hands were grabbed and moved, no longer able to hide his erection. He shrugged, "Maybe." He wouldn't actually know anyone, he was just enjoying playing with the male. With his hands in Ishida's grasp, he tried to pull him forward, even closer than he already was between now spread legs. If he could, he wanted to wrap his arms around his neck, in a way to keep him close. The warmth from his body felt nice, comforting - something he didn't want to lose.

"I better be added to that list. Right at the top." Was he just messing with him? Maybe to rile him up.
"Heh- that's not devotion. That's a reminder." He said as he looked at the marking, but as Lee latched into him, he hummed and grasped on the back of his head. Considering the list of slaves he had...and his very few actual partners. "You'll have to beat Kasu." He whispered, challenging the slave with the knowledge.
"Ah, right. A reminder." He jested, his head stilling as it was grabbed. A name was actually given, and Lee felt that same sense of jealousy as before build up. He didn't think the other would tell him. Just leave him with the knowledge that there were others. Of course there were.

"Kasu?" He repeated, his voice soft and full of wonder. There was a chance he wanted to rile the other up, but instead, Ishida was the one doing the riling. "Hmm," he hummed softly. That was a feminine name, wasn't it? "You swing both ways?" He would ask, leaning in a little more to nip at his neck, enjoying the tugging of his hair. He felt the challenge; Lee mentally preparing what he had to do in order to beat this person. "What kind of person were they?" He had to know to beat them, after all!
Ishida tensed faintly as he felt Lee's lips...though it wasn't out of aggression of suspicion. No. He was holding in a laugh. "No. Kasumi isn't a woman." Not that Kasumi wouldn't have played it up fir fun. "But you wouldn't know that until you got your hands on him." He said thoughtfully, thinking on such warm memories. "Hm...Softer than a marshmallow, kind, the kind of thing id want to handle with utomost care. Didn't care what others saw, as long as ot was him. " his eyes flickered michevoiusly "a complete sex addict. Poor thing couldn't stop squirming for it, the second the day started, he needed me to pin him. It was probably over 4 times a day, not counting just encore performances, not even whatever lewd thought that set him off."
Lee gently nipped at the skin, moving his lips down before coming back up to get every inch of his neck. Oh, huh. Just as this person's name was feminine, he must have been pretty feminine himself. This Kasumi seemed to be the total opposite of Lee, though Lee did have his moments. Hell, he was soft and affectionate when he was in subspace before! He sounded... really nice. And Ishida was with him? "Wait, you, a sadist was with this sweet guy?" He almost had to laugh at the thought, the absurdity of it all.

Oh--. Sex addict? He wasn't sure if he matched that, though he was always raring to go whenever the other hurt him. He enjoyed sex, it was the perfect distraction and escape whenever he was with a partner. Being with Ishida gave him that exact distraction and escape; a near permanent one, as he was no longer around the main source of his misery. There wasn't saying he wouldn't run into his father again. Unless he was out and about with Ishida... There was a slim chance for interaction. Perhaps that is why he subconsciously didn't mind being where he was.

"How'd you meet this guy?" Was the burning question that he just had to know. He would be shocked to hear the guy was willingly with Ishida. Yet, if he was just in for the sex, then...
"Things were different, a long story, but I was his handler for a couple of months during some...negotiations. we hit it off over some little drama thatvwas out at the time and...I guess being cooped up so often, we had alot of time close together. He picked up on what I was looking at him for and baited me...I think it was supposed to be a fling, but we couldn't stop for the life of us. ...he was addicted to feeling good a bit but I think I made that way worse in those times. " Ishida was almost shocked at himself that he could reminisce over Kasumi so well. He almost could remember everything about him, down to the tips of his toes...then again, they had quite the connection in those short years. "If you had to call it anything, he wasn't a pet, but a flame. In some way you probably could say he's the reason I'm in America."
Lee rested his chin atop Ishida's shoulder as he quietly listened to his story. This Kasumi sounded quite interesting, possibly ruined by their constant sex. Was this the same person Ishida had been referencing before? He definitely still thought about him, Lee's jealousy growing. He shouldn't, but he wanted to be the only one on Ishida's mind. The possessiveness he showed earlier, literally branding him and cutting whatever the hell those characters stood for on his chest... only to be tossed away when Ishida got his money back.

He pressed closer, even for just a moment wanting to enjoy being near him. It sounded like they dated, in whatever way that was.

Ooh, now there was a story he wanted to hear.

"What happened?" He asked softly. It seemed if it wasn't for this Kasumi, he never would have met Ishida. Whatever the hell happened.
Ishida felt the squeeze if Lee, his head shifting as he listened to the curious question. He considered that story. "Another long story." He said simply. Bit rather than giving that answer, Ishida tilted the slaves head back while they were dwelling on their reality. That all this was temporary...Unless his friends failed to buy him.back...would that be so bad? The Yakuza kissed his slave, hus tongue punching inti Lee's mouth to rip his thoughts away.

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