General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

No matter what, Ishida would get his way. The mayor seemed to finally give in, albeit on his own terms. The men raised their glasses then, drinking together. That seemed to be it, the men eventually leaving. It was just him and Ishida left and Lee figured it would be fine to break character. The doors closed and Lee walked over to Ishida, gently placing his hands on his shoulders. He rubbed them, similarly to how he did the other day when he seemed stressed. Lee could understand his current stressor, having been witness to it himself.

"That was... tough." He spoke up quietly, wanting to show sympathy toward his owner. One of their own was dead - part of Ishida's plan. The entire situation was wild, beyond Lee's understanding. If he could help ease Ishida's tension, he would try. That was all he was there for, after all.
Ishida closed his eyes while Lee rubbed his shoulders, his tou h seeming to be remembered. "It's the price if business. " He said simply as he reached up, a reared vulnerable move passing over him. He rubbed the slaves hands. "If I didn't use it,, Sangs territory would have been divided up anyway...thus way everyone wins."
Lee gave a nod, trying to understand all this yakuza business. Perhaps he was better off just knowing how to be obedient and please Ishida... and the other gangster's tea orders. A gentle smile appeared on his lips, enjoying the soft touches from his master's hand. He loved both, the pain they caused, and the rare kindness he could show him. "Mm..." He hummed softly, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his neck. "We should get out of here." Anything to remove him from the source of his stress, the room itself - a constant reminder of the hell his master was in. "Want a drink?" Something to relax his master, to ease his nerves. He didn't even know what time it was, but a little drink wouldn't hurt.
Ishida hummed aa Lee kissed his beck, the master briefly wondering if this was some sort of trick...but shifted out of his chair. "It's never too late for a drink." He said simply as he rolled up the map on the table, putting up again. He'd lead Lee from the meeting room, the security naturally cleared outa ways back in the gambling den, a set of cleaners were scrubbing the floor clean of the blood trail dragged in. It had to still be early day in the club, things were still being set up. But the bar didn't need much work. Ishida sat down.
It was no trick, something he couldn't exactly prove. After witnessing something so shocking, he couldn't imagine the stress and things he was going through. Lee shouldn't feel sympathy for the other, his captor and abuser. He still couldn't help himself. He grinned when Ishida hadn't turned down his offer. He stepped back, giving him room as he put the map away and pulled his chair out to stand. Still in his 'tea boy' uniform, he was led through the back of the club toward the main floor. He tried to ignore the very real reminder, that woman bursting through, bleeding with glass stabbing her in the back and shoulders.

Jesus, Lee needed a drink himself after seeing that. He felt right at home back at the bar. He placed one of his usual orders, something light and sweet, pausing as he didn't know what Ishida liked. "Oh, hmm. What do you usually like to drink?" He asked, sitting next to Ishida.
"I've a taste for sake, reminds me of my old stomping grounds." Ishida said as he sideveyes the slave at his question. But the bartender was already pouting their drinks, setting up their favorites upon request. Ishida picked up a menu, sending out an order for some food as well. "You did well today for being thrown into the deep end."
Ah, that made sense. "Do you ever want to go back? To Japan?" He asked, turning in his seat to face the other and leaning against the bar. Food? He lit up as some was being ordered. He was rather hungry after everything. He nodded gently, comforted by the praise. "It was a lot, I'll admit." But he did well! "I couldn't imagine going through stuff like that every day." His owner was quite strong, mentally. Lee assumed so, anyway. How did he keep his cool? It was amazing.
"I...would if I could." He said reaching out as the bartender set a small porcelain bottle and cup to pour his drink. "I've been sent here as a compromise." He said as he set the bottle down. He listened ti Lee soak in his praise. "Most of my meetings aren't as dramatic as that one was." He said with a chuckle
He was starting to get more out of the other. Hmm, would drinking help any? As he thought about it, he had yet to see Ishida drunk. Certainly, it wasn't his aim, not for the most part. He just wanted to calm him down. "What happened?" He asked, keeping his voice soft, gentle, curious.

"Mm, of course, my first had to be dramatic." As was his entire life. It was only fitting. "So, what's with the uniform? Had a Chinese servant?" It felt odd to say, but he was curious, with Ishida being Japanese and all. Hey, if it was just the aesthetic he liked, then fine.
"You're asking two questions. I'll answer one of them." He said smirking as he sipped the rice wine slowly. He shifted around, facing Lee. "I had a servant sold to me for the sake of a mutual deal. Pretty thing. Smart too. He wanted to stand out I suppose, Maybe flaunt in the hopes that he could make me attached, begged to have something nice. I had a bunch of those made...they certainly worked at the time." He said as he propped his head on his off hand.
Lee pouted but decided not to fight him on it. He would get his question answered - one day! Drink in hand, he took a sip, enjoying the sweet taste. His head tilted some to the side in curiosity as he listened. As his question was denied earlier, he thought over what to ask this time. He wanted to know so much, about how many slaves he had before him, where he was now... if he was still alive. He begged to have something nice, huh?

"Why the same uniform?" He asked right before the food arrived. He hesitated to pick, realizing he hadn't been given permission yet. He drank for drink for now.
"I thought it would look good on you, and I figured why not utilize them. You also don't strike me as the women's clothes type." He said as he food was set down before him a bowl of simple white rice, but resting on top was a rolled omelet. He took up a pair of chop sticks, gently slicing the omelet open for it to unfurl. He caught Lee watching, but simply used his elbow to slide the menu over.
Huh, well. He could accept that, he guessed. "Mmm. I have to admit, it does look nice." Taking a sip, he laughed softly, "You've definitely got that right." ...Oh. Shit. If Ishida wanted, he could use that against him. As the menu was offered to him, he happily took it, sliding it over to his side. He turned to face the bar, taking a good look through the menu. He loved this place, it was basically the only bar that served amazing Japanese food. Knowing that the owner was Japanese it all made sense.

He placed his order, something simple with chicken and rice. Sipping at his drink, he mulled over just about everything.

"Have you ever fallen for a slave?" Yeah, he had to ask.
Ishida enjoyed his omurice while Lee ordered, pausing to swallow as he was raising another question. Though this time he snorted. "Asking to see if you have a shot at becoming more than my property?" Ishida shot back as the bartender sent up the order to the kitchen staff. " I haven't. You can't love a sex doll beyond how good you feel when your inside of it. " He said as he leered at Lee.
Ah, hmm. Yep. Just... yeah. He just met the guy, he was falling for the pleasure, not the person! "Whaat? Hell no, you're an asshole. I can't wait to get out of here." He shook his head, hoping he sounded convincing like he definitely didn't want to stick around. Well, not like he was that eager to leave, he didn't need Ishida thinking he was planning an escape.

Would that really be so bad? He gets punished so sweetly--

No, certainly not. He nodded, "Right. Yeah, that makes sense." He held back a sigh, focusing on his drink. He answered his question after all and Lee settled on it. There was no chance. He loved the other's wording, loved how he was able to give him pleasure just by using his body. Nothing felt better than that to Lee. "You just loved Kasumi," he said, soon after realizing that perhaps that was a mistake bringing him up. It totally depended on Ishida's feelings toward that particular topic, how much possible pain it brought him. Damn, was he going to die before getting some food? He didn't mean to suggest Kasumi was a slave - just that he could have fallen for him.
"You asked about it- sounds like you're dreaming of more." He said as he drank a bit more. "If your so eager to escape, you'll have to earn money-" he started to say , leaning forward. But in the midst of his jetting, he heard Lee's assumption. Ishida scowled, his humors shifting. "Kasumi wasn't some slave like you." He said, grabbing Lee's arm, where he was cut from the other day. "You've got no knowledge ti talk about him."
"Nope, not at all." Was he really so obvious? Hey, he couldn't help the way his body reacted~! "I just want to know more about you. Is that such a crime?" Perhaps, he was very lucky that Ishida was answering any questions at all. Oh, what could he do? "Yeah? Well, give me something to do then." So he could fail at it--

Ishida wasn't thrilled about him bringing up that other guy, hurting him to make his point. Quite unfortunate the uniform exposed all marks Ishida had made on his arms. God, and those men probably saw, too. "Ah!" He yelped, trying to pull his arm away. What a sore subject. "I wasn't suggesting that at all." No, just the way he went from falling for slaves to that guy.
As he tried to pull away, Ishida jerked him, keeping him in range, the anger that clearly was in this masters eyes, his very soul whenever Lee brought the topic up was telling. Ishida loosened his hold as Lee's food came up to the bar counter. "He was not a slave." He said, not quite opening to the slave, but he figured giving him that much was fair. "Though if I took slaves for debt...I probably wouldn't have the thought to chase people around if he was a slave I had."
Ishida's strong hold held him in place, pulling him back if he managed to move even an inch. He had definitely struck a nerve seeing the anger in those eyes. He stilled himself, wincing still at the pain in his arm, Lee begging his body not to react this time. He looked away, hoping eye contact wouldn't anger him further. He stared down at the bar counter, glancing up only when his food arrived. He still didn't move, not until Ishida fully let him go. He nodded, not looking to argue that. "I get it. I... I'm sorry," he apologized. Maybe... it would be better if he didn't bring up that topic again.

Once he thought it was safe he began eating. Hmm. If only he could meet this Kasumi, to get to know what made him so special to Ishida. He stopped bothering the other with questions... for now. He just wanted to know more about Ishida, but figured he would be happy to eat a meal in peace.
As Lee looked away to try to silently eat, he felt his masters stare scorching into him, searing with a fresh anger. "What? You scared now? Cat git your tongue Tea Boy?" He said as he glared harder, his silence seeming to only eneage the gangster more. The bartender shifted a look between them, but moved further down the bar to avoid getting involved. Lee felt his master grabbed in the back of his neck. "Nothing to say to your master now?"
"What?" He blinked, looking over at him, confused. "I said I was sorry, didn't I?" What more did he want? "I thought more questions would bother you," he said, catching the bartender disappear to the other side. Lee wasn't afraid to fight Ishida. He just figured he would prefer eating without Lee's constant badgering of questions.

That hand eventually returned to his neck and Lee placed his chopsticks down, quietly sighing. "What do you want?" He asked, looking at him. He clearly didn't like it when Lee fell silent. Did he want him to fight? He would happily resist him.
"Words are meaningless " Ishida said as his grip tightened. "I want action if you mean to apologize " He said as he grabbed the slaves hand, putting it on the counter. "When someone would disregard their boss, their apology would have to be good. Because if they failed to please them, he would demand only greater shows." He said as he held Lee's hand down. "He'd take a finger for how many attempts it would take!"
Ah, shit, he was right. Lee had completely forgotten; action over words. Though, as his hand was grabbed and pinned to the counter, he tried to pull back. "Okay, come on, let go." He shook his head, his anxiety rising as getting a finger cut off was suggested. He held back calling him crazy, those words meaning nothing to the other. Instead, he resisted harder, pulling back. "Let go!" He wouldn't put it past the other to actually cut his fingers off. He didn't even want to ask how the other expected to please him without fingers - his mind going to some terrible places.

"What do I do? What do you want?" He asked, having no idea if he was serious or not.
Ishida felt Lee's panic, seeing his fear, the way he tried to fight, but his master stood up, yelling something in Japanese to the bartender. The man rustled with something, metal rattling around as Ishida pushed Lee's head down, holding him to look at his offending hand. "You think you just get to ask! That's cute!" Ishida said as the bartender put a hand on Lee's head, Ishida taking something up. "I think I'll take something from you!" He hissed. Ishida stabbed forward...passed Lee's hand, onto his bowl to Lance his chicken, ripping the meat in half to steal it away.
Lee looked toward the bartender as Ishida got his attention, the man getting something for him. Wow, wait, was he serious? He gasped, his head forced down, his eyes landing on his pinned hand. What the fuck was he going to do, play that knife game? Or go right for chopping them off? Before he could even think of getting up, the bartender took over holding his head down. "Fuck, stop!" Damn, he was just trying to be good and end the conversation!

He squeezed his eyes closed, awaiting the inevitable pain. The knife stabbed down, the pain never coming, and he slowly opened his eyes, finding the knife nowhere near his hand but in his bowl. He let out a breath, not realizing he had been holding it in. He was at a loss for words. Calling him crazy had no effect. Without speaking, he again tried to pull away, wanting to take his food and disappear into one of the booths away from the bar. He wasn't mad, he just didn't know how to respond other than his usual banter.
He was released, yet the hold on him was still strong - Ishida got up and followed right behind him. Oh, my god. He found a booth in a corner and sat down, moving himself to the end against the partition wall. Ignoring Ishida, he resumed his meal. Something about ignoring his master was interesting, amusing. It was also pretty scary, Lee knowing a beating would be coming his way soon. Followed by some hot sex. Was Ishida becoming predictable? It was too soon to say, they only met a few days ago.

He was interested in what Ishida would do if he simply didn't respond. He knew he would be in trouble, that was a given. The curiosity was too great.
As Lee tried to eat, Ishida's temper burned hotter, his hand slapping the bowl off the table....the other grabbing the slave and throwing him out if the booth next. Nearly right onto the shattered bowl, but by fate...or some chance that Ishida was still trying not to maim Lee...too horribly, he was dropped onto his side. The rattle of leather on cloth came next as Ishida whipped off his belt, as if Lee was a child in a tantrum and he was going simply give him better reason to cry. The black leather whip screamed down aiming to brutalize Lee's arms first.
Lee was surprised, a part of him having a feeling that was about to happen. God, what a child. He was grabbed next and tossed onto the floor, thankfully not onto the shattered glass. Oh, fuck, he would have been the next one with glass in his back and shoulders. He shuddered at the thought, rolling onto his back, his arms instinctively coming up to defend himself seeing the belt.

Now Ishida was entering into Lee's territory. He wasn't new to being beaten with a belt. Narrowing eyes, he tried to grab for the belt as it hit him, wincing even if it stung his hand. He would pull it back, shaking it from the pain, before trying again. Even if he failed, he still tried to get up. The moment he could, he glanced behind Ishida seeing the booth behind him. He shoved the man forward, into the booth seat, quickly climbing into his lap to straddle him. "Fucking quit it!" God, what an asshole. He prepared himself to be thrown off, whatever the hell the other would do. He could feel tears stinging the corner of his eyes, the memories of past beatings from his father flooding his mind. He was frustrated. Honestly, he didn't think such a thing would affect him. Not when it was Ishida doing the beating.
As Ishida was managed to be shoved zbd climbed, Lee's counter catching him off for the opening moment, But his head snapped forward, not shoving Lee or pushing. No Lee didn't realize what he was walking into. Ishida headbutt him in the mouth, first, slamming into him before he could get through his words. The masters next move wasn't for play either, throwing out elbows into the slaves ribs, his liver. He wasn't hitting to inflict pain, Ishida was already jumping to an actual fight...then again, what was he to think?. He bucked upwards , raising his hips to throw Lee around onto the booth table.

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