Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

Jason rolled his eyes "Well, I mean that might happen... But I was rather hoping you'd take the lead on this one. From what I've heard, Watson uses Magnemite and Magneton, so you'd have a type advantage over them. But if you really want to see Markus get zapped..." Markus narrowed his eyes, before turning his head to Bonnie "Fine. But only if you pay me back."
As they battered back and forth bickering at each other even in the dark...they would eventually wind down into silence...after a pillow is hurled across the room to lay the law down.

In the morning, Bonnie was up well before the proper time, thecother two waking up to her doing squats in the kitchen, getting nice and ready for the gym today.
"300- 301- 302- 303- 304-" she counted put to herself as Markus was gawking at her from behind... she was in her gym clothing.. they were drenched in sweat, sticking tight to her body....the gym shorts hugging perfectly to her thighs abd making the perfect impression of her ass...she definitely wasn't wearing anything under them. "Oh- hey Markus-310- 311-" she said casually.
"Holy fuck..." Markus mumbled as he stared at her, licking his lips as he could see the curve of her ass through the shorts, seeing the cleft of it and wondering... "Hey, Bonnie... Isn't it uncomfortable, like that?" He asked, walking across and moving a hand to her rear, pinching the shorts and tugging them out of her ass.
"Ha-!" she shivered as he pulled on them gently, feeling the front rubbing between her legs. "Not really- I always did my morning squats. but i always did them naked in the wilds...i didn't think Jason would like to get to know me that well." She said as she kept her count in her head, shifting to go back down, the shorts bending and nearly instantly flex back along the cleft of her cheeks.
As they flexed and dove back between her cheeks, he reached in and tugged them out again "Ah, really? That makes sense..." He kept up his pattern, tugging them out basically every time she came back up "Shame we don't have our own room, huh? I'd love to watch your muscles flexing whilst you go up and down... Maybe not squats though..."
"Hey, don't have a go at me. I didn't put such a distracting show in the middle of the kitchen" He laughed, even as he walked past and started to make himself a bowl of cereal, eating it reasonably quickly and then returning to the bedroom. In the meantime, Jason walked out too, yawning and stretching his arms "Mmm, what was that noise about?" He asked.
Jason blinked and shrugged "I mean, I'm no Pokephile but... Yes. I would definitely call that distracting." He replied quite bluntly, before stepping past to start making himself something to eat. Meanwhile, Markus walked out in his Swimsuit, a towel around his midriff "Alright, Gonna go do some laps, be back in a bit." He called, walking out of the Hotel Room.
Bonnie blushed as she stood up. "Whatever-" She said as Jason bluntly told her the truth. She looked over as Markus came out, but walked to the shower to go rinse off and get freshened up. "Jason- I need you to buy me something big and hard to practice squeezing with my thighs" She called as she realized that her precious boulder field was now well outside of her reach.

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