Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

Markus pursed his lips, before huffing softly as she kissed his cheek "Mmmph, alright..." He laughed softly, leaning in and nipping her earlobe, one of his hands squeezing one of her breasts before they'd hear a knock at the door "Ahem. Are you two alright in there? I'm assuming from the laughter you didn't kill each other..."
Jason nodded “Sure. We can go in a few minutes. Better you pick than someone here…” he shot a pointed glance at Markus “If it was his choice, you’ll only have a couple ribbons to cover up with.” Markus glared at Jason, even as the trainer turned away “Anyhow, you two should probably get dressed if we’re going shopping.”
Bonnie walked with them, putting her gi top on , leaving it loosely tied for the moment. She was covering up her chest anyway, so she wasn't making it a problem. She followed by her team, looking around the shopping center, never quite so far from her home in the woods and lavaridge that she seemed to be interested by everything she was looking at.
As they walked, Markus hid his soft laughter behind a cough, even as Jason tapped Bonnie's shoulder "You're in charge for this one. I don't want to buy something you don't want, and I'm pretty sure you won't be too comfortable in whatever Markus would choose, so... If you see a shop, lead the way in." He instructed, even as Markus was looking around to see if there were any adult stores...
Bonnie looked around the shopping districts, but she started to wander, seeming to be winging it almost entirely as sge walked into the first store sge saw. Some kind of sporting goods store first, bouncing about from one ship to the next, picking up things she figured would work put. Gym clothes, t shirts, tank tops, a swim suit from a general store, shorts, nothing she picked was long in length...then again she also was constantly warm. If they weren't breathable it likely got stuffy. She threw in some underwear to her collection.
Jason paid for Bonnie's stuff without any real issues, except for Markus trying to sneak something less functional in. An incredibly short skirt, a Swimsuit that was clearly meant for a 'Mon with a smaller bust, that kind of thing. Jason did his best to stop Markus from getting those items into the collection Bonnie was building, but occasionally he'd miss it and it would be up to her if she took them out.
Markus shrugged "Hey, Just tryna help Bonnie." He replied, even as they walked back out into the main plaza of the shopping mall, Markus' eyes moving to a small, dark storefront that seemed tucked away, advertising nothing but the word "Adult" in the window "If I was desperate, I'd suggest we go there..." He gestured, even as he started to walk away.
Markus shrugged, not realising she was walking towards it "It's an Adult store. Just... weird sex stuff, mostly. Hence why I said if I really was desperate I'd try and get you in there." He answered her question, turning his head back around and realising she wasn't where he'd expected, even as Jason sighed "You had to point it out..."
The Clerk, a Bronzor, tilted their head "Mmm. I don't think you need anything from here for that." They replied, before gesturing around the dark store to indicate the various options, from stuff for her to wear to things for her to make Markus wear "But if you really wish, most females find the greatest luck in this area." The clerk lead her to a back corner, filled with various skimpy outfits that would make even the most stoic 'Mon blush from their lewdness. One was clearly a Loppuny, ripped black tights leading to a reverse bunnysuit upper body and a tail attached to a buttplug, whilst another was visibly a Gardevoir, with the only clothing being the white gown that left nothing beneath obscured. And there was more, as she kept looking deeper, even as Markus and Jason caught up, the Trainer sighing again, whilst the Vaporeon bit his lip and looked straight down.
Bonnie flushed slightly as the Bronzors compliment, gently flicking some of her hair from her face. "You's sizzle." She said simply as she let it lead her around, her head tilting as she was looking at the models of Mon. She blushed some. "Are Males truly so driven but dressing so scantily?"
The Bronzor shrugged, gesturing towards Markus who was incredibly interested in his shoes, apparently "Ask him. I got this job because I'm Ace." They explained, even as Jason rolled his eyes "Some of us, yes. Anyway. If you really desire, you can get something from in here. Let's just do this quickly." He was mildly flushed, not as much as Markus, but it was clearly bugging him to be in there.
His words made her tilt her head a momen, listening to him, seeing how red in the face he was over it. Did it really make him feel so strongly to imagine her like that..."Never gonna happen." she said shrugging. "I am what I am." She said as they ventured to the hotel. "You'll just have to keep dreaming."
As Markus asked, she dropped her bags and started pulling her clothes off, not even seeking privacy as she shifted around to get dressed. She slipped on a sports bra and then underwear, black running shorts, sliding into a tank top next. "Hm?" She said as she turned around to Markus. She sat on the bed.
Markus just watched her stripping back down to redress in the tighter clothes, licking his lips before shrugging when she made the 'Hm' noise, moving to sit next to her, his arm going around her shoulder as Jason turned "Welp. Mauville Gym is closed for the day, but We've got a battle with Watson tomorrow at 10am sharp. So you two best get a good nights sleep."

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