The Clerk, a Bronzor, tilted their head "Mmm. I don't think you need anything from here for that." They replied, before gesturing around the dark store to indicate the various options, from stuff for her to wear to things for her to make Markus wear "But if you really wish, most females find the greatest luck in this area." The clerk lead her to a back corner, filled with various skimpy outfits that would make even the most stoic 'Mon blush from their lewdness. One was clearly a Loppuny, ripped black tights leading to a reverse bunnysuit upper body and a tail attached to a buttplug, whilst another was visibly a Gardevoir, with the only clothing being the white gown that left nothing beneath obscured. And there was more, as she kept looking deeper, even as Markus and Jason caught up, the Trainer sighing again, whilst the Vaporeon bit his lip and looked straight down.