Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

The Manectric was sent flying to the edge of the arena, landing in a broken pile of limbs as she groaned weakly. A moment later the Magneton walked forwards, all three heads focused on Bonnie "Time to end this..." One said, followed by the second saying "We're gonna fry you..." and even as the third clearly was struggling to think of something cool to say, just finishing with "Yeah!"
Bonnie saw the whirling blast, her arms blocking her face as the elements crashed into her, icy frost cutting inti her gi, lightning and fire burning into her. Her shirt sizzles and blackened, she shrugged it off, grunting in pain as she climbed up. That- was a fucking hit- she thought something was cracked... but she pushed herself to stand up.
Bonnie scowled at she grabbed her leg pulling it by the panties to force it to follow the rest of her movement. She ignored the shouts for her easy surrender, not willing to give herself away. As the dyst cleared a bit, they could see her laying low to the ground, as if she had fallen over, trying to fight through another fit of paralysis.
Jason was busy shaking Watsons hand as he took the badge, leaving Markus to walk over and look down at Bonnie "Huh... You won." He shrugged, reaching down to grab her and help her stand up. Of course, he didn't quite realise how her damaged clothing would simply give out entirely when he did so, and instead of pulling her up, he was left with a scrap of ashy cloth in his hand and a view straight down onto her breasts.
As her clothing practically disintegrated off of her body, her bandages by some miracle not completely ashing away, by they unfurled with the lack of restrains. Bonnie sighed, closing his eyes as sge wrapped an arm around her chest , forcing to us the other to hold herself up as shevfought to resist the pain thlthatvwas inside her, , shooting up her side. Cracked ribs. Most likely. "I won, you should have just let me handle it." She huffed.
"Hey, I beat the Voltorb. You'd have lost trying to take all three of them alone." Markus retorted, his arms moving to help her stand, taking pressure off her body as he basically made her lean onto him. Jason walked across with a smile, showing the badge "One more badge down team... Wait, shit, Bonnie? What's wrong?"

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