Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

"Ho Ho! Our First Challengers of the day!" A jolly, booming voice echoed from within the doors, warm electric lights snapping on to reveal a rather rotund man, stood alongside a Trio of 'Mon. One Voltorb, One Manectric and one Magneton. The Manectric was obviously female, whilst the other two were the normal androgynous forms of their species.
"That I am, Miss. My name is Watson, and I'm the Gym Leader here in Mauville. Now... Which of you three is Jason?" He asked, even as Jason stepped forward "That would be me. This is Bonnie, and this is Markus. I believe I have a challenge booked for about... 10 minutes from now?"
"Yes, yes... Oh, why wait eh? How about we just start early?" Watson asked, grinning widely as he patted the Voltorb on the shoulder, indicating they should move forward.
(XD Bonnie: shit where's the pop corn.)

Bonnie watched as the Voltorb began to glow, lightning infusing its body and then blasting from their semi metallic body. They were odd Mon, not quite organic, but not quite Steel either, almost like an android or natural cyborg. She never quite understood how they came to be, but such curiosities were far from the martial artists place.
Markus yelped as the Voltorb began to glow with power and launched it towards him, the philosophical questions in Bonnie's head a far cry from the panicked desire to dodge, flinging himself under the Electrical energy and just avoiding it, even as Jason called "Alright, Return fire with a Hydro Pump!", the Stream of Powerful water cascading towards the Voltorb.

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