Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

He looked her in the eyes as she approached, swallowing as she teased him before he took a breath "I have... two options, you can choose... Either you give up fighting and let me take care of you... Or you accept how I feel and get yourself back to normal" He told her, before moving onto his tip toes to kiss her "I guess Option three would be I get punched by whoever your fighting..."
"Last chance for what? To apologise? To say I'm sorry for how you make me feel? What do you want me to do, go find another 'Mon instead?" He huffed as he kept looking at her flushed face "I know you want to be a fighter, that's part of why I love you! I just... Grah, I don't know, okay? Half of me wants you to do nothing but fight forever, the other half wants to wrap you in bubblewrap and keep you locked up so you never get hurt again!"
"I want to make you think, not put you in a wheelchair!" She said smirking at him. "Unless you want me to put your neck on and squ-EEZE!" She jumped as the cold water hit her back the initial rain blowing off her into sauna like steam, before it began to chill her and conflict with her natural fire, weakening her.

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