Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

He blinked and grabbed her arm as she pushed past "No! You aren't, I know that... but... Fucks sakes, I care about you. I know you're tougher than pretty much any other 'Mon I've met, but you aren't invincible. You aren't fragile, I know that... But you got fucked up because we argued before. If we'd worked as a team, we could've easily beaten that Gym without any stress. Instead, we squabbled and you ended up in the Pokecenter because of me. Because I failed to be a good teammate, failed to give you the respect you deserve."
(XD Markus: In love with a girl who cannot express herself)

As he tried to call out to her, catching some looks in the street, mostly sympathy from those that recognized this situation...the mon would be left alone. She had only a few places to go...abd it was still too early to go fi the gym.

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