Her voice cried out and mingled with his- the feeling of him was truly incredible- and the way her body reacted- cumming and cumming…he knew she truly was enjoying herself.
He gave a soft gasp as he finally hit his limit, his thick heavy cum flooding into her womb, and with their shared genetics it was near certainty that she’d be pregnant again,
She cried out in pleasure as he came into her- the feeling of his thick, heavy cum made sent shivers down her spine. “A-Ah..you..you were amazing-“ she breathed out.
He moved to cuddle her close, nuzzling her neck gently “I only desire to make you happy, and fill you with our children, my love…” he murmured sensually, knowing she’d love to hear him say it.
She moaned out softly from his words, “Mm…I’d love that,” she breathed out to him happily. She could just see it now, producing his heirs over and over again..the very idea turned her on.
She’d get every inch as he pushed to his base, his hands gripping her waist to hold her steady “I won’t rest until you look pregnant again from just how much I fill you up!”
He heard her panting and then felt her squeeze, knowing she was ready for the first cumshot as he moaned in response, his release filling her womb, but not bloating it yet. He wasn’t done though and continued to pound her hard, cumming another five times and leaving her swollen up, just as he promised.
She collapsed after the treatment, as his cum leaking from her pussy..she panted a bit, glancing to him. She loved the feeling of this, being swollen up, her siren genetics certainly enjoyed it a lot.
He gently pet her head as he looked down at her, smirking a little as he fully took in just how much she’d swelled “So, my perfect Siren fucktoy, are you happy for now?”
At those words she gave a small chuckle, “Well…you are meant to be king,” she reminded him, “And I want to serve my king by giving him as many offspring as he wants..” she still had no clue he was a prince from the seas.
He gently patted her belly, before kissing one of her breasts “Oh, I know you do, my queen… and fret not, I will give you all the children you desire and more…”
At those words, her face flushed slightly, and she smiled a little. "Mm...does that mean more breeding sessions?" she asked, already knowing the truth.
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