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Project Eternium

Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Blinking back into reality by his gentle voice, soft tone always bringing her to smile and focus upon him for he earned her respect over the time, caring for her during her pregnancy, aiding with thorn and allowing her rest, a dream come true. She could smile even bigger hearing he planned to adopt the children that her owner wished to auction off as her offspring that were unclaimed, made no sense of who would want her children when they were not their own other than for horrible acts that she forbade from her mind. "thank you, T" speaking at last as she snuggles into his frame as her eyes fall closed, taking in his scent when struck by a memory of Brian. She misses him so much, broke her heart more and more every time she remembered him.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Gently handling her small frame against his. the fingers, and palms skillfully moving along Rose's frame, kneading her tired flesh.
the wicked looking brute was as gentle, and caring as one could hope for, while her eyes were now closed. her ears able to pick up the steady and oddly calming heart
beat of this stud. the warmth of his body against her in the slowly cooling water which surrounded them.

T would not wake her, as he would continue to try and be as soothing as he could, while Rose could rest against him, as her body was taken care of by this brute.
however the one thing he could not help, was his own arousal, which naturally grew more and more noticable as he took care of her frame. even to the point where it could be felt against her,
however the fiend had no interest in forcing himself upon her, however if it did end up bothering rose, T would apologize for that, as he was not trying to ruin the mood, however he was a male, as
such he had needs, and desires even if kept in check.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Grumbling she woke to her skin a tad wrinkly but truly noticed him aroused against her frame, her ears lowering back in slight annoyance for she knew he could not help it. She would move herself from his lap as she would rub her eyes deciding she can distract him with a story "ya know, Thorn's father was the only human in the facility that actually respected me, he learned what I liked and disliked, and was there on my hard days. Especially my first heat cycle, that is how I ended up with thorn but right after I found out I was pregnant the boss had put Brian on a big project. I rarely saw him and I refused to ever leave my room, in the end I gave birth alone under my bed" sighing to the horrible memory of that day. "He never got to hold his son..." she murmurs quietly "They kill Brian right in front of me and use Thorn against me to do my shows" shaking her head. There was very few moments she wished that she never had Thorn, then she could be more selfish and possibly Brian would be alive.

Pulling herself out of the tub, snatching a towel to dry off she took a seat on the floor, curling her tail around herself "Why couldn't they have made a robot to do all of this crap?" she questions.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well, sure robots can be used for pleasure, but not producing heirs. I won't Lie to you my cute lil Rose. I am thankful for your existence, you have given me a beautiful child, and soon an army of children which I can spoil, and love. albeit not your intentions I am sure. However I must apologize for I lack the proper abilities to make you into my personal concubine. " as he spoke in a gentle, yet oddly sympathetic, yet thankful tone.

once this was spoke up, the brute would move to wrap himself from the waist down. before moving to join Rose, his four arms playfully, and gently moving to aid her in drying off. as he would look to rose, asking if she wanted a large, and slow meal, or something home made, as he could take her to the near by restaurant, or pick up some goods to cook for her. even including home made desert. However an image of this brute burning things in an apron would pop in the fox's mind.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A pout was the result of him pointing out the biology of her use to birth heirs though T was the only one in search of heirs, others simply wanted a doll to fuck and abuse, write off their rights to the child created by their actions. Her ears would lower when T approached to aid in drying her off following with suggestions for a meal. The thought of food made her queasy but she needed to eat something "I just want some toast and tomato soup, can you make that?" requesting a simple meal to settle her cravings and eat something.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh, I can make so much more then that, however if that is all you want. How about I make you a nice little dish of sweet basil, and garlic soup with a bit of fresh avodaco for the toast?"
asking this, wanting to fix up a more enjoyable meal for Rose, even if she requested the simple meal. It still showed he wanted to give her more pampering then the lovely little fox wanted
or perhaps better to say was mentally prepared for, despite how much her body needed this still.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking over to him with a grin she should have known better than think he would allow such a simple meal request, he must ensure it was the best with added flair "Yes, that is grand" humming with delight to his attention to detail. She moves to drop the towel and slip into a very comfy robe that made her feel safe and soft, even doing a little twirl back to him "I do need to possible see a doctor that can tell me how far along I am" adding on for the safety of the children. She has no idea how the forced heat cycles can effect them nor the drugs she is dosed with when being speed recovered between shows.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Of course, but I would suggest we take care of the doctor first thing in the morning, or do you feel the need tonight?"

stating his opinion, and asking if she was willing to wait. Rose would find T more then willing to do such a thing as getting a doctor, but knowing she had just endured a show,
he wanted her to at least get one night of rest before having her looked over, and touched by other's, even if they were professionals.

However once she was up and with in reach of the brute, T would suddenly wrap his arms around Rose. pulling her tiny frame against his. as he held her close, and lifted the fox just enough so only her toes could touch the floor.
at which point he would look into her eyes with a playful, and alluring gaze.

"Oh, How I look forward to our time together. But I should warn ya, I need a gentle mistress."
saying this, as if she was the one renting him which was a bad attempt at being funny, and wanting to keep a playful mood after having spoken about a doctor.
however the fact remained, Rose would find this beast of a stud to be caring, gentle, and forceful enough to be enjoyed, as he pushed the boundaries, but to a more playful degree as it seemed.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Swaying her head a little in thought before nodding in agreement that she could wait until the morning, allow herself a breather with company that she trusted even if they met at a show and after she was pregnant his real soft side revealed. She would laugh as she was snatched into his arms, meeting his gaze with quite the glowing smile "Oh? You don't come off as a vanilla guy" teasing him back. Her toes would wiggle against the floor, her tail flicking around to keep her balance even in his arms.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the two shared quiet the enjoyable moment. Rose would soon notice how T began to lean his face closer to hers. with out thinking much about what he was doing.
the playful moment was about to turn into something a bit more, if Rose did not stop it. for if she allowed, T would bring her into a gentle, and passionate kiss, however if she met him half way
then it would be a more fiery passionate one. however if she stopped up, the brute would blush and apologize if he was to aggressive at the moment losing himself.

however his form of aggression tours Rose was much more welcoming then what she had become more accustomed two. However their was that new prince which had pleased her
in a way no other has thus far. perhaps once she was feeling i the mood, T could experiment with Rose, so she could try other things similar, or she could try to remove the thought from her mind.
for now the primary things would be the meal, a warm safe place to rest, and recover, however dealing with the playfully aggressive brute which loved to touch, and handle her as he was doing right now,
as he could also take the teasing as well as give it. granting rose a rare chance for some real fun in her normally hellish life.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Blinking she realized the position he had set them in, noticing the change in him the split second before their lips clashed into a kiss she had not expected, as if on instinct her arms reach up around his neck as she me this kiss back with her own passion. But it was not for him, he had been kind to her, caring and full of pure intentions for her well being, what she felt today in the show was different albeit she had an audience, it felt like she was with that prince back in her forest room where she and Brian spent time together. Possibly relive such a fantasy tonight with T just to feel the rush once more, he may not be able to exactly replicate it but at least he was cautious and caring with her.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the kiss broke, T licked his lips, as he suddenly changed Rose's position, so her body would be along two of his arms. as he carried her.

"Well then, let us get you something to eat, and some rest. Once were done with the doctor's in the morning, I think I know a few places you might enjoy, as long as this old beast is good company. "
as he spoke returning to his more playful nature. The kiss was indeed something, more then just that, it had lasted much longer then she might realize. the fact remained, Rose was in good arms, which would
care for her, and protect her, and her children as long as she was in his possession and care. Little did the fox realize, if she did have him experiment with her this night, they would enjoy even more new experiences
together, which might or might not increase her super natural gestation period.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Breathless after such a kiss, wiping her trembling lips as he lifted her up into his arms to carry her toward their next destination "I like that plan" humming as her mind was currently buzzed. Only Brian and T were able to really get her going, well possibly this Prince she met that knew her name but she did not know his. She did not have time to ask for Thorn ruined the moment, even gave away she had a child of her own that was kept to keep her in line, be a good girl.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It would feel like a short bit of time passed, as Rose in T's arms could now finally see his local mansion. as the sister would be at the door, two of her arms handling two excited, and
playful toddlers. as they were being bottle fed, by their aunty. or so she called herself. loving this, even playfully teasing the two, as she was on the porch, enjoying this night.

not paying any mind to her brother, and his plaything as she would call Rose. for the massive maiden would see Rose as to frail to be the actual mother to her cute little nephew here,
however the truth was still the truth. yet T would be leaving them be, so He could take care of Rose. wanting to take her into the home stead, and fix her up a proper meal.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Resting her eyes she was enjoying the walk from the spa to his mansion where her nose would twitch upon arrival when the scent of Thorn came to her. Opening her eyes to pin back her ears at the sight of her child filled with milk and joy from another, reminded her how she was not well enough to truly raise him. Unable to halt the shooting dagger sent to the woman caring for the toddlers, the walls of the mansion made her stop and let out a sigh. What would a normal life even look like?
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once they were inside the home, the massive and impressive building would be Rose's home as well at least while she was here to rest, and recover.

Once he had her gently laid out on the small love seat, it would be larger then any she had enjoyed being on in the fox's experiences thus far. however as this was only a short term
resting spot. T would lean in gently moving to lift her chin once she was on the chair to look tours him, as the brute gave her a gentle peck on the lips. before he would wink, saying he
would be only a few minutes in fixing her a proper meal. However Rose would know well she had the freedom to do as she wished with in this mansion, be it resting here, exploring some of the rooms,
even if it was to pick one out for later.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Relaxing down onto the love seat she leaned back before he would reach for her chin to receive a peck on the lips, watching him head off to prepare her meal that she requested. A quick glance around she did not see many servants, none at all, possibly T's idea since he knew how people easily spooked her into be protective or skittish. Shifting into her fox form she would slither out from her robe to leap off the love seat and instead drag the robe underneath where she could up in a makeshift nest. Made her feel far more at home as she would rest here.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in a much more comfortable form, the little fox dragging her soft velvet, and wool robe around would soon begin to smell the scent of fresh garlic, basil. as T was making her a full on soup holding back none of the stops.
he would be busy for a bit. however this would give her a rare chance to look around. to find two of the massive rooms set up like love nest rooms. one for more gentle and romantic fun, the other designed for kinkier fun.

however these rooms both seemed completely unused, and untouched. yet more then that, she would find several proper sleeping rooms, as well as several baby cribs, and toy filled rooms for little ones.
Or if she chose, rose could enjoy finding a warm spot where the aroma, and the wait could be taken, while making herself comfortable, in this little form which was her natural, or more so her go to form for the sense of comfort and safety.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The scent of dinner being prepared was strong enough to wake her from her mini nap, peeking her head out from her hiding spot to take a glance around, still no servants. She stepped out of the room wandering down the halls, finding rooms of themes for a passionate couple and then ones for many children. T mentioned how his kind were unable to truly have children of their own, how rare for the females to be fertile and yet he had so many toys and cribs. He was adopting or more like buying two new children, that would be three altogether. Lowering back her ears to the thought she could only imagine how much money he could waste on her until he goes broke, the guilt swirling into her chest as she found a room more to her liking. It was not as vast, no open space and plenty of pillows and blankets that she happily snuggled into. Laying on her side to groom her growing baby bump, finally feeling safe to pamper herself.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As some time passed, Rose able to relax, and properly pamper herself a bit, Before finally Hearing T's voice calling out for her. as he was setting up a table with the overly prepared, and glorified meal.
as usual the brute had gone over the top with everything he prepped, wanting to ensure only the best for his little fox, while she was in his company and possession.

As this was going on, and he called for Rose. Little did ether of them know, one of the alien like herbs, T's species commoned used for cooking would have an odd side effect. one to cause Rose's
body to feel the need all the more. albeit a powerful drug, it was also a natural one, being none of the discomfort, or undesirable side effects. yet this would be discovered once she ate a bit of the mouth
watering, yet simple meal. Even more so once discovered she at least had a gentle partner to sate her, even if it was done in a way where only she would be sated, like the new experienced she enjoyed during the show
earlier that day.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Pausing her pampering Rose look toward the doorway with her ears perked up, T's voice calling her for dinner, of course not being a dog she went back to grooming until she felt ready to stretch her way into standing. Fluffing out her tail she made her way to the kitchen, peeking her head in to check for T before stepping into the room, hopping into the chair to sniff over the soup she requested. He went over the top as expected but she did ask for a simple meal. Flicking her gaze to him with a risen brow as she shifts back into her usual form "little over the top for tomato soup" she comments.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well if you don't like it, I can always make a new batch with out the flavor. But it should be as enjoyable as possible, even more so for such a lovely young mother in my care after all. "
speaking up, and throwing a bit of his own teasing into the words. as T moved to sit next to Rose. as she would find the table was only set for the two of them.

this would leave her to realize the infants were in the care of his sister, and she was in this mansion but not joining them, if nothing else, most likely due to the request of T.
wanting rose to get as much rest, as possible, and relaxation on her first night in this mansion.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Quick to take hold of her bowl so he would not take it in aim of changing the recipe of what he just spent much time preparing "not what I meant" pointing out with a pout "just did not want you wasting all your time" admitting more quietly. She took a few sips before dipping her toast for a bite, a hum of yummy delight rising from her. "either way, it is delicious" complimenting him with a smile to add. Then she noticed him join her, it was only them two from what she could tell of the two seater setting and also not hearing the cries and babbles of the kids. T really was focused on her resting which was reassuring but she always got antsy when not around Thorn for a while, always afraid he will forget her.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving to place his massive palm on her head, T would smile. as he looked to Rose.
"Our little ones are in safe hands, tonight, it will be just the two of us, so make sure to rest well. if you desire, we can get the kids off Jes in the morning or tonight. "
as he said this as if assuming her mind was on the kids, due to how Rose looked about, after her meal. The massive brute would be speaking in a gentle tone. however even he would be unaware
that in a short while the alien herbs, and seasonings would begin to effect her body. making this cute little fox, and milf into a lustful ball of fur, and cuddles. as he ate the same thing, and did not know
of such effects, however it would be discovered by the two of them in due time. for now it was more about her comfort, and how he could pamper, and service his tiny playmate this night.
as they would be heading to get her checked out by a medical expert in the morning.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Jumping in her seat by the pat on her head, meeting T with a smile after his reassuring words of seeing the kids tomorrow morning, she could use a night away from Thorn though always made her uneasy of his reaction when he see's her. He has been throwing fit as of late, upset she had been gone so long. "I know, thank you so much T" humming as she finishes up her soup before getting up with a stretch "So what next? We had a bath, well spa day, I pampered myself with exploring, and a yummy soup made by an amazing guy" wagging her tail a little.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well how about a nice cuddle on the sofa, and enjoy some shows? I am sure we can find something we can both enjoy no?"
asking this, The alien had no idea if she even knew about shows other then the kind she was apart of, however he would introduce her to them if Rose was interested.
More then that, their were also books, as well as some minor arts, and craft like things scattered through out the house, which would give her much to explore, and try with T
if she so felt inclined, or even noticed any of these items prior.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Turning her head over to the sofa by the mention of it before she rose a brow by him suggesting shows "you mean TV?" she questions, her eyes sparking to the sight of moving pictures on a screen. Not allowed back at the compound which was annoying to say the least, she was either asleep or with Thorn as to keep her from thinking up plans to escape or something. "We can do that" wagging her tail as she stood up to help clean. Another thing was her reading ability was quite low though the potential for her to learn was off the charts
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"So do you know what kind of show or movie we should start with? or does my cute little fox need to take a moment and look through some of them?"
saying this in a more playful manor, T would need to finish cleaning up. but he planned to give Rose a night to enjoy and remember, in more ways then one.
as it was, this would become a real enjoyable, and long night for the little milf. as her friend and care giver with benefits was here to cuddle with her, and allow the fox to
enjoy a picture box safely.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Offering a shrug of her option he offered her, she did not know movies or shows that may or may not interest her, it was more his choice. Easily she could figure out the magical box of motion pictures but why take the fun out of him explaining it to her. Settling down onto the couch she would wiggle into her seat, her tail up and wagging as her ears were pointed toward the tv "You chose" voicing her answer ready to learn tonight, she already knew so much of sex and males, true fun is in activities such as this.
Local Time:
12:53 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"I see, and here I thought pretty box art might help you get excited. but very well I think we could use something more enjoyable, perhaps a comedy, something made to
help us laugh, and enjoy our time all the more?" asking this, the brute of a stud would move to join Rose on the small sofa, moving to pull her tiny, yet alluring, and enjoyable frame against his.
as one of his arms moved to take up an odd controller, and click a few buttons on it. thus putting on some motion pictures, as he would flip through a few, taking some time to see
if any of these odd shows would catch her eyes. if Rose did not see one which excited or caught her attention, he would flip through many until finding one he thought would be an enjoyable program
for them to watch together.
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