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Project Eternium

Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Staring toward the TV she was ready to see all the colors, words, voices, movements on screen as he switched about until she pointed for him to stop. Curling against his frame watching the screen with wide eyes of excitement as a warmth began to grow between her legs. Eventually she moved herself into T's lap, straddling him with her tail curling around his waist which allowed her scent to engulf the room with sweetness and her juices while she enjoyed her sight of TV
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Enjoying the sight, and sounds of the tv, Rose's body grew heated, and aroused now sitting in T's lap, the fox would feel how the stud under her began to grow aroused. his wicked little plaything slowly growing fully prime for enjoyment. however his powerful four arms moved around her. two of which moved to gently rub along her thighs, as the other two slid along her arm, and moved to gently fondle the lovely fox.

"this doesn't seem very fair, Can't concentrate on the show, with such a beautiful little woman right here. "
saying this with a playfully wicked, and enjoyable tone. If rose dared to think of the experience the prince prior introduced her to. perhaps T could replicate this, with some gentle foreplay, giving her body pleasure, while her mind could try to be entertained by the show at the same time, unless she would simply want to try and ignore the growing needs for both of them at this point. her body's own need growing internally at an alarming rate, once his own scent and heat was against her welcoming frame.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A giggle sounded from her as he would feel along her body, fondle her to his heart delight while his girthy friend came to life against her frame. She would lean upon his chest with a hum "Isn't that the whole idea?" teasing him with a flutter of her tail along his side, sensing he was quite aroused as well. Having been with him before she knew he was gentle with her, would only grow rough if she desired it. Besides would break the sexual tension between them for a short time, allow for more cuddles and sweet talk.

Rolling her hips into his lap, teasing his erection to take a stance on what it lusted for "Do you want to be distracted?" turning her head to caressing her fingers along his chin
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well, that depends, how long can you endure in that seductive state my little rose?"
asking this in a playful tone. the four powerful arms moving around her small fluffy frame. to tease, and play with Rose.
it would be once, his skillful yet massive hands moved upon her, that images of what the smaller fluffy prince did to her on stage would flash
in rose's mind. the sensation of being eaten out, and played with in such a unique manor. compared to the hands playing with her, which was not a bad feeling
but not as unique, as a tongue. however would she be brave enough to ask T to try such things on her, or would Rose simply give into the pleasure of being one
for a short while, as he would rock her tiny world, as he did prior, as gentle or rough as she wanted.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His question in answer to her own caused the young MILF to pout as she gazes toward the tv for a few moments "Not long, I am pregnant so hormones are out of whack" she huffs rocking her hips more into his lap an frame. Feeling his hands along her body created shivers of excitement and pleasure over her, fluffing out her fur as her ears would lower down in submission and trust toward him "just be gentle" humming in reminder, not in much of a rough mood. Last thing she wished was a miscarriage that would send her down a spiral of emotions. Turning her head to reach up for his chin, bringing into a deep and passionate kiss trying to keep her mind focused on him than earlier today.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"How about we try something a little different then my cute little fox? after all such a magnificent flower needs to be properly clipped to allow even brighter, and colorful growth no?"
saying this in a playful and gentle manor, T would move to easily Lift rose up in his arms. her tiny frame, like the perfect size sex doll for him to abuse, however rose would also know, he was
one of a very select few who she could truly trust not to harm her at all. However it would not be long before the little fox maiden would feel how her care giving playmate would slowly begin to position her tiny
frame. the position was not the same, but similar enough to warrant realization. as he was about to orally assault her, perhaps wanting to try and make rose cry out in pleasure for him to do more. or to see if she
had enough endurance this night to go with his full desire. but ether way, he was going to try and have some fun with her, unless rose stopped him herself. despite her small size, the tiny fox could easily get T to
stop or do something else, unless she allowed him to do his little experimentation of pleasure upon her.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her body being lifting drew her to expect a much needing pleasuring surprise, instead she was brought to where his lips were between her legs, his hot breath panting on her slick wet folds making her wiggle in his grasp with a soft whine. No reason to stop such a desiring assault but did warrant curiosity of him going against her order to not watch the show this morning. Possibly he heard her wailing mewling and moans from the furry prince that paid to take her for himself, show her passion in a new light right there on stage. "very well...we can start here" she pants quietly, her legs wrapping around his head to prepare herself for his tongue.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Catching her care giver by surprise, T would not expect Rose to suddenly wrap her legs around his head like this. let alone how quickly her ankles would be able to lock around each other as her legs hugged her lover's face close to her
tender folds. even if he was not a lover in the sense like her prior mate Brian, but more so as a caring playmate, and protective partner for pleasuring time.

Before beginning, he would comment, how lovely her voice sounded from the hallway, and now he wanted to try and make her cry out in that lovely voice of pleasure for his own ears.
after which he would begin to lick along her folds. his tongue sliding, greedily along her tender area, before digging into her. as it would wiggle with in her silken depths, all the while his fangs pressed to her
tender flesh. as T would suck on her tender lower region, as his tongue invaded, and his teach scraped gingerly. the wicked beast was trying to work her over, however the sensation with this brute, and the fluff ball
of a prince prior would be worlds apart. even if it was pleasuring, and mind melting, it would be at a much slower rate then how the fluffy royal stud had melted with this action. yet it showed T was experimenting, and was trying
to find the right trick to make her melt in pleasure.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Smirking by his reaction just knowing how she was still able to keep him on his toes made her heart soar though blushes heavily from him commenting on her sounds from the hallway, maybe that was why Thorn started crying, thinking his mom was hurt. She rolls her eye knowing for sure the pleasure she received this morning and right now was pleasant as hell. Grasping one hand into teh couch as the other held upon his head once he began with his tongue along her folds, teasing her before further opening his mouth. A sharp moan left her, her hips bucking just as his tongue buried into her depths, his fangs even scraping over her skin drawing her to gasp and whimper to quite her overcoming moans. "Oh...fuck T" she mewls out to him.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Starting to hear Rose's voice growing louder, and all the more pleasure filled. T would begin to grow more excited and aggressive with his tiny mistress. even going so far as to position her so that
his foxy milk was now back against the soft sofa, and his body still their against her. for lack of terms tongue fucking her, while his jaws gently scraped, and teased her sensitive flesh. still with Rose's legs locked
around his head. the four armed brute was making sure to get as aggressively playful, and deep as he could. to the point two of his powerful arms moved to assault her plump little breast. wanting to give this woman as much
pleasure as he could. as this was but the appetizer, as long as her body could endure what he had planned for the main course.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her toes would curl, her tail hanging off the sofa once he shifted her into the cushions, his mouth eating every drop of her juices as he fucked her with his tongue, digging deeper inside her. Rose would squirm and mewl in need as he would getting her off, especially with the sensation of his fangs tickling and scraping along her skin causing light squeals of desire in response. "T...T...!!" gasping as she would buck her hips into her mouth while orgasming from this appetizer.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Going on for quiet some time, T was loving every moment of this, the sensation of how Rose squirmed, the way her legs would seem to constantly tighten, and loosen around his head. as the sounds of her sweet, luscious voice
were the best drug to this beast. as he could not help himself getting all the more aroused every moment. even cleaning up all her womanly fluids which escaped from her pleasure filled orgasmic releases.

By the time, Rose was done, she would discover that this was but a simple Appetizer for what T had planned for her this night. as he would tell Rose, he would take care of everything all she would need to do was
endure, and enjoy. as he would be as gentle or rough as she desired. revealing he had a few new toys, and positions to try on her. as it would seem sense their last time together. T had been planning to abuse Rose once more
as if trying to break her with passion, and care. as it would not be hard to see he was working her over for both their enjoyments. and was already thinking of how to make her his personal slave, despite how she was not treated as that.
but would have to be sold as a slave or pet. however unlike T, the fluffy one from the day prior would be the one with the proper finances for such a thing.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Unlocking her legs from his head as he would lick up her juices, cleaning her up per say with his tongue until the sensation was so overwhelming she pushed her body away "Okay okay" panting out with a light giggle, glancing down to her milk stained chest from when he was kneading on her breasts. A few pants and she collected herself to realize he had an array of things to try out and do tonight which was alot to put on her after the last few days she has had. Also unknowing to T playing with the idea of buying her as his own than renting her for as long as he could, her boss would never sell her, he spent years on her and finally was making millions off her in just a hand full of a shows and children. "best we move to a bigger space...mm?" suggestion the bedroom or one of the rooms she wandered along earlier.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she said this, the wicked playmate known to rose as T, would move to gently scoop her up into his arms. as he leaned in playfully nipping, and kissing the fox's neck. as he moved to enjoy and playfully assault her.
"well then, do we want my room? or perhaps you picked out a room to make your own little private den for us to christen?"

saying this in a playful manor, unaware how she had indeed picked a room to make her little nest like den in. however This would also allow Rose to have her own fun, be it playfully claiming a room just
for a playroom, or even if she wanted to try out some shape shifting while in the act. as what she would find sooner then later this night. the wicked yet protective stud had some much kinkier things to try with her.
unknown to Rose, Anything T find's she enjoys, he could share this info with her owner in secret to try and earn some brawny points, or even more so discounts for renting her out for longer periods of time. but this would be his own little
and dark secret.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Squirming in his arms by his ticklish nips and kisses she would pause, lowering back her ears when he suggested that she picked out a room to make her nest which she did not wish to disclose especially in a mood such as this. "Just your room, okay?" requesting simple, unaware he wanted to toy with her body to find ways to not only please her but earn points with her boss. She knew he wished to ensure her safety but it was at a cost of his money and her body to willingly offer him in a form of passionate intimacy. Having no idea of toys or bondage, only rough and breaking sex to gentle and passionate sex along with some oral. T held a chance to teach her more, explore with her but only if she was willing.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Carrying his little Rose, T would smirk, hearing her request for his room but instead, he moved past his room, only to kick open a much larger room with the biggest fluffiest heart shaped bed.
in the room had many oddly shaped, and designed toys. Once in the room, T would allow the sight to sink in at first, as he would playfully toss the pregnant little milf
onto the softest, fluffiest bed she would ever feel. More then that, He would allow Rose to look around, and see if any of these toys looked interesting for her to try
or feel. However the little milf would know well that he would have alot of things to try on her, but he would not force any of it upon her.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Offering him an confused expression as he passed his room, soon tossing her onto a bed causing her to laugh and squeal as she bounces until settled upon the mattress before able to sit up and take a look around. Her ears and tail would flick with interest and curiosity before landing her gaze on him "And this room is..." she questions for further explaining. No understanding any of these toys, where they go, who they are for, or how they are used.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now with her on the big bed, the wicked smirk on T's face would be visible, in a playfully dark manor. however the brute moved to pull out some toys, some of which were made
for bondage, others for pleasure, and odd sensations. as he placed them on the bed before her. moving to reveal to Rose what this special room was, and what these toys were.

"This is a special play room I had made for when we were together. Sister, and some of my Maids spoke of these kind of kink toys, saying how some women can find pleasure, and enjoyment with them.
So figured we could see if you like any of them. it can be something special just for us to enjoy together. " saying this, showing how much effort he put into prepping a play room just for Rose, and himself to enjoy.
however the wide vareity also showed he had no idea if she would like any of these, but got a bit of everything for them to try, knowing this now, Rose would be able to perhaps compare some of this to the shows she was
put through. however unlike those shows, these would be for her enjoyment not her audience.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Flattening back her ears as he would reveal quite the smirk as she gathered a bit of everything to present to her as he spoke the meaning for this room, was for her and her pleasure though she felt put on the spot and her horny mood vanishing by being overwhelmed. She would look up to him seeing his excitement and how much effort he put into this room, a reminder of her price of him buying her time from the compound. She would lower her gaze to the objects placed on the bed, keeping her distance from them as she tucked her tail and moved to grab a blanket to cover herself "Um..." uncertain how what to say to such an array. "I dunno...seems wrong" admitting quietly, revealing the compound was finally cracking down her brain, mind turning into mush of simply doing as told and surviving each day. Having not been exposed to these toys and other sensations she would think her boss would not like her to experience such things "I...I am not in the mood anymore...I think I should just rest" moving to the top of the bed looking like a spooked kitten.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
moving to sit next to Rose, T would gently move to run his finger along her elegant frame. as he spoke softly to the foxy maiden.
" My intentions were not to cause any discomfort or concern, merely to open up a window of options, and fun for you to enjoy on your own accord. If this is to much, or makes you uncomfortable, we can retire back to the master suite, and you can have the best bed in the house to rest in. " saying this in a gentle, and oddly caring manor. It would be obvious, seeing how she reacted, this brute thought he might have truly caused some kind of mental pain for her, perhaps ptsd, or suppressed memories to swell back up. however as things were, it would come to light rather quickly. Rose had only been used, and abused, with very few exceptions, and this beast of a four armed stud was trying to introduce her to new things of enjoyment, albeit a bit much considering how he had set up so much at once. but this was a play room for Rose to enjoy at her own leasure, and things to try however she saw fit, while she still had the time in this home, as stated before, T saw what was his, to be hers, while Rose was with him.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Taking a breath by his approach of sitting beside her, touching on her body in a manner of respecting her beautiful body which did make her heart flutter with gratitude. She would shapeshift into her feral fox form, crawling into his lap as she nods her head ready to retire to his master suite though was unknown if she would remain there all night. Indeed he had accidentally spooked her but time would allow her to come to terms with his intentions to pleasure her, worship her and reveal she can enjoy herself. Possibly if she wakes before him, may wander back into this room and have some alone time.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in this smaller, fluff ball of a fox, T would gently carry Rose. as he spoke of how she could use this room, and all the content when ever she felt ready, and up for it. as the room was set up for her to find new ways to enjoy herself, with out suffering.
it would not be long, before the two entered the master suite, as T would move to lay in the bed, after allowing rose softly onto the massive mattress first. this would allow Rose to make herself comfortable, as she would desire. even if it was to remain in this form, or shift back into another form. she could keep to herself or even cuddle, and enjoy the body warmth which was from T, and all hers to enjoy, as he stated before.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Landing on the master mattress she would sniff around to be sure all was safe before waiting for him to join before scurrying over to him, curling up against him for protection and warmth. She would groom her fur a few times before offering him kisses on his face, a light squeak of joy coming from her. Once she fell asleep she shapeshifted back to her original form, holding herself close to T, her tail resting over his hip while she slept. Even though deep in slumber her ears constantly were moving, her tail tip ticking every so often, revealing how on alert she had grown since the last time he brought her home. All hours of tee night nurses, guards, and even the boss would check in on her, cameras were always set on her, always connected to some machine to monitor her vitals especially after an abusive encounter with a client. She hated the last time for the boss was over seeing her personally since she lost her mind for a moment.

Finally she woke herself up with so much stress late in the night resulting in her sneaking off the bed and out of the room, back to the play room where she allowed herself to explore.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now alone in the play room, and free to do as she saw fit. the wide variety of shape, sizes, and even colors would be quiet the appeal for Rose.

this room was made for her, and now would be the little foxy milf's chance to explore, and play, seeing what she liked, and if any of it really sparked her, then perhaps she could use it with
T. as he was obviously making sure his place would be a kind of paradise for the soon to be mother. even more so, having made sure only the absolute necessary company was their, as to keep her comfortable. meaning
himself, his sister who had a soft spot for babies, and herself, with the children. yet sense arriving it was now clear her little ones were well cared for else where by T's sister. as even Thorn had not been crying for her, yet if she ever peaked out back,
Rose would find an impressive set up for his sister and the babies. but for now her body needed some relief, her attention, and time all her own, and this room had much to try and explore. albeit it, the binding kind, the vibrating, gyrating, or even the pulsating kind
of toys in all sizes, and shapes.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Starting with a vibrator around the size of T's cock she played that along her body, her sides, her thighs, rubbing between her fold before putting it inside her which caused a gasping moan to escape her. It was a few minutes until she accidentally turned it on and immediately orgasmed, unable to take it out as she was losing her mind, mewling and moaning as she squirted onto the bed. Finally after almost an hour she turned it off and cleaned herself up, taking a few moment to collect her energy before a thought came to mind, she had free rein here, she could...sneak off...actually be free!

Shifting in her feral fox form she exited the play room that smelt like sex, down the halls, even outside as she wandered until finding the room that housed thorn and T's sister making her ears pin back. She hated seeing others caring for Thorn, made her feel like a bad mom. But all were sleep from a long day of play and adventures. Slinking inside she came to Thorn's bed, always able to shift forms and pick him up without waking him, exiting the room just as stealthily, this may wreck her relationship with T and may put her unborn kits in danger having not noticed how much bigger her belly got over the last few hours.

Into the night she carried Thorn, deep into the unknown landscape that she luckily had night vision to aid in navigating until morning when contractions began to hit. Currently sitting up in a large tree miles from the grounds she started at, nursing Thorn telling him that he would need to start getting weaned and eat much more yummy food which resulted in whining. But she had other things to worry about since these babies were coming and fast, grunting as she climbs down the tree with Thorn in her arms before shifting into her fox form once as the base of the tree where a burrow laid, flicking her tail for him to follow she leads Thorn down the burrow and sets him up with leaves and moss to nap in. Just as Thorn was going to sleep she rested near by on thick layers of moss feeling her stomach flinch and ache with contractions, these babies were big even for her natural form but she was out in the unknown and this den was big enough for a small fox family so it will have to work.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
out in the middle of the unknown land, alone with her infant, and soon to be born kits. Rose would begin to hear unwelcomed sounds of food steps. as well as wicked tools.
the vibrations of large machines echoed across the ground. it was becoming well know to her in the made den. this area was becoming more dangerous by the moment. If rose popped her head out.
the foxy little maiden would spot many different species moving with unknown machines, and tools. all of which were moving to cut down some trees, digging up segments of land, and more then that.
their would be no sign of T's place any where in the distance, which would leave one to wonder just how far she had gotten from the safety of the mansion. More then that, who were these unknown
creatures, and what danger would they pose, as they slowly got closer, and closer to her den with each passing minute of their work.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Grunting through the pain she would flick her ears as her paws would feel the ground, she could hear loud machines that torn in the air as they murdered the life of the forest. She chose a bad spot to stop meaning she had to keep going but carrying Thorn was impossible in his form being more than half her size. Having to think on her feet she woke Thorn had already started crying from the scary noises outside. She nudges him up the tunnel to the outside allowing her shift into a bigger form of a Timber wolf, latching her fangs gently onto the clothes Thorn wore she started to run but the creatures were everywhere, surrounding her as they were cutting through the forest sending all wildlife running. Spotting a group of deer she follows them out, thorn squealing with joy of the wind in his face and bouncing around. Rose was about to make it two miles until she literally could feel the babes pushing to come out resulting in her fumbling over her own paws, landing just shy of squashing Thorn who did not find that fun as he began crying. Rose whimpers as she crawls over to the infant, licking his forehead to comfort him, his tears tasting like salt on her tongue until he finally started giggling from being ticklish. Looking around she found they were near a river, those fools would not cut trees this way or else the ground would begin to give way into the river. She pulls herself up to the edge, lapping up at the cold water, being sure thorn stayed back until fetching him a leaf to drink from. Grunting from closer contraction signaling she needed to start pushing now, regretting she left at this point but she was free in a way.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she had run some distance once again. It would be unexpected, however an all to familiar voice could soon be heard screaming out her name. It would be T, and his sister. calling out for Rose, and THorn.

the voice was of real fear, and concern, if she wanted to admit it or not, her body would be in need of proper care, and the medical aid which was promised this day, however if she did not make enough noise,
or get Thorn to wail out for some reason. the two would not be found, however if they were found, she would end up, having to be returned to her owner eventually. forcing a painful choice to be made at this moment in time.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Resting down her head Rose could feel the babes had torn something as they were fighting their way out for she was bleeding and vision was getting blurry. Her ears would flick hearing distant calls of her name, of her childs name which spooked her for a moment until realizing it was T making her ears pin back in shame. She could easily say she got lost going on a run with Thorn but doubted T would believe her after all she had been through plus if he boss found out she and T would be in big trouble. Grunting as she laid on her side, labored breathing as she was panting heavily to catch her breath which was concerning Thorn who started whining and shouting out "mama! Mama! Mommy!" tears building in his eyes, hitting her back to keep her awake and also give him attention. At last she started to push, with ease the first babe came out being a female of T's species while the second was a boy who was too big, blocking the birth canal as she tried to push while hearing the baby girl screaming of life. Even if she wanted to keep hidden the kids were making such a racket she would bound to be found. So she forces herself up to bit the umbilical cord and bring the little girl to her side, covering her with licks to clean her up and soothe her before Rose laid her head back to the ground letting out whines and whimpers of pain. She couldn't push out this big pup, making her wiggle and kick out her legs to try and reposition him.
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Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It would be a close call, to the point where rose could potentially pass out from the pain and blood loss. however Both T, and his sister now knew where she was thanks to the crying infants. and more then that, the two impressive brutes rushed to the little fox's side. she would be aware of it or not. the sister would rush to take care of her little ones, as T moved to ensure the safe birth of her children, and the medical aid. at least enough aid until they could get the little foxy milf proper care from a professional.

Little did she know, once her body had recovered enough, T would be punishing Rose in his own way. more of a playfully caring, and potentially guilt causing pampering. a strange way indeed, but one which would show her safety was more important to him, then what her so called owner might do or say.
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