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Project Eternium

Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
By the locations she figured out the reasoning just in time for Doc to place the segments back resulting in her lowly growling the first time, her fangs biting into T's arm the second time without another thought. It took her barely a minute to realize what she did, gasping to scramble up to her feet 'I am so sorry, t" covering her mouth in horror. She hurt him, why would she do that? She had no memory of reliving the time with thunderwolf when the painful segments were put back into place, but she was trying to defend herself which resulted in biting T.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she began to panic, T could only chuckle, as he moved to pull rose into his embrace. his arms moving to hold, and soothingly caress, her. as the one arm would be presented to her.
as a faint steam could be seen, while the bite mark was healing right before her eyes.

"Nothing to apologize for, something as minor as that isn't even a thing to be worried about for my kind. relax, and let yourself recover, and feel better."

as he spoke to rose, the doc would get up, and bow to them, before preparing to leave.
"I shall write up my report, and give it to the one you spoke of. it is indeed best for her to remain safe, and comfortable until her body can fully heal. I will be back in a few nights
to give you the final report. " as he spoke, T would thank him, and wave his medical friend off, not knowing that what was really going to happen was far worse then if she was just returned
to her wicked owner.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Melting into his frame she lets out soft cries until seeing her bite upon his arm simply burn away to appear as nothing happened. She smiles a little hoping he would not ask why she did that but gathered earlier he had figured she has endured far worse than he predicted or assumed, sadly most horrors were locked away in her memories unless triggered like now. Seeing the vet off she presses herself into T's body seeing now why he had his doc come take a look at her, prove to her owner to have her stay longer. "thank you" whispering into his chest quite embarrassed.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Their is nothing to thank me for, remember I am a greedy man, and I plan to abuse you so much more. those soft cuddles, that warm body. Your the most enjoyable playmate I ever got to touch. I can only Hope being touched my me, is as enjoyable for you as well. " as he spoke making lite of what they had done, and how they would enjoy one another in the past. even speaking as if she was a cute, and lovely teddy bear for him to enjoy, and hoping she enjoyed his attention, and affection the same way. however despite his bad attempt at being funny, his words were still laced with gentle affection, and care tours her.

with this, Rose would find she was free to choose their next activities if she so desired, or she could just relax in his embrace, and they could enjoy being outside some more, or even go back in and enjoy the magical box of pictures, as he commented it like some kind of voodoo for entertainment.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Unable to hide her giggling by his chance as being funny she saw what he meant though doubted it was love, more of enjoying eachothers company enough to keep her around. She chews on her lips finding they were at a loss of what to do but had a question in mind before suggesting they go see the kids "So...in other words, you love me?"
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Of course, I do, I will admit that. But more then that, how do you feel hmm?" as he spoke, stating it like it should be obvious, while acting like her personal goof ball.
however the way he spoke, and acted, would make one think more like family then an actual lover. a perverted family member. however perhaps in his species this was one and the same?
none the wiser, regardless, her request would be granted, as the brute got up, with Rose still in his arms.

as he moved to carry her. "so then do we want the kids to be with you in a smaller room? or should we get them all together with us, to enjoy some colorful shows and some attention?"
as he spoke up saying this, in a gentle, and playfully dark tone. as if trying to sound like a monster when all T could do, was paint an image of a big teddy bear for the fox to cuddle into and chew on.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Expecting his answer still surprised her, drawing a bashful smile though she could not reciprocate such feelings back, she doubted to ever be able to love again. Moving her arms to hugs herself in thought just as he lifted her back into her arms "I rather not Thorn at least watch the magical shows, I am him to spend as much time with me here in the moment as possible. I dunno how much I will see him when I return" answering softly.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well then, shall we take him and the others into a play room with you?" as he said this, T's words would make Rose's mind go to the adult playroom he had made just for her.
however little did the fox know, their was a second play room just for spending time with the children. which is what he was referring to. as it was the room his sister often used with
the kids, in order to be so close to them, and enjoy the time with them as much as possible.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
chuckling at her sudden reaction and expression when he mentioned play room, before hearing her words. the brute would move to get up, and gently offer to carry, and
pamper his rose while he would take her into the room, to let the motherly maiden investigate it first, before enjoying the time with her little ones. unless she wanted to just get in
their with them, and have that quality right away.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Happy on her preppy feet she shifted into her fox form once in the room, sniffing about to ensure its safety for her children, always on edge even after being in T's home for two weeks, she was always on survival mode. But then she experience a playful side of herself when finding a wobble toy that made her bat and hop around it in an adorable fashion. Her fluffy tail wagging with joy as her eyes sparkled for the first time in her life, pure fun.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Liking this cute sight of Rose, T would drop into an indian sitting position with his legs crossed. two of his hands resting on his knees, as the other two arms crossed at his chest. with a warm smile on his
face the massive brute was loving this sight. it was quiet something. a side of Rose which was rarely seen, if not unknown to most. and here it was her, having true fun, with a child's toy. even in her fox form, the massive brute would say nothing, nor do anything but sit their loving this show, as he wanted to let Rose get all the fun she could out of her sister. before the little ones would be brought in to join them.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Leaping into the air she came down onto the toy, pinning it between her front paws only for it to pop up against her nose snapping her out of that playful mode that lasted several minutes. She sat back using her paw to rub her nose before looking over to T seeing his expression caused her to blush under her fur. Shifting back into her original form "what?" curious of his thoughts.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Just loved how cute you looked, so relaxed and playful. I can't wait till i can enjoy this sight any time I want. and more so I am sure you enjoy this, with such a lovely expression. "
as he spoke up, being brutally honest in his opinion, however the fact remained, the wicked looking brute would make sure that he would get a special portable toy for her. one which could be
kept in her personal den back at the hell hole, as he would have to pay a large sum, but could get the permission for her, and thorn to have something from him at least. However little did ether of them know.
long before things could begin to come together with in the next few nights, Rose would be forced into a hell worse then what her owner did to her.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Wagging her tail finding her heart swell by his words was a electrifying feel that she would aim to attempt again in the future "thank you, I do not believe I have played with a toy" admitting with a sigh. "I hate my life" shaking her head by what she murmured under her breath. "lets get the kids in here, have a full blast before they afternoon nap" suggesting with a bright smile.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she said this, T would smirk before speaking up.
"No need to rush, their daily play time will be starting shortly, sis gives them snacks, nap time, and play time on a schedule, so we have a bit before they come to join us. "
as he said this with a playful smirk, once again showing how far ahead he had thought of things, but at the same time, he was also bending to Rose's desires to a strange yet
oddly cute degree. giving her a bit more time to enjoy herself before the came, or she could stay by T, and rest, and relax before they joined them. as nap time would be over with in the
next 10 minutes as he told her this. having planned for the doctor to do the exam while the infants were doing their new routine with their big aunty, as they knew her at the moment.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Wishing she was motherly enough to know routine was best for infants and toddlers she offered a pout realizing she had to wait for them to wake up from said nap to join her in the playroom. Shifting back into her fox form clearly a little down at the reminder of how put together T and his sister were while she was a mess. Pawing at the wobble toy watching to sway with each hit before she smacked it across the room.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she smacked it across the room, T would quietly move to suddenly pluck Rose up in two of his arms. pulling her into his lap, as one hand moved to gently stroke
her fur, as he spoke up.

"I think it is good to enjoy our time, and rest when we can. Besides once playtime start, You might find it hard to keep up with the little ones. and I don't know if youll be able to tag out. "
as he spoke teasing her a bit. Rose would find this wicked brute trying his best to sooth, cheer her up, and playfully tease the foxy maiden. as she could easily let her mood get the better of her, or enjoy
all which was going good for her at this moment in time.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Squeaking as she was picked up to settle into his lap hearing his words or enjoying their time and rest when she has had plenty of that, rarely did she get to have real fun with her kids. She lowers back her ears as she looks up to him guessing eh could be correct on the little ones tiring her out but just meant an early nap time. She lays in his lap, curling her tail under her head as pillow while training her eyes onto the door waiting quietly.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
A short while passed, before long, the sister could be heard heading to the playroom with Thorn's voice leading the way. the kids were being brought to the play room, excitedly awaiting their fun. unaware that today would indeed be a special play day for them all. As T smirked, hearing this, unaware how Rose would act, but looked forward to seeing this, even more so after seeing such a cute sight of her earlier with the toy. the small foxy milf was gonna be quiet the enjoyable sight for this brute to watch, and look over.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Resting in his lap while she kept watch on the door she began to feel time slow until finally she heard the voice of her son leading the group of three other infants and T's sister into the playroom where she awaited like a surprise present. Once Thorn turned the corner seeing T sitting on the floor he seemed confused until spotting mom would jumped out of T's lap with her fur fluffed out ready to play. Thorn let out a happy squeal as he ran toward mom, tackling her instantly since her fox form was similar to his size with how fast her grows. Covering her son with kisses thorn would giggle at the tickles before getting his favorite toy to show his mom that was a bouncy ball that had all sorts of lights when it was bounced leading to the mother and son playing fetch in a some fashion.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Watching this little show, as Thorn was now playing with his mommy. the sight of the duo having their fun would be truly a heart warming one. as T soon had the other kids on his lap as well. giving them some attention as well.
the size of the thunder pup child was impressive for how quickly he was growing physically. however the fact remained more so, T had himself a son, and daughter with Rose now, as his sister would be playing with these two. all the while, it had begun to turn into a real enjoyable moment for the make shift family.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing her other three children squealing with laughter and joy with their father or aunt she would pause her play with her personal son that held no true ties to the beings in this room nor did Blue, yes a mother in common but fathers of different pasts and choices. "mama!" Thorn would shout before leaping toward her, in a flash he shifted into a lab puppy, licking mama once he pinned her down. Rose was staring in such shock and awe with a gaping mouth that her son did poses her power in a fashion. But immediately she knew it would put a target on his back, he must not do so around the boss. For now she laughs licking him back before pushing him off her.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
seeing this, the brute of a male would gentle smile, as he looked to his sister, winking at her. before moving himself slowly. it would not be long, however rose would soon see the for armed man
with an odd device in his hand. once it had it prepped. the sister would look to the kids she was playing with, and whispered to them, which would make the trip excited.

the two four armed kids, and the thunder pup would suddenly move to join in with their brother and mother. as the siblings planned to get a picture of the mother and her cubs all together having fun, and making a
wonderful and loving memory. a picture which would be given as a special gift to her, after being developed and altered so that she could keep it hidden from her cruel master, and owner.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The lab puppy did not remain his form very long as he returned to his human child appearance, hugging onto mom as his siblings scrambled their way with just joyful screams and laughter. Rose smiles, wagging her tail madly as her children would show her their toys before attempting to play with one another while she would chime in to give them all kisses. Never has she imagined such a beautiful scene, all her children safely together, under a roof she knew would care and nurture them all their days.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Enjoying this scene, and playing with her children, slowly , besides thorn, Rose would see each of her little ones beginning to show off their unique abilities, both from her, and which ever had a parental ability.
as this went on, the nanny like sister had already left the room to fix snacks, and drinks for every one, as T was now moving to sit comfortably, as he looked on. waiting for the right moment to snap pictures, wanting to make as many memories as he could for himself, and rose alike. the sudden sounds of the camera's shutter, as well as the momentary flashes might catch one off guard, however their was no danger for her or the children, even if this was a surprise for the little foxy milf.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her abilities were not part of her original gene pool so it was 5% chance or less any of her children would inherit shifting but she was proven wrong by Thorn while the others held abilities similar to their fathers, the boy and gal strong yet gentle while Blue was more energetic and would accidently shock one when touched at times. Rose enjoyed every bit of time with them but her mind would always wander, constantly worried of her future, her life and what of Thorn, growing up in this madness must harm his mind as well. Then a flash caught her indeed off guard, her fur fluffing out to look toward T " what is that?" she would question him.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she fluffed up in a defensive posture, T would chuckle, as he apologized.
"this is a camera, wanted to get some pictures of you and the kids having fun, with out it being artificial "
as he said this, the odd machine began to spew out a while square, as he would take hold of it, shaking it, until a lovely little
image would appear. as it was quiet the enjoyable looking image. T would show it to Rose, if she liked it, he would make a special version of it, so she could
have it on her, and hidden from her master.
Local Time:
4:24 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As some time passed, the play day had been more then a small success. As T would move to gently lift Rose, and Thorn in his arms. carrying the two, to his main chamber, to let them sleep on the massive bed.
as his sister collected the other three kiddies. as she would take them back to her own chamber to put them to rest as well. having set up little cribs, and bed spots for them in the room. so she could care for them,
and keep an eye on them.

As he moved to carefully, lift, and gently carry the two, T would speak in a soft whispering tone, so Rose could respond with out waking thorn if she wasn't to exhausted herself.
"I think we all earned a nice little rest. You two can enjoy the master suite's bed, and I will prep some dinner for after every one's sleep. so rest peacefully. " saying this in a gentle, and
caring tone. T did not realize it, but his care, and actions tours Rose would cause her mind to paint images of him, and her, much like Brian was with her prior. but now with images of them
under the sun in his property, thus painting a potential future, even if it was a hopeful, even if very unlikely future, which could cause both happiness, and pain in her heart if it was able to remain
in Rose's mind long enough.
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