Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

She sensed his emotion, but did comment on it while they navigated, the winding paths splintered around like the branches of a tree. The paths shifted from forest to Hilly, becoming rockier and tougher as they approached the pale stone cave face, pitch black inside. "It's said that this cave cursed to render the traveler blind if they are lost inside." She said as she looked ti her team. "That the howls of damned souls whistle through this place."
Phantoma tilted her head, glaring at the cave entrance as though she could scare the souls away... and honestly, she probably could. Intranel and Zerek both looked terrified, Intranel just from her words, Zerek from his previous experience in the Graveyard Kara had left him in that one night as punishment "D-...D-Do we have to go in there?" Zerek asked, visibly trembling slightly.
"That's my girl" Lara said as she walked into the cave with her now hostage team, she pulled out her electric lantern, clicking it on and letting it go, making it float with her psychic talents. The light seemed only to brighten so far, what was once a brilliant glow was reduced to a dim flickering charge. "Hm. The cursed spirits are powerful here."
As the darkness pried at them, ripping and nipping at the males, the light fighting to stay alive. Things were certainly in there, the winding paths, the shadows housing things, whispering voices abd warbling rushing hisses. For the psychic, she could sense the presence in the cave, not minds, but spirits. Something reaching out of the shadows, claws pawing at the bubble of light, making it crackle and the light briefly turned out.
"No." Phantoma's voice whispered out as the light flickered, a pulse of her own power sent out and returning the light "Do not hide like a child... Come and face me." The Ghost Type Demanded, her whispered voice seeming to boom and echo in the silence of the cave, her energy trying to drag the presence out into the light. Meanwhile, Zerek and Intranel were basically clinging to each other and Kara, terrified by the light going out.
As the spirit challenged the others in the cave, the pressure sudden constricted , stale air and mist looming up underneath the team, disembodied heads abd skulls shopping out of the mist, howling. A specter rippled from the shadows, but the light flares abd crackled at the increasing presence , flickering abd strobing. "Spirits of dread! We are not afraid!" Kara said as she stood tall, holding her mon.

The specter, a shadow and mass of gas like haze abd burning crackling eyes of red looked only beyond the phantom and Monk. "I sense Fear-" it warbled, a unseen hand leveling , pointing in accusation to the other male mon. "Fear and weakness!"
Phantoma stepped forwards, her eyes meeting the Glowing red of the apparition "The only fear here, is yours..." Her quiet voice retorted, again seeming to hold such strength compared to the figure in the dark, her confidence holding a wall against the grandeur "You want to hold us? Defeat us... But when we win, you will come with us instead."
Phantoma growled as she watched the Gengar coalesce into his full form, her grip around his throat tightening "Coward... Carrion Feeder!" She snarled, the first show of any real emotion from her "Those Spirits were not yours to collect, and you have done nothing but gorge on souls you stole!" Her other fist came around towards his head, darkness coating it as she struck with a Sucker Punch.
As she lashed out her punch, her hand was halted as the air warped opening up the wailing faces of lost tormented spirits. "Careful. You'll destroy them like that!" It warned as it's body warped further, mouths opening up on the surface of it's body, it's heightened power giving it strange, terrible changes. The mouths bsvvmes snd hissed, rambling voices if hundred if souls that began to form a dark chorus, a cursing chill flowed outward, the lantern crackling louder before it sudden exoloded. Something passed through each if them, Death caressing them as it the Gengar laid out its horrific song.
Phantoma recoiled at the wailing chorus, her eyes widening "Wha... How many?!" She cried out, even as Intranel and Zerek both shifted their stances, their clinging to Kara holding her tighter, the trio's life force being united by the two Psychics. It might give them all a little longer against the Perish Song, but it wouldn't be long... Phantoma shook off her horror, grabbing the Gengar and firing a Shadow Punch into his face, pressing her physical strength to break through any barrier he might put up.
Her question seems to only answer the monstrous spirit, as it took her punch, the shadows bellowing and pooling , sucking inti hits ghostly body. "How many berries does one consider when they make pokeblock?" He asked back as he reveled in the horror. It's link sudden extended out, wraopingvaround Phantoma and lifted her up, slamming her inti the ground with a brutal Lick, rending at her spiritual essence. It licked the air, cackling briefly, the settee, hanging limply In place like a marionette.

"We need to help her-" Kara said as the spirit waited fir its challenger.
"Grucgh!" Phantoma groaned as she was slammed to the ground, and the Lick ran across her form, leaving her physique untouched but rending at her spirit, trapping her on the ground even as she continued to struggle weakly, unwilling to be turned into a puppet, or pet by her assailant. Zerek and Intrenal both whined weakly, The Kirlia looking more fearful "But... but that's a Ghost Type... He's got a type advantage over me!"
"We don't need to fight him directly Intranel! Using the mind and spirt, we can-" Kara winced suddenly, starting to cough as something inside of her felt wrong. Air inside her lungs felt, fainter,making her wheeze as she coughed put specks of blackness. "Ngh-" she spat. "Can start trying to suppress his stolen power-" she finished, her eyes sharp with seriousness. "Phantoma can't even harm like this."

Another crack of force in the air, in the swirling darkness, the gengar using its tongue like a whip to keep beating the warrior spirit.
Phantoma grit her teeth as the Gengar continued to layer punishment onto her, a dark grin crossing her face as she took a deep breath "That the best you can do? All that stolen power... and you can't even scratch my body?!" She taunted, even as Intranel bit his lip "I... Alright..." He mumbled, gripping Kara's hand and layering his power onto hers, letting her direct his strength to try and suppress the Gengar.

(The temptation to make Phantoma a masochist for this Gengar's particular style of 'Torture' is growing...)
(XD Phantoma: stands up, leaking all over the cave. Mistress can we talk-)

The two psychics knelt together in the shadows, her hands holding onto Intranels. "Focus on the spirits around you, let their anger pass you by and focus on the their need to think of something....warm, pure, and pour it into those pains-" she instructed as the pressure inside her chest exspanded, the opinion inside her crunching again as she tried to focus herself.

The monster hissed and wiggled its tongue. "You like marks! Try this one!" It hissed as it's tongue punched forward, stretching and snapping at a right angle using a dark pulse to blast inti her.
Intranel nodded to Kara's words, closing his eyes and trying to do exactly that, whilst Zerek stood over them, breathing softly as he used his illusions to keep the spirits off their backs "I... I can't think of... anything, Kara..." The Kirlia whined softly, even as he felt her wince and pushed more of his power into hers.

Phantoma yelped as the Dark Pulse slammed into her side, but after a deep breath she grinned again "Pathetic... You really are Pathetic... Can't even hurt me when you've got me trapped like this!" She taunted him more, putting on a brave face as she just wanted to scream from the pain.
"I can make you hurt....just how you want." The gangar said as it shifted forward, suddenly over her, it's voice low, slithering into her head as it's tongue dug inti her side now worming into the shadowy curves of her spirt, her body. "You hard outside- hides a soft- needy insude-'

She wrapped her arm's around Intranels body gently, tucking his head against her neck. "Focus- you can do it" she huffed out , her voice get sifter, wheezing lightly. "You've got one, everyone's felt that happiness." She encouraged.
Intranel took a breath, before a moment of happiness entered his mind... The time just after he'd evolved, when he'd overpowered her and... done things to her. He wasn't sure if she'd appreciate the reminder, but... The joy he'd felt there began to swell up inside him, his power sending that feeling across the shadows.

Phantoma grimaced as the Gengar hunched over her, biting her tongue to hide the needy grunt she almost made, all of her self control being used to spit angrily into his face "Fuck you..." She hissed, even as he'd feel the way she quivered as his tongue dug deeper into her spirit.
"Don't worry, we'll be doing alot of that- I'll rend your spirit down to a nub and drink in alll your pleasures-" he said as his tongue shifted. catching her spit on it and savoring it. She felt his thrill, the suck glee that wormed through him and down his tongue as their spirits brushed together. The thousands of souls he absorbed making their voices ramble outward inti her mind as he started to lick at her core, threatening to taint it.

Kara fought the flush that touched her, reminded that her Intranel had some very interesting ideas of what joy was. But she project that emotion, a psychic wave shoving at the gengar, the mouths of his body screeching as the he cringed, feeling psychic pressure.
Phantoma quivered more as he continued to abuse her, disgust covering her face as he began to press his essence even deeper inside of her form, but when the psychic wave shunted out and started to sap his power she blinked in shock and took a deep breath, striking at him with a Shadow punch.

Intranel just kept focused on his joy, keeping the pleasured wave suppressing the Gengars power so Phantoma could strike him properly.
The Gengar hissed and boiled, bibbled breaking out on his shadowy body, as UT was slashed at. It's spectral body reforming. "Haa~rough- goooood- we will share oir pain-" it hissed as it was clearly toying with her still. It certainly was in pain...but much like her, it wasn't willing to show it...and just like her, it definitely wasn't hating it. "You your friends will have to die- for their mettling-" it said as it opened its hands up, launching out two shadow balls. One at Phantoma, the other hurdled backwards at Zerek first.
Phantoma grunted angrily as the Shadow ball hit her, straight in the chest, but she didn't fall, infact, she vanished into shadow, before appearing behind the Gengar and slamming all her force into it, using Spectral Thief to hit him with all her force "You won't touch them!" She snarled, even as Zerek met the Shadow ball with a Dark Pulse, his energy splitting the Ghostly Energy as Intranel and Kara kept lowering the Gengars Power.

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