Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

As the gengar was struck, he hidmssed at gloweted at Phantoma, as if she had tricked him and he was going to make her suffer for that....bonus? Phantoma was shifted around planted on the hard stone, the Gengar stepping on her back. "This bitch? She's mine. I get to do what I want with her." He seethed as he opened his hands, shooting at the ground, unleashing a dark pulse to blast at the other males.
"Eh- this isn't fir the battle-" The Gengar realized as Phantoma seemed to almost throw herself on top of any attack that came near her. Oh. She was just his type. So free in her need for pain. The Sadist swung out his tongue to Sucker Punch Zerek as he darted at him, picking up on his movement
(XD Phantoma: on 1 hp, but is so inti it she's overcoming the pain over and over)

The gengar was torn into by the suckerpunch, the dark techniques making the moans of the damned wail louder out of him, blown away by the dark blows again and again. "Aaaah! Bitch stay out of the way!" He hissed as he staggered around, his essence shrinking, weakening as his power levels were fading to a more natural state
("Phantoma toughed it out so you wouldn't feel sad She could get off more")

Zerek grinned as the Gengar weakened, glancing across to Intranel "Throw it!" He called, even as the Kirlia used his psychic powers to launch an Ultra Ball from Kara's pack straight at the Gengars face, whilst Phantoma's body finally gave in, the Marshadow collapsing with one last quiet moan.
(XD Phantoma: I'll watch his pokeball....alone. in my room.)

As the ball flew at him, his mouth opened, the spirit about to launch a shadowball but the ball caught in it mouth. 'MGH- Gulp' his body began to morph and twist, starting to get dragging upon itself abd into the ball. It dropped onto the ground in a plop...rocking...then settling. The mist and shadows, the roiling dread around them...settling , everything going still.
Zerek took a deep breath, looking over at Intranel as the ball clicked "Holy fuck... We won?!" He muttered, even as the Kirlia turned his attention to Kara, placing an Oran berry in her mouth, hoping it might restore her like it did a Pokemon. Zerek walked over and picked up the Gengars ball, before blushing as he saw Phantoma's battered body.
Kara twitched as the berry was crushed up up in her mouth, her eyes wavering open. Her mouth streaked by black ichir, her nose, it even had begun seeping from her ears. If the battle lasted aby longer... she coughed up a black writhing mass, gasping as she hacked up any more of the cursed liquid. "W-whaf- we're okay?" She rasped out as she took out her flash light.
Intranel nodded, using his powers to fling the bile away as she grabbed her flash light "We are. We captured the Gengar whilst you were out..." He gestured across to where Zerek was holding the Ultra Ball, the Zorua still staring at Phantoma's naked body "Uh... Kara? Do... Do you have spare clothing? That bastard tore up Phantomas..."
"...sure?" She said as she pulled her hands off Phantoma, feeling a strange slickness on the ghost, but.she sajjme it was something like ectoplasm or sweat? She pulled out her ball to recapture her, and looked at tye ultra ball, feeling the malicious spirit still inside if it, it's hateful soul vibrating. She pushed it into her bag cautiously.
And when she put both the balls back into her bag, unbeknownst to any of them, Phantoma's newly formed link would connect her subconscious to the Gengars, leaving her back in the black cave, in his grip...

Zerek just took Kara's hand and started to walk with her, leading the way to get out of the cave as soon as possible, whilst Intranel followed close behind.
Zerek nodded, not glancing back "Maybe... But we just took down the biggest and nastiest one... I don't think they'll even try fucking with us" He replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

Phantoma blushed as the red eyes fixed upon her naked form, reset to her normal strong muscles "M... Me..." She giggled, her body already expecting the punishment and revelling in it.
"Maybe." She rasped back. "They might want to possess someone who isn't fortified mentally and spiritually." She added.

The Gengars hatred seethed around her, it's Visage narrowing around her, dark tentacles grabbing her throat and lifting her up. "You got in my way- at every turn- why!" He hissed as tentacles left out cracking inti her body with sharp tendrils, lashing her mind and mental flesh.
Zerek glanced back "Hence why I'm not letting go of you right now... You aren't exactly in the best way." He spoke matter of factly.

Phantoma's voice was whisper thin as he began to choke her "Because your pain... belongs to me..." She replied, her face becoming a look of delight as he began to whip and rend at her form. But something wasn't quite right, she wasn't weakening in the same was as she had before...
"I'll be fine- I'm just- tired." She debated, rubbing her mouth with her sleeve, wiping away the abhorrent evil blood. "I'm not going to collaspe." She huffed.

"Eh-!" he dropped her on the cave floor, the darkness around her writhing, squirming at her words rather than her attitude. "What are you saying, Pet-" he hissed as his grand burning eyes shrank. They vanished and reappeared, his maw, an eternal, unyielding smile in the darkness hovering in the air as they formed over her. "You're so greedy for my punishment that you won't let me hurt someone else?"
Zerek frowned as she spoke "You look like death, Kara..." He murmured, gently tugging her arm so she'd be pulled forwards, even as his other arm swung into the back of her legs and brought her up into a carrying position "Take a rest. We'll get you out."

Phantoma's smile got wider as he spoke, nodding slowly before she reached up into the darkness and grabbed him, much like she had on their first encounter "Not just that... I think you need to share in it too..." She murmured, her eyes flashing red in reflection of his even as the cave shifted, lights flashing from nowhere to pin him away from any shadows he could hide in "Pain for both of us..." She hissed into his ear, whilst moving her grip to crush him in a bear hug.
(XD Kara:...why are these pokeballs so sticky...)

Kara yelped at Zerek suddenly swept her up inti his arms. "You-you need me-- to protect you-" she said looking up at him. She flushed slightly. Not used to this feeling, getting forced to be taken care of.

The Gengar saw her eyes flash, his corruption still inside her, thriving as she manipulated her dreams to battle now. Her squeezing made him bucking inwards, giving out a strangled cry. "Oooh fuck-!" He groaned as she forced her pain onti him. His tongue slapped out , striking her in the face, his arms frigging inti her, hadowclaws cutting into her.
Zerek sighed "No, you need us." He retorted, even as Intranel moved to be side by side with them, taking the lantern from Kara and using his power to hold it up "He's right, Miss Kara." The Kirlia agreed, even as Zerek leant in and whispered "We can discuss this in private, hmm?" into her ear.

Phantoma squeezed tighter as he dug his claws in, her face twisting from a look of mere happiness to one of genuine debauched delight, whilst she leant in and bit his nose hard, savaging it as she did so, panting for breath for a short moment "MMmm..." She mumbled, even as he'd start to realise just what his corruption had unleashed... She was just as sadistic as him now, only she loved the pain he inflicted just as much as he did!
Her hand was weak, easily letting go of the light as the two were dedicated to protecting her whole she rested. His whisper making her shake her head. "You-..." Sheumblrd out, but despite her efforts, just surviving the perish song, carrying the weight of the deadly song, had drained her so. Her eyes already closing. "Need.." her breathing deepened...

As she chomped on the Gengar, the crazed masochist felt something thump into her belly, almost like a suckerpunch to the gut. If it was errction shaped. The Gengar carved it's dark claws into her back. The ghost fighting back...well "fighting" clearly wasn't the goal between them.
"Hush Kara, Hush..." Zerek murmured as they basically ran through the cave, Intranel reading her map in the lantern light as he directed them, path by path towards the exit.

Phantoma drooled as he dug his claws deeper into her back, her saliva dribbling over his face whilst she rolled them, pinning him underneath her and rubbing her slit against his stiff length, feeling its size and knowing it was going to rip her insides apart "Come on... Give me more pain! Make me scream!" She howled, a crazed mixture of begging and demands.
"...your a twisted whore." The Gengar said as they locked eyes, her deranged demands seeing that black shadows mass underneath her ripple, barbs and hooking grotwthed forming out of it, made to tear her up inside. Tentacles however grew out if him. "Somethings...missing- gonna need some...bounce he said ashe thrusting uo inti her pussy, the destructive pole driving inti her. Even tye tips of the barbs were blunted, making the pain worse, having ti digg deep to rip inti her and tear back out. The tentacles latched onto her breasts, his claws raking down her back and puncturing hee ass cheeks as he grasped hold off her
"I'm your twisted whore!" She retorted to him as she did nothing but moan to the feeling of him forcing his barbs deep inside her, the blunt tips ripping her up "But that's not enough... You can do worse than that!" She moaned at him, feeling the claws slashing open her back and ass, even as she began to shift up and down on his length "Or else I will!" Her own hands became claws as well, starting to rip and tear into his back.
(XD Gengar: Damn bitch you soul binding yourself to me already)

As the Two tore into each other like twin deviants, rending at each other as viscous as feral dogs in a frenzy, the Gengar only moaned back. Sharing her twisted election in suffering. The monster inside her swelling bigger as the pain fueled the nightmare they both shared. He ripped inside of her , the burned spin and grinding, mangling inside her like winding gears and spokes. His tongue wrapped around her neck, lifting them both inti the air, hanging her by her neck like a dark noose.
A foul black ichor poured over the floor as they rutted and ripped each other apart, before her eyes bulged as his tongue dragged her up, wrapped tightly around her throat and slowly cutting off all her air, pain screaming through every nerve as her body twitched around "Fu...ess..." She moaned out, her eyes rolling back into her head as she would've passed out... well, if this wasn't a dreamstate. As it was, she was kept endlessly on the edge of consciousness, her sweet agony pouring into him with every failed attempt at breathing, ready for him to go further.

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