Fantasy RP Saved from Hell (RhysTheFirebird)


Angel hadn't grown up dreaming of being a call girl, it was a job that she had fallen into when she had been down on her luck and money. She had started working as a call girl when she was seventeen after her parents had kicked her out of home. Angel didn't know where else to turn being homeless and without money, she had met another girl like her down on their luck who had gotten her in with the company she worked for. That had been five years ago. Angel had found out quickly that her specialization, when it came to clients, was vampires. Other girls tended to turn down vampire clients as they found them either too much to deal with or just in general didn't like vampires. But Angel didn't mind them.

At least some of them she didn't mind. Some of her clients were rough with her and didn't care about her comfort or safety but there was one. One who had booked her one day who Angel ended up having a crush on. He was dominating and possessive over her but also gentle and caring. He never did anything that Angel wasn't comfortable with and afterwards, instead of just tossing money at her and telling her to leave he took the time to clean her up and sometimes even made her food. Because of how he treated her, like a human, she had grown rather fond of him. He had become her safe place, the one vampire Angel trusted with her life.

That was how she now found herself outside of his apartment, he hadn't booked her or anything but Angel didn't know where else to go. Sure she could have gone back to her apartment after her last client, but she needed to feel safe. She had walked there in a daze, tears rolling down her cheeks, after her last client. The last vampire she had been with had been so rough that Angel had instinctively tried to fight him off of her. He had basically jumped on her as soon as she walked through his door, his rough hands had began to roughly rip her clothes from her. Her forearms were covered in red marks and bruises from the brutes fingers, her knees were red raw from the carpet in his bedroom and her thighs...her thighs were bruising badly with scratches from his nails from trying to pry her legs apart. And her neck, her neck looked as if a wild dog had attacked her instead of a vampire who had feed from her roughly. After he had finished with her the man had thrown money at her where he left her on his bedroom floor and left her to struggle to her feet and get herself dressed. This client hadn't even offered to clean the blood from her neck, which was now dried on her skin and in her hair, or offered to let herself clean up in his bathroom.

Angel didn't know if her favorite man was home, hell, she knew he owned a large company; which he had offered her a job at to get her out of being a call girl, but she didn't know where that was so she couldn't go there and see if he was there. And she also doubted he would want to see her at his company in the state that she was in. An almost broken shell of her normally bubbly self. Wrapping her knee length black coat around herself more tightly which hid the very short black dress she wore, Angel sniffled softly as she reached out and knocked on his door. "Please" Angel whispered more to herself praying he was home. After not hearing anything for a bit she couldn't help but give a small whimper as fresh tears began to spill down her cheeks, moving she sat down on the floor just off to the left of his door with her back against the wall as she let herself cry.

Raising her knees up Angel rested her head on her knees and sobbed her small body shaking as she wrapped her arms around her legs trying to comfort herself her waist length black hair falling around her like a curtain. Angel didn't know how long she had stayed sitting there before she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, she didn't raise her head instead she pulled her legs more tightly against herself trying to make herself look as small as possible. Angel didn't want to be an inconvenience to anyone walking by who might be trying to get to their own apartment. She just wanted her vampire, the one man in her life who wanted to protect her. Realizing that the footsteps had stopped in front of her Angel slowly raised her head and peered up at the person her bangs falling into her eyes, seeing that it was her vampire she scrabbled to her feet, without saying a word to him Angel reached up, standing on her tippy toes slightly since even with her heels on she was still shorter then him since she was only five foot five, and threw her arms around his neck. She pressed her small frame tightly against his as she buried her face into his shoulder and let herself sob against him, "I'm-I'm sorry for coming here" Angel whimpered as she kept her tight hold on him "I just needed to see you" she added her words were shaky.

Angel just hoped he wouldn't turn her away or push her away because of the state she was in after having been with another man.
First Name: Justin
Middle Name: Loyd
Last Name: Nightsong
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Age: 444 (Looks 25)
Birthday: July 5th
Hair} Burned Bronze
Eyes} Dark Chocolate Brown
Skin} Gold Dusted Pale White
Height} 6'1
Body Type} Lean, with corded muscle, wider chest, slightly narrower hips.
Race(s)(Percentages) [supernatural]: Born human, but was turned into a vampire when he was 25
Personality: Justin used to be a really bright and outwards facing person before he was turned. He loved to tell jokes and attended social parties. He was a bright light, even amongst darkness, always laughing and bringing joy to those who needed it. He loved being around friends and family, never once was he seen alone.

After he was turned though, things changed. He always preferred to be alone, he always seemed angry and in a darker mood. He never told many jokes anymore and he seemed lost in his own memories. The traumatic experience of his turning affected Justin deeply, scarring him permanently and leaving behind wounds that would never heal. He stopped making frinds and going to parites and the light inside him seemed to die. In any given moment, Justin seemed to exude doom. He would lay out things point blank and not even try to cheer anyone up. He tended to avoid other with traumatic experiences as well, never going near people who might be able to sympathize with him. He claimed up, and only opens for a very few select people.


Justin had been having a pretty. . . Average evening. He'd just snake his fangs into the plastic casing of a blood bag, wincing at the taste of old blood. The crimson liquid spilled across his tongue and he relaxed slightly as the instant burn raging up the back of his throat was quenched. It seemed that each time he fed, he needed a little more.

Average, but no less busy. He'd had a meeting in the morning, which had been a bitch to get to. He'd had to stay in his office all day because of it, and couldn't get home until sunset. Sleeping in his desk chair left aches in his shoulders that would last for nights, not to mention the sleep in general had been shit.

Now, he was almost home. Some semblance of comfort, a moment he could relax. He would need help with that, maybe. He tosses the empty plastic package into a trashcan, knowing the dark of the chilly night air would hide the label. His favorite girl was probably busy, and his favorite boy too. He grumbles softly, rubbing his temple, feeling irritated. Stress had a way of taking over him, making him hungry in more ways than one.

He reached his flat, his home when he was in the city, he owned the whole building, which was a grace. There was a form huddled on the stoop, and he assumed it was a homeless, but a deep inhale through his nose told him otherwise.

Perfume, sex. . . His eyes narrowed slightly. Blood. He storms forward, lips parting to tell at the profusely bleeding individual for hunkering down. He couldn't stand the smell of fresh blood, it always drove him wild. But then another scent hit him, one as familiar as the moon on his skin.

"Angel." His voice is soft, and full of concern. "You know better than to come here bleeding like that."

He gently scoops her up, pulling her legs around his hips as he pulled his key from his back pocket.

"You know I always have a room for you here." He'd never kicked her out, or anyone he'd slept with, in the night. He had a guest room that was deep cleaned every night for his company to stay should they wish.
"I didn't know where to go" Angel whispered to Justin when he scooped her up telling her that she knew better than to come to his home bleeding like she was, now that he was carrying her she let her body relax more against his. She knew he would be able to feel how she was shaking and how her breathing hitched every now and again as she if she fending off a panic attack that could come any moment. Keeping her arms wrapped around his neck Angel moved her head slightly so she could press her forehead against the side of his neck as she closed her eyes.

In that moment, just being in his arms, Angel felt as if nothing could hurt her again. At least while she was in Justin's arms. "I-I needed you" she added softly with a small sniffle after being quiet for a moment. She had once told him that he made her feel safe so she knew he would understand why of all people she had come to him.

Angel knew she wasn't the only person Justin slept with, she never thought she would be but at least he was honest with the fact that she wasn't the only one he called on to entertain his carnal desires; especially if she was busy with other clients. The feeling of him walking as he carried her was relaxing that slowly with each step Justin took Angel let herself relax more and more as her body and mind finally came to terms that she was now safe. Slowly the grip Angel had on the back of his shirt loosened enough that her hands hung loosely against his back as she allowed her body to fully relax in his arms, she knew Justin was able to easily carry her so Angel wasn't worried about letting her body fully relax.

Even though she was small Angel was always impressed with how Justin could pick her up as if she weighed nothing at all. "I'm sorry if I've ruined your night coming here" she said softly, she hoped that Justin wasn't going to be put out with her just showing up at his home in the state she was in. But then again, she had no doubt that if she had gone to her apartment after what had happened that she would have still called Justin and probably cried on the phone and begged him to come to her.

Angel knew that if she wanted to that Justin kept a spare room cleaned, she had never stayed in it as she preferred to sleep in Justin's bed with him but it made her happy just knowing that it was there if she wanted space at all.
Justin turned his face slightly, letting his lips brush against Angel's temple. His took another deep breath, inhaling the smell of her and. . . The bloody male that had laid a hand on her in this way. He knew her job wasn't easy, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. She was a nightwalker, and the scary things came out in night more than day.

The smell of her blood was singing to him, his instincts begging to sink into her flesh and claim her again, but he was old. And with old age came control that younger vampires lacked. He moved to the kitchen and gently sets her down on the counter. "Do you want me to clean you, or make you stop hurting first?" He murmurs, lightly touching her chin to lift her head.

"Tch. . . He didn't even bite you properly. . ." In reality, the male who'd hurt his little Angel had nearly torn her damn throat out. His expression tightens as he slowly, letting her stop him if she wished, slid his hand down to part her coat. If she let him part the fabric, he would simply skate his gaze over her, assessing and taking in the rest of her injuries.

He wasn't a cruel man, and while his desires sometimes played on the darker side, he always took care of what was, essentially, his, even if it was only his for one night. He kept his bathroom fully stocked with medicines, bath salts and oils. And he would always give a mouthful of blood if he got too rough, to help with the healing process. The blood was the reason he never saw the same person twice a week, it was far too addicting. And even then, he'd only had to give blood to Angel once. He didn't want her coming back to him for his blood. She clearly wasn't dying, so it wasn't like it would turn her either.
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The feeling of Justin's lips brushing against her temple brought a soft sigh from Angel, she loved how tender he could be with her. Letting him set her down and tilt her chin so he could see her neck Angel studied his face "Make me stop hurting first, please" Angel said softly, she hadn't even looked at the state of her neck as she didn't want to see how bad she looked. Moving her head a little as Justin slid his hand down to part her coat Angel couldn't help but smile softly at his slow movements as if he giving her time to tell him to stop if she wished too.

Moving slightly Angel managed to pull her coat off, dropping it off to the side so it was out of the way. She was more than willing to show Justin the extent that she had been hurt as she knew he wouldn't hurt her further. At least, not on purpose. Angel was glad that she was wearing a dress that left little to the imagination because it meant that she didn't need to try and pull off layers of clothes to show Justin how much she was hurt, with the coat gone the bruises and scratches that were on her skin because of the brute were on full display for Justin to look at. Moving a little she looked down at her thighs, Angel winced slightly seeing how many bruises were there along with the scratches from the mans nails digging into her soft skin to part her legs. "He-He grabbed me as soon as I walked through his door" Angel said with a small sigh, normally she didn't talk about her other clients with Justin but she felt the need to tell him just enough so he knew what kind of night she had gone through before she sought him out for comfort.

Angel could remember the last time her neck felt the way it currently did, that had been when her and Justin had first started working together and he had gotten a little too carried away. Sure, he hadn't left her neck shredded as it currently was but the pain was similar. She also could still remember how he had given her blood to help her heal, taking blood from vampires wasn't something Angel went out of her way to do after a rough session and Justin was the only vampire who she had ever taken blood from.

"Do I want to know how bad it is?" Angel asked referring to her neck as she furrowed her brow slightly, it hurt to swallow and talking felt a little uncomfortable so she knew that her neck probably looked horrible.
Justin blows out a soft breath, shaking his head slowly, "And he won't see another night." He says simply. His hand ran through her hair gently, his brown eyes hard for a moment. Angel didn't know much about Justin, just that he was a vampire and a hugely successful company. It was known that Vampires had a hierarchy of their own, but where Justin stood in that line was not known to the human girl. Though, at least somewhere high than your average vampire, if he could make a killing promise that easily.

He then steps back, turning slightly. He lifts his wrist to his mouth, sinking his fangs into the vein. He pulls back and then gently presses the bleeding wound to Angel's lips. The blood was dark, appearing almost black. He hadn't bothered to turn on the kitchen light, but that had no effect on him.

"Just a few swallows, and that should be enough, little Angel." He murmurs, his free hand gently sliding into her hair and massaging her scalp. He watches her, and then pulls his wrist away once she finishes, the wound already healing closed. "You don't want to know how it looks."

He turns, keeping his movements slow. He walks away, and then comes back, holding a damp range and some soap. The soap carried a gentle small, lemon and jasmine. He shifts, standing before Angel, gently running the damp rag over the blood on her skin. He was pleased to see the flesh healing slowly, not as fast as his did, but it was better than her continuing to bleed out.

"Once you're done healing, do you want a shower or a bath?" He murmurs, still wiping the blood away from her throat. He lifting his gaze to her face, reaching up again to brush her hair from her face. "I'll help you either way, if you wish."
Angel couldn't help but let her eyes flutter closed when Justin ran his hand through her hair so gently, he always seemed to know exactly when to do to make her mush in his hands. When he stepped back from her Angel slowly opened her eyes and she watched him, when he stepped back to her and pressed his bleeding wrist to her lips Angel couldn't stop herself from reaching up and gently holding his arm with both of her hands. The sound of him calling her little Angel always made her weak for him, there was something so sweet but also so dominating about him using his pet name for her.

Once she had done as she was told and taken a few swallows Angel let go of his arm so he could put his arm down and do as he wished. "That bad huh?" Angel asked with a small shake of her head when Justin confirmed that she didn't want to know how it looked. That only told her that she probably looked a right mess.

Watching Justin's movements she smiled softly seeing the damp rag in his hands, moving a little she pulled all of her hair away from her neck and tipped her head a little more to the side for him so that he could more easily clean her skin for her so that she wouldn't have to look at it in the bathroom mirror. Closing her eyes when the damp rag touched her skin Angel couldn't help but give a small soft moan at how nice and cold it felt against her skin.

Opening her eyes again when she heard Justin's question she smiled at him softly as he brushed some of her hair from her face, "A shower" Angel said softly as she studied his face. "I think if we got into the bath together, I would fall asleep" She added with a small laugh, she knew that getting into the shower with Justin often ended with her either pressed against one of the walls in some form or on her knees for him but she didn't mind.

Hell, Angel knew that even in her state, that if Justin wanted to take some of his frustrations out on her she would let him. Angel loved to please him, he was also the only vampire that Angel submitted to without being asked. Sure, other vampires had tried getting her to play the role of submissive to them but Angel refused telling them that she already was submitting for someone else and it wouldn't be fair if she submitted to them as well.
Justin smiles softly, nodding slightly at Angel's words. "Ah, well, having you fall asleep would be good. Sleep helps he healing, and it will make you tired anyways." He picks her back up, his brown eyes locked on her beautiful face. He pulls her legs around his hip, her thighs squeezing slightly. "You know how this goes, arms around me neck, little Angel." He whispers into her ear, nipping playfully. He wouldn't play with her, not tonight. She was far too tired already, and beaten. He preferred a clean, unharmed person to be his playmate. Though, he could help with distracting her a little.

He carried her to his bathroom, a large space, simply decorated. There was a large copper tub near the far wall, a shining silver spigot over it. Along the wall to the left, was a sink with plenty of counter space. To the right was the shower, with a built in ledge for sitting. He sets Angel on the counter, moving to he shower and pulling the glass door open. With a flick of his wrist, he turned on the water, letting it warm up.

Turning, he takes slow steps towards Angel, talking off his jacket, and then shirt. His light skin came into view inch after inch, until the silk of his shirt landed on the floor. He takes off his shoes and then socks, leaving his pants firmly in place. "Do you want me to wash you, or help you stay up as you do it yourself?" He reaches around her, carefully undoing the stays to her dress and pealing it from her skin.

Normally, he would have thrilled at seeing his little Angel naked before him, but all the marks left on her body by that careless male soured any joy that might have otherwise flooded him. His eyes darkened a fraction, promising death for the male who dared hurt his Angel this way.
Angel nodded her head in agreement with Justin when he said that showering would make her tired anyway, she was very sure of that as she could already feel herself start to get slowly more and more sleepy now that her body was coming out of its state of fight or flight because of Justin. When he pulled her legs around him she nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his neck comfortably making sure to hold onto him, the feeling of the playful nip to her ear made Angel laugh softly as she shivered slightly. She doubted she would ever get use to Justin nipping at her, but she liked it.

When Justin sat her down on the counter Angel placed both of her hands on either side of herself as she watched him moving around, he always seemed so graceful. But then again, all vampires seemed to have a sense of grace about them but Justin just seemed far more regal than others. Looking down at her feet Angel reached down and pulled off her high heels and tossed them off to the side of the bathroom so they would be out of the way, she didn't need to be wearing them anymore for the night. Watching as he started the shower and began to walk towards her as he started to strip is clothes off Angel bit her bottom lip a little as her swept her eyes over him, she would never grow bored of seeing the man in front of her in various states of undress.

Moving a little when Justin peeled the dress from her skin Angel smiled softly, "I think I can manage to wash myself, if you keep me upright" she said sweetly. Normally she was more than happy to let Justin dote on her and clean her but right now Angel wanted to try and clean herself even if it exhausted her too much. Angel knew she was in no condition to actually entertain any of Justin's dominating desires tonight, but even though she was exhausted she was still going to do anything he told her to do.

Even if that meant just taking care of herself because he wanted her too.

Carefully sliding herself off of the counter, making sure not to jostle herself too much, so she could stand in front of Justin she looked up at before she leaned up pressing the front of her body against his as she brushed a soft kiss against the corner of his mouth. "Thank you for caring for me" Angel whispered to him as she placed her hands on his chest lightly, slowly her fingers trailed down his chest and stomach to the band of his pants. Once her fingers had reached the fabric Angel kept her eyes locked on his face as she began to slowly undo his pants, "I don't think you want to get your pants wet in the shower though, do you sir?" Angel asked with a small laugh her words slightly teasing.

Angel wanted to show him that even though she had been put through hell, she felt good enough to still be submissive towards him. She knew most other girls in her position most likely would have been recoiling at the thought of having a man touch them after what she had been through but Angel was safe and she knew Justin would do anything to care for her.
Justin watches Angel comes closer, his lips curling slightly, in a way that just barely flashed a hint of one fang. He blinks and looks down at Angel's hands, before reaching out to stop her movements. "I don't care. I want you safe and comfortable. They can get wet or soaked for all I care." His voice was low and even, his control over his emotions and tone impressive. Inside, all he wanted was his little Angel, but he wasn't going to force her to do anything. He knew she would submit, but that didn't mean she wanted him to spend the night fucking her raw.

He lets go of her hands, watching her. If, after his words, she still wanted to remove his pants, he would let her.

He blows out a soft breath, gently pulling her hands away from his body. He fixes his pants and then turns, gently guiding Angel into the shower. The water came down in powerful streams, just the perfect temperature for her. He knew what she liked, what her body responded and relaxed to. He reaches up, adjusting the showerhead for her. Then, he grabs a soap bottle, and hands it to her, "Shampoo, little Angel. I'll help you if you need it." He places his hands on her waist, holding her upright.
Angel couldn't help but pout a little when Justin stopped her from continuing to undo his pants, slowly rolling her bottom lip between her teeth when he blew out the soft breath and pulled her hands away from his body she smiled a little and let him guide her into the shower. For now she wasn't going to press the fact that he was going into the shower half dressed. Letting him guide her into the shower she gave a soft moan as soon as the water hit her skin, the powerful stream seeming to instantly sooth every ache in her body and she closed her eyes letting herself enjoy it for a moment.

Feeling Justin move behind her to adjust the shower head she opened her eyes, looking at the bottle that he held out to her Angel took it and gave a small nod of her head when he said that he would help her if needed. The feeling of his hands sitting on her waist made her want to try and clean herself up since he was helping her. "Okay" she said with a soft happy sigh, getting to work on cleaning her hair first Angel managed to do it without much problems. After she conditioned her hair and rinsed it out she leaned back against Justin, the simple washing of her hair seemed to have taken the wind out of her sails.

"Who knew showering could be so exhausting" Angel said with a sigh as she moved her hands to gently grab Justin's that were on her waist, she knew she still needed to wash her body and get the other mans scent completely off of her skin along with the lingering scent of blood that she was sure still clung to her. But first she wanted rest against Justin, even it was just for a moment.

Tilting her head backwards Angel looked up at Justin, "I just want to rest for a moment" she said softly a sleepy look on her face as she looked up at him lovingly. Angel knew she could easily move away from Justin and sit on the ledge of the shower and let him finish cleaning her but Angel wanted to feel him against her, a sweet comforting presence at her back. Closing her eyes Angel let herself rest against him for a little before she opened her eyes again, taking her hands off of his she moved so she could grab the body wash and started to clean herself.

Her movements were slow showing Justin just how tired she actually was feeling, even if she didn't outright say it, her body did. Once she had scrubbed her skin clean Angel turned around to face Justin, reaching up and gently wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile.

"Is there anything you'd like as payment for taking such good care of me sir?" Angel questioned with a soft laugh, she could have spent hours with Justin in the shower just basking in the moment with him, "I mean, I could get on my knees for you if you'd like" she said teasingly. Even though she had a feeling he would say no to her Angel wanted to tease him even if it was just to show him that she was okay.
Justin watches quietly, making sure Angel didn't hurt herself. When she leaned against him, he looped his arms tightly around her waist, letting her go limp against him. His hand ran up and down her belly, moving in sli, soothing strokes. "Mm. . . You're always so warm. . ." He whispers into her ear,nipping the soft skin again.

He lets go enough for her to move, twist, and bend her body so she could clean herself. He quite enjoyed the sight of his little Angel moving about. He couldn't help but reach out, run his hand over her back. He flicked the water away, and his gaze darkens slightly. His jaw tightens, and he straightens, running a hand through his wet hair.

When she looks at him, offers a payment. His eyes narrow, "There is one, actually." He grins wolfishly, flashing both fangs now. He scoops her up, gentle, but also slightly tough. He carries her from the bathroom, tossing her into his bed. He stares down at him, his lips still twisted in his grin. He leans forward, shifting into his knees before Angel.

Gently, he parts the girl's legs, and leans down, staring up at her, "I am. . . A little. . . Hungry."
Seeing his grin Angel raised a brow slightly before she laughed when he scooped her up into his arms, holding onto him comfortably as he took her from the bathroom and tossed her onto his bed. Propping her hands on the bed behind her Angel stretched her body out a little loving how Justin looked down at her, watching his movements closely she couldn't help but smile when he shifted onto his knees before her.

At the gentle touch of his hands starting to part her legs Angel willing opening her legs for him showing him that she was happy for him to do as he wished. "Oh?" she asked softly when he said that he was a little hungry, "I think I can help with that" Angel purred. As she looked at him she couldn't help but move a little to keep her legs open more comfortably for Justin, this man was going to be the metaphoric death of her and Angel was more than willing.

Angel loved how Justin always knew what he wanted. She could still remember the first time she had worked with him, how he had explained to her that he wanted a submissive female if she was willing to give it ago and since Angel had no experience in submitting to anyone before it took her a few days to deiced and when she did he had been so careful with her making sure to not treat her too roughly. That was until she became more comfortable with doing what he wanted.

Now Angel was more than happy for Justin to handle her roughly when he wanted too, it thrilled her and she knew it helped him relax especially after a bad day at work. "You know I am always happy to help with anything you crave" she said sweetly as her breathing picked up a little in anticipation of feeling the bliss that Justin always brought her. He always knew exactly why buttons to press to make her weak and that from time to time she did enjoy some pain with her pleasure.
Justin thrilled at seeing her part her legs for him. His brown eyes were dark, his fangs poking out slightly. He wouldn't bite her, he wasn't hungry for that, but something else. . . His gaze moves back up to Angel's and he slowly leans down, kissing her hip. Slowly, his shoulders settled between her knees, and he settled in for a feast.

He ran a hand up her thigh gently, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I know that, but tonight is about you. Not me." He murmurs, voice low. He licks the inside of her thigh, nipping gently. His hands skate over her wet skin, flighting the water away. He watches her for a moment, watching her body start to react to him.

He loved the way she reacted to him. He way her body heated, her flesh flushing. And the smell the filled his senses, her blood rushing though her body and a scent that was. . . Uniquely her. Warm, welcoming, wanting. He took a few deep breaths, enjoying everything.

He supposed she was his favorite. She, besides the boy he also spent plenty of time with, was the only one who had slept in his bed. And he knew, if the boy had shown up on his door step, he would have helped, but not like this. He would have healed the boy and then let him sleep it off in the guest room. He wouldn't have showered with him. There was something different about his little Angel that made him want to do anything for her. Even kill the damn vampire who dared hurt her, even if it went against his own damn ethics.

After a few beats of him staying perfectly still, he leans forward, and licks a long stripe through the folds of her pussy. He stops just before he reaches her clit, still staring at her face. He makes another lick, and then another. The taste of her starts to fill his mouth and he lets out a low sound in his throat. "You always taste so good. . ." After a few more licks, he delves his tongue into her, rolling and licking as deep inside her he could get the muscle.

He reaches up, his fingers resting on her hip, the palm of his hand pressed flat against her pelvis. His thumb circles a few times, before landing exactly where he wanted it to, right on top of her clit. He gently pushes down on the swollen bundle of nerves, the pad of his thumb starting to tease the pleasure out of her.
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Angel sighed softly when Justin placed the kiss on her hip, his touches and kisses made her excited for him. As soon as his tongue touched her pussy she gasped lightly before she moaned softly, the feeling of his tongue touching her was always so amazing. It always amazed her anytime that Justin went out of his way to bring her pleasure, the first time he had tended to her needs Angel had protested telling him that it was her job to please him and make him happy, not the other way around.

Hearing Justin tell her that she always tasted so good Angel couldn't form a response to him besides an eager moan when he shoved his tongue inside of her, instinctively Angel reached out and ran her left hand through his hair as if she wanted to keep him in place. But that wasn't her intention, she was to silently tell him that he was pleasing her in all of the right ways.

When he reached up and placed his fingers on her hip Angel took her hand from his hair and let herself lay back on his bed, her chest rising and falling quicker than normal. As soon as his thumb found her clit Angel closed her eyes, "Justin" Angel moaned sweetly as her back arched a little off of the bed. This damned man knew how to play her like a fiddle. The more he continued to use his tongue on her and play with her clit the sweeter the sounds that escaped Angel showing him that he was doing all of the right things to bring her pleasure.

Angel was glad that her client hadn't even given her an orgasam and that it was Justin treating her to such pleasure, it wasn't long before her back arched off the bed a little again as she held onto the sheets under her. "Oh god" Angel whimpered as her orgasam began to roll over her, she had been amazed the first time that Justin had made her cum for him just by giving her oral but now it had become one of her favorite rewards from him.

As the pleasure rolled through her small sweet sounds continued to leave Angel showing Justin that he had done the right things to his girl to give her the climax she hadn't gotten at all that night, once the pleasure began to fade enough that she could form coherent thoughts Angel moved her head enough to look at Justin between her legs. "Thank you" she said to him breathlessly a soft, almost tired smile, dancing on her lips as she watched him.

Angel decided then and there, laying on Justin's bed basking in the afterglow of her orgasam, that the only client she would continue to work with would be Justin from now on. He paid her well and cared for her and that was all Angel wanted now.
Justin relished at the taste and warmth of Angel, his tongue lapping her through her orgasm. He'd always told her, anytime she insisted that she please him, that watching her turn into a moaning mess, above or below him, brought him immense pleasure. He pulls back slightly, licking her clean in a quick stripe. He moved up, laying beside Angel, looking down at her as his head rests in his palm, elbow propped up on the bed. He traces his fingers idly over her skin, smiling softly at her.

After a moment, her lightly grips her chin, tilting her head slightly, his gaze focusing on the bite at her throat. The worst of it had healed, but it still wasn't pretty to look at. It would be a large bruise across her throat in the morning. A growl of displeasure built in his throat, and he lets go of her chin. If Angel didn't need him right now, he'd already be gone, tearing the head off the stupid male to hurt her.

He takes a deep breath, calming himself as he closes his eyes and buries his face into her wet hair. His hand skates down to her hip, thumb brushing over her pelvis. "Do you want a nightgown?" He murmurs, tone still miraculously soft, even with the rage burning through him. He shifts slightly, sitting up and gazing at her.

"And we need to get your hair dry. . ." He murmurs, his brow bunching slightly as he gently takes one of the long strands, lifting it between his fingers. "I'm sorry, I was. . . A little eager." He laughs softly, ducking his head slightly. "I just wanted you to feel good. . ."
Angel bit her bottom lip softly when Justin licked her clean, watching as he moved and laid down beside her she moved a little so she was more comfortable on the bed sighing softly as he traced his fingers along her skin. His touches were so gentle and comforting that she doubted any other man would ever be able to woo her the way that he had done.

When he gripped her chin lightly Angel smiled softly as she let him move her head without protest, she was sure any other woman would have been unhappy about suddenly having their chin grabbed and their head moved for them but Angel wasn't like that. She was more than happy to let Justin move her head to look at her neck, watching as he closed his eyes and calmed himself down she raised a brow slightly. Hearing his question she stayed quiet for a moment distracted by his thumb brushing over her pelvis, even without trying he could distract her from anything. Realising he needed an answer she shook her head slightly, "I don't need a nightgown, you know I am happy to sleep naked with you" she said softly before she gave a small soft sigh.

"But I'll wear one if you don't want to see these" Angel continued gesturing a little at the bruises and scratches on her skin, even when she should have been more concerned about herself she always put Justin's feelings before her own and if he wanted her to wear something to hide the evidence away of her bad client she would indulge him.

As Justin sat up and looked at her Angel tipped her head to the side a little wondering what her vampire was thinking. Laughing softly when he mentioned that her hair needed to dry she reached out and gently ran her finger tips along his jaw and down the side of his neck a little, "I think sleeping with wet hair for one night isn't going to hurt me" Angel laughed lightly even though she normally made sure never to sleep with wet hair Angel didn't have the energy to dry her hair herself. "You never need to be sorry Justin, I like it when you're eager" she said honestly as she propped herself up on her elbows before she leaned up and pressed her lips against his lightly when he ducked his head slightly.

"You made me feel very good" Angel whispered against his lips with a smile, she wanted to return the favour to him but Angel doubted he would let her, not while she still needed to rest and recover. She knew after getting some sleep that she would make sure to take care of Justin's needs.
Justin shakes his head, "I just want you to be as comfortable as you can be, little Angel." He stares at her for a moment, his gaze sweeping over her. She was beautiful, always beautiful, in his eyes. No amount of marks on her skin would change that, but he wanted her happy and comfortable with her appearance. He gently cups her jaw, tilting her head to look back at him. "As long as you're comfortable, happy, and safe, I don't care what you do."

He presses his lips to her temple, holding himself there as he tells himself that she's safe here, now. No one would hurt her again, not if he could help it. He was protective of her, as he was of anyone he cared for. But especially her. He didn't even know why either, it wasn't like he knew her outside of the bedroom. He didn't make a habit of becoming best friends with humans, it never ended well. They aged and died, and there was no one he'd turn anyone. He'd done it once, and not only had it changed the human psychologically, but he didn't want to handle the responsibility of being a sire. Not the utter, mindless devotion, not the power hungry vampires. The only way to truly become free of your sire, who always had a semblance of control, was to kill him. And he didn't want to get killed by a fledgling that didn't know any better.

"Your hair should be dry before you sleep. You're already chilled enough when you share my bed." Justin wasn't ice cold to the touch most of the time, moving about made a little body heat with the small amount of blood in his system, but when he ran low on or slept (also a fasting), he would grow colder as more time passed. He was by no means, warm. "I'll dry it for you, if you want me to. All you'll have to do is sit there, and--"

He was cut off when she lifted his face and pressed her lips to his. His eyes closed for a moment and he kissed her back, his lips parting slightly. He slides a hand around her waist and pulls her close, "I know, but you should stop before I make you boneless in my bed. . ." He murmurs to her, pulling back slightly.
"I am comfortable" Angel said with a small nod of her head, she knew that Justin worried about her and she loved it since she didn't have anyone outside of him who did care about her comfort. Looking up at him with her striking blue eyes when he tilted head head back to look at him she smiled softly at his words, "Since I am comfortable, happy, and safe, I wont need a nightgown" she said with a soft laugh. She had nothing to hide when it came to Justin as she knew he would bend over backwards to make sure any problem or feeling of unhappiness that she did have would go away.

Studying his face as he seemed lost in through Angel went to ask him what he was thinking but stopped when he said that her hair should be dry before she slept, "Maybe I like being cold" she said teasingly. When he continued speaking Angel grinned against his lips a little knowing that she had cut him off with her kiss.

She was happy when he kissed her back and she gave a small moan as he pulled her closer to him, looking up at him sweetly when he pulled back slightly Angel feigned an innocent look "And that would be a bad thing?" she asked playfully. Angel knew that if he did absolutely fuck her right then and there that she wouldn't be able to keep up, one of the reasons that Angel only took one client a night was because she knew physically she couldn't keep up with more than one vampire a night especially if one needed to feed on her.

As Angel studied Justin's face she smiled gently at him before she gave a small laugh, "Alright, I promise I'll stop and I'll let you dry my hair because I am far too tired to do it myself" she said softly as she brushed her lips against his lightly before she carefully sat up more on the bed letting herself rest against Justin while he had his arm around her. "But it does feel selfish me not pleasuring you" Angel said honestly, she loved bring Justin pleasure and doing whatever he wanted her to do so it felt wrong not tending to his needs.
Justin nodded slightly, dropping the fact whether she was comfortable on not. He glances into her blue eyes, his expression still half gone, as if in his own head. He enjoyed his little Angel's kiss, but he was a little irked she had done it to ct him off, and the fact she was pleased it made him shut up for a few moments. He grumbles softly, fingers flexing slightly and digging into her hip ever so slightly. He held her close, and tightly against him, his lips leaving hers as he pulls back for a few breaths. "Yes, because while my body is eager for you, my mind is not. I don't want to play with you tonight, if I do anything, only you will benefit. I will be pleased knowing you had the best pleasure I could give you with my mouth, tongue, and fingers."

He give a triumphant little smirk and then scoops Angel up into his arms, wrapping a blanket around her to keep her warm as he carried her back to the bathroom. He sets her down onto a stool and opens a cabinet, pulling out a hairdryer and a brush. It seemed this man was one of many talents. able to stay perfectly afloat in the business world, able to deliver mind boggling sex, and now apparently, he could do hair. At least to some degree. Then again, what could you not do after almost half a millennium of living?

He turns on the blow dryer, and lifts the brush to angels hair, gunning it through a few times before setting the hot air to her hair, combing through slow enough to dry, but fast enough the hair wouldn't burn. "Is this okay?"
Angel bit her bottom lip a little as Justin explained that he didn't want to play with her tonight and that he would only do things for her benefit, "Fine" she said with a small laugh, "I'll be a good girl and behave myself sir" Angel said sweetly. Smiling happily when Justin scooped her up into his arms she held onto the blanket when he wrapped it around her, she wanted to tell him she could still walk but she kept quiet as she did love when he carried her in his arms. Moving a little on the stool that he placed her on to get a little more comfortable Angel relaxed and closed her eyes as he began to do her hair.

It wasn't the first time she had had Justin dry her hair for her when she was sleepy and she doubted it would be the last. "Mmm it's nice" she sighed happily, there didn't seem to be one single thing that her vampire couldn't do.

As she stayed sitting on the stool behaving herself for Justin she closed her eyes, the warmth of the blanket wrapped around her and the hot air from the hairdryer was slowly making her doze off. Angel knew she couldn't fall asleep in the bathroom as she didn't want to topple off the stool, she had no doubt that Justin would be able to easily move quick enough to grab her if she did start to topple but Angel didn't want to test that theory.

Shaking her head a little Angel sat up more straight on the stool, moving a little so she could look up at Justin properly she reached up and gently grabbed the wrist of the hand he was using to hold the hairdryer with. "I'm starting to fall asleep because of the warm air" Angel said softly as she let go of his wrist and touched her hair, it was dry enough that she wouldn't get sick or be too cold while in bed with Justin. "Can we go to bed now?" she asked before she gave a small yawn and then tipped her head to the side slightly as she continued to look up at him sleepily.

Angel just wanted to curl up in bed with her vampire, cuddled against him as she always did. She didn't care that he got colder in the night, it didn't bother her now. It had the first time she had asked Justin if she could sleep in his bed with him but overtime she had gotten used to it, standing up off of the stool Angel kept the blanket wrapped around her with one hand as she held out the other towards Justin wanting him to take her hand so they could go to bed.

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