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- Apr 10, 2024
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Angel hadn't grown up dreaming of being a call girl, it was a job that she had fallen into when she had been down on her luck and money. She had started working as a call girl when she was seventeen after her parents had kicked her out of home. Angel didn't know where else to turn being homeless and without money, she had met another girl like her down on their luck who had gotten her in with the company she worked for. That had been five years ago. Angel had found out quickly that her specialization, when it came to clients, was vampires. Other girls tended to turn down vampire clients as they found them either too much to deal with or just in general didn't like vampires. But Angel didn't mind them.
At least some of them she didn't mind. Some of her clients were rough with her and didn't care about her comfort or safety but there was one. One who had booked her one day who Angel ended up having a crush on. He was dominating and possessive over her but also gentle and caring. He never did anything that Angel wasn't comfortable with and afterwards, instead of just tossing money at her and telling her to leave he took the time to clean her up and sometimes even made her food. Because of how he treated her, like a human, she had grown rather fond of him. He had become her safe place, the one vampire Angel trusted with her life.
That was how she now found herself outside of his apartment, he hadn't booked her or anything but Angel didn't know where else to go. Sure she could have gone back to her apartment after her last client, but she needed to feel safe. She had walked there in a daze, tears rolling down her cheeks, after her last client. The last vampire she had been with had been so rough that Angel had instinctively tried to fight him off of her. He had basically jumped on her as soon as she walked through his door, his rough hands had began to roughly rip her clothes from her. Her forearms were covered in red marks and bruises from the brutes fingers, her knees were red raw from the carpet in his bedroom and her thighs...her thighs were bruising badly with scratches from his nails from trying to pry her legs apart. And her neck, her neck looked as if a wild dog had attacked her instead of a vampire who had feed from her roughly. After he had finished with her the man had thrown money at her where he left her on his bedroom floor and left her to struggle to her feet and get herself dressed. This client hadn't even offered to clean the blood from her neck, which was now dried on her skin and in her hair, or offered to let herself clean up in his bathroom.
Angel didn't know if her favorite man was home, hell, she knew he owned a large company; which he had offered her a job at to get her out of being a call girl, but she didn't know where that was so she couldn't go there and see if he was there. And she also doubted he would want to see her at his company in the state that she was in. An almost broken shell of her normally bubbly self. Wrapping her knee length black coat around herself more tightly which hid the very short black dress she wore, Angel sniffled softly as she reached out and knocked on his door. "Please" Angel whispered more to herself praying he was home. After not hearing anything for a bit she couldn't help but give a small whimper as fresh tears began to spill down her cheeks, moving she sat down on the floor just off to the left of his door with her back against the wall as she let herself cry.
Raising her knees up Angel rested her head on her knees and sobbed her small body shaking as she wrapped her arms around her legs trying to comfort herself her waist length black hair falling around her like a curtain. Angel didn't know how long she had stayed sitting there before she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, she didn't raise her head instead she pulled her legs more tightly against herself trying to make herself look as small as possible. Angel didn't want to be an inconvenience to anyone walking by who might be trying to get to their own apartment. She just wanted her vampire, the one man in her life who wanted to protect her. Realizing that the footsteps had stopped in front of her Angel slowly raised her head and peered up at the person her bangs falling into her eyes, seeing that it was her vampire she scrabbled to her feet, without saying a word to him Angel reached up, standing on her tippy toes slightly since even with her heels on she was still shorter then him since she was only five foot five, and threw her arms around his neck. She pressed her small frame tightly against his as she buried her face into his shoulder and let herself sob against him, "I'm-I'm sorry for coming here" Angel whimpered as she kept her tight hold on him "I just needed to see you" she added her words were shaky.
Angel just hoped he wouldn't turn her away or push her away because of the state she was in after having been with another man.