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Shadows of My Heart (knight)

Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Angst x Romance vibes)

Angelique sat before her pride. She was the young heiress to the throne, a demon born into a clan that were a bunch of soul stealers. Now. They needed these souls to fuel their magic- to keep their terrifying reign solid so that the other demon clans and calibers didn’t threaten them. For the most part, it was effective.

Just one problem. Angelique hadn’t really stolen that many souls herself, and was lacking. Her mother, old in age and ready to let her succeed her throne- knew this of her daughter. Surely her daughter would not make it as queen.

Soon though, it would come to attention that Angelique had befriended the deadliest in their pride, one who would even make the devil shiver. How she managed to do this baffled her, but she wasn’t questioning it. Perhaps this would be good…especially if their friendship turned into a pairing that would surely strengthen the pride.

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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath sat at the lowest step near the throne, his axe propped up on its heavy head, the thick dark stone, etched with symbols along its blade, it was wrapped with leather and hide along the long handle. his dark armor clicked and rattled as he shifted in place. His face handsome...well it would be more handsome if he didn't wait with such a stern and cool expression. He shifted again, the only sign of his legs faint discomfort from standing so still a d so long.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique flicked an ear as she noticed where Skath was, and she only hoped her mother would begin her announcement so that Skath would be able to relax his position.

Her mother waited a few more moments before announcing the end of her reign, and that her daughter would become queen. This began whispering throughout the pride, and the Lioness could sense the uneasiness. She cleared her throat. “This is final. I know some of you have your doubts…but trust my judgement, as you always have..”

Angelique could sense the rumors that were beginning. She knew she wasn’t that strong…but she was the only heir…she had to rule. She then heard her mother add, “She will be trained by our strongest warrior, Skath,” she mentioned and motioned to the man standing at the bottom of the throne, and by those words the murmuring quieted down. Angelique was surprised that her mother would let such a thing happen, especially since was way past the apprentice stage. “When she becomes a worthy warrior herself, I will let her ascend the throne.” This seemed to put the others at ease, knowing that the future queen wouldn’t be entirely powerless and leave their pride defenseless…

But no one really knew what Skath was thinking, it was hard to decipher his thoughts by his stern expression alone.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath lifted his head slightly, that same stern almost stone faced expression still did not yield a sense one way or another. His hand touched his axe, pulling it up and settling it on his shoulder like it was a child's toy, when it took ten strong pridesmen to raise it from its original resting place. The Wayfarer, he called it. He turned his gaze from the crowd to the queen, they had...a bit of an understanding, he was her bodyguard and as she admitted the strongest of them. But she could see through his impassable facade, he seemed almost...confused. surely thy has other less important fighters to spare.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Skath would see the Queen’s expression. He would soon figure out that he would have to be her daughter’s bodyguard from now on. Surely he wouldn’t complain, having the beautiful Princess by his side.

Angelique flicked an ear as her mother made it obvious Skath would train her. She didn’t complain, she knew he would make her into a fine warrior. And he would show her exactly how to collect souls for their magic.

Once the crowd dispersed and her mother retired to her den, Angelique was left alone with Skath. She padded down to him, shifting forms and presenting her demon form to him. Which he had rarely seen, but knew potential laid underneath that unblemished skin of hers- as he had known her father- a terrifying ruler with an ironclad fist. And the king’s magic prowess was something even he couldn’t have matched no matter how much he trained.

She looked to his face, her eyes searching it. “So. When shall we begin training?” She asked.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath eyed her as she shifted before his eyes, as she searched them she felt the wall behind them, like a thick steel barrier to his mind. His expression still held cold. "Have you even held a knife?" He said, his tone wasn't hostile or rough...but more like he was truly asking it of her.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD I mean if you have warriors, you need to arm them somehow. And stacking up a bunch of swords and axes in a place you can get them faster makes sense anywhere lol)

He led her along, the Wayfarer clinking gently against his shoulder, the armory, a cave guarded by two young demons, they looked identical, the only way anyone really could tell the from the other was the weapons they carried. One carried a long staff, the other had two swords on his hips. Emi and Omi they were called. The two guards straightened as they picked up movement, Emi flipping his staff in his hands, his lithe muscles flexing, his shaved head creasing slightly with tension. Omi drew his swords at the ready but as Skath walked into their view both brothers froze in their defensive actions. "Oh shit-" Emi started but Skath had seemingly vanished from the princesses side, the only trace of his movement was the burst of wind he left in his wake as he was suddenly in front of the twins.

Needless to say, they didn't stand much of a chance, with one hand he stripped Emi of his staff and whipped it around in flourish knocking Omi on his back. Emi moved his hand up to try to grapple at Skath, going in to tackle him, but Wayfarer swung downwards in front of his face, the head of the ace stopping centimeters in front of his hose as he locked in place.

"Still slow." Skath said shortly as he lifted his hands up, dropping the staff on Omi's chest as he drew his axe back to his shoulder.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Okay fair)

The princess watched as Skath went and ambushed the twins, and she stayed a few feet behind. Once Skath was done, she slowly walked up to the scene and gave the two brothers a face that read ‘sorry for that..’ as if it had been her to do it. She waited silently for Skath and wondered what he would do next.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath loomed low over Omi, the young shifter looking down, shaking a little for a moment but he reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to his feet. "We're sorry" Emi said as Skath brushed by them both. "Don't apologize. Get stronger." He grunts as he looked over his shoulder at the princess next. "Next time I expect you to face them."
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique nodded and to Skath’s surprise, she was very lithe and quick, silently climbing up a nearby tree, concealed in its dark leaves. Her demon eyes surveyed the area, and she readied her bow. She created an arrow out of magic, and black mist curled around its tip. She fired at an unknown object but she hit something and it cried out. Human.

She watched the others scatter and leave the wounded one behind, the magic of the arrow incapacitated it. She took her dagger and dug straight into the chambers of it’s heart, the blade releasing the human’s soul.

Skath would see Angelique capture the soul, the glowing bright orb going into her chest. Her eyes sharpened and she glanced around, using the rest of her dagger to collect the parts her pride needed for a meal. Usually she would drag the human with her Lion strength but she was doing this the traditional way.

This in itself would be surprising to Skath. A skilled huntress, sure, but in combat was probably what her mother had been worried about.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath shifted from under his tree, walking towards her, taking in her skillful kill and capture. Of course hunting was expected, there was little in the way of easy meat or collection otherwise. He walked to the arrow wound, pulling the sharpened dark stone tipped arrow from the corpse. "Very good." He said with a slight nod.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The human indeed had a little pack but the trick up their sleeve was that some of the members were…halflings. Sure, not as powerful as a full blooded demon, but still a threat nevertheless.

Angelique clenched her jaw, glancing to Skath and watching an arrow- no doubt laced in a deadly toxin for demons specifically- barely miss his shoulder by a few mere millimeters..she gave a soft almost non audible gasp and stood, readying her own bow, waiting for the next attack.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath flicked his eyes into the direction of the arrow, rolling his axe from his shoulder and threw the black stone monstrosity forwards, hurling in the direction of the archer. The blade glowed to life as it spun end over end, bisecting trees like they were twigs.
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